A Billionaire Affair

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A Billionaire Affair Page 13

by Niobia Bryant

“You beat me here,” she said.

  “That damn dress drove me crazy all day,” he said, leaning in to lightly bite her plump mound before he pulled her down onto his lap and kissed her with every bit of the hunger he felt.

  It was just what she needed.

  Monday through Friday they were married to their business, but on Saturday and Sunday?

  The weekend was all about getting lose in each other.

  * * *

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Alek dug his hands deeper into the pockets of his wool jacket and looked at the lengthy line of people waiting before he answered Alessandra’s question. “Yeah,” he said, his reluctance obvious.

  She laughed as she tucked one of her hands in his pocket and entwined her cold fingers with his.

  He looked down at her with her shades and a navy skullcap on over her now-waist-length hair in a long braid over one shoulder. She’s adorable, he thought, loving the casual look of her navy peacoat, jeans and caramel riding boats as they shifted forward with the crowd awaiting entrance to the annual harvest festival held by Passion Grove’s local orchard.

  Nearly every resident of the small town had to be in attendance, plus those from neighboring cities. When she lightly hinted that she hadn’t missed the annual festival celebrating the fall season since she was a kid, he had set aside his reluctance and offered to go.

  Hayrides, apple bobbing and pumpkin carving were out of character for his jet-set lifestyle, but making Alessandra happy had become his favorite pastime. So they were both in skullies and shades—their idea of incognito—preparing to enjoy a day of fall frivolity.

  Alek felt his iPhone vibrating against his buttocks in the back pocket of his distressed denims. He pulled it out and smiled at Chance’s name, quickly answering. “What’s up, Mr. Castillo?” he asked.

  Alessandra gave him a wide stare and held a finger to her bare mouth. He nodded, assuring her that he wouldn’t reveal his location to a man she’d discovered was his best friend and confidant.

  “Well, hi, stranger. What do you have going on today?” Chance asked. “Helena needs a break from the cold and we’re jetting to my place in Cabrera. You in?”

  Alek thought about relaxing in the warmth on the terrace of his friend’s palatial estate in the small and beautiful town in the Dominican Republic. “You won’t believe where I am right now,” he drawled, hardly believing it himself as the gates to the orchard opened and the small crowd swelled. Alessandra pulled him by the arm to a stand selling apple cider.

  “Where’s that, amigo?”

  “A fall festival,” he said, looking around at the line of booths and the elaborate fall decor that he had to admit was warm and inviting. Children were in line to have their faces painted by someone in a pumpkin costume. Booths offering different fall-centered treats were selling their goodies. In the distance, a band was playing upbeat music from a stage next to a line of food trucks and picnic tables. People were already picking pumpkins from the large crates on display.

  Chance laughed. “No way.”

  Alek nodded as he accepted the cup Alessandra handed him before she tore off a piece of pastry and slid it into his mouth.

  “Apple turnover. Good, right?” she asked, before enjoying a bite of the treat herself and then licking the sweet glaze from her fingertips.

  “I assume a lady is involved,” Chance mused.

  Alek chewed and swallowed. “Good assumption,” he said, brushing crumbs from his beard as he watched Alessandra walk over to a hand-painted sign announcing a cornfield maze before waving him over.

  Her face was bright and alive with her eagerness. It tugged at his heart.

  “She must be special, bro,” Chance said.

  “That she is,” Alek admitted, before ending the call and walking over to join her.

  * * *

  Darkness reigned in Passion Grove and the illumination from the black steel lampposts was soft, breaking up the shadows cast by the trees lining the streets. Alek and Alessandra walked the few blocks from the orchard to her estate, and although the town was already relatively safe, she felt secure in his presence. Even the night chill of October wasn’t quite as biting with him at her side and his strong arm resting across her shoulders.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asked, breaking the comfortable silence as they walked past the wrought iron fences surrounding properties of sizable homes all set back from the street three hundred feet or more per local ordinance.

  Alek shook his head. “No, it wasn’t. I really liked sitting by the campfire after the hayride and listening to the music.”

  “Good,” she said.

  They fell into that easy silence again, eventually coming to the beginning of the private road leading to her estate. Her all-black golf cart was sitting where they left it that morning. Alessandra removed the key from her back pocket and handed it to Alek before climbing onto the passenger seat. She settled her hand on his thigh as he drove them down the length of the paved road lit with lampposts, as well.

  The gate opened as they neared it and they both waved at the security camera as they passed.

  “It really is a beautiful house,” Alek said when the view of it came into sight.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  The white up-lighting gave the expansive mansion a soft glow that illuminated it in the darkness surrounding it. It was grand but still welcoming.

  “You wanna check on your fam?” he asked.

  “Speed up, please,” she said.

  Alek chuckled as he accelerated past the house and under the stone carport. “Sometimes I want to give them all eviction notices in one hand and leases to their own homes in the other,” she said. “I love them but they’re a bit much, you know?”

  “Well, I thought that the morning I saw your cousin Victor sneaking into the maid’s quarters,” he said as he pulled to a stop before the guesthouse.

  “You what?” she shrieked, looking at him with wide eyes.

  Alek looked surprised. “I never told you?” he asked. “Aw, man. It was unreal.”

  Alessandra turned on the seat of the golf cart to look up at the main house. “I knew he had a side piece across town, but to mess with one of the maids right here under his wife’s nose?” she said, her top lip curling in disgust.

  Alek leaned over to kiss the corner of her mouth before exiting the cart. “He’s bold, that’s for sure.”

  Alessandra was steaming with anger and frustration. “So, I’m paying someone to screw his old horny self?” she said, her tone exasperated. “I ought to go to his suite and pour ice water on his crotch.”

  Alek picked her up in his arms and kissed her to end her tirade.

  She broke the kiss. “Which maid?” she asked as he carried her around the golf cart and into the house.

  “Are you going to fire her?” he asked as he reached his foot back to push the door closed before continuing across the living room and down the hall to her master suite.

  “Immediately,” she spouted.

  “Then I don’t remember which one,” Alek said, setting her on her feet in the bathroom before he removed her coat and began undressing her.


  “I know sometimes we forget because of our privilege, but there is a large segment of people who have to work to provide the basics,” he said as he bent to lift each of her feet to remove her boots. “People are one check away from homeless, Alessandra.”


  Alek rose and matched his gaze with hers. “But your uncle is in a position of power and it’s possible she may feel she cannot tell his old horny self—as you call him—no,” he explained.

  His tone and manner made her feel like he felt he was talking to an imbecile. “Alek, she works for me, not Victor,” she stressed.

  “Alessandra, y
ou live in the guesthouse,” he exclaimed, as he bent to remove his dark brown ankle boots. “Perhaps she’s confused as to just who runs what.”

  “Or?” she asked, arching a brow.

  Alek bit back a smile and shrugged one shoulder as he removed his wool peacoat and tossed it onto the pile of her clothes on the floor. “Or she enjoys screwing the old fart,” he said, making a comical face before pulling the light gray sweater and white shirt he wore over his head.

  Alessandra eyed the hard definition of Alek’s abdomen. “Do you work out?” she asked.

  “Of course,” he said, unbuttoning his denims and letting them and his boxers drop down his legs before kicking them free with his feet.

  “So what do I do? Nothing?” she asked, unbuttoning and removing her snug jeans and panties with much more effort than he had.

  Alek walked across the room to turn on the shower; he looked back over his shoulder. “About?” he asked, his face confused.

  Alessandra removed her socks and balled them together to throw. It landed solidly against one hard butt cheek. “The horny fart and the maid,” she said.

  “Oh...um...stay out of it or deal with Victor, because you could fire her and he could just get it going with the new one—young or old, cute or not,” he said. “Men talk a lot of ying-yang about a woman’s looks but trust me, ugly women get the business, too, especially when the wrong head is making decisions.”

  Alessandra looked aghast. “That’s terrible.”

  “But very true.” He walked down the length of the bathroom with his penis swinging across the top of his thighs before he scooped her up into his arms again and carried her into the shower already filling with steam.

  “Alek, but what—”

  “No, enough about the horny old fart and the maid,” he said, walking them under the spray of the rainfall showerhead as he set her on her feet. “It’s time for the horny young fart and the billionaire heiress.”

  After a long day out in the elements, she had to admit that a shower was perfection. She tilted her face, leaning back with a sigh to let the water coat her body. She was startled at the feel something against her belly and opened her eyes to find Alek washing her with a lathered cloth. Her belly. Her back. Shoulders. Arms and then her breasts.

  Their eyes locked at that and they shared a soft smile.

  With obvious reluctance, he withdrew to rinse and lather the cloth again.

  “I’ve never been bathed before,” she whispered into the thick stream before turning to press her hands against the wall and arch her back as she offered him her buttocks.

  Alek slapped one smooth brown cheek with the back of his hand before he massaged the cloth over her intimacy and inner thighs before cleansing her buttocks.

  She looked back over her shoulder, her mouth forming a circle as he raised the cloth high in the air to squeeze, sending the warm suds drizzling down her cheeks and the back of her thighs. He grabbed the base of his hard, curving length, propping one foot up on the bench running down the length of the massive shower, to slide his sudsy hardness over the smooth expanse of her cheeks. She raised up on her toes and reached back to push his hand away and ease his hardness inside her.

  They both hissed in pleasure as she wiggled her hips back and forth until she was filled with him to the hilt. His hardness divided her. His thickness spread her. His heat infused her. “Yes,” she said with a deep, guttural moan that was wild.

  Alek bent his legs and began pumping inside her as he dug his fingers into her wet and shiny bottom as the water showered down on them, slickening each stroke. He bit his bottom lip as he looked down at the sight of his thick inches sliding in and out of her, its dark skin shiny from both the water and her juices.

  Alessandra bent over to wrap her hands around her ankles.

  He cried out as her walls tightened down on his hardness. “Damn, Alessandra!”

  She bent her legs wide and arched her back, circling her hips and pulling downward on his hard length until she was able to kiss the smooth tip with the plump lips of her privates before sliding her core up again.

  Alek’s legs weakened as he shook his head and reached out to the wall for support.

  He got harder inside her as she continued that up-and-down slide with a kiss on the tip over and over again.

  Alek grabbed her cheeks to stop her as he felt his nut build up in a rush. “No,” he begged, stepping back and removing his inches from inside her.

  Alessandra stood up, wiping the water and her wet hair from her face as she turned to find him walking down the length of the shower away from her. “What’s wrong, Alek?” she asked.

  He turned, his hard-on still hard and curving away from his rock-hard body as he pressed his hands to his hips. “I tapped out. I was about to nut. I couldn’t take it,” he admitted, looking frustrated.

  She smiled even as her clit and heart both pulsed with life and desire. Want. Need. She walked to him through the thick steam and pressed his back to the tiled wall. He slid down onto the bench and she straddled his hips, guiding her womanhood onto his hardness as she cupped his face. She smiled and pressed her knees on the wall on either side of his body as she lowered her head to suck his mouth into hers.

  Alek moaned, bringing his trembling hands up to cup her breasts and stroke her hard nipples with his thumbs as she began to ride him with a small and tight rotation of her hips.

  He felt all of her against him, gripping him and pleasing him. The way she made love to him with such slowness as she sucked gently at his tongue and looked into his eyes touched something deep inside him. There was a shift. His chest felt filled with lightness even as his heart continued to pound with the wildness of a racehorse. He brought one of his hands up to lightly grasp her chin and he slid the other around her body to press to her lower back.

  Alessandra had never felt so connected to him before. She broke their kiss to sweetly suck his forehead as he lightly bit her chin, his hand pressing her body closer to him until her soft breasts cushioned his hard chest and the feel of his arm around her body made her feel cherished and protected.

  They both gasped and she looked down at him just as he looked up at her. Their mouths gaped as they breathed in each other and the steam in that small space between them. They were connected. Lost in each other. Pleasure personified. Emotions on overload.

  “Come with me,” she whispered into the steam, leaning back in his embrace with a deep sigh as she worked in snakelike motion that thrust her breasts and hard nipples upward as her tight, wet, hot core eased up and down the length of him with a slowness that caused them both to ache.

  Alek was mesmerized by the sight of her as she rode him with ease. He leaned forward to suck at the valley between her breasts as she tilted her head back and called his name.

  Together their climax was stoked. Their pleasure was in sync. They knew their release would be so good. Their anticipation was intense.

  Both cried out in pleasure as they reached their sizzling pinnacle.

  Alek’s hold on her supple body tightened as he coated her walls with spasms of release that left him spent.

  Alessandra worked her hips and the muscles of her walls to empty him as tiny explosions of pleasure burst inside her until she was lost to time and place. Nothing mattered but pushing herself over the edge until she felt like she was free-falling through space.

  Both were speechless, shaken and moved far more than either wanted to admit.

  * * *

  Lazy Sunday mornings had become their thing, and the next morning was no exception. They didn’t awaken until well after noon and even then, they remained in bed, lounging in pajamas or comfortable clothes, watching the Sunday morning news programs, reading the print papers, watching movies or sports, and nibbling off the tray of delicacies usually Alessandra retrieved from the kitchen of the main house.

  Sundays were
bittersweet because it signaled the end of their retreat and the return to the facade that they weren’t deep into the throes of a sexy affair. They protected their weekends in Passion Grove, even agreeing to avoid talking business when they were alone together.

  And when the night reigned, they both hated the call from her security requesting permission to admit Alek’s driver to pick him up.

  Alek would hitch his caramel leather duffel bag high on his shoulder and reach for Alessandra’s hand to pull her into a tight embrace as he pressed kisses to her forehead and cheek. She said nothing, afraid that she would plead with him not to go because she wasn’t sure that he wouldn’t deny her request, so she just accepted his kisses, set aside her regrets and turned her back to keep from watching him walk out the house to climb into the rear of his car.

  And she knew it was silly when they would see each other the next day, but there was just something about those weekends in Passion Grove.

  Three days later

  “Can I get you anything, sir?” Huntsman asked.

  Alek took a sip of his cognac as his grip tightened on the glass, and he checked his Patek Philippe watch. He and Alessandra were supposed to be having dinner at his penthouse apartment in Tribeca, but she had yet to show and she was more than twenty minutes late. Where is she?

  “No, I’m fine, Huntsman,” he said, reaching in his pocket for iPhone.

  He called her as he paced the length of the forty-four-foot great room of his loft-style apartment of nearly six thousand square feet. Her phone rang several times and went to voice mail. He didn’t bother to leave a message.

  He was beginning to get concerned. Alessandra was punctual to a fault.

  Releasing a heavy breath, he strode across the modernly styled room, ignoring the polished bocote wood dining room table set for their dinner, and jogged up the wood and black steel staircase to the second level.


  He stopped on his path across the second foyer into the glass-enclosed sunroom to look down at his phone still in his hand. A text from Alessandra. Thank you, God, she’s okay.

  “‘In a business dinner with Omar Freed. Have to cancel our plans. Will call as soon as we’re done,’” he read, his face steadily becoming incredulous.


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