A Billionaire Affair

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A Billionaire Affair Page 17

by Niobia Bryant

  Her steps faltered at the sight of Ms. Kingsley sitting at the receptionist desk to the right. Why is she here on a Saturday?

  “Good morning,” Alessandra said, giving her a smile.

  More pretending.

  Ms. Kingsley stood up, her face showing her unease. “Good morning, Ms. Dalmount. The board requested to be alerted when you arrived,” she said, her face apologetic.

  Alessandra arched a brow. “I think the board is confused as to who owns forty-nine percent of this building, and that’s a fact no one can change, Ms. Kingsley,” she said, turning to open both doors to the boardroom at once.

  Their vote could affect her position as CEO but not her ownership, and she refused to be disrespected regardless of anything.

  All conversation ceased at the sight of her. Several of them looked at each other and shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

  Her eyes fell on Alek. A kaleidoscope of emotions washed over her, mostly surprise that he had lost weight and wasn’t quite as sharply groomed as usual. They shared a brief look before he focused his gaze out the window.

  She took that for guilt and she hated that Alek Ansah could still hurt her.

  Keep it together.

  “Have a seat, Alessandra,” Aldrich said, looking out of place in a polo shirt and sweatpants.

  She crossed her hands in front of her and eyed each and every board member who would even look at her. “I prefer to stand,” she said.

  Aldrich shook his head as he patted his hand atop the table. “It’s not like that,” he said.

  “Isn’t it, though?” Alessandra returned.

  Aldrich sighed. “As you know, an emergency board meeting was called in light of your arrest yesterday,” he began. He then met her eyes, the bright blue of his unflinching. “It was an embarrassment to this company and the reputation both Kwame and Frances worked so hard to establish. As the CEO, it could immediately and detrimentally affect our standing, and certainly makes everyone including many in this room question your ability to effectively lead.”

  She briefly glanced at Alek’s stoic profile. “I am not, nor have I ever been on drugs—”

  Aldrich held up his hand. “That’s good to hear, but it doesn’t change the perception that you are,” he said. “This was reckless and irresponsible, Alessandra, and made us wonder if you are truly fit to help run this company.”

  She knew he was right.

  At the clearing of a throat, she looked toward Charlie Memminger, one of the few board members who had openly challenged Alessandra consistently.

  “There is a little-known market out clause that was put in place by the original underwriters of ADG’s initial public offering,” he said, picking up a pair of spectacles from the table to slide on as he looked down at the piece of paper. “The clause—basically a morality clause—leaves the opportunity for one or both of the CEOs to be ousted if they do anything to the detriment of the company.”

  Alessandra was well aware of the clause but remained quiet. She knew with a majority vote by the board of the directors she would keep her stake in the company but be removed from her position and her seat on the board of directors. The arrest was scandalous and handed them a golden ticket to get rid of her.

  She held up her hand. “I want a moment to speak because it is my character and my ability to lead that is in question, but it is in fact my leadership and my character that led to a very unfortunate event. My cousin was in need, my family was in crisis, and I am their leader. I wanted to fix it because I am a problem solver, but unfortunately, I was not fully aware of just what situation I got myself into when I simply went to pick up my cousin at the wrong place and definitely the wrong time.”

  “Alessandra, you do understand that a part of being a good leader is to avoid creating more problems to solve just one,” Garrison Wyndham said, his face kind but still concerned.

  “I agree, Garrison, I do,” she said. “And it is a lesson to be learned for sure, but I think we all have to remember everything I have accomplished in the brief time since becoming cochief executive officer and have some foresight into what I can continue to do.”

  “And your family issues?” Aldrich asked.

  “I have already entered her into a long-term rehabilitation facility,” Alessandra said. “I do admit that it will take some good PR and spin to get control of it, and I will take on the cost of doing that, personally. Also, I have been advised by my personal attorney, Ngozi Johns, that the charges will be dropped. Listen, I apologize for the misstep and ensure you all that nothing remotely similar will ever happen again.”

  “I say we vote. A blind vote,” Charlie said.

  Alessandra’s eyes went to Alek again. He remained stoic. “Without me in attendance?” she asked.

  Aldrich motioned to the board’s secretary and she quietly moved from her spot next to him to hand Alessandra a notepad with the ADG logo and a pen.

  “As a board member, you do get a vote, as well,” Aldrich said. “And once you cast yours we do ask you to step outside until we’re done.”

  Ever defiant, she pushed the paper and pen aside. “Of course I vote that I retain my position as co-CEO and executive board member of the Ansah Dalmount Group,” she said, before turning to leave the boardroom. She paced the length of the reception area.

  “Ms. Kingsley, come in,” Aldrich said into the intercom.

  Alessandra gave her a soft smile as she rose to come around the desk and enter the boardroom, softly closing the door.

  Still pretending.

  She had nothing to smile about.

  Forgive me, Daddy.


  She turned. Ms. Kingsley beckoned her in.

  With a heavy breath, Alessandra strode back inside the boardroom. “And the vote is?” she asked.

  “Do not let down those who voted for you to remain, Alessandra,” Aldrich said, rising to come around the table and offer her his hand.

  She shook it with strength as relief flooded her. “Thank you. Thank you all. I will let not let any of you down again,” she said.

  Alek rose from his seat and stared at her. They shared a brief look before he left the room along with the rest of the board of directors.

  Alessandra went to the window to look out at the New York cityscape as Ms. Kingsley walked to the door, as well. Alessandra felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders, but she stiffened her back, straightened her shoulders and took a long, steadying breath.

  “He voted for you to stay, Alessandra,” Ms. Kingsley said softly from behind her. “His vote broke the tie.”

  Alessandra turned from the window just as the other woman left the boardroom and quietly closed the door behind her, leaving her alone in total shock.

  Alek saved me?

  “Huh?” she said into the quiet of the room, her heart racing. She was at a loss for words and clarity. Her world felt topsy-turvy.

  In just an instant everything she thought and assumed to be...wasn’t.

  Gathering herself quickly, she rushed from the boardroom on her high heels to Alek’s office only to find it empty. Feeling an urgency to speak to him, she went to his private elevator and rode it down to the underground parking level, anxiously wringing her hands.

  Her heels beat against the concrete floor as she looked at his designated parking spot. It was already empty, and if he had his driver pick him up in the front, she would never make it in time to catch him. The breath she released was harsh as she placed a hand on her hip and shook her head. Her adrenaline caused her heart to pound and her pulse to race as she wondered just why Alek gave up his one surefire chance to oust her from the company.

  * * *

  Alek was waiting in his car at the end of Dalmount Lane in Passion Grove when her Jaguar turned the corner. It pulled to a stop beside him and he climbed from warmth and comfor
t just as the rear door opened, and she did the same.

  He felt like a bundle of pure nerves as the frigid wind whipped around them.

  Her surprise at seeing him was clear.

  He was just as shaken by the sight of her as he was earlier when she entered the boardroom. So much so that he couldn’t stand to look at her and not rush across the room to embrace her. Kiss her. Love on her.

  “Why did you vote for me to remain in my position at ADG?” she asked, her eyes on him.

  That surprised him.

  “I think you’re qualified to do the job, Alessandra,” he said. “I have come to value your intelligence, your insight and your vision for our company. I want you there to have my back the same way I will have yours.”

  She lightly chewed at her lips and leaned back against the Jag as she looked up the street and then back at him.

  “Forgive me for the time I wasted trying to undermine you,” he said, pulling the fitted wool cap he wore down over his ears.

  Alessandra looked so unsure. “Thank you for the vote, Alek,” she said, offering him a soft and hesitant smile. “But was it because of what we once shared?”

  “I don’t mix business with pleasure, Alessandra,” he told her, his eyes locking on hers as he allowed himself to enjoy the sight of her before him. “Together, you and I are going to make ADG more successful.”

  They eyed each other, surrounded by winter and almost unaffected by the chill because that simmering chemistry they created was still there, pulsing and waiting to be acknowledged.

  “In that second right after I found out you voted for me my mind went back to the night of the party,” she admitted, digging her hand down deeper into the pockets of her fur. “And in that same second, I wondered if maybe—just maybe—you really did love me, Alek.”

  Her eyes were filled with her reluctance to believe in him. That pained him.

  He stepped closer to her and reached in her pockets to take her cold hands into his own, rubbing them and warming them, just as he hoped he thawed her heart. “I will always love you, Alessandra.”

  He felt hopeful when her hands tightened around his.

  The tears that filled her eyes tore at his soul, but he fought off his impulse to draw her into his arms. He understood that this was her choice, her opportunity to forgive. She had to come to him, not because of his ego but instead because of his acknowledgment of his wrongdoing.

  “I stayed outside the police station all night in my car because I couldn’t stand the thought of enjoying luxury while you sat in a jail cell,” he confessed.

  “So that was you I saw leaving this morning?” she asked.

  Alek nodded. “I couldn’t leave until I knew you were free.”

  “Wow,” she said softly, looking down at their feet.

  He freed one of her hands to lightly grab her chin and tilt her head up until their eyes locked once again. “That day on the island, I envisioned you there with me with our kids,” he said. “I won’t lie. I pushed aside that vision that came to me so easily because I thought I wanted something different, but now I know better, Alessandra.”

  “Oh, Alek.”

  “For the last month, I have dreamed of nothing more than you having my babies and working beside me to grow our business.” He stepped back to drop down to his knee, thankful that the snow had been shoveled off the street.

  She gasped at the sight of the five-carat engagement ring he held in his hand.

  “I purchased this the day after you left for London and today I know I have to try. I have to ask, even if you say no. I have to tell you how much I love you and ask you to be my forever.”

  Alessandra came to him and pulled him up to his feet to kiss him softly. “I love you, too, Alek,” she whispered in between kisses. “I love you so much.”

  “Yes, but will you marry me?” he asked, holding up the ring.

  “I want it all and I deserve to have it all,” she said, holding up her own hand and wiggling her ring finger. “Yes, I will be your forever.”

  He slid the ring on her finger.

  “So the war is over?” she asked, leaning back in his embrace.

  “Damn right. From now on it’s nothing but love,” he answered before he kissed her deeply with a moan of satisfaction.

  Alessandra pulled the collar of his coat into her fists as she closed her eyes and kissed him back.

  It felt good to be reconnected.

  “Congratulations,” Roje called out.

  Alessandra and Alek broke their kiss to look on as he waved and drove toward the estate away from them.

  “Let’s go get heated,” he said, moving around the car to open the passenger door for Alessandra to climb in.

  He hurried to the driver’s seat, driving with one hand to hold Alessandra’s with the other.

  “This is good,” she said, smiling at him.

  “This is damn good,” he agreed.

  Soon they were beyond the security gates.

  “I live in the main house now,” she said.

  Alek shook his head. “Not tonight. No way. We have some catching up to do.”

  “Whatever you say, my love.”

  He pulled the Bugatti to a stop before the guesthouse. When he left the car, he looked up and spotted her aunt Leonora on her balcony in the distance. She raised her glass of wine to him in tribute before disappearing inside her room and pulling the curtains on the patio doors closed.

  Alek helped Alessandra out her car and picked her up to carry inside the cottage to make love to her.


  Eight months later

  Alessandra climbed the steps of the wrought iron staircase to reach the second level of their Georgian manor on the newly named Hope Island. The construction of the estate was complete and now their entire family and some close friends were there with them to celebrate the housewarming and their announcement of a new arrival to the Ansah-Dalmount clan. They were able to have up to thirty family members and friends there at one time.

  Everything they envisioned that day as they explored the island had come to fruition.

  She pressed a hand against her rounded stomach as she walked out onto the spacious balcony and took in the beautiful view of colorful gardens and extensive lawns. At the sound of laughter, she looked down at their family enjoying the August weather on the hundred-foot terrace.

  Nothing about love and life was perfection, but they were in a good place and happy.

  Thank God.

  Her plan to recover from the scandal of her arrest was effective, and eventually the news coverage of it died down and they were back to normal ADG business again. Plus, the announcement of their engagement had taken prominence anyway.

  No one on the board saw that coming.

  She smiled as her aunt Leonora and aunt Brunela both leaned against the whitewashed railings of the veranda, looking out as Marisa went running off the end of the deck to cannonball into the water with a huge splash. Her cousin had completed her rehabilitation program just a little under a month ago and so far, everyone could see the difference in her. The calm and reliability. She was different. But only time could truly tell. I’m rooting for her.

  And so is Naim, she thought, noticing how his eyes kept going back to Marisa in her swim shirt and boy-cut bottoms, both accentuating her curvy, well-toned figure. After all the turmoil she and Alek put each other through, Alessandra didn’t know if she could take another Dalmount-Ansah love match. Especially with Marisa finally in the right headspace to find her true self. A relationship could be the wrong distraction.

  Samira sat on the middle of one of the thirty lounge chairs on the spacious terrace enjoying the sun beaming down on her bare shoulders in the strapless one-piece she wore, but still tapping away on her computer. In the seven months since she began working at ADG, the young woman had been
on a mission to prove herself. She reminds me of myself.

  Victor went flying past on one of the Jet Skis.

  Alessandra rolled her eyes. After one late night/early morning stroll to the maid’s quarters, his wife Elisabetta caught him with his pants down, literally, and reminded him they married without a prenuptial agreement. Once Alessandra made it clear she would not increase his allowance to cover the cost of alimony and child support, Victor curbed his doggish ways. It seems the only thing Victor loves more than himself is his money.

  “You think they’ll notice we sneaked off?” Alek asked as he walked into their massive master suite, already unbuttoning the white linen shirt he wore.

  “Who cares?” Alessandra said, turning to lean back against the railing as she awaited her husband.

  As the sun set, casting shadows in subtle shades of blues, Alek eased down the straps of her sundress and pressed kisses to her shoulder, clavicles and neck as he exposed her body for his eyes alone. She sighed in pleasure and pressed her hand to the back of his head as he knelt to press kisses to her belly.

  “I love you,” he said, looking up at her.

  “More than I love you?” she asked, stroking his beard.



  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from ONE UNFORGETTABLE KISS by A.C. Arthur.

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