Warrior of the Moon

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Warrior of the Moon Page 26

by Garnet Hart

  For ages, his castle was the stuff of legends. Many documentary journalists tried to venture into this region to find the mysterious castle shrouded with impossibly tall trees that cannot be found anywhere else in Midgar. The trees were so thick that it was difficult to get an aerial view of the castle itself. He had declined anyone from seeing what lay beneath these trees. For centuries, he had paid a huge sum of money to hire guards to keep this area restricted from public view.

  Those trees came from Vanar. He had sowed the seeds around the island and built his castle right in the middle. This way, he felt more at home.

  “Yes, it is a magnificent prison,” she replied, sadness in her eyes.

  He couldn’t take her defeated voice. Gods, he wanted her fierce and fighting him at every turn.

  “No doors are locked here. You’re free to roam around.”

  She stared at him. “You don’t need to pretend to be nice to me. You know I will obey your orders and will not try to escape. You have Geoff.”

  It pained him to continue deceiving her. “We don’t have to fight, Asra. I don’t want to fight with you. If you will only see it differently, you will be able to appreciate this place. I only want to protect you.”

  “Do I have a choice? Right now, you’re the only one willing to take me in. I’ve got no one else to care for me. Until it’s my time to die, at least.”

  “Asra…I do care for you.”

  Seconds ticked by before she replied. “You lie.”

  His eyes smoldered. “If I did not care for you, you won’t be here now. You would have been dead two hundred years ago.”

  She fell silent. Then she smiled at him sadly.

  “I do not feel that two hundred years have passed, Lior. You betrayal is still fresh in my heart as though it only happened the other day. If it is true that you have protected me for two hundred years, then what good would it do me now? You only kept me alive this long so you can deliver me to my death.”

  He stood up, his breathing harsh. The repeated mention of her death was unbearable for him now. And the resigned and defeated way she was talking about it made him want to howl to the moon for giving him such fate.


  “It’s alright. I accept it now.”


  “I will go with you to Alfheim and learn to sing. I will be the songstress that your god wants me to be and I will help win all your battles.”

  He bowed his head, clenched his fists and closed his eyes.

  “I hope it makes you happy, Lior. I hope it will save your people and you will get Vanar back.”


  A knock came from the door.

  “What?” he barked, furious at the interruption.

  “Lord Wolverton,” the middle-aged caretaker’s voice replied, “you have a call from Gustavo. He said it is urgent.”

  He cursed. He looked at Asra. “I’ll be back, Elf,” he said and walked out of the room.

  He descended the stairs and proceeded to the parlor where the only telephone was located.

  “Milord,” Gustavo said when he lifted the receiver. “I’m sorry to bother you, but Priestess Nadia called to send you a message coming from a certain man named Lawfer.”

  The mention of the name made his throat dry.

  The order from Odin had finally come.

  Lawfer could not probably reach him because he had turned his cellphone off for the past days, wanting to have a few days of rest from his responsibilities.

  “What did she want to tell me?”

  “She said the portal to Alfheim is ready, and you must take the Priestess with you to Piaui tomorrow night. Someone will meet you at the airport of Teresina to lead the way.”

  As he had suspected, it was about the portal being ready. If he wanted to make it to Brazil by tomorrow night, he had to leave with Asra by dawn.

  “Alright, thank you. I’ll turn my phone back on in a short while so Lawfer can contact me directly.”

  “Cherio, milord. Be safe.”

  He swallowed the hard lump that formed in his throat the moment he ended the call. The time that he’d been waiting for had finally come. His job would be finished soon and he could go back to Asgard and collect his reward.


  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It could not take away the pain he felt inside. But he needed to make a decision now.

  He climbed up the stairs and peeked inside Asra’s room. He found her at the window, staring at somewhere else.

  His heart felt as though it was being crushed by a ruthless fist.

  Holy gods! If he’d take her to Alfheim and she’d successfully learned the chant, the Elves would have to execute her so her soul can finally enter Asgard. Then all her memories in Midgar will be erased. She will not remember anything about him. It would be as though they had never met. And then sooner, when she had fulfilled her purpose, her soul would diminish for eternity.

  He blinked and realized that his eyes had gone wet.

  Lior came into her room carrying a tray of delectable food.

  Asra’s stomach rumbled.

  Lior had watched quietly as she ate, his eyes soft.

  She didn’t know what he was thinking. She was tired of arguing with him, too. Her fate had been decided by him and his god and there was nothing she could do about it. She was powerless to do anything.

  “I want to show you something after you’ve eaten,” he told her gently.

  She started to say something to dismiss him.

  “Please, Asra.”

  She looked at him. It was the first time that she’d heard this arrogant Lycan say ‘please’ in that sincere manner. His eyes were devoid of arrogance and his usual authoritative stance.

  “Alright,” she agreed. There was nothing else to do here but to await her demise anyway.

  Her face brightened a bit when she saw the bow on the table and the circular target attached to a tree. “You shouldn’t have bothered.”

  Lior smiled at her. “I just want to make sure you will no’ be too bored and decide to run away again.”

  She sighed and sat on a table. She was staring at the bow but did not even touch it. “Don’t worry about it. I have nowhere to go anyway. You’ve got Geoff under your mercy and everyone wants me and I don’t know the Demons. At least I know you.”

  He didn’t mind her barb. “I’m glad you realize that. The Demons are a crazy lot.”

  “Crazier than the Lycan bitches?”

  He chuckled. “You have no idea. The bitches have nothing on the female Demons.”

  His heart skipped a beat when she smiled.

  “Thank you for all the clothes and everything. They’re all beautiful.”

  “I hope you’re happy with them.”

  “I am. I never believed it when Ginny told me you’re a very generous lord, but now I do.”

  Lior chuckled. He’d had two of his female Lycan castle staff shop for her in Kiev. They flew in trunks of the latest fashion in clothes using a chopper lent by a Lycan general. His plane was stationed in a military airstrip a mile away from his castle.

  “Yes, I was a jerk,” he admitted. “Happy now?”

  Her smile widened. “What did Gustavo tell you?”

  He shook his head.

  “When are you taking me to Alfheim?”

  He met her eyes. “Why would you want to know? I thought you don’t want to go there?”

  She heaved a deep breath. “I’m ready now. I’m so tired of resisting the will of your god. Here I am now. Take me there. Let’s be done with it.”

  Her words were killing him. Why was her willingness to go to Alfheim hurting him too much that he wanted to grab her shoulders and shake her out of her wits?

  “I have yet to receive an order from Odin before I take you there,” he lied. The truth was, he would never take her to Alfheim at all… not ever.

  He had decided after talking to Gustavo that he couldn’t fulfill his mission now any more
than he could fulfill it before.

  “What will happen to Geoff now?”

  He sighed. He couldn’t continue lying to her anymore. “I lied, Elf. I dunna have Geoff. My men brought him back to his condo that very same day.”

  She was stupefied. “You...lied?”

  “I’m sorry. I had to.”

  She blinked rapidly. “But you said...”

  He shook his head. “My men let him go.”

  She raised her hand. He thought she was going to slap his face, but she hit his chest instead. “Damn you, damn you, damn you! When will you stop deceiving me? I’ve been so worried for days!”

  He grabbed her hands. “He’s safe and well, so stop worrying about your lover.”

  “He’s not my lover!”

  He stared at her then he slowly grinned. He wanted to hug her so bad. The thought of other men touching her drove him nuts, but his jealousy had been for nothing.

  She pulled her hands off his grip and hit him one last time before reaching for the bow.

  Seconds later, he was astounded by her skill. She had an arrow drawn and aimed at his chest.

  He didn’t dare move.

  Her eyes were intense as she stared at him.

  “Go ahead. Shoot me,” he said calmly.

  “You are a bastard.”


  “A liar.”

  “I had to.”

  “A manipulative monster.”

  “Only to protect you.”

  “But not from Odin. You will take me to Odin.”

  He didn’t answer.

  “I should kill you now. Shoot you in the heart. That can surely kill a Lycan.”

  He whistled to let his men know he was in control. The Elf didn’t know she was seconds from being sniped.

  “Can I ask you one question?” she said.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Ginny told me that you were once engaged. Where is she now?”

  He was momentarily nonplussed by her question.

  “Answer me.”

  He could see a hint of jealousy in her eyes, and laughter rumbled in his throat.

  “What is funny?”

  That had been decades ago, when two new Lycans who had escaped out of Vanar arrived in his farm. Out of gratitude for taking them in, the father, who was once a prominent man of Vanar, offered his daughter for his wife.

  He cannot even remember the name of that woman now, but her beauty was unusual. For that reason alone, he accepted the offer, thinking that it was probably time that he’d consider building a family of his own.

  But Ginny was not pleased and challenged the woman. To his surprise, the woman knew how to fight.

  Ginny almost died that day, but that did not discourage the other females from taking their turns to challenge his fiancée. Still shaken by Ginny’s defeat, he was forced to call off the marriage.

  “I don’t know where she is now. After I called off the engagement, she and her father occupied an area at the easternmost part of the ranch. I did not bother them anymore.”

  She stared at him, digesting his answer.

  “Why were you interested to know about that?”

  “I was just curious.”

  “Did I satisfy your curiosity?”

  “Very much,” she replied and then she turned around and aimed the arrow at the target nailed to the tree. She released it.

  It hit dead center.

  Silence pervaded. Her back remained ramrod straight as she stood there.

  “I’m not taking you to Alfheim.”

  She didn’t move. She remained silent. He thought she had not heard him, but she spoke.




  “Because I couldn’t,” he said softly.

  She slowly turned to face him.

  Their eyes met. Her gaze made him weak.

  “You will fail your god Odin again.”

  He swallowed. “Then be it.”

  Her lips broke into the most radiant smile.

  Gods, he just committed treason again and he didn’t care, as long as she smiled at him like that.

  His heart overflowed with joy. He wished she’d remain this way forever. “I hope you’d be content living in this place for now until the threat to your life is eliminated. It will no’ be forever, I assure you.”

  He’d have to do everything to keep her satisfied in this castle while keeping her safe. She had nowhere to go. The humans now know her secret, and if they’d find her, they might make her a laboratory specie to test and experiment her protruding ears.

  Her eyes became wet. “I don’t really mind staying here forever… as long as you’re with me.”

  His heart swelled so big that it almost exploded, and at the same time, it cried out. Her words meant a lot to him, but he did not know what to tell her. He could not promise to be with her forever, because he had other priorities. The people of Vanar were still waiting for their freedom, and he could not deny them of that.

  “Oh Lior!” She practically launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

  Her warm body and her fragrant scent surrounded him and he felt like floating with happiness.

  “Oh Elf...” He kissed her hair and hugged her tightly. He should have taken her to Brazil by this time, but he did not. Two centuries ago, he had failed to fulfill a simple task that Odin asked of him, and he got away with it, but this time, he knew Odin would not be merciful.

  But he was ready for anything. He’d defend the life of this Elf at all costs, even with his own life. Because she belonged to him. Not even Odin could take her away from him.

  He thought that sacrificing the Elf in exchange of his world would be easy, but it turned out to be the most difficult thing that he could have ever done. Now that he had once again disobeyed Odin, the only way to get back Vanar now would be through a fierce battle with the very god he had served for centuries.

  His long-term plan of winning Vanar back by gaining Odin’s trust and favor again suddenly made no sense at all. Even if Odin granted him Vanar, it didn’t mean freedom for his people. They’d forever be under the claws of the god who’d continue to rule them forever. He missed his home, and he was dying to see it free from the hands of the Aesirs, but there did not seem to be an easy way.

  Garr was probably right. They should join forces and show Asgard that the Vanirs would rather die in battle for freedom than forever be enslaved.

  However, his army was weak compared to the might of Asgard’s forces. Even if he could have the help of a songstress, it would still be difficult to assure them a victory, and he could not fathom the thought of taking Asra to the battlefield to sing for them. The enemy would surely focus their attack on her so as to eliminate the source of their strength.

  Asra would surely die.

  If that happened, he didn’t think he could stand the sight of it, nor could he forgive himself.

  Chapter 21

  Lior spent the whole afternoon walking around the castle with Asra. For the first time, he’d spent it with her devoid of carnal intent. He was dying to mate with her but he checked himself, not wanting to color their new relationship with lust.

  After telling her that he will no longer bring her to Alfheim, her transformation was almost magical. She had held his hand as they walked and talked and laughed together.

  She told him about her longing for her father and her old home.

  “I really want to buy a land in Dunvegan… even a small portion of it. Just so I could feel at home again. I miss my father. I miss my castle… I miss being home.”

  Lior sighed and was quiet for a long moment. “I’ve tried convincing the previous MacLeods to sell me the castle a long time ago, but they all refused.”

  “How much have you offered them?”

  “Three hundred million Euros.”

  Asra lowered her eyes, as though she realized her small savings couldn’t possibly afford a minute part of her old home. “
Of course, it’s their legacy. They wouldn’t sell it no matter how big the offer.”

  There was one thing he did not tell her. The incumbent Chief of MacLeod had put the Cullin Mountain Range to a bid for the repair of the castle. However, the idea created uproar among the Scots and so Randall had put both the mountain range and the castle for bidding instead, in order to save Dunvegan from bankruptcy.

  The bid had reached a whooping one point two billion Euros. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that it was most impossible for her to get back her beloved Dunvegan.

  After sharing a sumptuous dinner prepared by his able cooks for them, they retired in front of the fireplace and played chess. He knew she was seducing him with her heavy-lidded stares and honeyed laughter. She wanted him.

  Her aroused scent had been driving him crazy all afternoon but it was threatening to make him lose his sanity now.

  The moon was up tonight and his nature asserted itself.

  He had to tell her to retire to her chamber early as the call of the beast inside him became stronger every passing minute.

  Full moons were always a bitch.

  Lior sighed as he stared out of his window and saw the moon shining on its fullest. He missed his home, and he was dying to see it free from the hands of the Aesirs, but there did not seem to be an easy way.

  His fingers trembled and beads of sweat broke out of his forehead.

  The radiance of the moon seemed to call out to him. During full moon, Lycans felt the strongest urge to mate. It was a hunger that could kill him if not satisfied at once.

  When the craving became intense, he went out of the castle and ran for the woods. The guards had temporarily left their post for the night to mate with their wives, while he was left there with a woman who had no idea of this phenomenon.

  He went under the dense forest where he can spend his agony. If he remained in that house, he’d lose his control and would be crashing Asra’s door open. Then he’d be fucking her like a monster unleashed after a thousand years of celibacy without caring if he’d split her in two. Surely, her delicate body could not endure all that battering.

  He cursed in frustration and looked up. His Lycan vision could clearly see the moon through the thick clusters of leaves, shining bright. He was sweating profusely, his cock pulsating violently inside his jeans. He needed to fuck. He didn’t care if it was a woman’s or a tree’s hole. Anything that he could dip his cock into.


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