Monsoons and Monsters: Godhunter Book 22

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Monsoons and Monsters: Godhunter Book 22 Page 22

by Amy Sumida

  “Smile for the camera,” Gnas said with cheerful malice. “This is going to be sent straight to your husbands, and you want to look your best, don't you? You do look good, Godhunter,” Gnas moaned and licked his lips. “Your tits swinging and your ass rippling with that pounding Tobadzistsini is giving you. Maybe we should trade partners for a bit. Tobadzistsini can fuck Eros while I try out that famous pussy of yours.”

  Eros broke away and growled up at Gnas, “That's not the deal! I don't want you touching her.”

  “I'm just teasing her, lover,” Gnas purred to Eros. “You know I only want you.”

  “Nobody is fucking Vervain but me,” Toby growled and flung out a hand toward the men.

  Water gathered with Toby's words, collecting from the drips and little puddles in the cave, and slithering into the pool in the corner. The pool rose up like a tidal wave and crashed over Gnas and Eros, washing them out of the cave's entrance like so much flotsam. The action barely registered with me, since it had occurred while Toby turned me over and dove between my legs.

  The pleasure took me again, the feel of Toby's slick tongue driving me over the edge. Toby grabbed my ankles and pushed them up, angling my legs to my sides and spreading me open. I took hold of his long shaft and guided him home. Then we were riding our way to that elusive apex together. It was a wild ride at first, but halfway there, Toby leaned down, letting my legs fall to his waist, and kissed me. Everything shifted on the axis of that kiss. The taste of him was a treasured memory come to life, and not only did my body come alive with it, but my heart did as well. Love burned even brighter than the Lust between us, and Toby's hands gentled on my skin. We slowed and turned coarse lust into a tender act of love.

  I moaned, my head falling to the side as Toby kissed his way to my breasts. His hips moved in a slow roll-grind, each contact sending zings of delight through my body. I shifted myself up to him and clutched him tighter to me. Why hadn't we been together before? I couldn't remember. This was so perfect; how could we have denied ourselves for so long?

  “I love you, sweet Moon,” Toby murmured.

  “I love you too, my Darkness,” I whispered back.

  My hazy mind screamed briefly that this was wrong, but the magic overcame my protests, and I returned my focus to my lover: the Lord of Darkness and God of Water. Tobadzistsini was a perfect match to my moon magic. I had missed him so much, had missed the love we shared and the connection of our cohesive powers. I wasn't going to let anything ruin our reunion. I held Toby's face in my hands and smiled up at him. The love in his eyes was all I needed to see, and the slide of him inside me was all I needed to feel. We came together in an overwhelming rush of love and pleasure.

  But it was only the beginning.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Toby and I had a brief moment of sanity after we made love for the fourth time. We were panting, exhausted, and thirsty; lying together in a tangled heap. My hand was on Toby's chest, feeling his calming heartbeat, and his face was buried in my neck, his lips against my pulse. It was as if we subconsciously needed to connect with each other's hearts. At some point, we had moved onto the blanket those bastards had generously left for us. My head cleared and I began to tremble... and then cry.

  “Vervain,” Toby's voice was broken. “Please don't cry. We need to be strong now. We can get through this. There are no locks, no door even. Look.” He lifted a weary hand and pointed toward the cave's entrance. “As soon as we are able to, we can get up and simply walk out of here. We'll find the tracing point and escape, I promise you.”

  “But the damage is done,” I whispered.

  “Our lovers will understand.” He laid his forehead to mine. “This was not our fault.”

  “That's not what I mean,” I said softly.

  Toby eased back and met my gaze. I saw in him exactly what I knew he saw in me; love. Our love had returned in full force. I didn't want to take away the new life he was making for himself, but the mere thought of letting him go filled me with panic. I would have to do it; I would have to give Toby up... again. But this time, I'd feel the pain of it. We both would.

  “We will figure this out,” he murmured as he stroked the hair away from my face. “Because I cannot lose you again, my Moon.”

  Love and happiness burst inside me with his words—a profound relief that he wanted to be with me—even as doubt whispered that it would never work. It would never last. But that flare of love was enough to call the magic to life again, and I gasped as Lust rose with my love for Toby. He moaned and moved against me, instantly hard again. I rolled him onto his back, straddled his hips, and angled him inside me. Toby bucked up into me, his hands at my waist as his eyes devoured me.

  Toby's mastery of water was similar to my moon magic; he could manipulate the water in a body. I hadn't learned to use my power as he had; I only knew how to hurt people with it. But Toby could do more than hurt; he could seduce and satisfy. His fingertips trailed over my skin, and I felt the water in my body respond to him. He shifted the tides within me, drenching my sex so that I slipped over him like silk. I moaned as he tightened things and released them; tickling erogenous zones and making me shiver. I was overcome with my Lust and his Water, my body liquid with heat and desire, and finally, I fell forward onto him.

  Toby caught me and rolled me to my side. He angled my thigh over his and cupped my ass, pulling me into the perfect position. We came together with delicious sounds and sensations, the taste of pure water on my lips and the smell of salt in my nose. Toby's scent soon overpowered that of the wet cave and cleared away all thoughts but those centered around him. He held my face tenderly and stared into my eyes. His magic was battling the insanity of my Lust, and I could feel the cool wash of Water clearing my head. But I couldn't stop my body from moving over his, couldn't keep my hands from pulling him tighter to me. All the clarity did was allow us to truly experience what we were doing. And I wasn't sure if that was better or not.

  “This is fate, Vervain,” Toby said gently. “We were torn apart, but now we've been given another chance. We can turn this assault into a blessing if we want to. All you need to do is say yes. Are you with me?”

  “From this moment on, Tobadzistsini, I am always with you,” I whispered as I lifted my lips to his. “The Moon loves her Darkness.”

  “And the Dark loves his Moon,” he murmured back.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  I don't know where Eros and Gnas went after Toby washed them away, but they must have stayed nearby because whenever the Lust began to wane, I felt Eros' magic reach out to stimulate mine. We had established a connection with that last kiss, and his proximity had kept it strong.

  As gods, Toby and I had limitless regeneration abilities, so even exhaustion couldn't quell the magic for long. As soon as we started to heal and gain enough strength to escape, the Lust would consume us, and the cycle would start again. It was also a blessing, though; without our healing abilities, we would have been rubbed raw, and our muscles would have cramped with abuse. As it was, we shivered with weariness and thirst as we continued to move together through the night.

  “Drink, Vervain,” Toby urged.

  We had just orgasmed again and were gathering our strength to try and stand. I opened my eyes to see a funnel of water in the air above my lips. My mouth fell open automatically, and Toby maneuvered the water to me. I drank greedily, and as I did, flashes of reason returned; the cool water was not only pure and sweet, but it also gave me clarity. There had been something said about Eros. I couldn't remember who had said it, but they had mentioned that if Eros had done this to me, then he'd be experiencing the same uncontrollable lust. Which hopefully meant that Eros couldn't keep this up forever. He was punishing himself as he punished me.

  He literally hated me with a passion.

  “Have you had enough to drink?” Toby's voice cracked from his dry throat.

  I nodded, and he moved the funnel to his mouth. As I watched him drink, the theory about Eros was confirme
d. Shouting echoed through the tunnels to us, and I wearily angled my head to hear it better. Toby was intent on quenching his thirst, but soon he began to listen with me, his eyes going wide. He banished the cone of water, and we concentrated together.

  “Can't you two stop fucking for five minutes?” A woman screamed. I recognized the voice; it was Unk. “Iya has been sentenced to assimilation!”

  “We warned him that getting caught was a possibility,” Gnas said coldly.

  I had to strain to hear him, but my dragon senses took over and honed in on the conversation. As soon as I did, I heard even more; the sounds of vigorous sex and Eros' moans.

  “Well, it's now a reality!”

  “I'm sorry, Mother, but everything will proceed as planned,” Gnas drawled. “Iya has played his part; a role which he went into with full knowledge of the risks involved.”

  “Not only did they get Iya, but they also have the machine,” Unk snapped. “And they know that you took the Godhunter. They are amassing their armies even as we speak. My wards are strong, but they will not hold out forever against the might of the entire Wakan Tanka!”

  “The machine has also served its purpose,” Eros added. “We don't need it anymore.”

  “And we were the ones who told them that we have the Godhunter,” Gnas said with a moan. “We sent them proof of it. It is all part of the plan.”

  “And what will you do about their armies?” Unk hissed. “Your plan is flawed.”

  “It will take them time to reach us here,” Gnas said. “And we won't hold her for much longer. Soon she'll find her way out, and then the true tragedy will begin.”

  Eros laughed evilly.

  “So, you just toss Iya aside like trash?” Unk screeched. “You have no feeling for your own father?”

  “There is nothing we can do for Father now, except ensure that he gets his revenge upon the Godhunter,” Gnas was back to cold calm.

  “And that's just what we're doing now,” Eros added. “Poison couldn't destroy Vervain, but love will. We sent a video of her fucking Tobadzistsini to her husbands. They will never forgive her.”

  “They won't care about that,” Unk sneered. “They already share her.”

  “That is precisely why they will care; especially when she tells them that she loves Tobadzistsini again.” Eros moaned and then grunted.

  The sound of slapping flesh increased in rhythm.

  “The Godhunter will lose her guardians—everyone she loves,” Gnas continued, “including the Froekn, Intare, and even her faeries. She will be broken and defenseless, and I will glory in her pain.”

  “The Fey won't abandon her; she's a queen.”

  “They won't have to,” Gnas said. “Once we cut off their realm, she won't be able to return.”

  “You've forgotten about the other machine we have,” Eros spat out the words between grunts.

  “That machine will only work if the Fey close their borders first,” Unk said. “And they haven't done so yet. So, once more; your plan is flawed. You have brought calamity down upon us for nothing.”

  “They will close their borders once they receive our message.” Eros laughed.

  “She agreed to go?” Unk's voice shifted to interest. “I thought she didn't want to risk it?”

  “She left just after we brought the Godhunter here,” Eros confirmed. “Seeing what we accomplished encouraged her to take action.”

  “And what if you underestimate the Godhunter's allies?” Unk snapped.

  “It doesn't matter; either way, she will be hurt.” Eros chortled.

  “But Iya.”

  “Will you just shut up already?” Eros huffed.

  I felt a pulse of Lust surge out and heard Unk shriek in response. The sounds of sex increased, but I was too distracted by my own desires to listen any further... which I'm sure was a blessing. I clasped Toby to me, and we sank into pleasure again.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  “Vervain? Sweetheart, wake up.” Toby's gentle voice lured me out of the fitful sleep I'd fallen into.

  “Is it over?” I asked wearily.

  “Soon,” he promised. “I think they're asleep. I know you're tired, but we need to go; right now.”

  “Okay,” I got to my feet with his help, and we stumbled out of the cave.

  The rock was slick beneath my feet, but then it dried out, and we came to a more finished hallway. The walls were plastered, and the floor was polished stone. Cool air drifted down to us like a caressing breath. I lifted my head and drew it in sharply; it was fresh. I assumed that we were in Unk's underwater home; in which case, fresh air would have to be brought in by tubes or—more likely—magically manufactured. The later would mean that there would be a source; probably an enchantment on the home. So, the air meant that we had reached the main living areas, and also, hopefully, a tracing point.

  The hallway brought us to a branching corridor, and Toby took us down the left option. I knew what prompted his choice. I could feel it too; the pulse of a tracing point. Access to the Aether was nearby, just as I'd suspected. Relief flared through me as we hobbled around a corner and the tracing wall came into sight. Toby smiled down at me as we eased apart and held hands.

  “Take me with you,” he said. “Wherever you wish to go. I don't care; as long as we're together.”

  “I wouldn't have let you go elsewhere, even if you wanted to,” I whispered.

  His smile was more brilliant than I'd ever seen it.

  I placed my palm on the bare rock. For a brief moment, I felt the power of the sea, rolling above us and vibrating through the stone. Then the magic responded to my command and latched onto me. As the Aether took us, I remembered what Gnas had said; how I'd find my way out, and then the true tragedy would begin.

  Our bodies became pure thought as we passed through the Aether, and my thoughts were unsettled. Still, we reformed without issue in the tracing room of Pride Palace. When Toby and I saw that we were truly free, we hugged each other tightly and cried in relief. We were naked and exhausted, covered in the scent of sex and salt, but we didn't care. We had made it through the night, just as Toby had said we would. Now, I was hoping that we could fulfill our other vow; to turn this tragedy into a blessing. I whispered that hope to him as we clung to each other.

  “We fell in love through tragedy; it seems only fitting that our love returns in the same manner.” Toby eased away from me to look into my eyes. “My mind may not have known it, but my heart has missed you, Vervain. Whatever comes of this, I'm happy to have my love for you back where it belongs.”

  “I am too,” I whispered. “And this time, no one is taking it away from us; not by magic or trickery.”

  “We face the consequences together?” Toby held his hand out to me.

  “Together,” I agreed.

  We stepped into the entry hall of Pride Palace and echoing silence met us. I frowned and reached out to my lions. They weren't in my territory. None of the grown ones, at least. I could feel Lesya and Zariel nearby; which meant that Samantha was here as well. Bu in addition to my lions, my husbands were also gone. I looked down at the wedding ring on my hand, and the diamond sparkled up at me. I didn't sense any injury or fear from them. Wherever they were, they were safe. They just weren't at home.

  “Come on,” I pulled Toby along with me to the elevator. “Let's get dressed and then we can find the others.”

  We went up to my suite on the top floor, and I found Toby some of Azrael's clothes that fit him fairly well. I got dressed and slipped on some shoes before I searched for my cell phone. Thank goodness I hadn't taken it into battle with me. I texted all of my husbands and Re that I was okay and at Pride Palace with Toby. Then Toby and I headed downstairs to Samantha and Fallon's suite. Before I made it five feet, my phone was blowing up with texts: What happened? Are you all right? Did you kill that motherfucker? Are you all right? We're coming home now—don't leave!

  I sighed and continued down the hall, not bothering to answer any of the messages. The
re would be time for explanations after they all arrived. Instead, I went to fetch my daughter. I lifted my hand to knock on Sam's door, but she opened it before my fist could fall. Werewolf hearing; she probably knew the second we had entered the corridor.

  “Vervain!” Samantha exclaimed with relief and then hugged me.

  “Mommy!” Lesya's voice came from inside the room.

  “I'm fine,” I reassured Sam. “It's a long story, though, and I don't want to have to repeat it. Can you hold your questions till the guys get home?”

  “Of course,” she said kindly, her eyes flicking to Toby. “Hey, Toby.”

  “Hello, Samantha,” Toby said softly.

  “Mama.” Lesya waddled over, and I scooped her up. “Mommy!”

  “Hey, baby,” I said gently as I buried my face in her dark hair and hugged her.

  Her little arms wrapped around my neck, and I broke. I started crying silently. Lesya went still, then one tiny hand stroked my hair gently.

  “Mama,” she said quietly. “No, Mama.”

  I pulled back to look at her, and Lesya kissed my cheek. I gave her a tremulous smile, and she smiled back. Her deep blue eyes—so much like Kirill's—were somber but sweet, and her expression was innocently sympathetic. It gave me the strength to sniff away my fear and let go of the trauma I'd been through. I was still alive, and that was what was important.

  There are times when I look back on my life and wonder what good I've truly done. I question my morals and my sanity. But when I looked at my children, there were no doubts in my mind. They were the best parts of me, and they were my legacy. If I failed or faltered, if I did something horrible or even evil, it didn't matter as long as my children lived. Their goodness made up for everything.

  “I love you, Lesya,” I said.


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