One Night Stand

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One Night Stand Page 7

by J. S. Cooper

  “Chett, Scott or Aiden?” I asked softly as I turned back to face her. “Let me think, I doubt it’s Chett. You’re not into blond guys and he’s the blondest guy I know. And you’re not into Nascar and he loves it. Let’s see, so it’s between Scott and Aiden. Hmm.” I stared at her as she glared at me and I grinned. “Both are hot, though they’re my brothers so I feel icky saying that. Let me think, who do I think you’re after?”

  “It’s Aiden, okay.” She blushed. “And I just think he’s cute. I’m not after him.”

  “You like Aiden?” I made a face. Aiden was the eldest of all of us and he was my bossiest brother. Out of all of my brothers, he was the least fun and sometimes felt more like a second dad to me. “You don’t seriously like Aiden, do you?”

  “I knew you would say that, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”

  “It’s just, Aiden.” I made a face. “Imagine if you dated him and we had to double date.” I shuddered. “It would be like double dating with my dad, he’d be trying to tell me what to order and not to stay out late, and God forbid my guy kisses me or something.”

  “Is the coffee ready?” Alice looked at the French press pointedly.

  “Let me check.” I sighed and pressed it down before pouring the coffee in two mugs and turning back to her. “You’re not really interested in Aiden, are you?” I gave her a hopeful face. “Is this a bad joke?”

  “How many bad jokes do you think are being played on you this weekend, Liv?” Alice laughed as she heaped sugar into her cup. “And yes, I like Aiden. And no, he’s nothing close to being your dad. He’s only twenty-eight and he’s gorgeous, and funny, and sweet, and well, yes, I have a small crush on him. I have for a long time, if I’m being honest.” Alice took a deep breath. “You better not tell him.”

  “What am I going to tell him?” I rolled my eyes. “He’d just find a way to lecture me.”

  “So now it’s your turn.”

  “My turn to do what?” I took a sip of my coffee and coughed. It tasted gross. I must have put too much coffee and not enough water in the French press.

  “What happened with you and tonguey?”

  “Don’t call him tonguey. That sounds gross.”

  “What he did with it wasn’t gross though was it?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I looked around the kitchen. “He’s not into me.”

  “I’m sorry.” She gave me an apologetic look.

  “He’s not the father, you know. He hasn’t even slept with Gabby. Yet, he still wants to marry her.”

  “Does he love her?” Alice looked shock. “And wait what? They’ve never had sex?”

  “I know. I was shocked as well.” I tried another sip of coffee and then put the cup down. “Let’s go to my room and talk there. I don’t want anyone to hear us.”

  “Okay.” She nodded and stood up. We walked to my bedroom and I noticed she had left her coffee sitting on the countertop as well. I closed the bedroom door behind us and then jumped back into bed. “You coming?” I asked her and patted the space on the mattress next to me.

  “I don’t know if I should lie down.” She sighed. “I spent an hour flat ironing my hair this morning and what if my makeup smudges on the pillowcase?”

  “Ah, come on Alice. Your hair and makeup will be fine.”

  “Fine.” She yawned and took off her shoes. “I guess, just for a little bit, while we talk.”

  “Uh huh.” I laughed. “You look tired. How much sleep did you get last night?”

  “Two hours.” She yawned wider and longer this time. “I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep and now I’m absolutely exhausted.”

  “Oh Alice.” I shook my head as she plopped down next to me. “Why didn’t you tell me that you liked Aiden?”

  “Because I knew you would react as you’re reacting now.” She rolled onto her side and looked at me. “Completely over the top.”

  “I was hoping you liked Scott.” I grinned. Scott was my youngest brother and the one most like me. He was happy-go-lucky and always up to something. He’d gotten into so much trouble as a kid and I’d loved him telling me all his tales. I’d been the good child, but only because I always had my parents and Aiden down my back. There were many activities and tricks I would have liked to have gotten into, but never had the chance.

  “Scott’s a goof, I love him, but he’s a goof.” Alice laughed. “He can’t keep serious for two minutes.”

  “That’s why you should date him. You’ll always be having fun. Aiden on the other hand, ugh.” I sighed, still remembering all the times I’d gotten in trouble due to him telling my parents I was up to something.

  “I’m sure he doesn’t want me anyway.” Alice rolled her eyes. “So don’t worry.”

  “I’m not worried, I’m just—”

  “Liv, do you want to talk about Aiden or Xander?” Alice interrupted me and I sighed.

  “I don’t really want to talk about either of them.” I made a face. “Xander’s a big jerk.”


  “I kinda let him know that I wouldn’t be opposed to him no longer being engaged to my sister.”

  “What?” Alice’s eyes almost popped out in shock. “You did not say that?”

  “Well not in those exact words, but basically I told him that maybe he didn’t want to get married now that he had met me and he wasn’t the father of my sister’s baby and basically he looked at me like I was crazy and walked away.”

  “Oh wow.” Alice made a sad face. “He sounds like a dick.”

  “He is a dick.” I closed my eyes, reliving my embarrassment. “And he has a small dick too.”

  “Oh really?” Alice’s voice was amazed.

  “No.” I opened my eyes and looked at her. “He doesn’t really have a small dick.” I groaned and buried my face in my hands. “Why, oh why, did this have to happen to me? Do I have some sort of bad luck sign on me?”

  “It’s not your fault. I mean you did kind of know that he was an asshole after you guys hooked up at the church right?”

  “Yeah, I could tell he was arrogant, cocky, full of himself–”

  “And yet, you still went back to his hotel room.”

  “Well, you know I’m only human.” I laughed and closed my eyes. “I don’t want to talk about him anymore. Let’s get a quick nap in and then deal with him and Aiden later.”

  “That sounds like a plan to me.” Alice yawned again, her eyes closing as she snuggled into the pillow. “Night Liv.”

  “Morning Alice.” I giggled and we both drifted off to sleep.


  “Wake up, wake up.” Scott’s voice bounded into my bedroom as he banged on my bedroom door and opened it.

  “What?” I groaned as I opened my eyes slowly and saw my brother’s big blue eyes gazing down at me as he stood over my bed.

  “Wake up Liv.” He pulled the duvet off of the bed and I growled at him. “Or should I say wake up doggie.”

  “Asshole.” I jumped out of bed and glared at him for a second, before laughing. “It’s good to see you too, Scott.”

  “Come here.” He gave me a big hug and then looked down on the bed. “Who’s in the bed with you? Are you a lesbian now?”

  “Scott!” I shook my head at him. “It’s Alice.”

  “You and Alice are dating now?” He grinned as he wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Don’t be disgusting.” I glared at him and Alice moaned as she rolled over in the bed, still sleeping and oblivious to the noise in the room.

  “Just checking.” He grinned and looked down at Alice in the bed. “Wakey wakey Alice.”

  “Don’t wake her up.” I punched him in the shoulder. “She didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Why, what was she doing?” He licked his lips slowly and I punched him again.

  “Ugh, what’s that noise?” Alice opened her eyes slowly and then screamed.

  “What?” I frowned as I stared down at her. “It’s just me and Scott.”

  “No, t
here’s a caterpillar on my face.” She screamed again and jumped up out of the bed.

  “What?” I stared at her and burst out laughing.

  “Take it off of me.”

  “I’ll get it.” Scott laughed and pulled her towards him. He then reached to her face and pulled one of her cheap fake eyelashes off of her face. “I don’t think it was a caterpillar.” He dangled the eyelash in front of her eyes and she blushed.

  “Oops.” She grinned. “My bad.”

  “You’re silly, Alice.” I laughed and we all stood there for a few moments just grinning at each other.

  “Why do the three of you always look like fools?” A loud imperious voice rumbled into the room and I turned around with a glare.

  “Why do you always look like you have a stick up your ass, Aiden?” I asked him with a small smile.

  “I see you still haven’t left your teen years.” He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye.

  “And you’re already fifty.”

  “Not quite yet.” He walked into the bedroom and gave me a quick hug. “Hello, Alice, it’s nice to see you.”

  “Hi Aiden.” She said softly, her face pink as she gazed at her crush. I looked at Aiden critically then. I guess I could see his appeal. He stood tall at about six feet, with a muscular lean build, he had dark brown chestnut hair and sparkling blue eyes that seemed to gaze into your soul. All in all, he was a handsome man. Just not the man I would have set my best friend up with.

  “What’s going on in here? An orgy?” Xander walked into the room with a huge smile and I froze. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and I couldn’t stop from looking at his perfectly chiseled chest. His six-pack looked even more defined than the last time I had seen it naked.

  “Nothing.” I looked away from him and I saw that Alice was grinning from ear to ear, instead of glaring at him like I was. Why was she being such a traitor? How could she be smiling knowing what sort of man Xander was? Or more importantly how he had dissed me. I was still feeling the burn of his rejection.

  “Who are you?” Aiden turned towards Xander with a disapproving look in his eyes and then he looked at Alice. “Is this a friend of yours?”

  “No.” Alice squeaked out and I stared at Aiden’s face carefully. Had he smiled when she’d said no? My mind was racing as I gazed at my brother. Did he have a thing for Alice as well?

  “Oh okay.” He made a face. “I was about to say you really need to stop being a bad influence over my sister.”

  “Aiden.” I shouted at him, horrified at his words. I guess I was wrong. Maybe I’d imagined the smile. “Stop being so rude.”

  “It’s okay, Liv. I don’t need you to fight my battles.” Xander smiled at me with a twinkle in his eyes and turned to Aiden. “I’m Xander, Xander James. I’m your sister’s fiancé.”

  “What?” It was Scott’s turn to be shocked. “Liv, you didn’t even tell me.”

  “Is this true Liv?” Aiden turned to me with a frown.

  “I, uh, no.” I shook my head, my face red. “He’s not talking about me. I don’t even know him. I haven’t even, uh, kissed him, let alone, uh, slept with him.” I stammered, my face bright red as I kept rambling on. “I wouldn’t get engaged to Xander even if he paid me.” I finished and I could see that both of my brothers were staring at me in confusion as Alice made a face at me.

  “I guess I didn’t make much of an impression on you then.” Xander’s voice cut the silence and then laughed. “I’m Gabby’s fiancé.” He said simply and smiled. “I assume you two are her brothers?”

  “Yes.” Aiden spoke up and stepped forward. “I’m Aiden, the eldest. This is Scott. That’s my sister Liv and her best friend Alice. And our brother Chett hasn’t arrived home yet.” He looked Xander up and down and frowned slightly. “And you’re marrying Gabby?”

  “Yes.” Xander nodded. “I think she’s still in bed.”

  “Sounds about right.” Scott scoffed. “It isn’t noon yet.”

  “Scott.” I rolled my eyes at him and giggled.

  “You know Queen Gabby doesn’t arise before she has to.” Scott grinned at me and we giggled. We both felt the same way about Gabby and that was just another reason why he was my favorite brother.

  “Are you two still harping on about Gabby?” Aiden sighed and shook his head.

  “Why shouldn’t we?” Scott squared his shoulders and confronted Aiden. “You might be the oldest, but you’re not the boss of us all Aiden. We’re not kids anymore.”

  “Then stop acting like one.” Aiden looked at Xander. “Sorry about Liv and Scott, they’re both rude and I don’t think that will ever change.”

  “That’s okay.” Xander laughed. “I have a younger brother and I know what it’s like dealing with impertinence.”

  “Ooh, I have to go and see if Henry is up and well.” I said sweetly, my stomach churning in anger at Aiden and Xander. “I should see if there is anything I can do for him.”

  Xander’s eyes narrowed as he gazed at me and his expression changed to one of annoyance.

  “Henry is fine.” He said shortly.

  “I’m sure he is, but it doesn’t hurt to check and see if he needs a helping hand.” I smiled again and I could see Alice giggling from the corner of my eyes. “I want to make sure all his needs are taken care of.”

  “What are you talking about Liv?” Aiden frowned at me.

  “Nothing to worry your sweet head about.” I turned and smiled at him. “Excuse me folks, I need to go and perform one of my womanly duties.” I brushed past Xander and I heard his sharp intake of breath as my breasts rubbed against his upper arm. My nipples tingled at the touch, but I made sure not to react. I hurried out of the room and down the corridor with a small smile on my face. That would teach Xander. He wanted to act like he was some hot shot and better than me. Well forget him. I didn’t want him, need him or care about him. He could have Gabby and deal with her crap. I didn’t care if she spent all of his money and then left him when he was broke. It would serve him right. I was fuming by the time I reached the end of the corridor just thinking about Xander. How dare he barge into my room and then say I was impertinent. I could have wiped that smug smile off of his face if I’d told my brothers that I’d fucked him last weekend. I could just image the shock on all of their faces. Aiden would most probably kill me and Scott would laugh. I should have told them everything. That would teach him to mess around with me. How dare he insinuate I was impertinent? And how dare Aiden act like he was some leader of the world. Grr. They both made me so angry. I had no idea why Alice was interested in Aiden. I was going to urge her to change her mind and to focus on someone else. There was no way I wanted my best friend dating my bossy older brother. And there was no way I was ever going to sleep with Xander again, not even if he begged me. Not that I really foresaw that happening. Xander had no interest in sleeping with me again. He just wanted to torture me.

  Chapter Five

  I stopped outside of Henry’s bedroom and stood there like a fool. I didn’t really have anything to say to him. And I certainly wasn’t going to offer to do anything for or to him as I’d insinuated to Xander. I stood there for a few seconds and was about to turn back around when I saw Xander coming towards the room with a sneer on his face.

  “Did Henry throw you out already?”

  “Excuse me?” I glared at him.

  “You’re standing in the hallway looking embarrassed.” He shrugged as he stood next to me. “I assumed that you got blown off.”

  “Men don’t blow me off.” My head tilted up as I avoided looking at his chest.

  “True, you’re not really the sort a man would blow off.” He licked his lips. “I think—”

  “Can I help you Xander?” I cut him off, not wanting to go down the flirting road with him again.

  “You look sexy this morning.” He looked down at my tank top and short shorts.

  “Okay and?” I would not let myself get caught up in this man again.

  “And it makes me want
to kiss you.”

  “I don’t want to kiss you.” I sneered at him. “I don’t go back for seconds unless the meal was really really good.” I looked him up and down. “And you, Xander James were just not that good.” I lied, but pride making me try to hurt him.

  “I wasn’t good?” His eyes widened and he smiled. “You call every guy you meet Mr. Tongue?”

  “You’re good to go down on me.” My face reddened. “But that’s about it. I wouldn’t sleep with you again.”

  “So the only good part of me is my tongue?”

  “Yup.” I nodded. “And every man has one, so it’s not even that special.”

  “So I’m an average man with average tongue skills and bad fucking skills?” He cocked his head to the side and studied my face.

  “Yes, average tongue skills and F grade skills in bed.” I lied, unable to say fucking to him out loud. I wondered if my face was giving me away. Xander had A plus tongue skills and A plus fucking skills. My body was burning up as we spoke, reminding me that I was lying out of my ass.

  “Average and an F now?” His lips thinned. “Hmm, I’m going down on the scale.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t want to be rude before, but you know how it is.”

  “I do.” He nodded and grabbed my hand and then opened Henry’s bedroom door and pulled me into the room with him.

  “What are you doing?” I gasped as he pushed me back against the door and positioned himself in front of me. He didn’t answer me, but instead his eyes mocked me as his face moved closer to mine.

  “What are you doing?” I gasped again as he lowered his mouth to mine. His lips were firm as they crushed into mine and his tongue slid into my mouth easily. I moaned as his hardness pressed into my belly and I kissed him back for a couple of seconds before I remembered where we were. Oh shit, what must Henry be thinking?

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I pushed him off of me and looked around the room wildly, my face a deep red.

  “Henry’s not here.” He raised an eyebrow at me and laughed. “You can stop pretending to be affronted now.”


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