Killer Romances

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Nick tried to escape the house before Shelley arrived to help Carlie get ready Sunday afternoon. He didn’t quite make it.

  She stopped him at the doorway. “You planned something wonderful, right? I expect you to take good care of Carlie.” She lightly punched his shoulder. “Or else.”

  He laughed and waved her away. “It’ll be good. I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it at work tomorrow. Don’t call looking for details before then. Tonight, she’s mine.”

  “Sounds like you have everything under control.” Shelley winked and stepped past him, closing the door.

  Nick hopped in the Porsche and made the short drive across town, knowing he’d have plenty of time before he needed to get into his tux. Women were notoriously slow about getting ready for a big date, and he wasn’t due back at Carlie’s for two hours.

  He needed to try calling Donovan again since he couldn’t reach him yesterday. It was also time to do some research. Nick was tired of relying on S.A.T.O. for information. Maybe if he had a better understanding of who Carlie was and what her real past had been, he’d relate to her better when the time came to convince her to go to Canada with him. Back into hiding, which she was adamantly against.

  He wished their budding relationship was reason enough for her to follow him, but Carlie wanted nothing more than to stay put and run Carlie’s Creations. It was easy for him to say she should give that up to leave with him. After all, he wasn’t sacrificing much. Sure, he once thought S.A.T.O. was enough to sustain him and keep him happy, but meeting Carlie changed his dreams.

  Payments would continue to roll in from the restaurants he put money into, even if he was out of touch. Dividend checks went into dummy accounts under his various false names, which automatically transferred to his overseas account so S.A.T.O. couldn’t track it. He was wealthy enough that he and Carlie could open a new shop together, spending their days contentedly with each other and their nights locked in passion. At least, that’s the way he saw the future playing out.

  However, that meant asking Carlie to give up all friends and her shop, and she seemed attached to both. Then again, she did miss her parents a lot. Maybe it would be enough if he flew her out to see them. She said they were in Africa. It would be easy to confuse their trail and make sure no one realized their true objective. He’d book a sightseeing tour that happened to cross paths with Carlie’s parents. No one would think anything of it.

  Actually, that could be a good strategy to get her to agree to go with him—assuming what she said about her parents was true and not part of her fabricated life as Princess Stephanie. Well, that was what he needed to figure out.

  Nick let himself into his room and pulled out the disposable cell phone he’d bought the night before, dialing Donovan’s number. “It’s me,” he said when his friend answered.

  “Sorry I missed your call last night. I wasn’t sure if it was safe to call you back. So, how’s life treating you...Nick?” It would take a while for his friend to get used to his new name. By the time he was comfortable with it, Nick would likely be someone else.

  “Things are heating up around here. I called to see if you had any idea of a timeframe on those papers.”

  “About that.” Donovan chuckled. “My wife has an idea and wanted me to run it past you.”

  “Okay.” He was unable to keep the apprehension out of his voice. Donovan was a good guy and Madeline seemed nice, but he had no idea what to expect.

  “Madeline’s parents are on a cruise to Hawaii for the holiday, so we’re on our own. She wanted to know if you and Carlie would mind company for Thanksgiving. The IDs should be ready before we leave Wednesday, so I could bring them personally.”

  That could actually work in Nick’s favor. Carlie wanted to know more about him. Bringing his oldest friend to a holiday dinner had to earn big points as far as sharing. Then again, they hadn’t even talked about Thanksgiving. He didn’t know if she expected to spend it with him, or maybe planned to serve food at Compassion For All. Knowing her, she probably wanted to do charity work.

  “Let me run that by Carlie, but I think it should be okay.”

  “Great. Maddie will be pleased. I think she’s a little bored with our life now that it’s all kids and work, and no murderers or crazy people.” He laughed. “She’s looking forward to meeting my friend, the spy.”

  Panic curled its fingers around his heart. “Carlie doesn’t know about that. If you come, you can’t talk about it, and you have to call me Nick.”

  “Relax. Maddie’s already talking to the kids about Uncle Nick. We won’t blow your cover.”

  The more Nick thought about it, the more he liked it. It would show Carlie he wanted to share his life with her. Also, they would have the IDs ready and waiting to go before President Sharp got home.

  “I like the thought of being someone’s uncle,” he said, “so I suppose you should get ready to make the trip. I’ll work it out with Carlie.”

  “Just one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “If we come, will things be safe? I know Carlie’s in some trouble, and I won’t put my kids at risk.”

  Nick considered that. Right now, it seemed the only danger was from S.A.T.O. agents, and Stephen was pretty much out of the picture. Carlie claimed assassins were after her, but Nick didn’t know if that was even valid, considering she wasn’t actually who she claimed to be. Either way, no one had watched her the past month except him. Nick would have noticed.

  “Things are quiet here right now. I’m the one assigned to keep an eye on her as far as the organization is concerned, so I think you’ll be as safe as anyone can ever expect to be.”

  “And things aren’t always secure in my little community, as much as I’d like to keep my family from harm.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you.” Nick realized it would be nice to spend the holiday surrounded by people he actually cared for. It had been too long since that happened.

  “Can I call this number when we get to town?”

  “Yep. It’s a disposable phone, so no one’s watching it. See you soon.” He hung up, wondering if Carlie would notice or ask about him having two phones. That was something he’d worry about if it came up.

  For now, he needed to power up his laptop and start digging. After learning everything he could about Princess Stephanie’s maid of honor, he’d plan a scenic tour in Africa. It never hurt to be prepared.


  Shelley applied more powder to Carlie’s face and then added a thin layer of gloss to her lips. “Perfect. Now, it’s time to take the curlers out of your hair.”

  “I could do this myself, you know.” Carlie didn’t mean to sound ungrateful, but Shelley had basically treated her like a child since they entered the bathroom. Her friend seemed even more anxious than she was about this date.

  “You don’t put nearly enough makeup on,” Shelley said. “He must be taking you somewhere super fancy, maybe the symphony or something, so you need to look your best. Oh, man. I’ll be so jealous if that’s where you go. I’d love to go to an opera or symphony.” She sighed. “I never seem to find guys who want to do that.”

  Carlie shook her head as Shelley removed the bottom row of curlers. “Why not go by yourself, if that’s your dream? You don’t need a man to take you.”

  Laughing, Shelley’s blue eyes met hers in the mirror. “There are a lot of things I don’t need a man for. However, most are more fun when I’m not solo.”

  Fighting against her blush, Carlie changed the subject. “Nick finally shared part of his past with me last night. I think this might be more than a fling for him.” It felt nice to say that aloud to someone. “I’m really hoping it is.”

  Shelley set the last curler back inside the case and grabbed bobby pins off the counter. “Well, considering you told him your story, that’s the least he could do.”

  Carlie sighed, knowing Shelley was right. “He’s very secretive. I worried for a while he’d never open up, even though I begged him t

  Shelley winked at her in the mirror. “Can’t blame a guy for not wanting to talk. Who wants to talk when sex is so much more fun?”

  “Shelley!” The blush won out and Carlie stared at her hands. “I’ve been with a couple men over the years where sex was all we had between us. I’m looking for more.”

  “I know, sweetie. No matter how hot the sex is, we women all wish for true love.” She took a pick to Carlie’s hair, working to tame the curls.

  Carlie hoped Nick wanted more than just sex, too. He said he did, but he was hard to read. “How do you know if you’ve found real love or he’s just another guy looking for a...ummm, well, a booty call?”

  “Ha! When you figure that out, let me know. Men are a mystery, but the ones I meet all want a booty call. We want love, men want sex.” Shelley pinned up some strands of hair, letting others curl around Carlie’s face. “That’s perfect. Time to put on your dress.”

  She tried not to let Shelley’s view of men bother her, but worry crept back in. Shelley dated so many guys just in the short time Carlie knew her, and she still searched for something real. Nick said all the right things, but did he mean them? Then again, he did tell her about his parents.

  She left Shelley in the bathroom and walked to her bedroom. Before they started working on her hair and makeup, they’d gone shopping and bought a sexy pair of panties and matching strapless bra. They were both black and made of filmy lace. She didn’t know why she bothered with the bra, since it was beautiful but not really functional, but Shelley insisted the lovely dress needed something better than her regular underclothes. A little surprise for Nick if the night went well.

  As though it wouldn’t. They had no problems finding their way to the bedroom. It was communication they lacked.

  She put on the dress and returned to the hallway. “Will you zip me up, please?”

  Shelley did as requested and stepped back. “You look incredible. Nick won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”

  “That’s good, I guess, but I really want this relationship to be about more than physical attraction.”

  “I’ve upset you.” Shelley sighed. “I didn’t mean to imply that Nick’s not looking for true love. What do I know?”

  “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

  Shelley shook her head, obviously not willing to drop the subject. “I do know one thing, he’s good for you. You’ve been happier and more open since he came around.”

  Her increased openness was due to Stephen beating the crap out of her. It essentially forced her into trusting Nick and Shelley, but she nodded.

  Shelley wrapped an arm around Carlie and squeezed her shoulders. “I think he must care about you. Just this dress alone, not counting whatever you do on the date, Nick’s spent a lot of money to impress you.” She grinned, as though the amount he spent was directly proportionate to how sincere his feelings were.

  “Yeah. I guess that’s true.”

  “So let’s not worry about his motives. He must be serious. No guy would go to all this expense for a simple booty call.”

  What Shelley didn’t seem to remember was Carlie already had a man spend lots of money on her. It was Ryan’s way of life and didn’t have anything to do with love or wanting to make her happy.

  Nick had a lot of money too. Hopefully her trust was well placed and he really was a better man than Ryan.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  As he pulled into the driveway, it pleased Nick to see Shelley’s car was already gone. That must mean his date was ready for him. He hadn’t found any additional information about Prince Rayhan and Princess Stephanie than what S.A.T.O. already provided. Unfortunately, her maid of honor was never named in the information he found, so Nick couldn’t determine Carlie’s true identity and his search went cold. Still, he decided not to let it spoil their night.

  It didn’t matter who she was in the past—what was important now was the future. The goal was to let her know he truly cared for her. It was now or never. He only had a few days before all hell might break loose, depending on what the President decided. He wanted to enjoy the time with Carlie—let himself feel joy for the first time in far too long.

  Tucking the jewelry box into the band of his slacks, Nick climbed out of the car and made sure his tux jacket hid it from few. He retrieved the single long-steamed rose from the dashboard and made his way to the porch. Ringing the bell, Nick smiled when he heard immediate movement on the other side of the door. Carlie was ready and waiting for him.

  The door pulled open onto the most beautiful sight he’d ever enjoyed. Carlie had curled her long blond hair and pulled up on one side, soft and feminine. The dress hugged her torso like a second skin, drawing attention to her slight, but lovely, curves before flaring around her legs. Classy. Elegant.

  He glanced back up and caught her gaze. Her eyes were as blue as the sky on a bright day. A grin flirted across her face and Nick smiled in return.

  “You, my lady, are a vision of perfection and beauty.” He held out the rose.

  She accepted the flower and raised it to her nose, her cheeks turning slightly pink. “And you look fantastic. Very handsome.” Lifting her free hand to his face, she caressed his cheek. “I’m really excited about tonight.”

  “Me too.” He turned his face into her hand, kissing her palm. “But there’s a problem.”

  “Oh no! What’s wrong?”

  The look of dismay on her face almost made him feel guilty for worrying her. Carlie was used to things going wrong in her life. However, he was about to make it up to her. He stepped inside the door, forcing her back as he closed it behind him.

  “Well,” he continued, grabbing her hand and pulling her close to his body, “your dress is missing something.”

  “Oh, that. Don’t worry, I won’t get hypothermia on this date. Shelley lent me her wrap, so I don’t have to wear my ugly coat.” She snuggled into his neck and kissed it softly. “You smell so good.”

  He dropped a kiss into her hair, noting that she smelled of vanilla. “So do you. Your scent is like sunshine.”

  Laughing, she pushed away from him. “Okay. We’re getting too sappy even for me to handle.”

  “You started it.” He reached beneath his jacket and pulled out the slender box. “I didn’t mean a coat, though. Your neck is too bare for my tastes.” He opened the case.

  Carlie gasped, dropping the rose to the ground as she covered her mouth. “Nick, you can’t be serious. That’s too much.”

  The necklace had strands of tiny diamonds encased in white gold, creating two thin, sparkling chains, which wound together. In the center of the box was a pair of diamond earrings. All told, the set cost more money than Nick had ever spent on a woman, but Carlie wasn’t just any woman. He was coming to realize she was worth much more than money.

  “It’s not too much,” he insisted. “I went with something delicate, beautiful but not overwhelming. When I saw it, I knew it would look perfect on you. Do you like it?”

  She lightly fingered the chain. “It’s so pretty.”

  “Like you.” He set the box on the coffee table and picked up the necklace, twirling his fingers in a spinning motion to get Carlie to turn around.

  She lifted her hair out of the way, and Nick put the chain around her neck, surprised at the way his hands shook while he fastened the clasp. He wanted tonight to be perfect—he wanted to make her happy. Inhaling deeply, he lost himself in her scent and kissed her bare shoulder.

  A shudder went through her, but she dropped her hair across his face and stepped away. “None of that, or we’ll never make it out of the house.”

  Nick handed her the earrings. “I’d be okay with that.”

  “I wouldn’t. I’m excited to find out what you planned for tonight.” She put the earrings in. “Let me see how this looks, and then I’ll grab my wrap and we can leave.”

  Deciding he better keep his hands to himself, Nick stuffed them in his pockets, admiring the view as Carlie walked f
rom the room. Even though they could certainly have a fun time here, he looked forward to taking her out on the town. First, they’d eat dinner at a five-star restaurant overlooking Elliot Bay, which had breathtaking views of the Seattle skyline. He’d heard great things about the place. Luckily, he secured a reservation even on short notice. Any night other than a Sunday, the restaurant would have been fully booked.

  After dinner, he’d take her to the symphony at Benaroya Hall. Tonight’s performance would be a lot of popular classical tunes, and he hoped that would please her most of all. Often the tunes she hummed while cooking where vaguely familiar, and Nick thought they were all classic songs.

  Knowing she had once been friends with a princess, he wondered if his plans would seem impressive or commonplace. Then again, even if she went fabulous places with Rayhan and Stephanie, Carlie had been running for six years. Plus, she’d never experienced those things with him. Hopefully that alone made it special.

  He picked her rose up off the floor, amused that in her excitement over the diamonds she completely forgot about it. Then again, he’d been so taken in by the nearness of her, he forgot about it too. Setting it on the coffee table, the sound of heels clicking on the hallway floor caused him to look up.

  Carlie walked back in, a white wrap in her hands. Her new jewelry sparkled in the light, made all the more beautiful by her wide smile.

  Nick took the wrap from her and placed it across her shoulders. “Ready to go?”

  She threaded her arm through his and nodded.

  “Every man there is going to be jealous.”

  Laughing, she bumped her hip against his. “So will every woman.”

  “I won’t even notice the other women.” The real question was whether he would ever notice another woman again. With Carlie by his side, he felt happy and satisfied. He knew she worried that the only thing between them was sex, but he felt it was much more than that and wanted to prove it to her.

  Tonight, he would open up and show her who he truly was, even if he had to leave out parts of his past. They left the house and Nick helped Carlie into the car, proud to have such an amazing lady as a part of his life. She truly did fit. It might have been a line invented to make her trust him, but it was truer than he ever expected.


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