Dark Moonlight: Lunar Rising

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by N. M. Williams

  Chapter 4

  Skye was sitting in her English class waiting for the announcement for cheerleaders, football players, and marching band members to be dismissed for the pep rally. Friday’s were here favorite days during the football season. Not only does she get to cheer on the sidelines for the Jaguars, but her high school holds a pep rally in the gymnasium every Friday during the season.

  “What’s taking them so long? It’s already one fifty.”

  “They’ll announce us, Skye. Just be patient. They didn’t forget.”

  Their English teacher, Mr. Stratus, did not normally teach anything during his period on a Friday. The students were free to talk amongst themselves while they wait for everyone to be announced to the gymnasium.

  “I wonder if the new kid will be at the pep rally today,” Skye asked Roxy.

  “I’m sure he will. Everyone must attend.”

  It’s been four days since the new kid arrived and Skye still did not know his name. She tried to bump into him in the halls, accidentally of course, with no luck. It almost seemed like he was going out of his way to avoid her.

  “Will the members of the marching band, football team, and cheerleading squad please report to the gymnasium for the pep rally,” their office secretary announced over the school’s PA system.

  “Finally!” Skye exclaimed

  Skye, Roxy, and Maddie packed up their belongings and headed to their lockers to get their uniforms. It was the second home game of the season and Skye was more than excited about standing on their field again.

  “Do you think we’ll beat the Cougars tonight?” Maddie asked as they walked down the hall.

  “I hope so. We didn't have much luck the first game.” Roxy said as she grabbed her duffle bag.

  “Either way it will be a fun night!” said Skye beaming with excitement.

  The girls hurried into the restroom to change into their skirts and top. Skye had her cheer bow in all day to help save some time. She always wore her hair half up, half down with a cute, little bump in the front to exaggerate the volume.

  As the girls walked to the gymnasium, members of the football team were seen hanging out outside the doors waiting to be announced in. They would cat call and whistle at the cheerleaders as they walked by. Skye would eat the attention up. She never had any intentions on doing anything with the guys, she just loved being noticed.

  “See, now why can’t that new kid even say hi to me?”

  “Give it time, Skye. Give it time.” Roxy said as they made their way onto the gymnasium floor.

  With the marching band playing it was hard to hear the announcements coming over the loud speaker. Students began making their way to their seats in the bleachers.

  At two o’clock sharp, their principal, Mr. Vance, was ready to begin the pep rally. Cheerleaders were lined up on both ends of the gymnasium floor so every student did not feel left out. The cheerleaders were there to get the students pumped up for the big game that night.

  “Please rise for the Star Spangled Banner,” said Mr. Vance. Every student stood up, faced the flag, and listened as the marching band played America’s colors. Immediately after, the band played the school’s Alma Mater. This was a tradition that they do at every pep rally and football game. Both songs had to be played before continuing on with the ceremonies.

  “Stay standing as we introduce your 2018 Jaguar football team!” Mr. Vance said through excited cheers. The drumline started off the Jaguar fight song.

  As Skye was dancing to their fight song on the floor, she noticed the new kid was coming in with the football team. She looked over at Roxy who was too busy going through the motions to notice Skye looking at her.

  “I wonder if she saw him, too,” Skye said out loud to herself.

  Once the marching band finished playing, all the students sat, the football team sat, and the cheerleaders stood in attention.

  “We’re playing at home tonight,” Mr. Vance began. “We will be going up against the Cougars.”

  Applause and cheering could be heard throughout the gymnasium with every sentence Mr. Vance said. Skye could not help herself but look over at the new kid. He was wearing number fifty six. He really did look good in a football jersey. She never dated a football player. In fact, she made it a point not to. Flirting with them was one thing, but she did not want a relationship with one. She did not want a relationship at all.

  As the principal was getting the crowd excited, Roxy looked over at Skye with her do-you-see-him look. Skye could not help but smile and laugh to herself.

  Mr. Vance broke Skye out of her stare. “Cheerleaders! Grab your hula hoops and please go to the middle of the floor.”

  Skye, Roxy, Maddie, and the rest of their squad, ran over and picked up ten hula hoops, all ranging in size and color. Skye picked up the glittery pink one, since pink was her favorite color. Roxy chose the blue and white striped one. Maddie grabbed the purple and orange polka dotted one. Once the cheerleaders had their hula hoops, they went to the center floor.

  “We are going to have a hula hoop contest between the cheerleaders and the football team!” Mr. Vance said as a matter of fact. This was the contest for today’s pep rally. “Five cheerleaders and five football players will be picked to compete! Captains, pick your players!”

  “A hula hoop contest! Alright, who are we going to pick?” Maddie was looking at her squad hoping to pick the best. “Well, Skye you’ll be up. Sarah, are you ready to go? Jess I know you want to. And how about Brittany and Krista. Yeah, you five should be good!” Maddie sent those five girls on their way, waiting on the football team.

  Skye looked over at Roxy and smiled. She knew a hula hoop contest would be no contest to her. She had this already won.

  “Football team, do you have your five players?” Mr. Vance asked, impatiently.

  Five players, including the new kid, came to the center of the floor. He stood next to Skye with his blue and white striped hula hoop as they waited for the contest to begin.

  “Is everybody ready?” Mr. Vance asked the group on the floor. “Are you all ready for some hula hooping?” Mr. Vance asked the crowd and he was welcomed by loud cheering. “Alright then! In five, four, three, two, one……go!”

  Everyone grabbed their hoops and started to spin them around their waist. Two of the football players had their hula hoops dropped after one spin. The cheerleaders, and remaining three football players were going strong. The football players were not graceful, but they did keep the hula hoop going.

  Skye was getting bored just standing there so she started to get fancy with her hula hooping. She would walk in circles. She would walk around everyone else hula hooping. It was just her way of showing off.

  A few minutes went by. It was now Skye, the new kid, Krista, and Jess that were left.

  “You’re pretty good at this.” Skye looked over at the new kid who was actually talking to her.

  “Yeah, thanks. I used to play with these all the time when I was a kid.”

  She looked over at Roxy to see if she saw what was happening, but Roxy was too busy talking to the football team sitting behind her.

  “My name’s Jason, by the way. I don’t think I introduced myself to you.”

  Skye was smiling sweetly, “I’m Skye. It’s nice to meet you, Jason.”

  Jessica and Krista dropped their hula hoops. Only Skye and Jason remained.

  “Looks like it’s just down to you and me,” said Jason in a playful manner.

  “What do you think, folks. Should we increase the challenge?” Mr. Vance asked.

  The students roared in the gymnasium. “Okay, stop! You each need to keep two hula hoops going at the same time. Whoever drops one or both first loses.”

  “I don’t think I can do two,” Jason said with a laugh.

  “Well then I guess I’ll still reign queen of the hula hoops then!” Skye said jokingly back.

  They each had their two hula hoops and were waiting for Mr. Vance to give them the okay to continue.

  “Alright you two. On your mark. Get set. Go!” And with that, the contest was back on. The students could be heard cheering as Skye and Jason kept the hula hoops going. Cheers from all over the gymnasium could be heard. Some students just cheering. Others calling Skye’s name.

  One minute, twenty three seconds into the second contest, Jason dropped a hula hoop.

  “Looks like you’re still queen after all,” Jason said to Skye with a smile.

  “I guess so. That was fun! You’re pretty good.”

  Jason went to return to the football team while Skye picked up the remaining hula hoops. She dropped them off by the door before rejoining her squad.

  “You did great, Skye!” said Roxy as she handed Skye back her pom-poms.

  “Thanks. By the way, his name is Jason.”

  “This concludes our pep rally. Cheerleaders please come to the floor as the marching band performs our fight song one last time.”

  The marching band’s drumline started giving the beat and within seconds the fight song was being played. As the marching band played, and the cheerleaders danced, the football team exited the gymnasium. Once the marching band finished, the cheerleaders left, followed by the band, and lastly the remaining students.

  “Ready to head over to my house to grab a bite to eat?” Skye asked Roxy as they walked out of the gymnasium.

  “Sounds good to me! I wouldn’t want to miss your mom’s cooking before a big game,” Roxy said as she pulled her phone out of her purse.

  As the girls left the school, they noticed Jason waiting by the entrance.

  “Hey, Skye,” Jason said as he approached them. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Skye looked at Roxy who gave her the go-talk-to-him look.

  “Yeah, sure.” Skye made her way over to wear Jason was standing.

  “You really got some moves! Sorry I didn’t introduce myself before. You’re just really pretty and I felt intimidated,” he said with a small chuckle.

  “That’s okay, but why are you telling me this? You don’t need to apologize or give me an excuse,” Skye said with a small laugh. “Really it’s not a big deal.”

  “I know, but I wanted to at least say hi to you. I think the guys know I wanted to talk to you or else they wouldn’t have sent me up to the floor for that contest.”

  “Really, it’s cool,” Skye said still smiling her sweet smile. “So fifty six, huh? I’ll have to keep my eye on you during the game tonight.”

  “Yeah, it should be good. I can’t wait to see you standing on the sidelines cheering us on, either.”

  Skye started to blush a little, hoping Jason did not notice.

  “Well, anyway, I’ll see you at the game tonight.”

  With that Jason had started heading towards the parking lot. Skye walked back over to where Roxy was standing. She looked at Skye with a playful expression like she already knew what happened.

  The girls walked back to Skye’s house to get ready for the game. After all, Skye now had someone to pay attention to.

  Chapter 5

  Skye laid on her bed while she waited for Roxy to finish getting ready for the game. She did not know how to think of her interaction with Jason. She really did think he was cute, but he is a football player. Skye was still adamant on not getting involved with football players.

  “Well, it is obvious you like him,” Roxy said as she straightened her cheer bow in front of Skye’s mirror.

  “But he’s a football player, Rox. It’s too cliché”

  Skye rolled over onto her stomach and watched her friend finish getting ready. It was only five o’clock so they still had an hour before they were required to be at the field. “Besides, I’m not so sure he’s even my type.”

  “Skye, you don’t have a type.” Roxy rolled her eyes at Skye and the two girls started to giggle. “Your only type is cute.”

  Skye threw a pillow at Roxy. “Yeah, well it still counts!”

  “Ready to go? We can take the long way to the stadium tonight if you want. It beats just sitting around here for another hour.”

  Skye bounced off her bed and went to the corner of her room where her duffle bag and pom-poms were sitting. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

  Skye shoved her pom-poms into her duffle bag and walked out of her bedroom door. Skye’s parents were sitting in the living room watching their local news when the girls came down.

  “Leaving already?” Tom asked, looking at the girls holding their gear.

  “Yeah, it’s a nice night so we’re going to take the long way to the stadium tonight.”

  “Alright. Be careful, you two. We’ll see you at the game soon.”

  Skye gave her parents a hug and then she and Roxy left the house. It was only five twenty so they had plenty of time to spare.

  “I still can’t believe Jason almost beat me today at the pep rally,” Skye said as she kicked up a crisp, fallen leaf. “No one has ever come that close before.”

  “When I saw you two talking on the floor I thought for sure you were going to lose your focus. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look at a guy the way you were looking at him.” Roxy gently nudged her friend in the shoulder, almost knocking her into a leaf pile.

  “You think? I didn’t think I was looking at him any different than I do all the other guys in our school.”

  The girls arrived at the stadium fifteen minutes early. The Jaguars were still on the field finishing their warm-ups. Jason saw Skye walk in and he gave her a small wave. Skye felt herself blush a little as she waved and smiled back.

  “Oh my gosh! Skye are you blushing!?” Roxy looked at her friend in disbelief. “What is with you, girl?”

  Skye looked over at her friend, still smiling, before saying “shut up” in-between clenched teeth. The girls went down to the sidelines to drop off their duffle bags and pom-poms while they waited for the rest of the squad to arrive.

  Maddie, Jessica, and Krista were already on the field stretching. Skye and Roxy went to join them. The air was cooler that night. They were still wearing only their skirts and tops for the game. Skye was happy about that, even if it meant she would be a little chilled. Her warm-up was in her duffle bag so if she needed it, or if their coach told them to put them on, she at least had it with her.

  The stadium lights shone over head as the bleachers began filling up with fans for both the Jaguars and the Cougars. The cheerleaders were waiting by the tunnel for the announcer to welcome the Jaguars to the field. The marching band had taken their place on the field, too. Everyone was ready for the game to begin.

  “Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls! Let’s welcome your Jaguars!” The announcer was heard. It was almost game time. As the players came out, the cheerleaders were cheering and waving their pom-poms with every member called.

  As Jason ran through the cheerleaders’ line-up, he looked at Skye and did not take his eyes off her until he was out of her sight. Roxy and Skye just looked at each other, unsure of what to think. The announcer finished introducing the Jaguars football team without Skye realizing it. She was still in awe that he looked at her like that.

  “Please rise and remove your hats, as the marching band proudly presents America.”

  The marching band began playing the Star Spangled Banner, followed by the Alma Mater, and then finally the fight song. Skye was silent walking back over to the sidelines. She could not get his image out of her head.

  “You okay, Skye?” Maddie asked as they got a drink before kick off.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Just ready for the game to start,” she said with a smile.

  The girls quickly formed their lines on the sideline and began to cheer loud and proud for their Jaguars. They were due for a win and one way or another they would get it tonight.

  Chapter 6

  The football game was underway. Skye would periodically turn around while cheering to see if Jason had taken the field. She did not know much about football and was beginning to regret not sitting down with her dad and
uncles to learn the game on Sundays.

  “Skye, you ready for a basket toss?” Roxy pulled Skye away from her thoughts.


  As Skye was thrown into the air she made sure to arch her back a little extra just so she can see the field. It was only a quick second so she could not get a good look. Once she landed she glanced behind her to see what was going on.

  She went over for another drink of water when she saw Jason hit another player who had jumped to catch the football. Hard. The play stopped and the referee was seen waving over to the Cougars coach for assistance. The Jaguar’s cheerleaders, Cougar’s cheerleaders, and both football teams were taking a knee.

  “How hard could he have hit him?” Skye whispered to Roxy. It was normal to see players down, but never has Skye seen a hit so bad that the coach had to call the ambulance over.

  “I don’t know, but it must have been good.”

  The girls could hear the Jaguar’s football coach next to them say Jason had broken kid’s leg. Jason went in with a shoulder and that is all it took.

  “Can you imagine having that much strength?” Maddie asked Jessica. “I mean, that’s unreal!”

  The player was seen taken off the field on the stretcher. “He’ll be okay, girls.” The football coach gave them a reassuring smile after seeing their faces. The cheerleaders, football players, marching bands, and fans were applauding after he was wheeled off the field. He managed to give everyone a thumb’s up before being loaded into the back of the ambulance.

  For safety of the game, they were not allowed to continue until another ambulance arrived on scene. Thankfully, it only took five minutes before one arrived. The referee blew his whistle and the game was back on. Since it was a legal hit, Jason was still in the game.

  The Jaguars were leading at half time 21 to 14. Skye still could not believe the hit Jason had on that poor kid. It just did not seem real. She was standing by her duffle bag when Roxy came over and joined her.


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