Dark Moonlight: Lunar Rising

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Dark Moonlight: Lunar Rising Page 8

by N. M. Williams

  Skye: He’s still not here. Do I text him?

  Roxy: Not yet. I’d give him until about quarter after. If he doesn’t show by then I’d get ahold of him.

  Skye sat on the couch watching the next episode of Emergency.

  “Are you okay?” Cathy asked, noticing Skye’s leg bouncing all over.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just not sure why he isn’t here yet is all.”

  “Give him some time,” Tom began, “He’s probably just running a little late.”

  I hope so.

  It was six fifteen and Jason was still no where to be seen.

  Skye: Hey :) Are you still coming?

  Skye put her phone down next to her nervously. He had not gotten a hold of her since Friday afternoon at school. The clock kept ticking. Six sixteen. Six seventeen. Six eighteen. No reply yet from Jason.

  Skye: I sent him a text and he still hasn’t answered. It’s been 3 minutes!

  Roxy: Breathe, Skye. I doubt he’d stand you up.

  Skye: IDK. He should’ve been here by now or at least given me a heads up.

  Roxy: I agree.

  Skye waited until six thirty before calling it quits. She went upstairs to get into her pajamas, take off her make-up, undo her hair, and just crawl into bed. Jason had stood her up.

  Chapter 24

  Skye and Roxy were back in homeroom Monday morning. She still had not heard from Jason and at that point she did not even care. Anyone who would do that to her does not even deserve her attention.

  “I really don’t feel like seeing him next period.”

  “I can’t say I blame you. I wouldn’t want to either. What an ass!”

  The bell rang to signify the period change. Great.

  Skye and Roxy took their seats in anatomy. Jason made his way through the door as the late bell rang. He sat down next to Skye and smiled at her. Skye did not even look at him.

  Skye: OMG he seriously sat next to me still?

  Roxy: Pretty nervy if you ask me.

  “Alright, class, it’s time to have our review for you muscular system test.”

  Groans could be heard all throughout the classroom.

  “Now, now it won’t be so bad. Let’s begin.”

  Skye felt her phone vibrate. She pulled it out only to see a text from Jason.

  Jason: What’s wrong?

  She put her phone back in her purse without even bothering to open the message. She did not need to show him the ‘read’ on the iMessages app for him to know she ignored it.

  Skye just focused on the class and counted down until the period would end so she could get out of the hell that Jason was causing.

  As soon as the bell rang she closed up her notebook, grabbed her things, and left without a word. She just wanted to get to Spanish where she and Roxy could have a class without him there.

  Skye was almost at the door when she felt a tug at her arm. She turned around and was standing face to face with Jason.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you talking to me?”

  Skye let out a laugh. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong!? Where were you Saturday? Why didn’t you tell me you couldn’t make it? Or better yet, why didn’t you even show up? Going to dinner was your idea and you weren’t even there!”

  Jason just looked at her, unsure of what to say.

  “Skye, I’m so sorry. I completely forgot about Saturday. I was -“

  The late bell rang as he was still talking.

  “Know what, I don’t want to hear your excuses. I have class to get to.”

  And just like that Skye left Jason standing in the hallway outside of Spanish.

  Chapter 25

  “It’s about time you showed up, you’re never walking in at the late bell.” Roxy said as Skye took her seat.

  “Ran into Jason, but it’s all good. I’m over it.”

  “Buenas mañanas, clase”

  “Buenas mañanas señora Velasquez.”

  Skye had never been so thankful to have a Spanish test. She did not feel like thinking about anything or even learning at the moment for that matter. All she had to do was answer a few questions and she would be done with the period.

  The remainder of the day went on as normal. Skye had not seen or heard from Jason since second period, not that she was complaining. She and Roxy were leaving for the day when she felt her phone vibrate.

  Jason: I really need to talk to you. Please don’t leave school, yet.

  Skye rolled her eyes and showed Roxy the text from Jason.

  “Well, are you going to wait?”

  “I don’t know. Should I?”

  “You might get an explanation as to why he stood you up Saturday.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  Skye thought for a moment. It would be nice to get a reason.

  “Yeah, I’ll go see him. I’ll text you after and let you know what he said.”

  Roxy gave Skye a good luck smile and walked out to where Diana was waiting for her.

  Skye met Jason sitting on the bleachers by the soccer field.

  “Alright, I’m here. What do you want?”

  “Look, I know I haven’t been fair and treating you right. There’s a lot going on that you don’t know about. But believe me, Skye, there is no one I want to spend my time with more than you.”

  Skye stood there listening to him with an annoyed look on her face. She may be good at hiding her feelings, but her facial expressions could use some work.

  “Well, you have a funny way of showing it.”

  “I know. Listen, I want to take you out. Tonight. Go home and drop your books off. I’ll be there to pick you up in about an hour.”

  Skye just looked at him, not having to tell him she did not believe him.

  “I promise.”

  Skye took a deep breath. “Fine.”

  Jason smiled at her before leading her up to the parking lot. Skye left to go home. She was not completely sure he meant what he said, but if he stood her up again there was not going to be anymore chances.

  Third time’s the charm? Guess we’ll see.

  Chapter 26

  Skye walked into her house and dropped her backpack off in her bedroom. She came back downstairs to see Cathy cooking dinner. She was making BBQ pork chops with mashed potatoes as a side. It smelled great.

  “I hope you’re hungry!” Cathy said as she saw Skye enter the kitchen.

  “I am, but I guess Jason’s coming to pick me up to take me out tonight. I don’t know if he’s really coming or not, but I figured I’d give him until four thirty and if I don’t hear from him then we’re done. I’m not going to waste my time on someone who doesn’t put that much effort into me.”

  Cathy looked at her when she was done venting. “Okay, sweetie. Well, I guess we’ll see what happens.”

  It was four fifteen when there was a knock at the door. Tom answered it to find Jason standing outside with a bouquet of rainbow roses. “Hi, Mr. Collins. Is Skye ready?”

  “Skye!” Tom said from the living room.

  “Well, I guess he’s here,” Skye said to her mom before turning to leave. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “Not too late, Skylar, it is a school night.”

  Skye kissed her dad on the cheek and left with Jason.

  “You actually showed up,” Skye said once the two of them were outside. She really was surprised.

  “I told you I would.”

  Jason opened the car door for her to get in. He jumped in and started up his Charger. Bad Moon by Hollywood Undead began playing.

  “How appropriate that tonight’s a full moon,” Skye teased.

  “It is?” Jason asked, looking nervous.

  “Well, yeah. I mean it has been four weeks since the last one.”

  Skye pulled out her phone and asked Siri when the October full moon was. Sure enough, it was tonight.

  Jason pulled into the Olive Garden parking lot. He went around and opened up the car door for Skye so she could get out.


  The two of them took their seats inside the restaurant. Skye ordered her usual, chicken and gnocchi soup. Jason ordered the tour of Italy.

  “I am really sorry about Saturday. There’s just so much in my life that I really wish I could tell you, but I can’t. At least not right now.”

  “Why not? I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

  “I know. It has nothing to do with that. I can’t explain any of it. I want to, but now’s not the time.”

  Skye started to open her mouth and ask a question, until the waitress brought their food.

  “Well, whatever you’re going through all you have to do is tell me and I would understand. But since you don’t want to, let’s eat.”

  Skye picked up a breadstick and dunk it in her soup. Jason started to eat his tour of Italy, but got up suddenly.

  “You okay?” Skye asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll be right back.”

  Unsure of what to think, Skye decided to follow him. He ditched her once so she felt like he would do it again. She saw him go outside into the parking lot, but not get into his car. She followed behind and crouched down near a bush.

  The sun was just about set when they went outside. The moon had started to rise. She could see Jason bent down on the pavement as if he were in pain. And then she saw it. She saw what it was that had him miss football games and dates.

  She saw his clothes begin to rip. She saw his body start to get covered with hair. His nose and mouth formed a snout. Where his hands and feet once were, now were claws. His ears turned pointed. His teeth were long and fang-like. He now had a tail.

  Skye fell out of her crouch and gasped as she covered her mouth. Jason let out a howl at the moon before running off into the night.

  Jason was a werewolf. That’s what he couldn’t tell me.

  Skye thought she was dreaming. This can’t possibly be real! Werewolves aren’t real!

  She went back inside the restaurant and just sat there at their table. She pulled out her phone and called her parents to come pick her up. She could not tell them what happened, but she knew she had to get out of there. She called the waitress over, boxed up their food, and paid her tab.

  Chapter 27

  Skye stood outside of Olive Garden with her soup bowl waiting for Tom to arrive to pick her up. She still was not completely sure what is was she saw. Maybe it was just the lighting? There’s no way my boyfriend is a werewolf.

  Tom’s Honda Pilot pulled up to the door where Skye was standing. She took a deep breath and forced herself to not look uneasy. She opened the passenger door and climbed into the SUV.

  “You alright, sweetie?” Tom asked, concerned about why Skye had him come pick her up.

  “Yeah, dad. I’m okay. Jason wasn’t feeling well and had to leave in a hurry. He didn’t mean to leave me stranded,” Skye said, forcing herself to give a small laugh so she sounded like her normal self.

  “Well, hopefully he’ll feel better soon.”

  The drive home was peaceful. Neither Skye nor Tom talk much when riding in a car. They had the music of the radio to break the silence. Skye did not mind not having any conversation. She was afraid she would talk about what she saw, well, what she thinks she saw, and sound like an idiot.

  Tom parked the Pilot in their garage when they made it back home. Skye got out of the SUV and headed into the kitchen. She placed her soup and breadsticks in the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of water, and went to head upstairs to her room.

  “Skye!” Cathy called out from the dining room.

  “Yeah, mom?”

  “Is everything okay? I wasn’t expecting you to be home so soon.”

  “Yeah, mom, everything’s fine. Jason was just sick.”

  “Oh, dear, I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “It’s fine. I think I’m just going to head to my room and get some studying done. I have an anatomy test tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay. Good luck and have a good night.”

  “Thanks, love you.”

  And with that Skye walked upstairs to her bedroom. She threw herself down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She still was unsure about what she saw. Regardless of what she thinks she saw, she cannot tell anyone. If she told someone about it that would all just laugh at her and think she has completely lost her mind.

  Did that really happen? What am I even supposed to think now? Jason? A werewolf? No way.

  What would I tell Roxy? My parents? I can’t tell anyone.

  But what now? Do I just avoid and ignore Jason?

  She has feelings for him, even after everything, but is that even the right thing to do?

  There was too much to think about. She had a lot to consider in a short amount of time. Not to mention, she really does have an anatomy test to study for.

  If I don’t study, I won’t get a good grade. But if I try to study, I’ll just keep thinking about Jason. Either way, it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting much accomplished tonight.

  She looked at her phone. She had a few texts from Roxy, some Instagram notifications, and a FaceBook message. These can wait.

  It was six o’clock so it was too early for her to consider going to sleep. Jason was out there, somewhere. Knowing she will not be getting much of anything done until she had answers, she decided to go after Jason. She knew nothing of hunting or even how to track anyone, but she did know werewolves howl. If she hears any howling, she will know where to start.

  The muscular system can wait. Skye needed answers, and she needed them now.




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