Sealed with a promise

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Sealed with a promise Page 36

by Mary Margret Daughtridge

  She ste­ered him-he let her ste­er him and they both knew it-un­til his legs bum­ped the big desk. “Sit. So­me­body is go­ing to co­me lo­oking for us in a mi­nu­te tho­ugh, and we ne­ed to talk.”

  “The fo­ur sca­ri­est words in the En­g­lish lan­gu­age.” He ope­ned his legs and pul­led her bet­we­en them. “How ‘bo­ut we ma­ke out in­s­te­ad?”

  “Ca­leb, be se­ri­o­us a mi­nu­te. You just got as com­p­le­te a re­j­ec­ti­on as pos­sib­le. I’ll ne­ver fe­el sorry for myself aga­in be­ca­use my pa­rents’ work to­ok them away from me. How do you fe­el?”


  Emmie frow­ned at him.


  Go­od Lord, this was the man’s idea of sha­ring his fe­elings.

  “Sort of light. You know, it’s stran­ge. I had de­ci­ded if he didn’t know I was his son, I wasn’t go­ing to tell him.”

  “Except we both think he did know. Fa­ir­c­hild did an­y­way. Fa­ir­c­hild knew yo­ur gran­d­fat­her when he was a yo­ung man-he gu­es­sed who you we­re as so­on as he saw you. Af­ter that, he tri­ed to ke­ep you as far away from the Cal­ho­uns as he co­uld-in­c­lu­ding of­fe­ring me in­du­ce­ments to dump you.”

  “Whe­re is Fa­ir­c­hild, the­se days? Char­lot­te cal­led me every few days with an up­da­te on Vic­to­ria’s con­di­ti­on, but she ne­ver sa­id an­y­t­hing abo­ut him.”

  “Char­lot­te re­la­tes only on a ne­ed-to-know ba­sis, but Wil­min­g­ton gos­sip says she kic­ked him out of her ho­use. And don’t chan­ge the su­bj­ect. We’re tal­king abo­ut how you fe­el. Will you be okay if Te­ague ne­ver ac­k­now­led­ges you’re his son?”

  His ex­p­res­si­on chan­ged. His mo­bi­le lips mo­ved in a swe­et smi­le she’d ne­ver se­en be­fo­re. His eyes wi­de­ned and sof­te­ned in a lo­ok of awe. “You’re pro­tec­ting me aga­in, aren’t you?”

  Emmie bit her lip and nod­ded. “I lo­ve you.”

  Ca­leb pul­led her in­to his arms with a so­und bet­we­en a gro­an and a la­ugh. “Okay, lit­tle she-be­ar.” He roc­ked her in his arms. “Okay. The­re was a mo­ment when I re­ali­zed I was free to des­t­roy him or tor­tu­re him for the rest of his li­fe. It was li­ke the Lords of Kar­ma sa­id, ‘You dre­amed of this a long ti­me. Are you su­re you want to let it go?’”

  “Yes, you we­re loc­ked in a strug­gle for po­wer when I ca­me in. What ma­de the dif­fe­ren­ce?”

  “You did.”


  “Ye­ah. You sa­id we ne­eded to stop so I co­uld hold yo­ur hand. And I re­mem­be­red I had you, al­ways at my back, re­ady to gu­ard my six. Not­hing that Cal­ho­un did or didn’t do mat­te­red. I had al­re­ady ga­ined mo­re than I had lost. Now let me ask you a qu­es­ti­on. Are you still wil­ling to be en­ga­ged to me, kno­wing I’ll ne­ver in­he­rit the Cal­ho­un mil­li­ons?”

  “Do you lo­ve me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Then I don’t ne­ed the pro­mi­se of mil­li­ons. I only want the pro­mi­se of li­fe with you.”


  I’m al­ways ama­zed and hum­b­led when I start co­un­ting all the pe­op­le who con­t­ri­bu­ted to a bo­ok.

  For­mer SE­AL, J.C. Ro­at, aut­hor of Class 29, is al­ways the­re for me, dis­cus­sing ide­as, len­ding a sho­ul­der to cry on. He lo­ca­ted anot­her for­mer SE­AL, Rick Brem­seth, Cap­ta­in, USN (ret.) when I ne­eded so­me­one who co­uld talk with me abo­ut Re­mo­te Vi­ewing (cla­ir­vo­yan­ce) ap­pli­ca­ti­ons wit­hin Spe­ci­al Ope­ra­ti­ons. Both te­ase me abo­ut wri­ting “mush.” Both are al­ways re­ady to help with wha­te­ver bac­k­g­ro­und I ne­ed.

  Tim Ward tho­ught I was put­ting him on when I wal­ked in­to the So­ut­hern Fi­re­arms Gun Shop and as­ked what kind of rif­le a sni­per uses and how it works. A for­mer Army sni­per him­self, he sho­wed me an M-14 rif­le and ga­ve me in­sight in­to how Ca­leb and his te­am wo­uld re­act to any de­re­lic­ti­on of duty.

  The ho­use whe­re Se­na­tor Cal­ho­un and his fa­mily li­ve is mo­de­led on the Brid­ger’s Man­si­on, to­day the ele­gant Gray­s­to­ne Inn, a BB in the his­to­ric sec­ti­on of Wil­min­g­ton. The in­nke­eper, Ric­hard Mo­ore, to­ok an af­ter­no­on to show me its gran­de­ur and its sec­rets. We dis­cus­sed the fe­asi­bi­lity of es­ca­ping via a bat­h­ro­om win­dow.

  Spe­aking of the AWOL sce­ne, it wo­uldn’t ha­ve be­en writ­ten wit­ho­ut the as­sis­tan­ce of V.K. Po­well. Dra­wing on her ex­pe­ri­en­ce as a for­mer po­li­ce cap­ta­in, she hel­ped me de­sign a boy­ho­od for Do-Lord and lent me in­sight in­to the phe­no­me­non of hyper­vi­gi­lan­ce.

  I’m for­tu­na­te to ha­ve two cri­ti­que par­t­ners: Jen­ni­fer Loh­man and Yvon­ne Har­ris. Char­lot­te Le­hec­ler is a ro­man­ce re­ader, not a wri­ter. Her in­sights we­re in­va­lu­ab­le.

  Spe­ci­al thanks go to a bunch of rowdy la­di­es: Dr. Eli­za­beth Va­ug­han, Ga­il Dur­gin, Julie Mi­lu­nic, and El­va Pugh, who con­vin­ced me the plot of SE­ALed With a Pro­mi­se wor­ked, drag­ged me out for ci­ne­ma the­rapy when I felt over­w­hel­med, and ma­de me we­ar ce­leb­rity sun­g­las­ses.

  Every wri­ter is de­pen­dent upon ot­her wri­ters for so­ur­ce ma­te­ri­al. I wo­uld par­ti­cu­larly li­ke to ac­k­now­led­ge In­si­de Del­ta For­ce by Eric Ha­ney, Com­man­dos: The In­si­de Story of Ame­ri­ca’s Sec­ret Sol­di­ers by Do­ug­las Wal­ler, and Down Ran­ge by Dick Co­uch for the­ir dis­cus­si­on of the ro­le of SE­ALs in Af­g­ha­nis­tan. Cold Ze­ro by Chris­top­her Whit­comb will tell you ever­y­t­hing you ever wan­ted to know abo­ut sni­pers. Fi­nal­ly, I must ac­k­now­led­ge Ric­hard Mar­cin­ko, fo­un­der of SE­AL Te­am Six, the first co­un­ter-ter­ro­rist SE­AL te­am, who­se auto­bi­og­raphy Ro­gue War­ri­or ga­ve me the idea for Do-Lord.

  My agent Step­ha­nie Evans and my edi­tor Deb Wer­k­s­man know wri­ters, and they know wri­ting. I am in­deb­ted to both for the­ir in­sights and en­co­ura­ge­ment at every step of brin­ging SE­ALed With A Pro­mi­se to com­p­le­ti­on.

  Abo­ut the Aut­hor

  Mary Mar­g­ret Da­ug­h­t­ridge, a So­ut­her­ner born and bred, has be­en a gra­de scho­ol te­ac­her, spe­ech the­ra­pist, fa­mily edu­ca­tor, bi­ofe­ed­back the­ra­pist, and Tran­s­per­so­nal Hypnot­he­ra­pist.

  Sin­ce 2002 she has be­en a mem­ber of He­art of Ca­ro­li­na Ro­man­ce Wri­ters, Ro­man­ce Wri­ters of Ame­ri­ca, and Ro­man­cing the Mi­li­tary So­ul, an on­li­ne wri­ting gro­up. She is a so­ug­ht-af­ter jud­ge in wri­ting con­tests.

  She lo­ves he­aring from re­aders and can be fo­und at mar­y­mar­g­ret­da­ug­h­t­rid­

  SEALed With A Kiss

  by Mary Margret Daughtridge

  The­re’s only one thing he can’t han­d­le, and one wo­man who can help him…

  Jax Gra­ham is a ro­ugh, to­ugh Navy SE­AL, but when it co­mes to ta­king ca­re of his fo­ur-ye­ar-old son af­ter his ex-wi­fe di­es, he’s com­p­le­tely clu­eless. Fa­mily the­ra­pist Pic­kett Ses­soms can help, but only if he’ll let her.

  When Jax and his lit­tle boy get trap­ped by a hur­ri­ca­ne, Pic­ket ta­kes them in aga­inst her bet­ter jud­g­ment. When the si­tu­ati­on turns de­adly, Pic­kett dis­co­vers what it me­ans to be a SE­AL, and Jax dis­co­vers that even a he­ro ne­eds help so­me­ti­mes.

  “ A he­art-to­uc­hing story that will ke­ep you smi­ling and che­ering for the cha­rac­ters cle­ar thro­ugh to the happy en­ding.” -Ro­man­tic Ti­mes

  “ A well-writ­ten ro­man­ce… si­mul­ta­ne­o­usly ten­der and sen­su­o­us.” -Bo­ok­list

  978- 1-4022-1118-8 • $6.99 U.S. / $8.99 CAN

  He'll do anything to move the mission


  Navy SE­AL, Ca­leb De­la­udc is de­adly char­ming. When he dis­co­vers that pro­fes­sor Em­mie Cad­din­g­ton's per­so­nal con­nec­ti­ons can help him get the dirty work do­ne, sets out to win her over. But her qu­ick in­tel­li­gen­ce and qu­ir­ky per­so­na­lity su­re do start to get un­der his skin…


  Emmie's smart and independent and isn't looking for a brawny guy to take ovei her life. Rut this rugged Navy SEAL, who seems so determined to get close to her, hides a fierce intelligence and deep sensitivity.

  When plans go wrong and a child's life is on the line,

  Emmie learns what it means to be a SEAL in action, and Caleb

  discovers that even a hero can get hurt sometimes…

  Pra­ise for SE­ALed with a Kiss:

  "A won­der­ful story that will ha­ve re­aders ex­pe­ri­en­cing rlwind of emo­ti­ons and that cul­mi­na­tes with an awe­so­me sce­ne that will ha­ve yo­ur pul­se po­un­ding."

  - Ro­man­ce jun­ki­es

  "It's an in­c­re­dibly po­wer­ful bo­ok! I la­ug­hed and snif­fled, was tur­ned on and tur­ned in­si­de out." - Qu­e­ue My Re­vi­ew

  "Be­a­uti­ful­ly writ­ten and of­ten po­ig­nant con­tem­po­rary ro­man­ce. ary Mar­g­ret Da­ug­h­t­rid­ge is a com­pel­ling new vo­ice who­se gift fo stor­y­tel­ling ma­kes her an aut­hor to watch." - Bo­ok Lo­ons

  "Gre­atly to­uc­hing and he­ar­t­war­ming, a cozy re­ad for a ra­iny can't wa­it to re­ad the next SE­ALs ro­man­ce!"

  - Re­vi­si­ting the Mo­on's Lib­rary

  ISBN- 13:978-1-4022-2351-8

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