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ReturntoRansom Page 2

by Regina Carlysle

  Lynn lifted the long skirt of her dress. It was dirty and a little tattered at the hem. She tossed her high heels to the floor of the truck, keeping a death grip on the paper bag she held. Confused by the whole thing, he stretched out a hand to help her inside and she grabbed it, clinging tightly as she hoisted herself in. Once she’d shut the door, her gaze immediately turned to the passenger window.

  “I’m Ransom Dobbs.”

  “I know who you are,” she whispered. “You’re T and Cooper’s brother.”

  “Need a ride home?”

  For a minute he didn’t think she’d answer. “Oh no, not yet. Please. Um, I don’t want Mom to know what happened.”

  When her voice broke over the words, he reached out. Her shoulder was warm from the heat and, he suspected, from the exertion of her walk. Nobody had ever accused him of being a gentle guy but he did his best when he gave her arm a little squeeze. “Want to talk about it?”

  “He told me to, um, fuck or walk.”

  Had to be her prom date. Only explanation. Tonight was the night and already T and Cooper had taken off to pick up their girlfriends for the event. Fury clouded Ransom’s brain. “And you walked?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Good girl. What’s with the sack?”

  Finally she looked at him. Tears dropped from her lashes to fall on her cheeks. She shook her head and glanced away again. One hand restlessly plucked at some flowers tied at her wrists. “When I got out of his truck, he threw it at me and told me to put it over my head. He said that was the only way anyone would ever go out with me.”

  Ran cursed, the sound raw and savage in the silence. Poor Lynn flinched then sank farther against the door. A choked sob burst from her lips and he couldn’t stand it. He just couldn’t. Reaching out, he pulled her against him and held her while she cried. “Shhh. It’s gonna be okay. I’m here and I won’t let anybody hurt you again. Got that? Okay now. That’s right, just cry it out, then in a little while I’ll get you home.”

  After she’d calmed down, he had placed a call to Cassie to explain things. Cassie had a soft heart and had offered good advice. So he stopped by the burger barn, picked up some food and took Lynn out to the city park, which was deserted at that time of night. He fed her, talked to her and played a little music until Lynn felt it was safe enough to go home and lie to her mom about how wonderful the prom had been.

  When Ransom dropped her at her front door, he’d gone on a quest for answers. It hadn’t taken a whole lot of investigation to figure out the name of the little asshole who had played fast and mean with the girl.

  Dusty Granger.

  The little shit was years younger than himself so kicking his ass wasn’t an option unless he wanted to spend the night in jail for hitting a minor. At the time, he’d vowed that one day he’d get what was coming to him.

  The years hadn’t been kind to Granger, and Ran wished he could be sorry about that but he figured a man got what he deserved in the end. Karma was a bitch. Dusty looked like a man who drank too much, fought too much and spent way too much time scrambling to evade the law. He was a bad dude destined for a bad end.

  Ran shook away the long-ago memory and returned his attention to Thelma, who suddenly waved her arms in an attempt to gain the attention of Mr. Raymond. “Oops. There he is. Guess I’d better run. My mister has promised me another dance,” she said. “Now you listen to me, young man. Don’t go running back to that big old lonely ranch, ya hear? Stick around and find yourself a pretty woman and have some fun.”

  “Fun. Okay, Miz Raymond,” he lied. “I’ll give it a shot.” As he watched her scamper off through the crowd, he shook his head. She was a character and meant well but he had no intention of remaining one second longer. He’d had enough socializing to last a while. Turning, he headed through the crowd, making a beeline for the entrance when he ran smack-dab into a wall of soft, female flesh. A startled cry alerted him just in time to watch the blonde fall backward, her sky-high heels giving way. Reacting instantly, he reached out to fill his hands with some mighty fine, sweetly delectable curves. “Whoa now, I’ve got you.”

  In the midst of the crowded bar, he picked up the scent of something alluring, expensive, classy. His libido kicked into overdrive. His fingers firmed on the woman’s waist and her gently rounded hips.

  Lord have mercy!

  Before he could blink, she righted herself then stared up at him from a pair of familiar heavily lashed dark eyes. He’d know them anywhere, but now there was something different, something new. Ran caught his breath as a warm smile lit her face with a confidence that had been missing all those many years ago. “Seems you’re always saving me, Ransom Dobbs,” she said on a breathy sigh. “But I’ll bet you don’t even remember me, do you?”

  She was a blast from the past but somehow fresh and different. She was a woman now, a gorgeous, incredible woman. Ransom took her in from top to toe, feeling the stirrings of desire that he hadn’t experienced in longer than he could recall. Over the years she had grown into her curves. She was tall, stacked and downright mouthwatering. But that pretty face was the same. “How could I forget you, Lynn Halstead? Welcome home.”

  Chapter Two

  It took every ounce of calm she possessed to behave in a nonchalant manner when all of her instincts cried out to simply climb up that big warrior’s body and wrap herself around him as if she were a vine. A little zip of pleasure raced through her system at that simple contact. Her mind flew back to that long-ago night, then mixed with her fantasies of what a real man should be. It was a heady thing. Maybe she hadn’t realized until this moment that she’d spent a lifetime comparing every man of her acquaintance to this rough, slow-talking cowboy.

  Keeping outwardly cool was the toughest thing she’d done in a long time. Her mouth went dry but she continued to smile with a confidence she didn’t feel at the moment. “I’m surprised you remember after all these years.”

  His hands remained firmly at her waist, the feel of them hot through the silky fabric of her dress. A slow-moving current passed from that alluring warmth to slither through her bloodstream, curling up tight in her belly before moving lower.

  Dear Lord! Had she ever reacted this way to the touch of a man?

  The answer to that question was far too easy.

  Ransom’s smile widened into a grin that caused his smoky-colored eyes to crinkle at the corners, the lines radiating out faded from exposure. He looked like a man who spent long hours squinting into the bright Texas landscape and wore those lines as proof of his love of outdoors. “You’ve changed some, Dr. Halstead, but I’m not the kind of man to forget a pretty face. I’m a little surprised, but mighty glad to see you here in Delight after all these years.”

  Heat burned her cheeks, but then he released her and stepped back. She laughed a little then shook her head. A raucous song swept through the room, practically vibrating the walls, so she leaned close enough to be heard over the noise. “I’m actually a little surprised too. I didn’t think I’d ever come back. Don’t know what possessed me really, but now that I’ve seen you again, I’m beginning to think I should listen to my impulses more often.”

  Ransom’s eyes narrowed a fraction then settled on her lips.

  Okay. Wow.

  “I planned to head out but—”

  “Don’t let me keep you,” she blurted. She wasn’t a flirt by any stretch of the imagination but it seemed like that was changing. Jeez. Ransom shook his head and started to speak again when a bump from behind propelled her into him again. This time he wrapped his arms around her back and yanked her close. Her breasts flattened against Ransom’s rock-hard chest and she swore her heartbeat kicked up another notch. His laughter swept into her ear as he pressed his mouth close. “Looks like kismet or karma or whatever the hell you wanna call it keeps pushing us together. Why don’t we cut the bullshit and let me find us a table? We’ll catch up. What do you say?”

  Giddy now, she turned her face into his and saw humor mixed wi
th something else in that sexy gaze, something dark and sensual. Lynn settled a hand on one cotton-covered mound of muscle, loving the feel of all that hard, firm flesh beneath her fingertips. She managed another breathless laugh. “That’s a great idea. Maybe I’d better sit down before I fall down.”

  Ransom finally allowed her to step away before tipping back the brim of his black Stetson. He gave her a slow once-over from top to toe then locked gazes with her. “Can’t have that, darlin’, and since you’re kind of accident prone, reckon you’d better stick close so I can save you from yourself.”

  She laughed. “Sounds like a plan.”

  He settled one big hand at the small of her back. As they wound their way through the throng of partiers, she felt curious glances settle over the two of them. Considering the packed place, it was a miracle they managed to find an empty spot. Before she could blink, a harried-looking waitress had removed the empties and taken their order.

  Once they were served, it didn’t take Lynn long to realize this was not the best of places in which to have any kind of meaningful conversation. To say The Dillo was loud was an understatement. Along with the raucous music, roughly two hundred partiers made their presence known, contributing to the noise level in the joint. This sort of atmosphere had only one objective really, and that was to give people a place to blow off some steam. There was plenty of that going on tonight.

  Looking around, she picked out a number of folks she’d known back in high school but realized she didn’t remember many names. Funny how a person could forget those days but, yes, she’d moved on. Back then, she yearned to be well liked and part of the popular crowd. These days, except for that one instance, she didn’t really give a rip.

  Lynn sipped an icy margarita while Ransom nursed a longneck bottle of beer and, though to the casual observer, they might simply be old friends catching up, she didn’t miss the speculative look on his face as he studied her. There was something so mysterious about this guy, always had been, and as a woman who’d been lonely for far too long, it was as close to a turn-on as anything she’d experienced in many years.

  He sent his gaze to the dance floor then looked at her. Moving his chair a little closer, Ransom leaned in. “So you’re living in Dallas these days?”

  “Yes, I have a place in North Dallas around Los Colinas.”

  His brows rose. “Ritzy area.”

  She smiled and shrugged. “It’s pretty nice. I bought a little condo a few years after starting my practice. I don’t know my neighbors very well but I like the area.”

  He looked at her for a long time then finally nodded. “I’m really proud of what you’ve done with your life. Small towns do some good things for folks, especially when raising a family, but it seems like these kids graduate, leave for college and never come back. It’s probably a good thing. There’s not a lot to offer here.”

  “Yet you stayed.”

  “I did. Obligation mainly. Cooper and T were pretty young when our folks died. Then there’s the ranch. I can’t imagine leaving it but that kind of life isn’t for everyone.”

  “It obviously suits you,” she said. “You look great.”

  Better than great. Ransom Dobbs was the epitome of the kind of tough Texas cowboy that made women like her swoon. Her heart had begun to race from the first moment she’d seen him tonight and that quick thumping hadn’t let up once. He was a dangerous man.

  She opened her mouth to speak again but a group of people walked up to chat and they’d no sooner left than others showed up at the table. Lynn knew most of these former classmates didn’t have a clue to her identity. Shoot, it was doubtful they remembered her at all. But Ransom’s presence in the bar tonight had stirred up gossip and speculation.

  “Looks like you’ve shocked everyone tonight,” she said when they finally had a moment alone. “You must not get out much.”

  Ransom nodded and smiled. “You can say that again. If I’d known my showing up tonight would cause such a stir, I would’ve dressed up for the occasion.”

  She ran the tip of one finger around her margarita glass and popped a bite of chunky salt into her mouth. “No sir, I think you look just fine.”

  Immediately she regretted the statement. Surely women came on to him all the time, and being so out there with her thoughts was unusual. She was normally quiet, reserved. Really.

  Smile sliding slowly from his face, he started to respond when a blast from the speakers caused them both to jump a little. “Fuck this,” Ran said, standing suddenly. He held out a hand. “It’s impossible to talk in here. I’m for getting some fresh air. Maybe we should finish this conversation outside?”

  Nothing sounded better. Like Ransom, she wasn’t much for crowds. Taking his hand as if she did it every day and feeling a little bit as if she were Cinderella at the ball, Lynn stood. Together they made their way from the noisy bar. A blast of summer heat hit her but the ringing in her ears stopped when she gripped his hand and followed him, her heels clicking out a little song on the hot parking lot pavement. A row of trucks were parked near the side of the honky-tonk and he led her to a big black double cab. “Stay right here.”

  Sounds of a group of laughing women reached her but her attention was riveted on Ransom, who reached into a big steel toolbox that nestled in the bed of the truck. Curious, she moved near the back end and saw that he had a heavy quilt in his arms.

  Giving her a sideways glance, he let down the gate of the truck and spread the blanket over it. “I’d hate to see you get that pretty dress dirty.” Then, without a single pause, he clasped her around the waist and lifted her until she perched there, her feet swinging at least a foot from the ground.

  His actions left her breathless. She wasn’t a petite woman by any stretch of the imagination and the speed of his movements caught her off guard. Perhaps for the first time in her life, a man had lifted her as if she were a featherweight rather than of the tall, statuesque, curvy variety. “Wow, you move fast.”

  He smiled a little. “Now that’s a new one. Most folks around here think I’m a little slow. Slow moving, anyhow.”

  “Not a chance.”

  Ransom propped his mighty fine ass on the edge of the truck gate and removed his black Stetson. She’d been to Billy Bob’s in Fort Worth a time or two, gotten a good look at plenty of cowboy wannabes, and none of them compared to this man. He was real. He was authentic. And sweet lord a-mercy, he rang all her bells and then some. His hair was dark and cut short against his skull but she could see the hint of a wave. His brows were black, arching enticingly over the hottest pair of eyes. They were rimmed by thick black lashes that were without a doubt the only feminine thing about this man. Ransom Dobbs was built like a tank, wide through the shoulders and as big as a damn mountain. Cooper and T were both drop-dead-gorgeous men but where they were long, lean and lanky charmers, Ransom was just different. He always had been. He was intense and serious, a man who preferred action to words and to her, that was quite impressive.

  He breathed in heavily and closed his eyes, tilting his head toward the stars. “Damn, it’s good to get out of there. A man can take only so much of that kind of noise.”

  “Why do I get the idea you’re some kind of hermit living out there on the ranch?”

  Ransom turned his head and focused intently. “Figure I am, for the most part.”

  “It must get lonely out there with only the cows for company.”

  “Hm. I never thought about it much but I don’t need to talk to be happy. Now that Cooper and T are doing their own things and living their lives, I’m fairly content to just get through every day and be satisfied with that.”

  His words gave her pause, made her consider his life in relation to his past. Did he think that hiding himself away from the world would prevent hurt? Lynn had always been a fairly introspective person too and, like Ransom, had experienced enough pain to make a person want to stick her head in the sand and pretend the world didn’t exist.

  She measured her words ca
refully. This wasn’t the best time to speak her mind but she’d left those days of holding her tongue in the past. “Feels pretty safe hiding out sometimes, doesn’t it?”

  Ransom didn’t respond to that but she hadn’t thought he would. “I used to be that way,” she continued. “When I finally figured out that wasn’t healthy, I jumped headfirst into medicine. It suits the intensity of my personality and helps me think about others besides myself.”

  “I’m proud of what you’ve done with your life, Lynn.”

  “Ah, I get it. You don’t want to talk about yourself?”

  Ransom grunted. “You’ve got that right. How long are you going to be in town?”

  He changed the subject so fast her head began to spin but she let it go. She had no right to push him though he’d played a major role in every fantasy she’d ever had about men. He didn’t have a clue about that. They were essentially strangers. Lynn propped her hands on the tailgate and leaned forward a little. “I’m staying a little over a week. I know the reunion is only three or four days but it’s been a long time since I’ve had a vacation. I might as well spend it in Delight.”

  He laughed. “You sure as hell picked an exciting spot.”

  “Didn’t I though? I haven’t been here since Mom passed away. I was in college then so, yeah, it has been a very long time. Maybe I just wanted to see if it’s changed any.”

  “Places like Delight never change. Yeah, the people are plenty nice but aside from everyday things like birth and death, not much happens. It suits me.” He put his hat on and stood, and Lynn knew he was preparing to leave.

  So much for getting to know him better. Saddened by that, she realized that with his propensity to spend almost every waking moment out in the boonies, she might not see him again. Regretfully she accepted this. They lived completely different lives so it was probably for the best.

  “I’d better call it a night; big day at the ranch tomorrow. Can I walk you back inside?”

  She started to slide from her perch on the tailgate but he caught her around the waist again and set her on her feet. His hands lingered there and his gaze focused intently on her face. A little shiver raced through her system and her heart sped. Was he going to kiss her? Finally he released her and stepped back as she shook her head. “No, I think I’ll head back to the motel.”


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