Remember, It's Our Honeymoon

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Remember, It's Our Honeymoon Page 12

by Mairsile Leabhair

  The two women quickly got into sync with each other’s rhythm, and both were really enjoying the match. Though they weren’t keeping score, Dakota would easily have won. She played a lot of tennis in college and was quite good at it. But today she was taking it easy on her opponent, as much because she wanted Samantha to have a good time, as it was to keep her exercising.

  After about thirty minutes of play, the two took a break under the shade of the umbrella next to the club office. Sipping on bottled water, they sat in silence for a few minutes, catching their breath.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “I think I’m working muscles I didn’t know I had,” Samantha quipped.

  “Yeah, that’s how you know you’re getting a good workout.” And that’s exactly what you need to do.

  “So do you play tennis a lot?”

  “I used to play a lot with my brother, but he’s over in Afghanistan right now, so it’s whenever I can find someone to play with.”

  “Afghanistan? Is he in the military?”

  “Yes, he’s a Marine. He’s been there for over six months now, and may have to go to Syria if things keep escalating. I’ve been holding my breath since he left.”

  “You must be very close to him. Is he older or younger than you?”

  “He’s older by about a minute. He’s my identical twin.”

  “Identical? Does that mean you two can read each other’s mind? That kind of thing?”

  Dakota laughed, “Yeah, something like that. Lakota, that’s his name, Lakota Lewis. My mom is one‒eighth Sioux and is really into the Native American tribe. Anyway, Lakota and I are nothing alike, but I know if he’s hurt, sometimes even if he’s sad or angry. It’s really pretty neat.”

  “That is pretty neat.” Almost makes me miss my family…, almost. “I’ve got a couple of siblings myself but they’ve pretty much disowned me.”

  “Oh, no. I’m sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry, it’s me they’ve disowned?”

  “Sorry. I mean, um,” Dakota fumbled around for a way to continue the conversation, “why did they disown you?”

  “Because I’m a lesbian.”

  “Oh…, but I thought you were married to a man?”

  “In Syria I was, but he’s dead now, and I’m not in Syria anymore.”

  “I’m confused.”

  “Maybe I’ll tell you the whole sordid story someday.” But right now I don’t want to ruin the mood. Samantha picked up her racket and said, “Ready for another round?”

  Dakota smiled, I hope you do tell me, Sam, I would really like to know.”

  Together they walked back out to the court. But Samantha wasn’t watching where she was walking, and didn’t see the tennis ball until her foot rolled off of it. Her legs flew up in the air, and she came down on her side, knocking the wind out of her lungs. Choking for air, Samantha grabbed her ribs and rolled into a fetal position, fearing she would be kicked again. “I can’t… breathe.” she choked, but he kicked her again and again and she screamed in pain. She tried to roll away from him, and in doing so, she exposed her stomach, and he kicked her again, right in the womb.

  “Sam! Sam, can you hear me?” Dakota overcame her growing fear and said in a soft voice, “It’s me, Dakota.”

  “Please don’t hit me again, my baby!” Samantha sobbed, pulling herself tighter into a ball, hiding her head with one hand and holding her knees with the other.

  “Oh, God, Sam.” Dakota wasn’t sure what to do as her panic quickly dissolved into tears. Oh God, I can’t stand seeing you like this.

  Then, just as quickly, Samantha came out of the episode. “What?” She sat up and looked around, “Where am I?”

  “You’re at the tennis court. I think you blanked out.” Dakota quickly turned her head to wipe away her tears before Samantha could see them.

  “Shit. Did I.., did I say anything?”

  “No, nothing.” Dakota knew Samantha was hurting enough already, no need to add to it, “You slipped on a tennis ball and knocked the wind out of yourself. Are you all right?”

  Samantha stood up and brushed herself off, her embarrassment evident on her face. “I’m sorry you had to witness that, Dakota.”

  Dakota put her caring hand on Samantha’s arm, “I’m just sorry you had to suffer through it all, Sam.”

  Samantha had a faraway look in her eyes when she said simply, “Some things that you find you can live with, won’t let you live.”


  “I don’t know why I ever let you talk me into going to the baby shower, they’re just going to gawk at me.”

  “Don’t worry, honey, if they do, you won’t see it.”

  Joyce let out a belly laugh, “Ellen, you’re sounding more like me every day.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, sweetheart,” Ellen said with a grin. She pulled into the physician parking lot and together they walked into the hospital. Joyce knew instantly where she was at, and stopped abruptly.

  “Why are we at the hospital, Ellen?”

  “I told you, for Lisa’s baby shower.”

  “You neglected to tell me it was at the hospital.”

  “Oh, did I?” Ellen replied innocently, though she wasn’t innocent in this case, “So what’s the problem, it’s just a baby shower for your scrub nurse.”

  “Yeah, but it’s here, where all my peers work, and I don’t want to be a fucking spectacle.”

  “Joyce, calm down. Everything will be fine.”

  Ellen led her reluctant wife to the elevator, and Joyce suddenly stopped again.

  “What, honey?”

  “Do you smell that? That smell of antiseptic? God, I’ve missed that smell.”

  Ellen smiled knowingly. Joyce was already starting to feel better. “Only you would missed that smell, sweetie,” she replied, as they made their way to the cardiac surgery floor and the surgeons dressing room.

  “Okay, seriously? Dressing in scrubs for a baby shower?”

  “It’s a theme party, honey, everyone is dressing out, including us.”

  “Jeez. Couldn’t we just give her the gift later? I mean, it’s not like we don’t have a medical excuse to skip it.”

  And that’s exactly why I didn’t tell you ahead of time. “We’re here now, let’s just go be sociable. We don’t have to stay long if you don’t want to.”

  “Okay. Five minutes and we’re out of there, understood?”

  “Understood, honey.”

  They walked around to a surgery suite and Ellen pulled the white mask over Joyce’s mouth, garbling her protests. Ellen had to admit, with the black mask above the white mask, Joyce did look pretty comical in a scary sort of way. Like the Lone Ranger who could not make up his mind whether to be bad or good. Taking her hand, Ellen led them into surgery. A real surgery with a real patient, whose chest was about to be cut open.

  Chapter Twelve

  Aidan and Vicky followed Senator O’Leary’s wife through the door of the ballroom, and around the corner. The woman walked into another room and closed the door behind her. They loitered in the hallway, unsure whether to follow her in, or just let it go and get back to the ball. The decision was made for them when they heard a loud noise, like someone was being slapped, and then a scream.

  Aidan immediately barged through the door, followed close behind by Vicky. The Senator had his hand raised, preparing to slap his wife, apparently again. Without giving it a second thought, Vicky rushed in-between the two and glared up at him, “Don’t you dare!”

  The Senator looked at her in shock. He lowered his arm as his wife stepped back and adjusted her dress.

  “Do you know who I am, Senator?” Aidan asked, stepping close to her wife, “We just met a few minutes ago, over drinks.”

  Bradshah bellowed over her ear piece, “Cassidy, stay out of it!” But she ignored him.

  “I know who you are and I know this is none of your business, so ag fuck amach.”

  Aidan was pretty sure he had just
told her to fuck off, and that only served to make her angrier. This man was obviously a wife beater, by the look of his wife’s crimson cheek, and she could not stand by and let him get away with hitting the woman again.

  “Do you see this little pin?” she pointed to the American flag pinned to her collar that had the tiny camera inside it. “You are being recorded, Senator.”

  “Aidan, this isn’t video?” Bradshah said into her ear piece, but she continued talking without missing a beat.

  “And if I ever hear of you hitting her again,” her anger at the boiling point, “I will upload it to YouTube and watch it go viral in the Irish cabinet. Do I make myself clear, Senator?”

  The Senator’s first instinct was to argue with her, but seeing the angered determination on Aidan’s face, he thought she was surely telling the truth, and he was not going to challenge her bluff, if indeed it was a lie. From what he had heard of this woman, he believed she had the balls to do it, so he nodded his head in compliance.

  It was then that Vicky offered some advice of her own. She put her small hands on her petite hips, and said specifically to the wife, “If Aidan treated me the way you allow your husband to treat you, I would knock the shit out of her and walk away.” Aidan nodded. “I’m worth much more than being someone else’s punching bag.” She lowered her hands and said emphatically, “I suggest that you both get some professional help. You, Senator, for spousal abuse, and your wife for alcohol abuse.”

  As they turned to leave, Aidan was feeling pretty cocky, so she looked at him and put two fingers toward her eyes and then pointed them at him, indicating that she would be watching him.

  As soon as they closed the door behind them, Bradshah asked, “Cassidy. What were you thinking? You just blew your cover.”

  “Shit.” Aidan had been so distracted that she forgot her mission, something she was loathed to do, “I’m sorry boss, but I couldn’t just stand by and let him smack her around like that.”

  Vicky leaned in close to Aidan, and said succinctly, “You would have done the same thing, Tom, and you know it. Besides, that man isn’t about to expose himself in order to expose Aidan.”

  Aidan goosed her and they both smiled at each other. The kind of smile that said we did a good thing today. Together they walked hand in hand, back to the ballroom.

  “Do you know how much I love you?” Aidan asked as she danced Vicky onto the floor.

  “Probably about as much as I love you,” Vicky replied lovingly. They danced close, losing themselves in each other’s eyes, in the magic of the motion and the romance of the music.

  Bradshah decided he would give them some time, they deserved it, because Vicky was right, he would have done the same thing.

  Once the dance ended, it was back to work for the newlyweds. They talked with several more guests, but when they were introduced to the Attaché from Syria, Vicky felt Aidan tense up. It wasn’t just because of their daring rescue of Samantha in the Syrian Desert, but of recent strains between the two countries. When it came to politics, caution was warranted and restraint required, but Aidan was neither a politician nor restrained.

  “Attaché Anawi, at your service, ma’am.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Victoria Montgomery-Cassidy and this is my wife, Aidan Cassidy.”

  “Your wife? Oh! I’m sorry, I can’t be seen with you.” He put his hands up as if to push them away, “You understand? It’s the law in my country,” he said as he looked around nervously.

  “But you’re not in your country now, and we’re not contagious,” Vicky said seriously, not trying to be condescending.

  “I am a representative for my country, therefore I am always in my country.”

  “Just as I am a representative for my nation, Attaché Anawi. And in my homeland we are at least trying to understand our differences, not kill those who are different,” Aidan said sharply.

  “What are you insinuating?”

  “I think you know‒‒”

  “Aidan, would you mind getting me a cocktail, please?” Vicky asked sweetly, trying to defuse the mounting anger she felt in her wife.

  Aidan looked at Vicky’s sincere blue eyes and relinquished her seething anger. She knew Vicky was right, better to let this one go for now, even though she’d like nothing better than to educate this man on the facts of life.

  As soon as Aidan was out of earshot, Vicky turned back to Anawi and said encouragingly, “I appreciate your candidness, sir. And I hope that with time, your country will come to see us as equals, just as my country is striving to do now,” Vicky stated diplomatically. “In the meantime, please know that we, Aidan and I, are not your enemy. We extend our friendship to you in hopes that someday, our two great nations can come to a mutual understanding.”

  “Thank you, that is very gracious of you.”

  He watched as Vicky walked away and felt better about the exchange. Vicky showed class and composure, and he appreciated the value of that.

  “Cassidy,” Bradshah said into Aidan’s earpiece, “In his country, it could mean death for him, for simply socializing with a homosexual.”

  “Understood, sir,” Aidan said, as Vicky walked up to her. “Did he say anything to you, baby?”

  “He is a very frightened man, but I didn’t get the feeling that he truly hated us. I think he had a broader scope on things than his country would allow him to have. I’m so pleased that I got to meet him. It is encouraging to me to know there are men like him in a nation that would shoot rather than look at us.”

  “Kid, you’ve missed your calling. You would make a fantastic diplomat,” Aidan said with a prideful smile.

  “Thank you for the compliment, honey, but I am just fine doing what I do best, healthcare.” Vicky leaned in so that Bradshaw could hear her, even though he heard every word said within a few yards of Aidan, “Tom, are we done working here, because I would love another dance with my wife.”

  “Yes,” Bradshaw said, “unless someone new walks in, you are done.”

  Aidan relayed his message by way of leading Vicky to the dance floor, bowing to her, and then waltzing her across the floor.

  Senator O’Malley stood beside her personal assistant, Brigh, and watched her niece on the dance floor. “Isn’t she marvelous?” Peg asked.

  “She’s beautiful, just like I had always imagined she would be.”

  “And her companion was wearing your ring, did you notice?”

  “So then it’s true, she really is married, to a woman?”

  “Yes. Are you okay with that?”

  “I can tell how happy she is. I’ve always wondered? If that woman makes her happy, that’s all that matters to me.”

  “I also saw your ex-fiancée at the party tonight. That was a surprise.”

  “I saw him too, talking with Aidan. I ducked behind the curtain and I don’t think he saw me. Did he recognize you?”

  Peg replied, “If he did, he didn’t say anything. So when are you going to tell her, Brigh?”

  “Not until we know more. I have to be sure it’s safe.”


  Aidan, carrying a glass of wine and a beer, joined Vicky on the balcony of their hotel room. The night lights of the city sparkled below the newlyweds, as the stars of the night twinkled above them. Relaxing in the penthouse of their four-star hotel room, the happy couple was enjoying the view. The hotel suite was Peg’s wedding gift to them and though the newlyweds protested, she insisted. The twenty-four hundred square foot penthouse was as opulent in its décor, as it was spacious. With a large, marbled bathroom, a four poster bed and a dining room that seats eight people, plus every amenity a person could ever want, the honeymooners were basking in luxury.

  “Well, I’m glad that’s over with,” Aidan said dispassionately.

  “Oh, not me. I loved every minute of it.” Vicky thought about it and then changed her mind, “Well, except for that senator abusing his wife. That was just not right.”

  “True, but you handled it bea

  “And you. How magnificent you were, getting in his face like that. I’ll bet he thinks twice before he hits his wife again.”

  “I sure hope so,” Aidan said with a twinge of righteousness.

  “Do you think he’s involved with the terrorist?”

  Aidan thought for a minute and then replied, “No, I didn’t get the feeling he was anything but a pompous ass.”

  “There seemed to be a few of those there tonight. But your aunt seems very genuine and very proud to show you off.”

  “Yeah, that was kind of nice, wasn’t it? I can’t wait until I can get her alone so I can ask her about some things.”

  Vicky nestled against Aidan’s side, wrapping one arm around her waist. “I called and checked on Joyce. She said she was on her way to a baby shower, of all things. I hope it helps pull her out of her depression, although I don’t think anything short of performing surgery will do that for her.”

  “Has her eyesight returned yet?” Aidan asked, and then took a swig of her beer.

  “No, not yet, but I know it will. It just has to.”

  “So, I talked with Jerry, and‒‒”

  “Has he popped the question yet?”

  Surprised, Aidan asked, “Did he tell you too?”

  “No, but I could tell he was going to, and I couldn’t be more pleased. Yvonne deserves a good man, and Jerry would have been the man I’d pick for her.”

  “He’ll be a good husband to her, and a good father to little Freddie,” said Aidan. “He’s already been talking about buying them a house with a yard, so he and Freddie can build a tree house together.”

  “That is so sweet,” Vicky said. “Um, honey, what do you think about us finding a house?”

  Aidan smiled at her, appreciating the fact that her bride had already entered the nesting stage of their marriage. “Anything you want, baby, I’m game. I think maybe we should wait until after the trial though, because dealing with that bastard Harold, will be very stressful.”


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