Agathocles, 1:308
Ahriman, 2:22, 30, 31, 183–186
Ahsur, 1:152
Ahura Mazda, 1:3–4, 27–28, 30, 31; 2:22, 183–184, 186–188. See also Zoroastrianism
Ai Khanom, 2:116
Aipivanghu, 2:41
Airich, 2:34
Airyanem Vaejah, 2:188–190
Akkad, 1:152
Alani, 2:89–91
Alans, 2:89–91
Albania, 1:270
Alborz, 1:60–64
Alexander Balas, 1:290–292, 303
Alexander of Macedon (the Great)
Alexandria, 1:161
Aria, 1:68
Bactria, 1:74
Chorasmia, 1:78
Darius III and, 1:68
Ecbatana, 1:18
Fars, 1:83
Hyrcania, 1:87–88
overview of, 2:92–96
Parthia, 1:92–93
Persepolis, 1:42–43
Sogdiana, 1:97–98
Spitaman and, 1:302; 2:147–148
Ali Zayn al-Abedin, 1:6, 44
al-Mansur, 2:170
Altuntash, 1:79
Alyattes, 1:210, 211, 215; 2:84
Amasis, 1:148
Ameretat, 2:184, 190–191
Amesha Spentas, 2:183–184, 191–192
Amestris, 1:140
Amorges, 1:158–159
Amsha Spentas, 1:106–107
Amu Darya, 1:35, 101
Amurdad, 2:190–191
Amurru, 1:152
Amyntas, 1:292
Anahita (Anahid), 1:4, 6, 226; 2:2, 16, 192–196
Anaitis, 1:105
Ananias, 1:56
Anbar, 1:7
Ancient Cities, overview, 1:1–4. See also specific city names
Andragoras, 1:88, 94, 294; 2:107, 139
Angra Mainyu, 2:64, 183–186
Annals of Imperial Rome, 2:304–306
Anshan, 1:64–66, 83–86, 152
Antigonus, 1:287, 293, 306, 307; 2:142
Antigonus II Gonatas, 1:292
Antiochis, 1:296
Antiochus, 1:74, 94, 288, 302, 306; 2:141
Antiochus Hierax, 1:294, 308–309
Antiochus I (Soter), 1:288, 292–293, 301, 302; 2:123, 148
Antiochus III
Arsacid dynasty and, 1:173, 174–175; 2:108
Elymais, 1:81
Fars, 1:84
Hyrcania, 1:89
overview of, 1:288, 294–297; 2:142–143
Parthia, 1:94
Antiochus II Theos, 1:293–294, 308
Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 1:81, 289, 297–298, 303
Antiochus V, 1:303
Antiochus VII Sidetes, 1:169, 289–290, 299–301, 305; 2:144–145, 290–291
Anzan, 1:64
Anzoi, 1:230
Apame/Apama, 1:287, 292, 301–302, 306; 2:96, 141, 148
Aparni (Parni), 1:106, 293, 309; 2:138–139
Aptin (Abtin), 2:14–15
Arabs, end of Sasanian Empire, 1:224, 245, 284–285; 2:133
Arachosia, 1:66–67
Arash, 1:62–63; 2:5–8
Arbela, 1:55
Arcadius, 1:280
Archaeological sites, overview, 1:1–4; 2:107. See also specific site names
Archery, 1:134–135
Archway of Khosrow, 1:262
Ardashir I
Adiabene, 1:58–59
Arachosia, 1:67
Ecbatana, 1:18
Elymais, 1:82
Fars, 1:85
founding of Sasanian dynasty, 1:181; 2:129, 133
Hyrcania, 1:90
Kushan dynasty and, 2:116–117
Naqsh-e Rajab, 1:27–29
Naqsh-e Rostam, 1:3
overview of, 1:170, 219, 224–228
Parthia, 1:95
Ardashir II, 1:3–4, 48, 49, 228–229
Ardashir III, 1:230–231, 245
Ardashir the Long Arm, 2:9. See also Bahman
Ardavan I. See Artabanus I
Ardavan II. See Artabanus II
Aredvi Sura Anahita, 1:104–105; 2:231–232
Aria, 1:68–69; 2:94
Ariaramnes (Ariyaramna), 1:138, 139
Ariarathes V, 1:290–291
Ariobarzanes, 2:93, 97–99
Ariobarzanes II, 1:70–71
Arish Shivātir, 2:5
Arjasp, 2:11–12, 27
Arkha, 1:12
Arnavaz, 2:15, 19, 32
Arrapha, 1:213
Arsaces I
Abar Shahr, 1:53
Hyrcania, 1:88–89
overview of, 1:167–168, 170–173, 288; 2:106–107, 138–139
Parthia, 1:33, 94, 106, 309
Arsaces II, 1:89, 94, 173–174; 2:108
Arsacid (Parthian) Empire
Adiabene, 1:54–60, 55
administration and organization, 2:73, 75, 86–87, 112–113, 285–287
Annals of Imperial Rome, excerpt from, 2:304–306
Arachosia, 1:67
archaelogical sites of, 2:107
army of, 2:99–102, 285–288
Asaac, 1:4–5
Azerbaijan, 1:70
Battle of Carrhae, 2:297–304
Chinese account of, 2:291–292
Chorasmia, 1:78–79
chronology of, 1:liii–lix; 2:332–333
collapse of, 1:179–181; 2:306–308
educational practices, 1:110
Fars, 1:85
kings and queens, overview, 1:167–170 (See also specific ruler names)
Mithridates I, historical accounts of, 2:288–290
Nisa, 1:2, 32–35
overview of, 2:86–87, 102–106
Parthia, 1:92–97
people of, 2:106–109
Phraates II victory over Antiochus VII, 2:290–291
Ray, 1:43–45
rise of, 2:282–288
Roman account of, 2:293
Sogdiana, 1:99
Arsames, 1:138–139, 139
Arsashir Bahman, 2:9
Arses, 1:138, 140, 160
Arshak (Arsaces), 1:106; 2:138
Arshama, 1:138–139, 139
Arshan, 2:41
Arsites, 1:158
Artabanus, 1:87, 165
Artabanus I, 1:174–176, 206–207, 225–226
Artabanus II, 1:56–57, 71, 175, 176–178
Artabanus III, 1:178–179
Artabanus IV, 1:58–59, 85, 170, 179–181
Artabazus, 1:92, 302; 2:95
Artakhshacha I. See Artaxerxes I
Artakhshacha II. See Artaxerxes II
Artashata, 1:140
Artashes, 1:239
Artavasdes, 1:70, 185
Artaxerxes I, 1:2, 1:29–32, 41, 87, 140–143, 165
Artaxerxes II, 1:40, 41, 68, 78, 138, 143–145; 2:263–264, 264–270
Artaxerxes III, 1:41, 138, 140, 145–147, 302
Artaxerxes V, 1:78
Artaxias, 1:298
Artemis-Nanaia, 1:81
Artyphios, 1:158
Artystone, 1:147, 153
Arukku, 1:64–65
Asaac (Asaak), 1:4–5, 94; 2:138–139
Asha, 2:196–198
Asha Vahista, 2:184, 196–198
Ashi Vanguhi, 2:198–199
Ashgabat, 1:5
Ashti Vega, 1:65
Ashur, 1:213, 214
Ashurbanipal, 1:152, 213; 2:82, 84, 119, 121
Ashuruballit, 1:214; 2:121–122
Asiani, 1:75
Assurbanipal, 1:65
collapse of, 1:213–215; 2:120–122
Median Empire and, 1:55; 2:82–84
naming of, 1:58
Astarabad, 1:88
Astvihad, 2:199
Astyages, 1:38, 55, 65, 150, 210, 211–213; 2:122
Atamaita, 1:12
Atarpat, 1:70
Athenaeus, 2:272–273, 274, 275–276
Athletic competitions, 1:133–136
Athwya, 2:18
Atossa, 1:147, 153, 164
Atropates, 1:70; 2:123
Atropatian Media, 2:123
Attalus I, 1:310
Attalus II, 1:290–291
Aturpatakan, 1:69–72
Augustus (Octavian), 1:70, 198, 199, 206
Auzav, 2:48
Auzobo, 2:47, 65–66
Avars, 1:266
Avesta, 1:51; 2:199–202. See also Zoroastrianism
Azar Borzen Mehr, 2:178–182
Azar Farnbagh, 2:178–182
Azar Goshnasp. See Adur Gushnasp
Azarmidokht, 1:231–232, 245
Azerbaijan, 1:69–72
Azhi Dahaka, 2:16, 18, 36, 54, 66–68
Azvareh, 2:9
Baba Jan Tepe, 2:124
Babak, 1:224, 232–233
Babak Khoramdin, 1:72; 2:170
Achaemenid dynasty and, 1:150, 151–153, 157, 165; 2:78, 254
Arsacid (Parthian) dynasty and, 1:89–90, 91, 168, 169, 175, 183, 185, 194; 2:103, 144, 288, 290
Assyrian Empire, battles with, 1:213–214
Bisotun Inscription, 1:9–12; 2:243–253
Cyrus Cylinder inscription, 1:152
Cyrus II the Great and, 1:151–152; 2:236–243
Ka’aba Zoroaster inscription, 1:22
Median dynasty and, 1:209–210, 211, 212, 213–214; 2:84, 121–122
Neo-Babylonian Empire, 1:137, 147, 152, 209–210, 211; 2:235–236
Parthian Stations, 2:126, 294
Seleucid dynasty and, 1:85, 291, 298, 300, 303, 304
Bactria (Bakhtrish)
battles for, 1:45, 94–95
Mithridates I and, 1:183
overview of, 1:51, 72–77
Seleucid dynasty and, 1:296
Surkh Kotal, 2:116
Yüeh-chih (Yuezhi) and, 2:115
Bagir, 1:2, 5
Bagoas, 1:138, 140, 146, 160
Bahman, 1:107; 2:8–10
Bahmandokht, 2:9
Bahmanjaneh, 1:106–107
Bahrain, 1:54
Bahram, 2:24, 202–204
Bahram Chobin, 1:263; 2:327–329
Bahram-e Gor (Gur). See Bahram V
Bahram Goshnasp, 1:240
Bahram I, 1:3, 220, 233–236
Bahram II, 1:3, 8, 28–29, 47, 233–236
Bahram III, 1:47, 233–236
Bahram IV, 1:236–237
Bahram V, 1:221–222, 237–240, 281–282; 2:111
Bahram VI Chobin (Chubin), 1:13, 44, 240–243
Bakhdhi, 1:72
Bakhtrish. See Bactria (Bakhtrish)
Balash, 1:243–244
Balkh, 1:53, 73
Barbad, 2:151–153
Bardiya, 1:9–10, 137, 148, 153, 155
Barmaye, 2:15
Barsine, 1:302; 2:96
Batrakata (Batrakatash), 1:38
Battle of Ancyra, 1:309
Battle of Carrhae, 1:190; 2:103, 297–304
Battle of Chaeronea, 1:160; 2:92
Battle of Cunaxa, 2:264–270
Battle of Dhi Qar, 1:265
Battle of Gaugamela, 2:97
Battle of Magnesia, 1:289, 297, 303
Battle of Qadisiyyah, 2:40
Battle of Samara, 1:221, 276–277
Battle of the Kings, 1:287, 307; 2:142
Behafarid, 2:11–12, 28
Behafrid, 1:232
Bel, 1:81
Belshazzar, 1:152
Bendoy, 1:250, 264
Berenice, 1:294, 308
Bessus, 1:45, 74, 78, 97–98; 2:94–95, 109–110, 138, 147
Bestam, 1:250, 264
Bibi Shahrbanu, 1:5–6, 44
Bijhan (Bejhan), 2:4–5, 24, 57–58
Birds, sacred, 2:216–218
Bishapur, 1:3, 6–9, 273–274
Bisotun, 1:1–2; 2:107
Bisotun Inscription, 1:9–12; 2:243–253
Bokhara (Bukhara), 1:13–14, 79
Boran (Puran), 1:231–232, 244–246
Bordian II, 1:3
Borzuye, 1:111; 2:153–155
Bozorg Mihr, 1:258; 2:88
Buddhism, Kushans and, 1:75–76; 2:116
Bundahishn, 1:132
Burzin-Mihr, 2:30
Bushyasta, 2:204–205
Byarshan, 2:41
Byzantine Empire
intelligence gathering, 1:259
Sasanian dynasty and, 1:223, 249, 254–255, 256, 259–260, 265–267; 2:132–133
Silk Road and, 2:324–327
Byzantium, 1:221
Calendars, overview, 1:103–104, 118–120. See also Zoroastrianism
Cambyses, 1:210, 211
Cambyses I, 1:139, 147
Cambyses II, 1:9, 137, 147–149, 153
Caracalla, 1:58, 180
Carrhae, 1:59
Carus, Emperor, 1:235
Casandra, 1:287
Cassandane, 1:147, 153
Cassander, 1:306, 307
Cassius, 1:291
Cassius Dio, 2:306–308
Chaharshanbeh Suri, 1:104, 107–110
Chandragupta, 1:307
Characene, Kings of, 2:333–334
Charax-Spansini, 1:56
Cheshmeh Ali, 1:43–44
Children, naming of, 2:160
Silk Road, establishment of, 1:185–186
Tang dynasty, 1:46
Chionites, 1:220
Chishpish, 1:139, 162–163
Chorasmia, 1:77–80
Christianity, Roman Empire and, 1:58–59, 220–221
Chronology of Ancient Iran, 1:xlvii–lix
Cimerians, 2:135
Cleopatra Thea, 1:289, 300, 305; 2:144
Codommanos, 1:160
Coenus, 2:95, 148
Constantine, 1:220–221, 275, 277
Constantinople, 1:221
Constantius, 2:318–319
Crassus, 1:189–190; 2:103, 297–304
Craterus, 2:93, 98
Croesus, 1:150–151
Ctesias of Knidos, 2:155–156
Ctesiphon, 1:223
Cuisine, Iranian, 1:112–115; 2:280–282
Cultures, overview, 1:103–104
Cyaxares, 1:209–210, 211, 213–215; 2:83, 84, 234–235
Cyropaedia, 2:156–157, 171
Cyrus Cylinder, 1:65, 151–152; 2:237–239
Cyrus I, 1:64, 83, 149
Cyrus II the Great
ancestors of, 1:139, 210
Anshan, 1:64, 65, 83
Babylon, conquest of, 2:236–243
Bactria, 1:73
Chorasmia, 1:78
Cyropaedia, 2:156–157, 171
Median Empire and, 1:210–211, 212; 2:122
overview of, 1:137, 149–153; 2:84–86
Sogdiana, 1:97
tomb of, 1:1, 38–39
Cyrus the Younger, 1:143–144, 154, 159; 2:171, 264–270
Dahae, 1:106; 2:138
Dahyuka. See Deioces
Daiukku, 1:209, 216
Damavand, Mount, 1:60
Dara-ye Bozorg, 2:9
Darius I
ancestors of, 1:139
Arachosia, 1:66
Aria, 1:68
Bactria, 1:73
Bisotun Inscription, 1:9–12; 2:138, 243–253
Chorasmia, 1:78
death of Xerxes and, 1:87
Ecbatana, 1:17–18
Ganj Nameh and, 1:19
lands ruled by, 1:51, 55, 157
Naqsh-e Rostam, 1:29–32; 2:253–254
overview of, 1:137–138, 154–158; 2:122–123
Parthia, 1:92
Pasargadae, 1:39
Persepolis, 1:1–2, 40–43, 83, 1:84
Royal Road, 2:127–129, 259–260
Sogdiana, 1:97
Suez Canal, 1:1
Susa, 2:261
tomb of, 1:2
Darius II, 1:2, 29–32, 87, 138, 158–159
Darius III
Alexander of Macedon and, 2:92, 93–94, 123
Aria, 1:68
Bactria, 1:74
Hyrcania, 1:87–88
br /> overview of, 1:66, 138, 140, 159–162, 302, 306
Parthia, 1:92
Darius the Great (Dara-ye Bozorg), 2:9
Daryavaush I. See Darius I
Dastan, 1:62; 2:8, 68–71
Dataphernes, 2:95, 147
Deioces, 1:209, 215–216; 2:83
Deipnosophists, The, 2:272–276
Demetrius, 1:290, 307
Demetrius I Soter, 1:75, 290, 299, 302–304
Demetrius II Nicator
Fars, 1:85
Hyrcania, 1:89–90
Mithridates I and, 1:183–184, 299–300; 2:144
overview of, 1:168, 169, 289, 304–306
Parthia, 1:95
Denag, 1:248, 270
Der, 1:152
Derafsh-e Kavyan, 2:40, 101
Dewashtich, 1:100
Dez-e Rashkan, 2:107
Digor, 2:91
Dinak, 1:248, 270
Dining habits, 1:112–115; 2:280–282
Diocles, 1:291
Diodotus, 1:74–75, 88, 294; 2:107, 139
Diordorus Siculus, 2:290–291
Div-e Sefid, 2:42
Dogs in Avesta, 2:201
Drangiana, 1:67
Drought, Sasanian dynasty and, 1:270
Dura Europos, 1:14–16; 2:107
Ecbatana, 1:16–19, 70, 209, 216; 2:83, 93
Education practices, 1:110–112, 133–136
Achaemenid dynasty and, 1:141, 143, 145–146, 148, 155
Sasanian dynasty and, 1:223, 266; 2:132
Seleucid dynasty and, 1:289–293, 295, 298, 306–309; 2:144
Elam, 1:10–11
Elymais, 1:80–82; 2:334
Enlil, 1:152
Epiphanes. See Antiochus IV Epiphanes
Eraj, 2:49
Ērān dibirbad, 2:134
Ērān spahbad, 2:134
Erekhsha, 1:62–63; 2:5–8
Erich (Iraj), 2:18, 34
Esagil, 1:152
Esarhaddon, 2:119, 120–121
Esfand, 2:6
Esfandiyar, 2:8–14, 27, 37, 57, 58
Eshnunna, 1:152
Eucratides, 1:75, 94
Eumenes, 1:293
Euthydemus, 1:84, 94, 174–175, 288; 2:143
Ezra, Book of, 2:239–241
Faramarz, 2:9, 14
Faranak, 1:61; 2:14–16, 18
Farang, 2:9
Farangis, 2:4, 16–17, 24, 43, 44, 46, 63
Farhad, 1:52
Farnbag fire, 2:30
Fars, 1:83–86
Anshan, 1:64–66
Bishapur, 1:3, 6–9
Ka’ba of Zoroaster, 1:20–23
Naqsh-e Rajab, 1:27–29
Naqsh-e Rostam, 1:29–32
Pasargadae, 1:37–40
Persepolis, 1:40–43
Sar Mashhad, 1:47
Ferdowsi, 2:158–161, 174
Fereydun, 1:61–62; 2:3, 14, 15–21, 32–34, 49, 55, 56
Festivals, overview, 1:103–104. See also Zoroastrianism
Fire, discovery of, 2:30–31
Firuzabad, 1:226
Frahāta IV. See Phraates IV
Frahāta V, 1:199
Fravardigan, 2:205–207
Fravartish. See Phraortes (Fravartish)
Fravashis, 2:205–207
Gaius Ceasar, 1:199
Galerius, 1:269
Games, 1:133–136
Ganj Nameh, 1:19–20
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