Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3)

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Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3) Page 3

by Felicia Leibenguth

  “Lexi, Lexi please? It’s K, and Zach’s here too.”

  Again, nothing.

  Zach steps closer and nuzzles her face with his nose. He lets out a whine, but she still doesn’t respond. I reach up and feel along her neck for a pulse. It’s so faint I’m not sure I actually feel one.

  “Zach, lift me up. I need to untie her.” I hold back a sob as I’m afraid she’s dead.

  I climb on his back, reaching up to untie the horrid ropes at her wrists.

  Her skin feels cold to the touch, like touching a corpse.

  I try to pry the ropes apart but they are so incredibly tight that I don’t think I will ever get her free. My fingers are raw and start to bleed from breaking several nails.

  “Zach, I can’t get them to budge,” I cry.

  He lowers his body to the ground and I get off. He stands on his hind legs, towering over Lexi’s lifeless body and wraps his teeth around the rope and begins to chew. It took him a little time to get through it, but eventually he succeeds. Before the last of the rope is cut through, I grab under Lexi’s arms and lower her to the ground as she is freed.

  Her legs are still tied to the floor, but those ropes are easier to remove since they aren’t holding her weight. My bleeding fingers burn like wild fire, but I push the pain aside and move on to removing the ropes around her wrists.

  A moment later she is completely free.

  She never moved and I can’t see if she’s breathing either. It’s too dark to be able to tell.

  I look at Zach and see him leaning over Lexi, as if he’s willing her to move. I kneel down looking up at Zach.

  “We need to get her out of here. Can you carry two of us? I’ll have to keep her from falling.”

  He gives a quick nod then lays flat on his stomach so I can pull Lexi over his back.

  I’m not the strongest person, but Lexi feels light.

  I pull her over Zach’s shoulders with her lying on her stomach. I sit on his back just behind Lexi and lean over her body to hang onto Zach. I pray she doesn’t fall off.

  Once settled, Zach starts off at a walk making sure we’re okay then picks up the pace. Out of the horror room he heads right and stops. He begins growling loudly as the hair on his back rose.

  I look up, as much as I don’t want to. We are surrounded by at least fifty men. It doesn’t matter what way we go, there is no way out. Each one of them holds a gun of various sizes, all pointed in our direction. One of the men in front is the one from upstairs. His hand is now bandaged. I should have figured he would tell where we went.

  He has a devilish smile on his face as we are trapped and he knows it. Zach can’t fight and leave Lexi vulnerable on the floor. And I for one can’t fight, at least not very well.

  Zach’s growl vibrates through the walls causing a few men to step back. I even want to back away from him but he’s on my side, which I’m very thankful for.

  “What will you do now?” the wounded man asked with a smile. “You have no way out and if you resist, you will die.”

  Stoned faced I ask, “What do you want with her?”

  “She’s been useful. The others find her interesting, but none of them are talking just yet.”

  “What do you mean ‘the others’? You have more Supernatural beings?” I’m not surprised.

  “Many more,” he grinned.

  “What do you want with them all?” I have to keep him talking, so I can figure a way out.

  “They give us information on how to destroy your kind, and in return they are not killed. This one though…” He tipped his head to the side looking down at Lexi. “…never gave any information. No matter how many times she was struck and tormented. She’s very strong willed.” He’s in slight awe. His awe is suddenly broken by another feral growl from Zach. It only made the man smile wider.

  “So… you’re the one aren’t you? The one named Zach, her lover come to her rescue. How about that gentleman?” He turned his attention to the crowd behind him. “Our very own Romeo and Juliet.”

  The others start into low laughter.

  He notices my confusion. What did he know about Zach?

  “Ah yes… The very few words she spoke just as I burned her and she lost consciousness, ‘Zach, I love you.’” He laughed. “So she loves a Werewolf, how about that!?” He taunted looking into Zach’s face.

  Every muscle in Zach’s body tightened ready to spring.

  I whisper even too low for me to hear, “Not yet.”

  He reluctantly, but only slightly relaxed.

  “You should burn in hell,” I spat.

  He laughs. “Your kind will burn. You’re not of God! You were not born, but created!”

  “Are you so sure of yourself?” I ask. “Or did you forget that bite?” I spoke looking at his hand.

  His face flushes and the men around him all turn their attention to him.

  I continue on. “You didn’t tell them did you?” I shift on Zach’s back getting a tighter grip. “What’s wrong? Don’t want them to know?”

  “Shut your mouth!” he demanded.

  “Why should I? They have a right to know. Or are you afraid?” I smiled.

  One of the men next to him asked, “What is she talking about?” Everyone’s eyes are glued to the injured man.

  “She doesn’t know what she speaks of!” He growls in my direction.

  “Oh?” I know what I’m doing and I’m glad it’s working. “So you’re telling me you don’t believe Werewolves are created? You are the one who just said so, didn’t you?”

  He glares at me in fury.

  All the men start to whisper around us and I smile.

  “What is she talking about!?” another man commanded.

  I found my chance. “Look at his hand. He was bitten by a Werewolf.”

  All eyes turn to the white bandage with blood seeping through.

  “LIER!” he yelled.

  “Take off the bandage!” another said.

  This is what I want, for them to turn on him and divert any attention from us.

  I feel that Zach understands what I’m doing. I feel him getting ready to take off.

  All the men seem to ignore us and are focused on their leader. Now is our chance.

  “Go.” I again whisper too low for anyone to hear. I quickly lay across Lexi, still unresponsive, and cling tightly to Zach’s shoulders.

  Zach dodges back into the circular room and heads to the door on the other side from where we entered originally. In no time we are across the room and through the opposite door.

  We zigzag through the halls looking for a way out.

  “Do you know how to get out of here?” I ask him looking down at Lexi.

  He bows his head with a huff.

  I close my eyes and cling tighter. It isn’t a moment later I hear wings flapping and heavy breathing behind us. We are okay now; we will get out of here alive.

  Then I hear someone speak. “The girl… is she…”

  Another voice, “It’s not looking promising.”

  Before I can react to the voices I feel the cold chill of fresh air. Zach continues into the woods for a short time before stopping in a heavily wooded area.

  I quickly get off and grab some nearby pine tree branches to lay Lexi on. Once the makeshift bed is made, I pull her off Zach and lay her on her back.

  I soon realize Garcia and Thatch are standing beside me in human form.

  “Katrina…” Garcia spoke blankly. She can’t believe what she is seeing, nor can I.

  Zach lays tightly next to Lexi’s body trying to keep her warm. She doesn’t even look recognizable. She’s been beaten, battered and bloody. Bandages hang off of her in shreds along with some silken material. It’s then I rip my jacket off and cover her near nude body. There are barely any clothes left on her. She is completely lifeless… dead.

  A man steps forward and stands in front of me. He kneels down before any of us can react and feels along her neck as I did before, looking for a pulse.

/>   “She’s alive but she needs blood. The girl won’t heal on her own, there’s too much damage,” he said sadly.

  I don’t even give it a thought. “Give her mine.” I hold out my wrist.

  “Are you sure?” he asked softly.

  I nod. “Besides, do you see any other humans around here?”

  He smiles. “Alright. This may sting.”

  He brings my wrist to his mouth. I figured, he was a Vampire. As I seen with Donavon, his fangs extend and I wait for the burn to begin. But it never came.

  “Now press your wrist to her mouth,” he commands gently.

  I do as he says. At first, the blood just drips down the side of her face and then someone helps open her mouth a bit. I’m too focused on Lexi’s face that I can’t look away. The blood no longer drips and Lexi shows the first sign of life. She swallowed.

  I take a deep breath of relief.

  Lexi starts to suck on my wrist, and before she can get too carried away, I’m pulled away.

  “That will give her enough to heal and recover. Now to stop your bleeding…” The Vampire raised my wrist once again to his mouth and licked the wound. It quickly closed as if it were never there in the first place. I look on in awe.

  “Hm, fiery.” He smiled.

  “So I’ve been told.” I smiled back. Then my eyes became fixed on Lexi.

  “She will need time, but she will be alright. This girl is amazing to have survived that. I know many who were stronger that died in that hell hole.” He shook his head lost in thought.

  “Kasey?” Garcia called.

  He turned toward her. “Yes?”

  “Thank you.” She grabbed his hand.

  “I’m happy to help. She’s a strong girl with a pure heart. I never thought a half breed could be as pure as her. Everyone believes they are evil.” He looks at Lexi with admiration.

  “She is special indeed.”

  I sit next to Lexi holding her hand while Garcia talked to Kasey.

  I just want Lexi to wake up.


  “Tell me Kasey...” Garcia began. “When did you figure out she was the missing Hybrid?”

  He thought for a moment. “I wasn’t completely sure at first, but then I realized she looks very similar to her mother, Harmony.” He replied looking in Lexi’s direction.

  He has my interest peaked. I turn slightly so I can see them sitting behind me while still keeping Lexi in my sight.

  “What do you know of Harmony?” Thatched asked curiously.

  “I only met her once, but she too, had a heart as pure as this child.” He looks to the sky lost in thought. “Harmony saved my life. I was wounded after the war many years ago, near death when she found me. I thought she was there to take me to heaven. She told me to rest and close my eyes, and I did as she said.” He smiled. “I don’t remember much after that. But she took care of me while I healed and rubbed an ointment into my wounds. The wounds healed quickly but it sure did burn in the process. The more I healed the more my sight returned and the better I could see her, I mean really see her. She was beautiful but she was worn and exhausted. She wasn’t looking so good herself and I worried that she would be the one who died. Three days later, just before I was completely healed, she told me to take care and finish healing. I offered her my aide but she refused any help. I wanted to go after her but my body wouldn’t let me quite yet.” He shook his head as if shaking off the memory. “It was a few days before I was back to full strength. That was when I decided to track her down and I hoped she was okay and still alive. I never gave her proper thanks for saving me. Unfortunately, I never found her. Years passed and still no sign. Shortly after, I received word that a Hybrid child was born. There was outrage and disgust among many. I too was one who was outraged and sent out to find the child. We didn’t need another abomination to destroy our world. In my search, I came across information that Harmony was the mother of this Hybrid. I was glad to find out she was still alive, but how could she have done this? Not too long after, more news came. It sickened me to my core. Harmony and the Hybrid’s father were killed, but the child was missing.” He looked down at his hands. “For so long I was on the search for this child to destroy it. But now my feelings have changed. I feel ashamed that I ever thought Harmony would allow another abomination to survive. She was pure of heart, so why wouldn’t her child?” He raised his head up and looked at Lexi still lying motionless on the ground. “I feel it has been lined up for me to protect this child and keep her safe. Everything has a purpose and a reason, even my captivity here served its purpose. I could now repay Harmony for saving my life, by saving the very thing she gave her life up for. Her child.” He gazed at Lexi in awe.

  “We can certainty use your help.” Garcia commented. “But it is your own choice on your decision. But I shall warn you, there is going to be more bloodshed, another war.”

  “I figured as such. Revolving the girl?” He asked.

  Garcia nodded. “There is too much to discuss now. But if you are willing to stand by our side and aide us… we will tell you all you need to know.”

  “Agreed,” he nodded. “How many others stand at your side?” Kasey questioned.

  “Including us… six,” she sighed.

  “That’s it?” His eyes widened.

  “Unfortunately, yes. Everyone still believes Lexi is evil and just want to aide in her death. So the odds are against us at this point.”

  “Maybe not,” a woman’s voice called from within the thick woods.

  Kasey, Thatch, Garcia and Zach all stand in defense.

  The woman tops the hill and walks toward us with a large crowd behind her.

  “We are not here to harm Kasey, but to help. We have been listening,” she spoke to Kasey.

  The sun is still coming up, but I can see enough to realize that there are at least seventy-five in the crowd. Many look human while others are a bit odd. The woman is lanky and tall. Her hair is jet black with shimmers of pink highlights throughout. Strange but it works on her.

  “Mary?” Kasey asked.

  “The very same,” she smiled.

  “Is everyone with you?” he asked surprised.

  “Everyone except Xavier. He couldn’t hold in his anger issues if you know what I mean.”

  “Sadly, I do. What are you all doing here?” He looks over the crowd.

  Another woman steps forward who is much smaller than Mary. “We want to help! Isn’t it obvious!?” she barked.

  “Liz,” Kasey greeted roughly. “You just had to bring her along?” He looked at Mary.

  She smiled. “You two know you got a thing going on,” she laughed.

  “Maybe,” Kasey smiled.

  Liz blew Kasey a kiss, grinning.

  “You’d think you were both still teenagers,” Mary laughed.

  Liz rolled her eyes.

  “What can we do to help Kasey?” A man steps forward. He is about the same height as Mary with blonde hair.

  “As you have all heard, there is another war coming. Whether you choose to stand with us, is your choice. All I ask of you is to spread the word. Let others know about this child, tell them she is not the evil they all believe her to be. Tell them of the war, and now is their time to choose good over evil.” He is very compassionate in the way he speaks.

  Garcia steps forward. “You can also tell them it will be the day of the solar eclipse. The same place as before.”

  Kasey turns to her surprised. “How do you know that?”

  “The granddaughter of Reina Kay Malarcey is on our side.” Garcia smiled in my direction as she spoke the name of my very gifted grandmother.

  My face reddened as the crowd started in low whispers.

  “This is an interesting turn,” Mary smiled and turned toward me. “Glad to meet you. Your grandmother was a very special woman who helped many. I’m sorry about her passing.” She bowed her head in respect, as did the others behind her.

  “Thank you,” I keep my voice low. I feel a bit intimi
dated among so many who knew my grandma. I just hope they don’t expect me to be as powerful as her.

  Everyone froze as Lexi coughed. I quickly turn my attention to her watching her face closely. I realize in the short time everyone was talking, her face is different. All the wounds and swelling are nearly invisible. She is still a little discolored from the bruising but nothing like she was.

  She coughed again sounding like she is drowning.

  “Lexi, Lexi come on.” I grab her face willing her to wake up.

  She coughed again but this time fluid comes out of her mouth.

  Kasey rushes over, “Turn her on her side!” he said as he grabbed her and turned her.

  Lexi again coughed as blood poured from her mouth to the ground creating a large pool.

  Zach lets out a whine, getting closer to Lexi’s face. She opens her eyes locking them with Zach’s. A few seconds pass as she seems to process what is going on.

  “Zach?” she whispered in a weak, crackled voice.

  He moves in closer and nuzzles her face. I can see he so badly, in this moment, wants to be human.

  Lexi wraps her arms around him and starts to cry. “Zach… I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean for all of this to happen! I should have never left!” she sobbed. “I never wanted this, for you to be here… Zach, I’m so sorry!”

  I remember what Zach told me earlier about in his moment of death when he saw Lexi. I know what she’s thinking.

  I touch her shoulder. “Lex, you’re not dead and neither is Zach.”

  She spins her head around and stares at me for a moment. “K? But, how…”

  I smiled. “Yea.”

  “But… I’d seen, Zach…” She’s confused.

  “That’s a long story.” I smile. “Besides, if you were truly dead would all these people be here, including me, Garcia and Thatch?”

  She looks around for a moment then zeros in on Kasey. “You… you were the one across from me?”

  Kasey nods with a smile.

  “But how did we…”

  “Your friends here, saved us,” Mary stepped forward coming closer to Lexi. “You dear child, have some amazing friends. Ones that will risk their very lives to save you.” She smiled. “That alone proves to me that you are not the evil so many have believed you to be.”


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