Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3)

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Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3) Page 10

by Felicia Leibenguth

  I’m not sure when I finally fell asleep. But I’m in a bright white room with white marble statues so large I can only see their legs before looking up.

  This room is beautiful and so peaceful. I don’t want to leave this room. There is no pain, no sadness, just joy and happiness. I turn to look around, and off in the distance I seen someone coming toward me. I squint trying to see, but they are too far away.

  Within a matter of seconds they come into my view. Without even thinking, I run for them and wrap them in my arms.

  “Bree!” I start crying again.

  She hugs me back. “Lexi, I am so sorry!” she apologized.

  I pull back to look at her. “Why are you sorry? You did nothing to be sorry for!”

  “I was supposed to protect you,” she looks remorseful.

  “You have protected me. You showed me who I truly am. Without you I wouldn’t be here and I would have died long ago. You have done your job and kept your promise.”

  She smiles and nods. “I guess that’s true.” She looks at me. “Now do you mind telling me why you are sobbing like a baby over me? You shouldn’t be crying for me.”

  “How can I not cry!?” I look at her confused. “You’re my sister and I love you. Not to mention I am never going to see you again.” I become teary eyed again.

  “Enough with the tears. This is supposed to be a happy moment, not all sad and crying. Now suck it up,” she demanded with a smile.

  I laugh lightly. “I never got to tell you what I wanted you to know,” I said sadly.

  “Lexi, you had two days. I heard every word. You knew in your gut I wasn’t going to survive and I know you were trying to be strong. But at the same time, you were saying good bye. I heard you,” she smiled hugging me again.

  A wall of relief washes over me. I’m glad she already knows.

  “Now, when you wake up, I don’t want any more tears do you promise me?” she said raising an eyebrow.

  “How can I not cry over losing you? I will always miss you and that comes with tears,” I said stubbornly.

  She laughed. “Okay, just promise you won’t cry as much. Just know I am happy where I am and that I will be watching over you every step of the way,” she smiled.

  I nod. “I guess I can agree to that.”

  “Good. Now I better get going. They are waiting for me.” She turns to look behind her, but I don’t see anyone.

  “Wait, before you go, can you tell me what happened with Oranda?”

  She gives a sad smile. “Oranda was being controlled by Malvent. She found out you were alive and was going to kill you. I had to stop her, even if it meant forfeiting my life. I had to protect you.” She smiled. “It was and forever will be worth it.”

  I smile wholeheartedly. “Were you able to… kill her?” I asked. In a way I wanted her to be alive so I could get my revenge.

  “You’ll find what you’re looking for five miles from Zach’s house heading toward home,” sadness crossed her face.

  “I’m sorry Bree. I know she was your sister.”

  “I know, but it’s okay,” she smiled sadly. Squaring her shoulders and putting on a tough face she said, “Now I want you to put all you have into killing that bastard Malvent. Do it for all who have died because of him. Send him to the Hell he belongs in!” She demanded. “Got it!?”

  I laugh, “Got it!”

  She hugs me again and gives a peck on my cheek. “I love you Lexi.”

  I squeeze her tightly returning the kiss on the cheek. “I love you too.”

  She turns to walk away then turns back. “Oh, and watch the dagger. It’s covered in poison and it’s deadly,” she laughed lightly.

  “I will. Love you Bree!”

  “Love you too!” She walks into the white mist ahead of her and disappears.

  Waking up, I push myself into a sitting position and wipe the last of the tears from my eyes. Thinking of the last moments of the dream, I smile. She is happy and free. That’s how I will remember her from now on, as my guardian angel.

  Zach sits up and looks at me unsure of what to do with me.

  “Come on. I have something to do,” I said as I stand heading for the front door with Zach right behind me.

  Once outside I head in the direction of home. Just as Bree said, I find what I’m looking for five miles in.

  Surrounded by trees, what happened here is still untouched. Blood specks are on the trees, and pools of dried blood cover the ground. It’s horrifying to look at, especially knowing that this was the beginning of Bree’s death.

  On the ground lay Oranda in a heap. She is badly wounded which is also the cause of her demise. There is no telling how long it took her to die here, alone in the woods. She didn’t have anyone, but Bree had us, Oranda had no one. It’s sadness that overtakes me. No sister should ever have to do this, but she did it to save me, her adopted sister. I feel for Oranda. I no longer feel hatred toward her, I feel pity and sorrow. Would she have been a different person had she not been Malvent’s puppet?

  I know she would have been different. The day I met her, I felt a pure heart and I felt I could trust her. But Malvent had his claws into her and changed her. This isn’t her fault; it all comes back to Malvent. He is the one that needs to pay for the things he has done. He is the one who needs to be laying here, not Oranda.

  “Zach, we’re taking her back,” I said with sadness in my voice. “I can’t leave her here.”

  He yips in shock.

  “I know she killed Bree, but… she has no one. Malvent changed her, it’s his fault my sister is gone. Not hers.” I look at him, trying to get him to understand.

  He nods his head.

  “Thank you.”

  I walk over and pick up her lifeless body and place her on Zach’s back. I know I can’t carry her back to the house as I still feel completely exhausted from lack of sleep.

  Zach and I walk silently though the woods, side by side until we reach the house.

  Everyone is outside on the deck watching us with surprise.

  “I want to bury her beside Bree,” I exclaimed.

  Katrina, Thomas and Donavon all look at me with confusion while Thatch and Garcia nod with understanding.

  Once Zach and I are closer, Thatch takes Oranda off Zach’s back and lays her on the deck with gentle hands.

  “There is something you should know Lexi,” Garcia starts to say.

  I look at her.

  “We don’t bury our dead. We let the spirits take them home.”

  My eyes widen in surprise. “What do you mean?” I ask confused.

  “You will see. But first we need to get them cleaned up and dressed for their departure,” Garcia said calmly, I assume trying to keep me from getting upset. “Would you like to help pick out their outfits?” she asked gently.

  I nod as I wipe a tear from my eye.

  Once inside, Garcia and I go to my closet to find some outfits. I notice Bree’s body is no longer lying on the bed. I don’t ask where they have taken her.

  Garcia pulls out a pretty white dress that has touches of lace.

  I shake my head. “Bree would kill me if I put her in a dress. But maybe we can use it for Oranda,” I said solemnly.

  I grab what I think she would have liked. I pick a long sleeve green shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans with embroidered butterflies on the pockets that run down the sides of the leg. She always dressed this way and I’m not going to change that.

  Garcia approves my decisions, though I doubt she would have told me no on anything I picked. She disappears after telling me to wait on the porch with the others.

  I sit on the steps between Zach and Katrina. She’s holding Thomas on her lap as he still has tears streaming down his face, snuggling into Katrina’s shoulder. She gently rocks him back and forth, soothing him, while she also has tears threatening to spill over. Donavon has his arm around Katrina’s back and they look into each other’s eyes. Katrina stops rocking and leans into Donavon and he tightens his hold o
n her. I’m sure thinking about what he would do if he ever lost her.

  Zach sits tightly next to me as I lay my head against his fur. If there is ever a time I need his embrace, it would be now. How I crave for him to hold me the way Donavon holds Katrina. I need him to hug me, and hold me the way he used to when he was human. I crave his embrace, his love. But, that too, has been taken away from me, to have the comfort I cherish and love.

  As if Zach read my mind, he wraps his leg around my back and rests his huge paw over my shoulder. He then nuzzles my face with his and lets out a low sigh.

  I lean my face into his, allowing him to do what he can to comfort me.

  It’s a few minutes later that Garcia and Thatch come out of the house.

  “Donavon, could you please help Thatch?” Garcia asked solemnly.

  Donavon nods his head, and after kissing Katrina on the lips he heads inside with Thatch.

  Garcia comes over and has me stand up. She grabs both of my hands in hers and asks if I’m ready to say good bye.

  Once again, tears fill my eyes, but I nod my head. I had my chance to say good bye to her, face to face for which I am very grateful. I got my wish and it was everything I could ask for and more.

  Thatch comes out the door first carrying something behind him. As he comes out the door, I’m able to see they are carrying Oranda on a flat stretcher. It’s decorated with sunflowers and vines along the edges making it look like a garden.

  Oranda lays in the white dress with her hands lying on her stomach holding a beautiful sunflower beneath them. She is all cleaned up and her hair moves gently with the wind.

  Thatch and Donavon carry her to the middle of the open yard and lay her gently down on the ground. Then they both walk back in the house and I know who is coming out next.

  My stomach churns and I’m not sure if I can handle this. If I can handle seeing Bree’s body no longer full of life. But I know she is okay, she may not be here in body, but I know she is here in spirit.

  Thatch, again is first in line carrying Bree on a stretcher. It’s covered in ivy’s but she has beautiful stargazer lilies surrounding her. She also holds one in her hands resting on her stomach.

  Tears start to fall from my eyes as I watch them lay her down next to Oranda.

  A voice pops into my head, ‘I’m okay, remember that.’ That voice only belongs to Bree.

  I smile slightly and whisper, “I know.”


  Walking down the steps, I head toward Bree and Oranda knowing that their spirits are free. Bree reminded me of that. Though the tears still flow down my face, I know it is time to let their physical bodies go, to let them be at peace and go into the unknown. I know we will all be there one day, just some sooner than others. Of course this doesn’t make losing her any easier, but I know she will always be with me no matter where I am.

  Crouching down next to Bree’s body, I give her one last goodbye and give her one last kiss on her forehead.

  “I love you Brianna,” I whisper. I then turn toward Oranda. “May you find peace Oranda.” I touch their hands with the last goodbye I can give both of them.

  “It’s time Lexi,” Garcia called to me from the deck.

  I stand and turn looking at the family I have and I’m very grateful to have them. They mean the world to me and I will never take any of them for granted.

  Walking up the steps, I hug Garcia and Thatch giving them thanks for what they have done for Bree and Oranda. Then I turn around and watch in amazement.

  Their bodies start to rise into the air leaving the stretchers behind. Their hair hangs down toward the ground as their bodies still lay perfectly flat floating in the air. They raise about fifty feet into the air, then they stop. The wind blows gently through their hair. A light starts to shine from each of their chests. It engulfs their entire body, surrounding them in a white light. A mist clouds around them and then dissipates, taking their bodies with it. Everything fades and is gone along with their bodies. The spirits have taken them home.

  “Goodbye Bree and Oranda…” Once again the offensive tears return but I’m not alone.

  A week has passed since Bree and Oranda’s send off. I try my best to keep my tears to a minimum as I had promised Bree, but it’s difficult. I did as she asked and threw myself into training harder to kill the murderer who took my sister from me. He is going to pay for what he has taken from me. He killed my father, took my mother, killed my sister and destroyed my parents who have now lost both Bree and I. I’m hoping to return after I kill Malvent and tell them everything. But I’m not so sure I will return.

  I have to keep that from my mind as I fight and struggle to learn all I possibly can. I engulf myself into everything I can learn. I have to admit, losing Bree has changed me. I don’t exactly know if it is a good thing. I feel dangerous, like I’m going to snap at any moment and I’m afraid it will be toward the people I love. I guess that’s why I will spend more time alone.

  Every day I go into the woods and be alone. Knock down a few trees and turn them into mulch. I hate that I can’t go home to my parents and tell them I’m okay and tell them the truth about everything. But I swore to myself that I would wait until after the war, if I survive.

  “Damn it!” I growl punching another tree as hard as I can causing it to crack and split. This time my knuckles are bloody from the force, but I don’t care. It will heal in a moment like it never happened. I shake my head, here I am in the middle of the woods sulking about the things I have lost. But what about everyone else who has lost something or someone, because of that monster? What about them? I’m not the only one in pain of what I have lost. Families all over are missing a loved one Malvent kidnapped and forced to become part of his army. Except, they don’t know who is responsible. But I do… I’m able to get the revenge they can’t. They don’t have their loved one to have a proper goodbye, I did…

  Now that I look at it, I’m better off than others who have also lost. I’m able to fight the monster behind the killings and missing persons. I’m the only one who was born to take this monster on and I’m the only one that is able to take him down. I’m able to bring justice to all of those lost souls who died because of him.

  I suddenly feel more empowered and more at ease. I know I’m on the verge of becoming an angry, bitter person. But thinking of the others who have also lost, brings me back to who I am, not who I was becoming. I don’t like who I was becoming, and I’m sure Bree would have kicked my butt.

  That makes me smile. I know if she were here, she would keep me on the right path. But it’s up to me now to keep myself in line and not allow myself to slip.

  I hear a huff behind me. Zach stands in disbelief looking at the damage I have done to the trees around me. Six trees are laying on the ground, all about a foot in thickness. A couple I have smashed, allowing my anger to escape, that they are laying in a pile of their own dust. The one I had just punched still stands, but has a split ten feet up the tree, leaving half of it pointing away.

  I look down at my hands, capable of such destruction… It scares me at times at how powerful and strong I have become. At the ability I have to destroy and kill about anything in my path. I’m afraid that I will lose who I am, and if it wasn’t for the remembrance of Bree, I probably would have. She was honestly my rock through all of this and now she’s gone. I didn’t think I had anyone else to hold me in control, but I’m wrong.

  As I look at Zach, his golden yellow eyes tell me all I need to know. He’s shown me his world before I knew I was a part of it. He trusted me and helped ground me to the world he belongs to. I now belong in the same world with him and I trust him with every inch of my life. With him being a wolf, it has not changed anything. If anything, it has made us each stronger and better for it. We will die for each other, and he did die for me once already. For that, I can never repay except with my life. I’m sure he wouldn’t allow that in the first place, but I will gladly give it up for him, to protect him.

  He looks at
me with some confusion in his beautiful bright eyes. How I miss his dark eyes, I miss his human body, but this is what we are dealt and I will stand by his side every inch of the way. Though my heart pains to see his beautiful smile and to have him hold me in his arms again, I would rather lose all of that, than to never see him again.

  Zach moves in closer, not sure what is going on with me as I continue to stare at him.

  I give a soft smile. “I’m okay. I finally found what I was looking for.”

  He cocks his head to the side, still completely confused.

  I give a small laugh and walk over, wrapping my arms around his massive neck and whispered into his ear, “You.” I give a gentle squeeze then step back and say, “Let’s get back.”

  I have a feeling the trees will now be safe from my wrath. I feel better now. I give one last look at the damage I have caused and promise myself, that if I survive, I will replant trees here to replace the ones I needlessly killed.

  Walking through the woods with Zach, I reflect back to the first time I found out he was a wolf. I laugh lightly causing another confused stare from Zach, but I ignore him. I remember he was just a regular size wolf, but now as I walk beside him, his shoulder is now even with mine and his head is even higher. He has grown so much during our time together. I know Garcia and Thatch’s animal forms are much larger than the regular animals and I didn’t think too much of it at the time. But now, I’m curious. Zach changed to his wolf form two years before I moved here, but yet, when I met him, he was a regular sized wolf. Since we have been together, he has grown. I wonder why that is. I will have to ask.

  Getting back to the house, Zach and I are just inside the tree line when I see two people sparring in the yard. Looking closer, I can see it’s Donavon and… Katrina?

  I’m shocked. He’s actually teaching her to fight. He wanted nothing to do with her being in the clearing when the time came, and fought with her each time it was brought up. He was adamant in his decision, but so was she. She wanted to be there, especially since her last vision when someone had died. She is now more determined than ever to be there.


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