Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3)

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Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3) Page 20

by Felicia Leibenguth

  “It’s good to see you Katrina,” he whispered.

  I hug him tighter. “Same to you.”

  I sit next to him on the couch just as Garcia brought in some water. He takes a drink and then notices the letter on the table.

  He puts his drink down and reaches over to touch the letter on the table. “This is why you called.” He doesn’t ask it as a question.

  Garcia nods. “When you’re done reading it, we have more to tell you…”

  Pete picks it up with shaking hands and flips it over. On the back is a kiss made with lipstick, sealing it shut. I see the tears swell in his eyes.

  He stares at it for a moment and rubs his hand over the kiss. The tears spill over.

  I can tell there is indecision on his face. If he opens it, it will make it final…

  “Do you want me to read it to you?” I ask him gently, not wanting to offend or upset him.

  He looks at me with such sadness. “I’m afraid…”

  I hold his hand. “It will be okay. Lexi has a way with her words and it is better for you to hear it from her, than us.” I smile gently, while trying to hold back my scream of She’s Alive!

  He takes a deep breath. “I don’t know if I can… but will you…” he hands me the envelope with shaking hands.

  I open it gently, careful not to mess up the kiss on the envelope and pull out the letter Lexi had hand-written for her parents.

  I have to center myself, I have to make sure I don’t break out in tears as I read it. I have to remind myself she is upstairs fighting for her life, but alive. As I take in a deep breath, I look at Pete. He doesn’t look at me or Garcia. He holds the empty envelope in his hands, rubbing his fingers over the hand-written words Mom and Dad. Tears threaten to spill over, but he manages to keep them spilling over.

  Taking in one last breath, I start to read aloud Lexi’s letter…


  For the greatest parents I could ever have asked for,

  I want you to know that I love you both so much and you both gave me a life I loved and wouldn’t trade for the world. You taught me so much and helped me through good and bad times and God knows, dealt with so much. You pulled me through when I didn’t think it was possible. You pulled me up when I needed help. You loved me as your own even though I was adopted. It’s okay, I am so happy I got to know the love of parents and the joy I have when I call you my mom and dad. You are the best thing that had ever happened to me and I will be forever grateful for the love you’ve given me.

  There is so much I want to tell you and much of it you probably won’t understand or believe. I had a hard time believing it myself so I won’t blame you if you think I’m crazy. You don’t know how bad I wish I could have told this all to you face to face, to explain everything thoroughly and not just chop through it all. But fate had a different plan for me. But I hope you will be able to accept and forgive me for the pain I have caused you both. It is one of the many regrets I will carry with me forever…

  I’m sorry… I truly and deeply am.

  I want you to know that I didn’t run away, I wasn’t into drugs or drinking, I didn’t run with the wrong crowds. I was the daughter you raised me to be… a truthful, loving, never take anything for granted, caring person, through and through.

  You didn’t fail as parents, if anything you exceeded beyond any child’s hopes and dreams.

  Now I want you to know the truth, the full truth of who I am… of what I am…

  This is going to be difficult, but I know you will get through this letter and have a million different emotions. But I know, you won’t love me any differently than you do right now. I love you Mom and Dad…

  Let the complicated story begin…

  Eighteen years ago I was born into a world many don’t know about nor believe in. It’s known as the Supernatural World, where Werewolves, Shape-Shifters, Vampires, Angels and even Demons amongst many others exist.

  This is where my biological parents are from. My mother a White Angel and my Father a Vampire. I am a mix of them. I may appear human but I am not.

  I know you think I have completely lost my mind. But I want you to think about it. How I was always able to heal faster than other people. How I was always a little bit more unique than those around me. My eyes… they are the eyes of my biological mother – Harmony. Before my eighteenth birthday… the extreme pain I was in, the hospital visit… it was my true identity being awakened. That’s why they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. There was nothing to find.

  Bree… my sweet sister… She too, is a part of this world. She made a promise to Harmony that she would protect me for as long as she could. She was there when I was born and she was there when my biological parents were killed by a monster. Her age never reflected her appearance.

  There is a war being waged in this world and I am ironically the only hope the Supernatural World has to being freed. An evil, dark demon of sorts has ruled them for hundreds of years putting such fear into them that they won’t even speak his name aloud.

  I am the only one that has a chance in defeating him. I want nothing more but to run and hide away from all of this. But that is not how you raised me. You taught me to be strong and to face obstacles head on.

  That’s what I am doing.

  I was helped by those around me. They helped me to become stronger, to learn to fight and protect myself. They helped me open up to the true power that was held within me. During this journey I found myself and I found the one I was meant to be with for the rest of my life. He and I were meant to be together forever. We sacrificed so much for one another, but he did so more than I, and I will forever be grateful for him.

  It has been a long journey to which I can’t fully explain. I can only allow you to know so much without giving the ones around me away. I need to protect them, as much as I need to protect you.

  In a few days I will be fighting for my life and everyone around me to free those who need to be freed.

  This was the reason I wanted to write you this letter. I was afraid I would not survive. I was afraid I would not make it back, and if you are reading this, I was right. I didn’t make it… Neither did Bree… She lost her life before this war, protecting me just as she had promised.

  I’m sorry… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner about me and you had to find out through a letter. But it was the best I could do… I hope you can forgive me.

  I served my purpose in this life. I don’t want you to feel you failed, that you should have known. There was no way for either of you to know. So please don’t carry that guilt with you. I want you both to be happy, to live your lives. I don’t want either of you to cry over Bree or I for long. We will always be with you.

  Just look to the stars…

  Bree and I love you both very much!!

  Love Forever and Always,

  Your Daughters Alexis and Breanna



  I stop reading as tears stream down my face. I hate to think what she wrote for me.

  I look at Pete sitting on the couch next to me. Tears roll down his face as he looks at no one. I can tell he is in total shock and in pain. He just learned that neither of his daughters will come home again. I can’t imagine being a parent and losing a child. It is a pain I hope I never have to find out.

  When Pete doesn’t move, Garcia kneels on the floor in front of him, taking his hands.

  He looks her in the eyes. In a pain filled whisper, he says, “They’re gone…”

  Then he burst into sobs. He goes limp and Garcia has to catch him before he falls to the floor. She pushes him back toward the couch as he covers his face with his hands and yells the word, “Why!?” over and over.

  Garcia centers herself in front of him and grabs his hands away from his face.

  “Pete…” When he looks at her she continues. “Lexi is with us. She is still alive.”

  Pete freezes, his face playing many emotions, one right after the other.
  “She’s alive, but she needs your help. She’s badly injured and I can’t help her this time,” Garcia said watching Pete’s face.

  All he can say is, “She’s alive?” in a whisper.

  Garcia nods. “She needs help Pete, you’re the only one at this point who has a chance in saving her.”

  He becomes more ridged and sits up straighter. “Anything for my little girl!” his voice becomes stronger with each word.

  Garcia continues. “There is more you need to know.”

  Pete shakes his head. “I don’t care what you all are. I don’t care about any of that. She is my daughter no matter what! She needs me, that’s all I care about. That’s all I need to know.” His eyes shine with renewed hope.

  Garcia nods then smiles slightly. “You believe her…” she doesn’t question it.

  “I didn’t raise her to be a liar.”

  Garcia nods. “But you do need to know that her wounds are grave. She is in bad shape. The one she fought in battle, had a poison covered dagger. She has a large wound on her arm. The dagger was also thrown and entered her heart. The poison spreads and turns the skin black and causes it to die. This is the same poison that took Bree’s life.” She pauses as pain crosses his face. “I’m sorry Pete. If we could have saved her, we would have. But Lexi needs the help only you can give her. Katrina is human, but she is gifted in many ways. She told us what we need to do. The blackened flesh needs to be removed as much as possible, and that is not something I can do here. Nor do I have the experience to do such major surgery. She will also need Katrina’s blood. It has a healing effect on Lexi.”

  Pete looks over at me and I smile gently. “It’s complicated…”

  He nods. “Where is she?” he said as he stands ready to move.

  “Pete, if you are able to help her, you’re going to need some of your most trusted people to help you. We cannot let this get out about her… or us.”

  “She is my little girl. I will not allow anything further to happen to her. Now where is she?” he demanded.

  “Follow me.” Garcia leads the way upstairs and I follow behind Pete.

  Once outside Lexi’s door, Garcia says, “Prepare yourself.” She opens the door.

  Pete stands in the doorway for just a moment before rushing to Lexi’s side. He is on the opposite side of Zach, who he barely notices and grabs Lexi’s hand. He leans in and kisses her on the head with tears streaming down his face. He places his hand on the side of her face as he still looks on in disbelief.

  “Lexi, baby girl, I’m here... I’m here,” he says softly.

  Zach speaks to Pete, “She hasn’t woken up in 20 hours now. Her breathing is slowing more and the poison is spreading.” Zach’s voice rings through. Pete finally realizes Zach is in the room.

  Pete takes a deep breath. “Let me see the wounds.” He’s clearly going into Doctor mode.

  Zach moves out of the way and Garcia moves into his spot. She moves Lexi’s arm out from under the blanket and rests it on top so we can all see. The wound has already leaked through the clean bandage. Garcia gently pulls the tape and gauze from her wound, exposing the large gash and surrounding blackness covering half of her forearm. The wound is oozing a black kind of slime. It hasn’t done that before. Is it because of my blood? But I’m thankful it hasn’t spread anymore in the last hour.

  Pete looks on examining, but not touching. “My God…” he said in total disbelief.

  Garcia covers it up and unbuttons Lexi’s nightgown, just enough so he can see her chest wound.

  As she peels back the bandage, Pete gasps and covers his mouth in shock.

  Her wound is large, covering much of her chest, and the dagger wound itself seems to be growing little by little, spreading open wider and wider.

  Garcia covers it and re-buttons her shirt.

  Pete grips Lexi’s hand and looks at her face. When he speaks, he looks at no one but Lexi. “Please tell me she killed the monster that did this to her?”

  Garcia breathes in gently. “She is a strong girl. As badly as she was wounded before the dagger entered her heart, she was able to deal the final blow. She destroyed him.”

  “Good,” he takes in a deep breath. “I don’t know how much I will be able to remove. I don’t know how deep it goes or how much I will be able to help, or how she will handle the surgery, but I will do my damnedest to save her.”

  “We know you will.” Garcia walks around and places a hand on Pete’s shoulder. “We can only hope and pray she is strong enough to pull through. We can only do so much for her. The rest will be up to her.”

  He agrees, determined. “We need to get her to the ER. I need to do this before she gets any worse.” He turns toward me. “Katrina, if you are willing, I would like to take a bag of your blood.”

  I smile. “You can take five or six.” He looks at me questionably. “Don’t worry. I have experience having my blood drained. I can handle it, I know my limits.”

  “We will see…” he still questions with his eyes. He turns his attention to Garcia. “We need to get her to my car.”

  Garcia nods. “Donavon, Kasey…” she calls knowing that they are close by.

  Donavon and Kasey enter the room quickly, to Pete’s surprise.

  They both look at Garcia. “Kasey, I need you to get the van ready for her. Pull the back seats out. Donavon, when it’s ready, carry Lexi to the van.” she commanded.

  They both nod in agreement. Then Garcia looks over at a wide-eyed Pete, staring at Donavon like he’s a beast.

  Garcia smiles. “Pete, this is Donavon. He is Katrina’s boyfriend and a Vampire. He is also rather close to Lexi, so she is in good hands.”

  Donavon steps over to Pete and holds his hand out. “Pleasure.”

  Pete takes his hand, and shakes it firmly. “Same.” Then he looks at me with a bit of shock as Donavon stands quite a bit taller than him. I’d be intimidated too.

  Donavon steps back and stands by my side.

  Pete continues to look at me. “Guess you would have experience…” he trails off.

  I smile gently. Donavon looks at me with questions in his eyes, but I ignore him. I hate talking about that subject with him. He always becomes angry at himself for the things he’s done in the past.

  Garcia speaks once again, “And this is Kasey, who is also a Vampire. He is also close to Lexi. They share something that I am sure you will learn about later.”

  Pete shakes Kasey’s hand more willingly. “You raised a wonderful spirit,” Kasey told Pete.

  Pete smiles, “Thank you.”

  Once the greeting are over, Kasey turns to Garcia and asks, “Where are we taking her?”

  Pete says, “To Strong Memorial Hospital, where I work.”

  Kasey smiles. “I need to make a phone call…” He quickly leaves the room.

  We watch after him confused.

  “Zach, can you get the van ready since Kasey is busy? We need to get going,” Garcia asked him.

  Zach looks at Lexi. I know he doesn’t want to leave her side.

  “I’ll do it,” Thatch yelled up the stairs.

  Zach’s face relaxes.

  “Okay. Katrina can you help me pack up some things?”

  I nod, “Sure.”

  “Everyone has their duties. Zach, help where needed.”

  He agreed.

  Garcia and I leave the bedroom and I follow her to her secret room where she keeps her books and plant materials. This room holds some good and bad memories for me.

  “I need to pack some supplies in case we need them. Can you grab my book on the shelf while I gather some ingredients?”

  “No problem.”

  We rush around gathering a small pile of things, and pack them into her bag. Once we finish we head upstairs to Lexi’s now empty room, and grab some of her clothes. I also grab a few things for myself. I’m glad we are about the same size in clothes.

  Before I head outside with the two bags, I grab some paper towels and some plastic
shopping bags.

  Donavon has just started setting Lexi in the back of the van. I put the bags down in the middle seat and go to the back to see if I can help.

  Zach and Pete are in the back, helping to position Lexi comfortably on a thick pile of blankets. Just as they stop moving her, she starts to cough. I know what is coming. I guess that was why I was compelled to grab the towels and bags. I grab them quickly, ordering them to turn her to her side. Zach knows too, so he does it quickly. I jump in the back, and just before she starts throwing up, I have the bag under her face, and a paper towel in hand. Her body is using my blood and I can’t be more thankful.

  Pete looks on for a moment before saying, “She’s throwing up blood…” a bit horrified.

  I look him in the eyes, willing him to understand. “It’s my blood. Once her body uses the essence of it, she no longer needs it and her body rejects the rest. This is normal, so don’t worry, it’s a good sign.”

  I wipe Lexi’s face while I hear Pete mumble to himself, “So much to learn.”

  She is on her back again, and her breathing is slow and shallow. She doesn’t wake up like she had before. I pull the bandage off my wrist. The wound is already sealed shut, leaving a raised pink line.

  “Donavon, bite me,” I hold my wrist out, basically ordering him.

  “Katrina…” he grumbled.

  “If you don’t, I will, and my bite is way worse than yours. I’m not arguing about it.”

  He sighs, lifting my wrist to his mouth. His teeth sink into my flesh gently, but it isn’t any less painful.

  “Thank you,” I tell him placing my hand on his cheek for a moment. He sighs, then kisses my palm. I smile.

  I turn to Lexi and place my bleeding wrist over her mouth, wiling her to take some. She needs everything she can get.

  It takes her a moment, but the Vampire in her kicks in, and she begins to suck like a baby on a bottle. This time her teeth don’t bite down, which worries me.

  After a minute, Donavon tries to get me to stop, but I tell him, “No, a little more.”

  After another minute, I pull away. It will have to do for now. I have to save some of my strength for bagging my blood at the hospital.


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