Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC

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Mace & His American Rose: The Scarlet Runners MC Page 8

by Brair Lake

  Avery closed her eyes. With a sigh, she lay back into the cushions. Blood surged through her, heating her. Mace’s fingers were bringing the hard bud to life and she wanted to groan. ‘I’m not. It’ll end.’

  ‘Is that what you want Avery - For this to end.’ His tongue flicked the hard nub. Her fingers gripped into his hair. Her hips thrusting up against him while she stroked his back. The heat from Mace, comforting her. Encouraging her to believe him, and maybe a happy ending. ‘No – Not yet.’

  Avery shuddered when his tongue lapped at her flesh. The wet trail he left from her tits to her stomach as his tongue dipped into her navel, heating her blood. ‘Will you come to dad’s birthday party.’

  Mace kissed her stomach. His teeth nipping at the flesh, causing Avery to moan. ‘You really want me there.’

  The doubt in his voice hurt her. She wasn’t sure if her parents loved her. Yet she knew they would always be there for her. ‘I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.’

  ‘And no more talk of leaving or who’s covering the cost of Sylvia’s security.’ Avery relaxed against Mace as he continued to kiss her. Right now he could ask her anything, and she’d give it to him. ‘No – No more talk.’

  ‘And I don’t have to wear one of those silly suits.’

  Avery’s gasp of delight is loud as his mouth trailed over her pussy. His tongue snaking out to lick her. ‘No – Just come as you are.’

  ‘Then I’ll come. And so will you shortly.’

  Avery’s neck arched when Mace began to play with her clit.

  Chapter 15

  Avery giggle into her coffee, while watching Mace scowl at the newspaper he’s reading. ‘Little- Bird.’

  ‘No Mace – You promised. No going back now.’

  ‘And you said it was okay for me to go naked.’

  Her eyes rolled as she collected her keys off the kitchen table. ‘You know I didn’t mean it figuratively.’

  ‘Yeah. Well now I know you’re a girl who goes back on her word.’

  With a pat on his shoulder, Avery placed a swift kiss on Mace’s head. ‘I’ll pick you up at Seven.’

  Mace dropped the paper, grabbed Avery and pulled her onto his lap. His lips nibbling against the soft flesh of her neck. ‘Where are you going.’

  ‘Shanae needs me.’

  ‘I need you. And I believe my needs are more urgent.’ Mace wiggled his ass, and Avery cupped his face, kissing him before she rose.



  Sex fucked with your mind Mace decided as he dropped the paintbrush into the tray on the easel. If he hadn’t been thinking with his cock, he wouldn’t be in the mess he’s in now. With a critical eye, he appraised the painting, smiling as he saw it coming to life. Little-Bird’s a good subject, and the next one he painted of her, she’ll be naked. After she left earlier this morning there had been a sense of emptiness in the apartment. Something he’s never felt before. The converted barn had been left with echoes of silence, and he had found it disturbing. The solitude he normally enjoyed, is a heavy weight to him today. Time alone, was when he escape from the memories. The day he had run away from the home, had been his first day of freedom. No more sharing a room with several other boys. No more hoarding away his favorite book. Not that it had done any good. When he had returned to the home and found the book destroyed. Pages scattered over his bed. That had been the moment he had run away and never returned.

  His gaze returned to the painting. A week. That’s all it’s been since Little-Bird spent her first night. Since then she has spent every night here and practically most days. If she isn’t sitting for him. While he was on club business, she was at The Scarlet, photographing everything in sight.

  ‘The brothers are riding out later.’ Mace turned to Mississippi. For someone who was incapacitated. He sure moved around, both silently and nimbly. ‘Ever heard of knocking.’

  ‘I watched the lady leave.’

  Mace finished washing his hands, watching Mississippi studying his painting. ‘It’s good.’

  He strolled over to the easel and dropped the linen covering over it. ‘Thanks – Your bike’s ready. When does the cast come off?’

  ‘In a few days.’

  ‘I’ll take you to the hospital.’

  Mississippi sat in the chair Little-Bird usually used. His dark brown gaze skimming over Mace as he watched him clear up. ‘I was kinda hopping Avery might offer.’

  Mace growled. His stomach twisting. Although he has never said anything. He’s noticed the friendship between the biker and Little-Bird. If Mississippi told a joke, and no matter how unfunny it is, she giggled like a schoolgirl. When he walked into The Scarlet. They were together. He’s also noticed that somehow he’s managed to have his photograph taken several times more than anyone else. ‘She’ll probably be busy. So you’ll have to put up with me.’

  Mississippi chuckled, scratching his hair covered leg. ‘Do you know what you’re doing Mace?’

  ‘You ask me that every day.’

  ‘Do I. Hey, she’s a great girl. But is she one of us.’

  ‘You don’t seem to have problems with her.’

  Mississippi returned to scratching his leg. ‘What can I say. She’s easy on the eye. Great company. But she is still the judge’s daughter.’

  ‘Is this you talking, or Sinbad?’

  ‘Sinbad asked me to keep an eye on her. It was easy while I was in this cast. Once it’s off. I’m back on the road.’

  Mace handed the biker a beer. Then he pushed his body up against the window frame. His gaze on the woods as he sipped the cold liquid. ‘What’s his problem.’

  Mississippi didn’t answer straight away. Through the glass, Mace watched his reflection. Watched as he drank from the bottle. Watched him stare at the bottle before his head lift up to watch him. Then he turned. Brown eyes met brown eyes. This man is his brother. ‘That the judge has sent her.’

  His eyebrow rose. After finishing his beer, he tossed the empty bottle into the trash can. It landed with a loud clang, and Mace wondered if it had smashed. ‘You think she seduced me to use me?’

  Mississippi continued to study his own beer. Drawn to the brown glass while he tossed it from hand to hand.

  ‘I like her Mace. I do. But she’s taken a lot of photos.’ The dark biker fell silent. Then he glanced up at Mace. All traces of laughter vanishing. ‘What is she going to do with them.’

  ‘Sinbad okayed the photographs. The women are happy to be photographed. Fuck Miss, -She’s taken dozens of you.’

  ‘Yeah – Why would she want to take photos of this old grizzly.’

  ‘I trust her Mississippi.’

  ‘Is that you or your dick talking.’

  ‘You’ve spent time with her. What do you think.’

  Mississippi ran his hand over his head. His chuckle loud. ‘That if she wasn’t so bedazzled with you. I’d make a play for her myself.’

  ‘She isn’t fond of her old man.’

  Mississippi wobbled slightly when he rose out of his seat. ‘Keep your eyes open at that fancy party tonight.’

  Mace grimaced at the stringent taste of the Champagne. Again he wished he’d come up with an excuse not to come to the party. As he watched Avery glide through the throngs of guests. He saw how at ease she is. That this is her world, and not his. He preferred beer and whisky. Not some fancy bubbly. A glance at his watch told him he’s only been here an hour, and already he is bored. He wasn’t one for small talk, and when he isn’t with Little-Bird, he is ignored. Oh the people looked. Not overtly, just over their flute glasses, and beneath their lashes. And if he caught them. He’d raise his own glass and swallow a mouthful. Smiling when they quickly turned away. The irony is, he works for these people. The Scarlet Runners provided protection for them, and carried out their dirty work. He knew all their sordid secrets. Swallowing the last of the overpriced wine, he pushed himself from the wall to go to Little-Bird.

  ‘Mace isn’t it.’ Mace turned to the
voice. He looked for traces of Little-Bird in him and couldn’t find any. His glance skimmed over the room once more. Little-Bird’s mother wasn’t here, but he bet that must be who she looked like. Her mother.

  ‘Judge.’ He knew his voice was cold. He didn’t care. He isn’t here to make friends. He’s here for one reason only. And that reason is five foot six, with tumbling dark hair. His gaze searched and found her, and he couldn’t prevent his smile from spreading across his face.

  ‘How much?’

  The question startled him and he returned his gaze to Little-Bird’s father. ‘How much what?’

  ‘How much will it take to keep you away from my daughter.’

  The warm smile Mace had for Little-Bird turned cold. His teeth flashing when he stepped closer to the Judge. His voice nothing more than a whisper. ‘Are you sure you want to discuss this in here.’

  The Judge frowned, then he turned towards a door. Mace followed until they arrived at what must be the Judge’s office. There was no lighting apart from the gentle glow of the banker’s lamp on the mahogany desk. A green square pad sat in the middle of the table. Next to the writer’s pad, is a pen holder with several pens. On the other side, is a large black leather diary. Mace strolled over to the table and sat in the large red chesterfield leather chair. His gaze watching the judge who closed the door before stepping further into the room.

  ‘So what’s your price.’

  ‘You think you can afford it.’

  ‘If it keeps you away from Avery. I’ll pay you.’

  ‘What are you afraid Judge.’


  Mace searched the desk, coming across an intricate hand carved wooden box. Inside, are several cigars. He withdrew one. His nose dragged over the top as he sniffed the rich tobacco. His smile deepening.

  ‘Oh, I think you’re afraid that your little girl might discover that you’re not who she thinks you are. These are good cigars by the way.’ Mace clipped the end. Drawing in deeply as he lit the Cuban cigar. Inhaling the sweet smoke. Through the dark curling haze, he watched the Judge open the safe hidden between several books. He watched as he withdrew several bundles. His gaze flickering over the pile when it landed on the table, and he smiled, drawing once more on the cigar. ‘That should be ample.’

  Mace’s fingers ran over the pile. The paper band declaring them to be bundled in batches of a thousand dollars. His smile turned to a frown. When he went to pick them up, the Judges hand slapped down on top of his.

  ‘This is just between you and me. No-one needs to know.’

  Chapter 16

  ‘That wasn’t so bad. Was it?’

  Avery followed Mace into the bedroom. Her body leaning against the door as she watched him remove his watch, then his cut. When he sat on the bedroom chair and leaned over to remove his boots, she licked her lips.

  ‘Well, I’m in no rush to go to another one.’

  ‘No. You and Dad, were gone for a while.’ Avery frowned when the glow in Mace’s dark eyes dimmed. His gaze not quite meeting hers.

  ‘We had some business to discuss.’

  ‘What kind of business.’


  ‘Oh.’ Sauntering into the center of the room, she chewed on her inner lip. Her gaze warm as it roamed over his bare chest. ‘Why would Dad be doing business with The Scarlet Runners.’

  Mace finally turned his gaze onto her. His eyelashes flickering as he looked her over. Then his smile widened as his hand drifted to the zipper and button on his jeans. ‘You’ll need to talk to your old man. Now why don’t we drop the subject while you come and give me my reward for being a good boy this evening.’

  Avery dropped in between Mace’s spread legs. Her hands trembling as she helped him shuffle his jeans to his ankles. Her smile spread when he kicked them off. Then her gaze fell on his cock. Her gaze warming him while she caressed the silky flesh. She watched it grow. She watched the veins became thick with pulsating blood. ‘Thank you Mace.’

  Mace’s reached out, freeing her hair from its confines. His fingers allowing the tendrils to slide free. ‘For what.’

  ‘For coming tonight – I didn’t think you would.’

  ‘I said I’d go.’

  ‘I know.’ Avery licked her lips. All the way back to Mace’s studio, her body was humming. Being pressed up against him as she smelled him, had been a warm reminder of how much of a man he is. Slowly she leaned closer. Her mouth latching on to one of his nipples. The bud coming to life in her mouth where she licked and tasted his flesh. Her hands rested on his thighs, squeezing the flesh, while her mouth slid from one growing bud, to the other. Tasting it, playing with it. ‘Lower Little-Bird.’

  Avery giggled as her tongue flicked between his dusky brown nipples. Her hands no longer idle, but gliding over his flat stomach. The pulse in her clit throbbing heavily when Mace flinched. His stomach contracting as it quivered.

  Mace tightened his grip in her hair to push her head lower. She fought against him. Her tongue and teeth nipping at his flesh as she slid lower. When she reached his navel. Her tongue flickered into the dip, swirling round, tasting his salty flesh. Then she was gliding over the soft downy hair from his navel to the base of his cock.

  Avery pulled back. Her eyes sparkling, she looked up at Mace. His eyes are closed. His skin flush from the heat surfacing through him. When he opened his eyes. She smiled. Her lips reaching out to his. Her tongue thrusting into his mouth. While she parried and thrust, Mace held himself still. His fingers gripping into his thighs.

  Only to flinch when Avery cupped his cock. Her fingers strong when she gripped him. The friction of her flesh against his, sent the blood pulsing through his body. Blood heated through him and his hands tightened further onto his thighs. Avery’s hand was sure and swift as it slid down to the base, gliding back to the tip, twisting. Then lowering to the base again. She broke the kiss. Her mouth sliding to the base of his throat to suckle on the throbbing pulse while her hand glided and twisted the flesh of his cock.

  Soft butterfly kisses with nips were left over his body as her mouth glided lower. When she reached his cock. Avery stopped moving, leaning back to look at the engorged piece of flesh. Her tongue slipping over her lower lip as she watched the pre-cum leaking. Her tongue grew wet in anticipation.

  The kiss she places at the tip of his cock, has Mace shivering. His hands moving once more to latch into her hair to guide her mouth over his cock. Avery swallowed him slowly. First the tip is taken into her mouth. Her tongue brushing over the edge as she tastes his essences. Mace thrust his hips, pushing more of himself into her. Avery pulled away, releasing him, then she took him in a little further. Her tongue sliding over his rippled flesh. His shiver sent another pulse through her clit. When he groaned, she took him in a little deeper. As she sucked and licked the underside of his dick. Avery locked eyes with Mace. ‘Shit Little-Bird – Your tongue is a delight.’

  His voice is breathless. When he arches his neck, Avery watches the pulse at the base of his throat beat erratically as his adam’s apple slid against his flesh. Empowered by his reaction. She increased her speed. Taking him in further and deeper. When he hit the back of her throat. She gagged, pausing before starting again. Silently she willed her throat to relax. Against her hand, she felt the quickening of his blood throb through his veins. His heat burning her.

  ‘Fuck Little- Bird – I’m going to cum.’ Mace stilled Avery’s movements. His fingers gripping into her hair. His hot gaze brings a deeper blush to her already flushed cheeks

  ‘The choice is yours Avery. Either I come down your throat. Or over your hand.’

  Avery smiled. Her tongue flickered over her lips. Her grip tightening on Mace while she brought him to orgasm. Her gaze fixated on the arch of his throat and the erotic beat of his pulse. Her pussy burned and her stomach clenched when he groaned. His thrusts demanding as he came.

  ‘Thank you.’ Mace leant down. His lips warm against her forehead as he kissed her. His smile, flippin
g her stomach when he hauled her from the floor to lay her on the bed.

  ‘You’ve too many clothes on Little-Bird.’ Mace straddled Avery. His smile causes her heart to leap. He didn’t waste time stripping her out of her clothes. The red dress swiftly pulled over her head. He didn’t bother to remove the lacey hold ups. The red panties were yanked from her body and she giggled at his eagerness. The dress hadn’t needed a bra and she lay before him almost naked, spread-eagled on the bed.

  Mace’s fingers trailed over her body. His fingers molding her neck as he traced the vibrant blue vein down to her chest. The smile he flashed her, leaves her groaning as she closes her eyes.

  ‘Open your eyes Little-Bird and watch me.’ Avery obeyed him. Her gaze dropped to his hands as they cupped her tits. His fingers firm in the way he kneaded the plump flesh. His fingers pinching the hard nub. She felt the heat flush through her body. Her breast turning heavy at his manipulation. Her breath became short when he tugged on the nubs. When his head lowered to tug on the ridged bud. Her hips thrust against his lower body. The heat in her pussy built up in correspondence to the threads of arousal tugging on her nerve ends. The gentle nips became firmer when he tugged and released her nipples. Her hands dug into his shoulders as she twisted beneath him. ‘Kiss me Mace.’

  Mace sniggered against her stomach. His head lowered. Her legs rested over his shoulders when he nestled against her pussy. Her gasp loud at the first touch of his tongue as it swept over the tender flesh, flickering against the growing bud before moving back through her plump lips. His tongue teasing her opening as it darted in then pulled out. Avery ‘s hips pushed against the bed in her attempt to evade, then find his tongue. Her fingers dig harder into his hair when she thrust up into him. The blood pounding through her body was demanding more. Yet Mace carried on torturing her with his tongue. Not quite giving her the release she craved.

  ‘Mace. I need to cum you bastard.’


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