Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story Page 7

by Tonya Brooks

  “But why do we have to pretend we're a couple?” She asked in confusion and couldn't believe that she was actually considering the ridiculous idea.

  “He's my brother. Matt will leave you alone if he thinks you're mine, but if you were anyone else's girl you'd be fair game,” he explained their version of brotherly loyalty.

  Which made sense, in an odd sort of way, though she couldn't imagine her sister giving up a guy she wanted because he was dating Harley. “So how long would we need to play this game?”

  “Until Matt loses interest,” Mark said seriously. It shouldn't take too long since a woman had never managed to hold his brothers attention for very long before. However, Mark fervently hoped it would last long enough for him to get Harley out of his system as well. He had a feeling that could take a hell of a lot longer.

  From what she'd seen of Matthew's persistence so far, Harley was afraid that could take a while. “What if you want to date someone else before then?” She asked with a worried frown because Mark was no more capable of being faithful than his brother was.

  “I won't,” he assured her with that bad boy smile. “If last night was any indication, you're more than enough woman to keep me happy.”

  “I am not having sex with you as part of the deal,” she informed him bluntly. Harley vaguely recalled playing grab ass with him the night before and could not believe she'd done something like that. Truth be told, she was afraid to ask what else had happened between them.

  Dammit. So much for being faithful to Harley. Celibacy was not an option, no matter what the cause. Mark thought for a moment and suggested, “We could tell people that we'd had a fight and I went out with somebody else just to piss you off. But I'd always come back to my Harley.”

  Harley shook her head because nobody would believe they were really a couple if Mark cheated on her. Hell, everybody knew that was the reason she'd always refused to go out with him. Not that she could actually expect him to be faithful since he really wouldn't be her boyfriend, but no one except the two of them would know that. Everyone else would just think she'd lost her freakin' mind to put up with it.

  “Why are you doing this, Mark?” She asked, suspicious of his motives since everyone knew the bad Baker boys were as thick as thieves. “What can you possibly hope to gain?”

  “Hell, Harley, you know I'm crazy about you,” he said in complete honesty. “You're too good for my brother to play with and I can't just stand by and let him hurt you. Besides, you might finally see past my reputation and make the game a reality.”

  That was what she'd been afraid he'd say. Mark really was a great guy and if she'd thought for a minute that he was capable of being faithful, she would have gone out with him a long time ago. At least she would have before she fell in love with Matthew. Harley knew now that Mark genuinely cared about her and she didn't want to hurt him, but she was afraid that was what would happen when he figured out that she was in love with his two-timing brother. “Mark, I...”

  “Don't say no,” he hastily injected before she could turn him down. Hell, this was the best chance he'd ever had to get close to her and he wasn't about to give up now. “I swear it's just a game, Harley.”

  Lord. Only Mark could come up with something this devious and call it a game. “Alright,” she agreed against her better judgment. “We'll play the game.”

  And so it began.

  She and Mark made a striking couple and they appeared to be inseparable much to everyone’s amazement. No one could actually believe that the bad boy had committed himself to one woman, but their devotion to each other was evident. He even talked Ted into hiring him as a cook so they could be together while she worked.

  Ted swore he hired him just to get some work out of Harley because since Mark had started hanging out at the diner, she hadn't done much but talk to him. Having the most popular couple in school working for him had been a good decision, as all of their friends stopped by and ate while they were there. Before he knew it, Ted's was the new teenage hangout and business was booming. He gave Harley a raise.

  When Homecoming rolled around, Mark and Harley were crowned the King and Queen at halftime. Since it had been a foregone conclusion who would win, his brother John's band had taped their version of 'Little Ditty 'bout Mark and Harley', and played the song through the loud speakers as the couple laughingly accepted their crowns.

  “The whole town is watchin', so make it look good, Harley.” Mark urged as he pulled her to him for a kiss.

  Harley was dressed in the black leather outfit that she had worn to the Halloween party and she jumped into his arms, completely unconcerned about his dirty football uniform, her legs wrapped around his hips as he kissed her hungrily. The fans in the stands went wild while Matt cursed crudely and walked away.

  For the most part, she and Matthew avoided each other as much as possible, and they barely managed to behave civilly toward each other even though the attraction was as strong as ever. Harley was still in love with Matthew and each time she saw him with another woman, another piece of her heart withered and died.

  She was determined that he would never know the pain that he had caused her, or the nights that she had cried herself to sleep over him. Her heart was shattered beyond repair and she knew she'd never love like that again. There was no way in hell she would ever open herself up to that kind of hurt again. She didn't know what she would have done without Mark and his crazy game to protect her.


  Matt was caught in a living hell with no way out. The thought of Harley making love with his brother nearly drove him insane and seeing the two of them together every day was more than any man should have to endure. Out of desperation, he moved into a bedroom in the unused wing of the house so he wouldn't have to suffer every damn time he passed his brothers room.

  Mark had gotten the pictures from Alan, had one blown up poster size and pinned it on the outside of his bedroom door. The picture showed the two of them kissing; Harley's leg hooked around one of his, her hand on his ass, while Mark held her in a lovers embrace. The first time he saw it, Matt stayed drunk for three days, picking fights with anyone foolish enough to cross his path.

  Harley became a regular member of the family at the Baker house and much to Jedidiah's delight, always insisted on cleaning up the kitchen after dinner as well as waiting on the men while they ate. She really enjoyed the camaraderie of a big family and it was obvious that Jedidiah and his three younger sons loved having her there.

  She helped John with his homework and listened patiently as his band practiced and wanted her advice on each new song they played. Luke was such a bookworm that she encouraged him to have a social life for a change. Harley assured him the girls were more than interested and all he had to do was let them know that he was available and they would do the rest. Before he knew it, so many girls were calling that he barely had time to study.

  She and Mark became the best of friends and there was nothing that they couldn't share. It seemed like the bad boy and his bad girl really were the perfect couple, but their game did cause some unforeseen complications. At times, Mark would go out with someone else and the female would usually confront Harley with the knowledge.

  It was as shocking as it was hard to understand, but she didn't seem to mind his cheating on her. If anything, she found it amusing. Not one time did she ever get upset or even attempt to beat the hell out of the other woman like everyone expected. Harley would just smile as if she knew something that no one else did and say, “Mark always comes back to me.” Much to everyone's surprise, he did.

  The females in town began to despise her, especially when the other guys showed her even more interest than they had before. Mark actually got into a couple of fights with the ones who just wouldn't back off and leave her alone. Everyone wanted to know what was so special about their relationship that no matter what happened, Mark always went back to Harley and she'd welcome him with open arms. They wanted to know what lay behind the secret smile they gav
e each other and why.

  So did Matt, until he discovered their secret.

  One Friday night he pulled up outside a convenience store, and was shocked to see a female that definitely was not Harley, in the passenger seat of his brother’s car. When Mark walked out of the store, he demanded, “What the hell are you doing with Darla?”

  Without thinking, Mark laughed wickedly and said, “The same thing everybody else does, bro.”

  Mark had to be freakin' nuts. “You broke up with Harley for her?” He asked in disbelief that his brother would do something that stupid. Darla got around. A lot.

  “Hell, no,” the younger brother denied adamantly and wasn't about to let Matt think that he could go after her again. “Harley's still mine.”

  “She won't be when she finds out you're cheating on her.” Matt assured him hotly.

  “Why don't you tell her and find out?” Mark challenged with a knowing smile and went to his car, completely confident of Harley's reaction.

  Matt couldn't believe it. He'd heard rumors that Mark had been out with other women but he hadn't believed them. If a man had Harley, what the hell would he need another woman for? The fact that his brother was cheating on her, and didn't seem concerned if she found out or not, was impossible to comprehend. Mark had to be insane.

  Hell, he knew from experience that Harley wouldn't react well to the knowledge and his brother should, too. She'd kicked Matt to the curb for just dancing with someone else and never looked back. He'd wished a million times that he'd never gone to that damn Halloween party. That he'd never lost her.

  Matt had tried for months to hate her and realized it just wasn't possible. In spite of everything, he still needed her as much as he needed air and watching her with his brother was the worst form of torture imaginable. He'd be damned if Mark was gonna get away with cheating on her when she deserved so much better.

  Matt retraced his steps to the car and burned rubber over to the diner. He got there just as Harley was leaving and slid sideways to a stop in front of her. He reached over and shoved the passenger door open to command, “Get in.”

  “Like hell,” she retorted, and walked away. Harley had no idea why Matt would just show up like this, but there was no way in hell she'd risk being alone with him. As much as she hated to admit it, she still loved Matthew and in spite of everything, she still wanted him too much to even think about doing something that stupid.

  The engine growled menacingly as Matt rolled forward until he cut her off and warned in an ominous tone, “Get in the car or I'll put you in it, Harley.”

  Knowing that something must be wrong for him to be acting this way, she slid into the passenger seat and asked anxiously, “What's wrong? Is Mark alright?”

  “That's entirely up to you,” he assured her and refused to say another word as he drove down to the lake. Matt would love an excuse to beat the hell out of his brother and he was certain that Harley was about to give him a reason to do it. As mad as she was with him right now, she'd be primed for a fight by the time she found Mark with Darla.

  Harley asked dozens of questions and then yelled at him to no avail as Matthew ignored her completely. Once she realized where they were going, she began to suspect that he had seen his brother with Darla and was intent on causing a confrontation between them. Damn, damn, damn! How was she going to get out of this mess without blowing the whole game? Her mind working furiously for a plausible explanation why she shouldn't get mad with Mark, she began to chew on a fingernail in agitation.

  Matt drove slowly around the multitude of parked cars scattered about until he spotted his brothers Mustang and parked several yards away. “Your boyfriend is over there with another woman,” he informed her flatly.

  “I know.” Harley said calmly as she reached into her purse and removed a file to fix the nail she had just mangled.

  “You know?” He repeated in disbelief.

  “Mark told me,” she answered simply and began to file the jagged edge.

  “He told you?” Matt thundered incredulously as he watched her lack of reaction.

  “He tells me everything.” Harley admitted and inspected her nail in the light from the dashboard before giving him a pointed look. “We don’t have any secrets, Matthew.”

  Matt flushed darkly at the barb and just couldn't believe how calm Harley appeared. Knowing her temper, he had expected her to beat Darla senseless before she kicked his brother’s ass. “So you know that Mark's over there screwing Darla Mason and you don't care?” He reiterated just to make sure she understood what was happening in the other car.

  “Why should I? Mark always comes back to me,” she informed him confidently.

  His jaw dropped. Always, he thought a bit wildly and realized that the rumors were true. Mark really had been cheating on Harley and she knew about it! He just could not comprehend that this was real. Harley Abbott would not tolerate a man cheating on her and he damn well knew it. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Matt demanded as his eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Are you stoned?”

  She laughed in genuine amusement at the accusation and dropped the file back into her purse. “Bored is more like it.”

  He'd brought her to see for herself that Mark was with someone else and she was bored? Hell, where was the anger, the tears, the need for revenge? Why the hell wasn't Harley upset about this? “I don't get it,” he said in a combination of anger and confusion. “You kicked me to the curb and slept with my brother when all I did was dance with another woman. He's over there having sex and you don't give a damn!”

  “Is that why you brought me out here?” Harley asked shrewdly. “Did you think I'd jump in the back seat with you to get back at Mark for cheating on me?”

  Matt couldn't deny the thought had occurred to him, but he damn sure didn't have to admit it either. “I thought you'd want to know,” he said instead of answering.

  “Thank you, Matthew. You did your good deed for the day. Can we go now? I'm tired and I want to go home,” she said without inflection.

  Without another word, Matt cranked the car and drove her home. He walked her to the door and had to ask the question that had plagued him since he'd seen Mark with Darla. “Just tell me one thing, Harley. Why the hell does my brother sleep with other women?”

  Harley could have screamed in frustration. She'd thought they were going to get out of this mess, but Matthew just had to go and ask the one question she'd been hoping to avoid. “There's no big mystery,” she said simply and lied like hell. “I'm, um, aggressive... and sometimes Mark prefers to, uh, be in control.”

  “Aggressive?” Matt repeated hoarsely as if he'd never heard the word before.

  “I like to be on top,” she managed to fabricate with a straight face. “And I scream... and scratch.”

  Matt stared at her with a dazed expression as he imagined her naked, sweat dampened body astride his, the sapphire eyes clouded with passion, that glorious mane of golden hair flowing around her as she rode him with wild abandon, felt the sharp sting of her nails digging into his chest, heard her scream his name as she led him over the peak of ecstasy into complete and utter madness.

  “And I bite,” she whispered next to his ear and felt his big body shudder when some imp from hell prompted her to nip his earlobe with her teeth. “Goodnight, Matthew.”

  Searing heat flooded him. Matt stared at the door in shock as it closed behind her. He walked slowly back to the car, his body in such a state of arousal that it was painful to move. Sweet mother of God! Harley was a wild woman in bed. He closed his eyes in anguish. His brother was a lucky son of a bitch. What man in his right mind would ever get tired of that? Matt sure as hell wouldn't. Hell, he'd kill to have Harley any way he could get her. If Mark wasn't his brother, he'd already be dead.


  When Harley told Mark about it the next day, he fell in the floor laughing. “I would have loved to see the look on Matt's face,” he assured her and then began to smile devilishly when he had an idea. “What do
you say we torment him a little more?”

  The next morning he joined his family in the kitchen for breakfast wearing nothing but his jeans. His two younger brothers were staring at him in open mouth shock as the oldest just glared at him in open hostility. “Morning, Pop. We got anything for bites?”

  “Got some stuff for mosquito bites.” Jedidiah said as he turned to face his son and nearly dropped the plate of bacon he was holding. Mark's chest was covered in claw marks and there was an angry looking bite mark on his shoulder. It looked like he'd lost a fight with a wildcat. “What the hell got a hold of you?”

  “Harley gets a little wild.” Mark informed him with a shrug as if it were nothing unusual.

  “Ya don't say,” the older man said appreciatively and never would have believed that sweet little gal would be such a wild one in bed. Then again, there had to be something mighty damn special about her to keep Mark interested for this long. “I believe there's some antibiotic cream in the medicine chest.”

  “Thanks, Pop,” he said and bounded back up the stairs leaving the four of them staring after him in varying degrees of envy.

  Chapter Five

  Thursday, May 23, 2013

  “Hello, Matthew.” Harley said coolly and pushed the sunglasses on top of her head.

  “Harley?” Matt said incredulously.

  Their eyes locked and for a breathless moment, neither of them could break the spell.

  Then two thoughts struck him simultaneously. Harley was back and damn, she was even more beautiful than he remembered. He couldn't believe that she had come home after all this time or that this classy looking lady was the same woman that he had married. His eyes roved over her again and he wondered what had happened to the skin tight jeans and halter tops.

  Hell, Matt knew it had been twelve years since he'd seen her, but whenever he allowed himself to think about her, he still pictured her as the wild, unpredictable girl that she had been. Now his stunned gaze saw before him the sophisticated woman that she had become. Damned if she wasn't even more appealing than ever. Which was inconceivable, since she had been completely irresistible to begin with.


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