Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story Page 9

by Tonya Brooks

  “Yes.” Harley breathed as she grasped his head and held it against her body. She hadn't realized her breasts were so sensitive, but his mouth was sending tremors coursing through her that she never wanted to end. When his hand slid between their bodies to probe her feminine core again, she gasped, “Matthew! Oh, God, Matthew!”

  She was ready for him, he realized. Sweet Jesus, was she ready. Normally, Matt would have taken his time and made love to her slow and leisurely, and he would later. There would be plenty of time for that before the night was over. Right now they were both well past the foreplay stage and in need of some serious relief.

  He lifted his hips and slid into her as a moan of pure pleasure escaped her lips. God, she was so hot and tight, her body fit him like a glove. And then her muscles contracted around him, gently squeezing and drawing him deeper inside, making him a part of her and holding on as if she would never let him go. That was when his alcohol fogged brain realized that they were finally one, that Harley was really his, and he lost all semblance of control.

  Once unleashed, his desire for her knew no bounds. Matt reared back on his knees, lifting her lower body completely off of the seat as he slammed into her again and again like a man possessed. He felt the sharp sting of her nails raking his chest and arms as they had so many times in his dreams. He was vaguely aware of her voice crying his name and words that had no meaning.

  He climbed higher and higher, until teetering on the verge of madness, he thrust one last time, holding himself buried as deeply as possible inside of her while Harley screamed his name brokenly. The climax that ripped through him was so earth shatteringly powerful that he collapsed on top of her, and could barely breathe much less move. His last conscious thought was not to crush Harley as he rolled them onto their sides with her trembling body held tightly, possessively in his arms.

  Harley lay as still as possible until she was certain that Matthew was asleep, and then she managed to ease herself free of his embrace with some effort. She slid into the foot without disturbing him and saw her necklace lying on the floor. She pulled it over her head and climbed over the seat to dress as silent as a wraith.

  Pulling her knees up to her chin, and wrapping her arms around herself to stop the trembling, she sat staring into the darkness as tears of remorse slid down her cheeks unnoticed. She had been expecting the gentle passion he had shown her that day at the garage, and she knew it was her own fault that he hadn't this time. Harley had thrown herself at him like a whore, and that was exactly how he had treated her, instead of like a lady as he had promised to.

  She had known better than to flirt with Matthew, but the damage was done and there was no way that she could deny it. Half the town had seen her throw herself at him as well as his response. The other half would know by morning that she had slept with Mark's brother. Dammit! She was furious with herself and none too pleased with Matthew either. Mark would be absolutely livid when he found out and she dreaded having to tell him what she'd done.

  Harley sat there until she had control of her emotions and then she reached into the back to shake him awake. “Wake up, Matthew,” she said when he opened his eyes. “It's late and I need to go home.”

  “What time is it?” He yawned and smiled sleepily up at her.

  “It's after midnight.” Harley said as she dropped his clothes over the back of the seat.

  “Damn, baby, why'd you let me sleep?” Matt complained as he slid his jeans on and stepped over the seat to slide easily under the wheel. He wanted to make love to her again, dammit.

  “I just woke up a few minutes ago,” she lied.

  “We could stay here tonight,” he suggested as he pulled her closer, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of the night making love to her. The night, hell. He wanted to spend the rest of his life making love to her. He'd never felt so connected to anyone before. Matt had felt as if he was actually part of another person in more than the physical sense and he couldn't wait to experience it again.

  “I have to go home, Matthew,” she refused and braced her hands against his bare chest.

  “Okay, baby,” he agreed in disappointment and was content to indulge her with anything she wanted. Harley was finally his and there was nothing that he wouldn't do for her. He cranked the car and pulled it in gear before he put his arm around her shoulders and held her firmly against his side. The need to hold her was stronger now than ever. Once they were on the road, he kissed her temple and asked, “When do you work tomorrow?”

  “I don't.”

  “Come by the garage and we'll make plans.”

  “Plans?” She repeated blankly.

  “For tomorrow night.” The bad boy smile became decidedly wicked as he decided they should spend the entire night making love. After tonight he knew he'd never get enough of her. Not in a million years. Making love with Harley had been the most incredible experience of his life and even though Matt was more sated than he'd ever believed possible, he couldn't wait to do it again.

  “I don't think so.” Harley refused.

  The smile disappeared. “Why not?” He frowned and glanced over at her.

  “I already have a date,” she lied without a qualm.

  Like hell she did! Harley was his now and he'd be damned if another man would touch her. “Break it.” Matt growled jealously.


  “You'll break it or I'll break him in half,” he warned in an ominous tone. “You're mine now, Harley.”

  “Just because we had sex doesn't mean you own me, Matthew,” she informed him shortly.

  Matt could not believe she'd just said that. He'd warned her two years ago that once they made love she’d be his. He couldn't imagine why she had a problem with it now. Especially after what they had just shared. Hell, his chest and arms were still stinging from where she'd clawed him like a wild thing.

  He pulled into her driveway and demanded, “What the hell is wrong with you, Harley? A couple of hours ago you were all over me.”

  “I sobered up,” she said bluntly. “And I don't usually make the same mistake twice.”

  “This was not a mistake,” he insisted and tilted her chin up until their eyes met. “Tonight was damn near perfect.”

  “I've had better,” she said with deliberate callousness and tried to pull away, but his hold on her tightened.

  He couldn't have been more surprised if she'd slapped him. Matt had been with a hell of a lot of women and nothing had ever come close to comparing with what they had shared. Stung at the insult and wondering what the hell had happened to the passionate spitfire he'd made love to, his eyes narrowed dangerously. “Then I'll have to show you just how damn good it can be,” he said in a voice filled with silky menace.

  Since he looked determined to do just that, Harley realized that she had pushed him too far and knew that drastic measures were called for. “I don't think so, Matthew,” she said scathingly. “You might look like Mark, but you damn sure don't make love like him.” Taking advantage of the fact that she had really shocked him, Harley pulled away and all but ran into the house.

  Matt watched her go in stunned disbelief as the painful truth ripped through him with deadly precision. Harley had made love with him because he looked like his brother! Sonuvabitch! She had used him as a substitute for Mark! The realization nearly killed him and his dreams of having a relationship with her had been destroyed in the cruelest way imaginable. In spite of the amazing experience they had shared, she still preferred his brother! Furious with himself for being a damn fool, he backed out of the driveway and headed home in a red haze of fury.

  Luke was waiting for him on the veranda when he arrived. The telltale claw marks on Matt's chest and arms left no room for doubt. He had slept with Harley. “You son of a bitch!” He accused furiously in an uncharacteristic display of anger.

  “Back off, Luke,” Matt warned, in no mood to listen to a lecture from his little brother.

  “You knew Harley was drunk. Hell, everybody knew it! You c
ould have just taken her home,” he insisted as he got between his brother and the door. “Why the hell did you have to take advantage of her?”

  Turning eyes full of fire on his brother, Matt ground out, “Somebody was going to. Why the hell shouldn't it be me?” When the younger man just stared at him in disbelief, he pushed him aside and went upstairs to bed, but sleep was a long time coming.


  Two weeks later, Harley was at work when Mark came home for the summer, and the first stop he made was at Ted's to see her, as usual. “Where's my Harley?” He called out as soon as he walked in. Everyone in the diner stared in avid curiosity as she came out of the kitchen. “Hello, gorgeous,” he grinned at her. When she didn't jump in his arms like she usually did, Mark knew something was wrong. He lifted her off of her feet and swung her around anyway. “Did ya miss me?”

  “We need to talk.” Harley said without preamble.

  Mark put her down and she led him out to his car. She had hoped she could tell him before anyone else did, so she had asked Ted if she could leave early when she saw him pull up in the parking lot. Like everyone else in town, her boss had heard the rumors and readily agreed to let her go. The two of them were going to need a hell of a lot more privacy than they'd get at the diner.

  “What's wrong?” Mark asked with a frown, his worried dark chocolate eyes concerned at the dismal expression she wore. It wasn't like Harley not to be happy to see him, so he knew it had to be something serious.

  “Not here,” she said quietly.

  “Let's go to the house then,” he suggested as he opened her door. They rode in silence to the mansion the Baker's called home, and walked inside together. “Pop, I'm home.” Mark called out.

  “'Bout damn time you remembered where home is.” Jedidiah said with a grin as he entered the living room and hugged his son fiercely. “You too, Harley gal,” he said with a compassionate smile as he hugged her just as fiercely. Harley's gentle nature had a fiery side that reminded him so much of his beloved wife. He loved the girl like she was one of his own and hoped that she and Mark could resolve this mess without ruining their relationship. It would take a damn miracle to save it now.

  “Thanks, Pop,” she replied quietly and was grateful for his kindness. She was certain that he'd heard about her sleeping with Matthew since everyone else in town knew.

  “I guess you two got things to discuss.” Now that was an understatement. “Dinner's almost ready. Come on down when you're hungry,” he said and left them alone. When he entered the kitchen Matt was coming in the back door. “You might want to make yourself scarce for a while.” Jedidiah advised his oldest son seriously. “Mark and Harley are here and I don't think she's told him yet.”

  “That's too damn bad.” Matt growled as he headed for the back stairs. “I'll tell him myself.” He'd take great pleasure in letting his little brother know that he'd slept with his girlfriend. There was no way in hell that Mark could forgive her for that and he damn well knew it.

  “You'll sit down right there and mind your own damn business.” Jedidiah ordered in no uncertain terms and was still madder than hell with his eldest. “You've done enough already. Leave it the hell alone.”

  Luke had told him what happened and Jedidiah couldn't believe Matt had taken advantage of Harley like that, nor could he fathom what had possessed him to sleep with his brother’s girlfriend. Mark was crazy about Harley and this was gonna hurt the boy bad. The older man knew there would be hell to pay before it was over.


  Harley led the way up to Mark's room and sat down on the edge of the bed, her head bowed and shoulders stooped. She looked so damn defeated that it broke his heart. “Harley, what's wrong?” Mark asked with a worried frown as he sat behind her, his arms sliding around her waist as he pulled her back against his chest. He knew it had to be something bad because he'd never seen her this dejected before.

  Her tear filled eyes met his in their shared reflection in the mirror atop the dresser as she said tremulously, “You know I'd never do anything to hurt you. At least not on purpose.”

  “Honey, don't cry.” Mark pleaded in concern as he held her tighter. Harley was not the type of woman to cry and this never before seen behavior was worrying him. “It can't be that bad.”

  She laughed without humor. “It's worse.” Harley said as she stared at the face so dear to her and wrapped her arms atop his. “I don't want to lose you, Mark. You're the best friend I've ever had and I'm afraid that once I tell you...”

  “You won't ever lose me,” he promised and rested his chin on her shoulder. “We're the perfect couple, Harley. Nothing can change that.”

  The reminder made her ache even worse. Harley stood up and walked over to the French doors to stare sightlessly outside. “I did something really stupid and as usual, everyone in town knows about it. I wanted you to hear it from me before anyone else could tell you.”

  “So tell me,” he urged with a confident smile.

  “I went to Timmy's graduation party and got completely trashed,” she admitted and toyed with the edge of the curtain nervously.

  “And?” He prompted.

  “And I behaved like a slut. Flirting with every man there, dancing on top of the table... hell, I don't remember half of it and I don't want to,” she said in disgust and hugged her arms around herself.

  Amused at the idea of Harley dancing on top of a table, but deciding it would be better not to let her know it, he tried to calm her fears instead. “Lots of people get drunk and act stupid. God knows I have,” he reasoned. “It'll be forgotten in a couple of weeks.”

  “That's not all,” she said and turned to face him. “I didn't leave alone.”

  Now he understood. Half the town was probably waiting for the chance to tell him that she'd cheated on him for a change. He didn't give a damn what the gossips said and never had. But he knew Harley did. He really couldn't blame her since they'd tormented her over every little thing her whole life. Mark stood up and walked around the bed to her. “Don't worry about it, honey,” he advised. “We'll act like nothing happened, just like we always have.”

  “It's not that simple this time,” she denied and shook her head. “Mark... I left with Matthew.”

  That revelation didn't upset him as much as she had thought it would. Just a few weeks into the game, Mark had realized that Harley was in love with his brother and accepted the fact that the two of them would never be more than friends. It was just as well since he loved her like a sister now, and was grateful because he knew that she'd always be a part of his life. But if they really had been lovers, he probably would have screwed up and lost her a long time ago.

  “I always knew you'd wind up together,” he admitted.

  “We're not together.” Harley corrected.

  “What do you mean you're not together?” Was asked in confusion.

  “We're not dating or anything. We just had sex.”

  It took about three seconds for that to sink in and when it did, he roared at the top of his lungs in complete disbelief, “You did what?!”


  Downstairs in the kitchen, four sets of eyes raised to the ceiling before three of them settled on Matt and the malicious grin of satisfaction he wore. “Sounds like she told him,” John commented needlessly.


  “We had sex,” she repeated miserably.

  All of the effort that he had gone to over the last two years just to make sure his brother didn't take advantage of Harley had apparently been wasted. The bastard had still seduced her and tossed her aside like she was trash. “I'm gonna kill him,” he said furiously as he headed for the door and snatched it open.

  “No!” Harley shouted as she shoved him aside in desperation and slammed the door shut, putting herself between it and Mark. She knew how protective her best friend was of her, and the last thing Harley wanted was to cause a fight between the brothers. Mark could fight like a demon, but he was no match for Matthew. She couldn't bear the thoug
ht of either one of them being hurt. “It wasn't Matthew's fault. I got drunk and threw myself at him. He only took what I was offering.”

  “He used you and threw you away, just like I knew he would,” he all but shouted. In his single minded determination to get to his brother, he placed his hands on her hips, picked her up and moved her out of the way.

  “I used him,” she insisted and threw herself against him, locking her arms around his chest and holding on with all of her strength when he reached for the doorknob again. Mark managed to get it open anyway and she kicked it closed this time.

  Knowing that she had to make him listen to reason before he got past her, Harley began explaining with more urgency. “Matthew wanted us to date and I refused. Once I sobered up, I realized the whole thing had been a mistake. A horrible, stupid mistake.”

  “Dammit, Harley, you were a virgin.” Mark reminded her angrily and barely resisted the urge to put his fist through the wall.

  “No, I wasn't,” she said quietly and saw his look of shock at the admission. Realizing that he was actually listening to her now, Harley released the hold she had on him and admitted, “Matthew didn't do anything I didn't ask for. I'm the one responsible, Mark. I'm the one you need to blame.”

  “How the hell can I blame you for being human?” He growled in frustration and turned to pace the floor, the anger gone as quickly as it had surfaced. “You didn't do anything I haven't done.”

  “Well, you’ve never danced on a table,” she pointed out to try and lighten his mood.

  “Damn good point,” he agreed and then flashed a devious smile when he realized something else. “This just proves what I've said all along. Once you've had the best, you won't settle for the rest. And everyone will know you chose the best when they see we're still together. Matt will be furious.”

  “Especially after I stomped his pride by telling him I'd had better.”


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