Jump: Book 7 in the Vengeance MC series

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Jump: Book 7 in the Vengeance MC series Page 8

by Natasha Thomas

  I’m not surprised Mia wants to move from her apartment in Lower Falls. The memories of what I did to her body, the pleasure I gave her, and the way she screamed my name when I finally plunged my cock into her tight, soaking wet pussy, I don’t blame her for wanting to get out of their either.

  In saying that, Mia can run all she likes, but she can’t hide from me. She’ll never be able to hide from me. I will literally beg, borrow, steal, and hunt until I find her. Then, when I’ve spanked her ass for thinking she can leave, taking half of my heart with her, I’ll prove to her why it was a bad idea to begin with.

  Just the thought of Mia’s perfect peach-shaped ass turning red from swats delivered by my palm has my cock standing to attention, tenting the front of my jeans. Unfortunately for my poor deprived cock, this isn’t the first time this has happened today either.

  Seeing Austin standing in the corridor watching as Mia’s curvy behind rounded the corner set my blood on fire. My instantaneous reaction to him was like no time had passed at all. He’s always been able to illicit a response from my cock, even when I was fucking furious with him. A skill he is no less adept at now.

  Meg’s eyes flit down to my aching dick then back to my face as the smirk tilting her lips widens.

  “Hmm, someone missed me,” she purrs, running her fingernails down my arm.

  “Yeah, and who’s that? Because there are only three of us in this room, and out of Sarge and me neither of us wants fuck all to do with your brand of crazy,” I growl, removing her hand from my bicep.

  “How do you explain that then?” She asks my dick, not me. “Easy. I was thinking about how hard I could spank Mia before her ass would be too sore to fuck,” I return crudely. It isn’t the truth, but Meg doesn’t need to know that. At this point, I’m willing to say pretty much anything to get her out of here faster, and I’m not below lying to do it.

  “So she’s just another one of your fuck toys, is she? Someone to pass the time with while you get your shit together.”

  And with that, the loose relationship I have with my patience snaps. Without giving it a second thought, I advance on Meg, forcing her to shuffle backward quickly until she’s pressed up against the wall.

  Placing my arms on either side of her head, I lean in close to her ear and whisper,

  “Repeat that.” It isn’t a request; it’s a fucking demand, and she knows it. Defiantly, Meg raises her chin and our gazes lock. Her eyes are full of fire and challenge, but there’s a hint of sadness there too which surprises me. Meg usually has such a tight rein on her emotions, only letting you see what she wants you to. This is new for her, and no doubt, more than a little unnerving.

  But just like I anticipated, Meg doesn’t back down from an argument.

  “You heard me, but since you’re a little distracted, let me reiterate it in a way your pussy-addled brain will be able to comprehend,” she hisses. “You seem to forget that I have intimate knowledge of your sexual proclivities, Jump. We spent enough time between the sheets for me to learn your likes and dislikes, which can only mean that Mia is one of your many fuck toy’s you intend to partake in until you grow bored of her and trade her in for a new model. Someone like her can’t handle a man like you, Jump. You know it. I know it. And soon, Mia will know it too.”

  “I’d choose your next words very fucking carefully, Meg, because I’m not in a particularly forgiving mood,” I say, giving her the last warning she’s going to get from me.

  “I intend to do that and so much more,” she retaliates, her eyes boring holes into mine. “How would your precious little Mia like to know that you enjoy having a finger up your ass while you are sucked or fucked. Or would you prefer I tell her that you have trouble getting off unless you’re imagining a man kneeling behind you stroking your balls? Or maybe, I could share how much you love sharing a woman, and how much it turns you on to see someone fuck a woman’s face while you stroke your cock before coming all over his back.”

  In this situation, there’s only one thing to do, and that’s fight fire with fire.

  “Go for it,” I growl menacingly. “I don’t know how Mia will take you blindsiding her with that shit. For all I know, she might be turned the fuck on. However, I do know exactly how Aislinn will react to me telling her that you couldn’t come without picturing her husband licking your cunt and that you called me Gage every time I was balls deep inside you. But if that isn’t enough to see you for the colossal bitch you are and write you off for good, letting her in on your other little secret will be.”

  Meg gasps audibly, and with it, the temperature in the room cools significantly.

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Oh, but I would,” I snarl. Meg retreats further, bumping the back of her head on the wall in her effort to gain distance from me, but I’m not having it. This bitch has earned a lesson in how to threaten someone 101, and I fully intend to be the teacher in this fucked up power play she initiated.

  “The first rule of engagement, sweetheart, is to know your enemy. Your mistake was thinking you know me or what I’m capable of. Being a woman won’t save you, and it sure as fuck won’t earn you any leniency. If you decide you want to keep measuring dicks to see whose it bigger, be prepared to lose because I assure you, Meg, I will win. And when I do, humiliation will be the least of your worries.”

  “Big talk for a man with who’s spent most of his life hiding in one closet or another,” Meg spits out without thinking.

  A harsh cough followed by an equally harsh muttered, “Fucking hell,” sounds from the other side of the room. With Sarge waking up providing the momentary distraction, Meg needs, she slips under my arm and begins hurrying for the door. Only she comes up short for not one, but two reasons.

  “Not so fast missy,” Sarge rasps, at the same time, Emily pushes the door open. As soon as Sarge sees Emily, he attempts what I’m sure he thinks is a smile, but the truth is that it resembles more of a grimace. At best, one hell of a lopsided smirk.

  Noticing that not only is Sarge awake but I’m fucking seething, Emily shuts the door quickly and barricades it with her body. If I were in the laughing mood, watching a barely five-foot-five, one hundred and twenty-pound woman physically become the Berlin wall before it was demolished would be fucking hilarious. But as it is, I’m far from amused.

  Meg has proved herself to be a loose cannon, and if one hair on Emily’s head is harmed in her desperation to escape dealing with what she started, there will be hell to pay. And I’m not just referring to me; the whole club, old ladies and all will get in line to kick Meg’s ass. After Sarge is finished tearing her apart with his bare hands, that is.

  “You,” Emily snaps, pointing at Sarge who’s struggling to push himself into sitting position, “lay down and don’t move. And you,” she hisses at Meg. “You stay put until I get done dealing with the stubborn pig-headed fool over there.”

  For once, Meg listens as both of our heads swivel to watch Emily fuss over Sarge until he’s forced to kiss her senseless to get her to relax.

  “Had the best dream ever. It was that good, I didn’t want to wake up. If I didn’t know you were here waiting for me, worrying yourself sick, then I would’ve happily stayed there forever,” Sarge groans into the side of Emily’s neck.

  “Mmhmm,” she hums, running her hand down his back.

  “And what was so good about this dream you would let it would take you from me too soon.”

  “Our boy was there.” At Emily’s harsh intake of breath, Sarge lets out his as if he’s breathing for her. “He was happy, baby. So fucking happy. He told me he was sick of seeing his ma crying herself to sleep over him, and to cut that shit out A-SAP.”

  Emily’s giggle only lessens a fraction of the tension that had taken up residence in the room, hanging over it like a dark cloud.

  “Know what else he said, baby?” At the shake of her head, Sarge smiles. This time, it’s an actual smile, though. “He said that his ma should hurry up and marry his old man becau
se this living in sin shit is getting old.”

  “Oh, God. Are you dying? Do you feel sick? Did you hit your head harder than they originally thought?” Emily rushes to ask.

  Sarge’s deep chuckle echoes around the room as he pulls her closer.

  “Not the answer I was hoping for when I asked you to marry me, baby. I was crossing my fingers for a, yes, but I would have settled for an okay. Now, you want to try again, or will I just take how concerned you are about my health and wellbeing your way of accepting my proposal?”

  “Jump, he’s lost his mind. Tell the nurse to call his doctor.” “Hate to break it to you, Em, but the old man is sane. Which isn’t saying much because he was crazy as fuck before the accident, but it’s better than the alternative.”

  Emily seems taken aback by my dismissal of Sarge’s state of mind and frowns in response.

  “Before we continue this conversation, and mark my words, Atlas, we will be revisiting it, I have something to say to Meg.”

  If it’s at all possible, Meg looks like she withers under Emily’s intense glower. Unperturbed by the fear that is written all over Meg’s face, Emily steps in front of her.

  “I’ve met a lot of people and heard a lot of things in my lifetime, but not one of them has ever made me as sick as what I just heard come out of your mouth, Meghan. I thought better of you; we all did. Now I know Aislinn thinks the world of you, so I don’t see any sense in sharing my newfound disgust toward her best friend with her, but I will if you don’t follow my next instructions to the letter.”

  “Wait, Emily. It’s not what you think. Let me explain.” Poking Meg in the chest with one finger to drive her point home, Emily scoffs.

  “I don’t want to hear your excuses, Meghan. All I want is what I’ve asked for. It’s a simple question with a simple answer, but in case you were distracted, let me reiterate it in a way that your cock-addled brain might be able to comprehend. Either you agree to my terms or you don’t. If you choose to stay in Furnace longer than it takes to book a flight back to whatever rock you crawled out from under, I will have no choice but to inform a woman very dear to me how much of a vindictive bitch you are. Now, have I made myself clear?”

  Meg manages to stutter out a barely audible, yes, to which Emily says,

  “Good. These terms are not up for negotiation, and I expect them to be carried out immediately. You will be escorted to the airport by Dixon who will remain with you at all times until you board your flight. When he is assured your plane has taken off with you on it, I’ll have him call me to pass on the good news. On the proviso that you don’t contact Jump, Mia, or anyone else associated with them aside from, Aislinn, I will keep your dirty secret.”

  “But I don’t have a…” “I’ll tell you the same thing I told him,” Emily bites out, tipping her head in my direction. “Do not mistake me for someone who will believe your brand of bullshit, young lady. I have lived too long and through too much to be treated like an idiot by someone like you. It came to my attention some time ago that you aren’t quite as discriminatory with the partners you take to bed as you would like Aislinn to believe you are.”

  Understanding dawns on Meg’s face and, in turn, her face drains of all color.

  “Fucking another woman’s husband is one thing, but fucking your best friend’s husband that has been physically abusive toward her since the beginning of their relationship is an entirely different animal altogether.

  What makes it even worse in my book is that you knew he was assaulting her and yet, you still opened your legs for him. How do you think Aislinn would feel if she found out the person she trusted most betrayed her in the worst possible way?”

  “Please,” Meg pleads. Begging isn’t a good look for her, and it’s too late for that shit anyway. The damage was done the second Meg slept with Aislinn’s ex-husband and tormentor, Nicholas Tremaine. Her willingness to fuck him was stupid to begin with, and it was only surpassed by her stupidity when she confided in a mutual friend of theirs that was more than happy to rat her out for the right price.

  “As I said, Meghan, your dirty little secret is safe with me as long as you agree to my terms.”

  “I promise,” Meg, thankfully, doesn’t hesitate to concede. “Don’t know why you’re still here then girl, other than owing my boy an apology that is. But don’t waste your breath; I think Jump will be just fine knowing you’re planning on disappearing for good this time,” Sarge states effectively putting an end to a messy chapter in my life that can be added to the mounting pile.


  “If Ihadtonameonemoviethat sums up my life perfectly itwouldbeTheTitanic. Becauselikeit,‘justthetip’ gotmein

  troubletoo.” –Mia Last night, I came back to the hospital after Zara and Knight had gone up to bed. Zara insisted that I stay with them so that she could monitor me as per doctor’s order, but in light of the ease in which I snuck out, I’d say she isn’t all that great at playing nursemaid and should stick to her day job.

  In hindsight, it was a mistake showing up unannounced. But like the most of my decisions of late, this is just another bad one to add to the multitude of regrets I have.

  “Excuse me, but are you all right?” The annoyingly cheerful nurse who I saw when I passed through the ER earlier asks.

  It’s a ridiculous question because clearly, I’m not even close to being all right. But my mom instilled manners in all three of her children and would be mortified if she learned I didn’t use them.

  “Fine,” I mumble as I wipe the tears off my cheeks, hoping that’s enough to satisfy Miss Chirpy.

  “Jesus H fucking Christ,” I hear a terrifying familiar voice shout.

  Oh, shit! Please God, if you ever want me to talk to you again, you’ll say it isn’t so, I chant in my head. “You and I are going to have a little chat about solo nighttime outings on the drive home, my wayward little escape artist,” Zara declares, coming to an abrupt stop mere inches away from my face.

  “Or we could not and say we did. You know, save time and oxygen and all that good stuff,” I suggest. Slinging her arm around my neck, Zara playfully ruffles my hair, which truly is as annoying as it sounds.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that was your lame ass attempt at making a joke. Good for you, buttercup. It’s nice to see I’m rubbing off on you. But on a more serious note, what in the hell did you think you were doing sneaking off like that? For all I knew you could have been hurt, or worse still, you could have been abducted by Aliens who were threatening to probe you.”

  Gawking at her incredulously, my mouth gapes open and then shuts of its own volition a few times, but in the end, all I can do is shrug. “The only probing being done here is when a swift boot was delivered to my ass, reminding me exactly why Jump and I ended whatever it was we were.”

  “Come on,” she mutters, sending a scathing look in chirpy nurse’s general direction. “That nurse gives me the heebie-jeebies. No human being should be that happy at three am; it’s just unnatural.”

  It doesn’t take more than a few minutes to reaches Zara’s truck. Especially since she parked it in a spot marked ‘emergency vehicle only.’ With an eye roll, I climb into the passenger seat.

  “What was that look for?” Zara prompts, reversing out of the space like a rally car driver. To her credit, only hits the curb once this time, which is a marked improvement over the last time I was in the car with her. On the occasion in question, Zara ran one red light, three stops signs, narrowly missed a pedestrian, and pulled into a disabled spot, claiming that she was handicapped on account of me being so damn slow. So, see? Improvement.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” I quip, leaning my forehead against the cool glass window. I’ve had a headache since before I was handed my discharge paperwork at the hospital earlier, and I haven’t been able to shake it yet. Yes, I know I shouldn’t have left without saying something, but the staff had better things to do than fuss over me.

  “You don’t know what?” Zara
grumbles, turning a corner that knocks my already aching head against the glass.

  “I was just curious but where did you get your license? Out of a vending machine maybe?” “Close. It was a Captain Crunch box actually,” she grins. “So, are you going to tell me what made you sneak out in the middle of the night, and put your life in the hands of what could have been an axe-wielding maniac, Uber driver?”

  “Will you drop it if I don’t?” Trust me, it’s a fair question. Zara is like a dog with a bone when she wants to know something.

  “You’ve got about as much chance of that happening as I do of not getting pregnant.” See, what did I tell you? “Fine. I wanted to check on Sarge and see if he’d woken up yet. When the nurse let me in to see him earlier, she only gave me five minutes with him. With all the people coming and going from his room, I didn’t get to say thank you. I thought that after visiting hours were well and truly over that I’d have a better chance of spending a few minutes alone with him,” I sigh.

  “So why the long face? Didn’t the nurses let you in or something?”

  Oh, how I wish that were the case. “I got as far as the door, but there were people in there with him, so I didn’t want to disturb them,” I lie. “Bullshit,” Zara hisses, never taking her eyes off the road. “I don’t doubt there were people with him, the man is older than dirt and has belonged to the MC since the invention of the wheel, after all. His brothers were coming and going all day, and I swear if you saw the waiting room on Sarge’s floor you’d think he was a celebrity. Seriously, the place was packed. What I’m calling you out on is the not wanting to disturb him part of your sentence. Sarge loves you like a daughter, Mia. He would have cleared the room of everyone if he thought that’s what you wanted.”


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