Mister Perfect

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Mister Perfect Page 3

by Alice Cooper

  They both agreed with me as I told them I would text my address. Before we said our farewell they both threatened that if anything happened to Fran they would kill me and make sure nobody finds my body.

  As if I would let anyone harm my Fran.

  That rainy night I didn’t get a wink of sleep. I sat in a chair beside my bed and kept checking on Fran. At the same time I couldn’t believe the woman I lusted over was in my bed and we weren’t doing anything I wanted. It didn’t help that I was so hard for her right now.

  During the night Zen texted me as if nothing happened. He asked if he could come over but I told him that I was at my parent’s home rather than my apartment. I didn’t want him to come here especially that Fran is here.

  Once the sun finally showed itself I decided to reheat the porridge and cook some eggs in case she wanted something solid to eat. Right as I finished cooking somebody rang the doorbell. Before going over to the door I made sure my bedroom door was sealed shut.

  I looked through the peephole of my door to see my older brother, Ezra standing there in a suit. I sighed as I opened the door right as he took his own set of keys about to open the door himself.

  “That’s a first. I expected you to be passed out somewhere or not at home at all.” he greeted me.

  “Long time no see brother.” I told him as he entered the house.

  “Where were you last night? Mom and dad were waiting for you.” he asked as he folded his arms in front of his chest awaiting my answer. I sighed as I continued my work in the kitchen and replied nonchalantly “It was raining. Got wet before I could arrive.” Lie.

  My parents asked to meet with me along with Ezra but as I got change yesterday and started making my way towards our meeting place, I found myself back at Fancy Cups. I wasn’t able to think at all the whole week because my thoughts were filled by Fran only.

  “That’s hard to believe.” Ezra said as he frowned. Ezra and I looked almost alike except he had a stubble and wore glasses. He worked in our family business and was about to take over and although he wanted me by his side, I didn’t get along with Ezra that much.

  “What you think I was doing last night then?” I asked as I leaned against the counter in the kitchen and he stood in the middle of the room.

  “Maybe you were with some woman had your fun with her. Possibly drank yourself to sleep and got into a fight somewhere.” he said.

  “I may have drank but not too much. I also didn’t get into a fight,” Not since a week ago. “And I wasn’t with any woman nor have I’ve been with one for a while.” Not ever since I’ve met my Habanero. I tried hooking up with other women but somehow I could never be satisfied. It was like I have this thirst that only Fran could quench.

  Ezra was obviously pissed off. He must’ve been thinking that I’ve been lying to him. His fist clenched but before he could utter another word we suddenly heard the creaking of a door opening.

  Ezra and I snapped our heads towards my door and my heart started racing. Terrified that someone would find out about Fran. She came out still wearing my shirt and sweats, her red hair was tousled around. A million thoughts race through my head at the sight of her in my clothes and none of them were innocent.

  She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw Ezra and I.

  “Good morning.” she stuttered but she did smile.

  I wouldn’t mind seeing that smile every morning.

  Chapter 5


  My head throbbed painfully as I tried opening my eyes. I quickly regretted the action as I shielded my eyes from the rising sun. I slowly tried getting a glimpse of my surrounding expecting to see the brown ceiling of my room but instead I see a silver ceiling with mini-chandelier in the middle.

  As memories from last night start playing in my head I instantly bolted up from the bed and quickly regretted it. I felt like I’ve been running a marathon but it quickly faded as I slipped my legs off the large bed.

  Ciel’s room.

  I tried convincing myself that this was his guest room or that everything that happened last night was just a dream. But then I heard Ciel’s voice coming from the other side of a door. Don’t tell me his friend is also here.

  I slowly opened the door and stepped into the large area but I quickly froze as I saw Ciel and a man who looked exactly like him but had a more mature appeal. The man who looked like Ciel looked over towards Ciel with a raised eyebrow.

  “Haven’t been with a woman for a while now?” he said accusingly. Ciel then glared at the man and said “It’s not what it seems Ezra.” My eyes widened.

  Was this his lover?

  “You’re hopeless.” the man named Ezra said as he started walking over towards the front door. Ciel chased Ezra and said “This woman is just an acquaintance. She was sick—”

  “Ciel… Mom and dad counted on you to be there. How many times do you have to disappoint them? You missed out on mom’s birthday for one night with a girl.” Ezra said as he stopped near the entrance.

  When he accused Ciel for sleeping with me for one night I felt my face burn up.

  “Excuse me! What type of girl do you think I am? I wouldn’t sleep with that idiot even if he was the last man in this world.” I growled which grabbed both of the men’s attention.

  “Oh believe me darling, don’t hate it till you try it.” Ciel teased as he gave me a wink.

  “Says the one wearing his clothes.” Ezra pointed out. I quickly looked down and realized I was wearing an oversized shirt and sweatpants. My face burned up as I gritted my teeth and stormed over to wear Ezra was. I grabbed him by the necktie so he could at least be close to me since he was as tall as Ciel.

  “I don’t know who you think you are but I’m not some girl to sleep with any man. I fainted last night and Ciel took care of me.” I growled in his face. I usually never turn towards physical contact but I won’t hold back if someone accuse me of something I didn’t do especially if it’s sleeping with this irksome idiot.

  I heard Ciel chuckle as he said softly “Habanero.”

  I then turned towards Ciel and slapped him in the face. He looked at me with wide eyes and asked “What the hell was that for?”

  I pointed a finger at him and said “You don’t have the right to change my clothes.”

  “Is that how you thank me after I’ve taken care of you all night long? Besides it’s too late I’ve seen enough.” he explained.

  The thought of Ciel changing my clothes and seeing what’s underneath my clothes made my skin crawl, but my hormones were feeling the opposite. I literally growled at Ciel and he growled back like we’re both some kind of wild animal.

  “Pardon me. I terribly sorry for accusing you miss…” Ezra suddenly spoke as he faced me. “Francesca Blake.” I told him as I completely ignored Ciel and faced Ezra. At the mention of my name Ezra’s eyebrows rose together like he was intrigued.

  “You won’t happen to be the owner of Fancy Cups?” he suddenly asked. A smile graced my face at the mention of my precious coffee shop. “That would be me.” I said happily.

  Ciel’s eyes widen as he said “Ezra! No—” but he was cut off as Ezra also ignored him and said “Then it’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Blake. I’m Ezra Storm from Storm Enterprise.”

  I could feel my eyes sparkle at his family name. Excitement coursed through my body at finally getting the chance to meet the family that helped me open my precious coffee shop.

  “It’s truly a pleasure to meet you Mr. Storm.” I told him as we both shook hands. Ezra chuckled at my excitement as he said “It’s also a pleasure to meet you Ms. Blake. It’s nice knowing that your shop is still booming with customers. I’m glad that my little brother’s decision was a success.” As he clasped his hand on Ciel’s shoulder.

  I could feel the blood leaving my face. Ezra. Ciel. Brothers?

  So that means Ciel is a Storm?

  “Brother?” I stuttered as I stared at Ciel who wasn’t making any eye contact. Ezra looked at me with a sheepis
h smile and asked “Yes, Ciel is my little brother. Don’t tell me he didn’t tell you that he was a Storm?” When I didn’t answer Ezra knew that Ciel didn’t tell me.

  “Ciel here is your angel investor,” he said which made my eyes snapped towards Ciel who was still avoiding eye contact with me. “My brother should’ve told you.” he added as he glared at Ciel intensely.

  I felt my face completely drained of blood and my heart stopped beating as it packed its bags and left my chest. Ciel, the guy who irritated me constantly. Is the man who helped make my dream become reality?

  I didn’t know if I should be happy or mad. I felt both of those feelings intensely. I’m mad that Ciel didn’t say a word about being my angel investor and I remembered all those times we’ve argued and that kiss. I’m also happy because for the whole week I’ve done nothing but thought of Ciel and awaited the moment he would visit the shop. I could finally think of that wet dream of mine and not feel guilty.

  “I truly apologize for my words Ms. Blake. Also please forgive my brother for his complete lack of a brain. I may have to take my leave now. Got work to do and I have to deliver Ciel’s excuse to our parents.” he explained. We shook hands once more.

  Everything suddenly happened in slow motion as Ciel closed the door. But once the door clicked shut I stormed up to Ciel and yanked him around to face me. I slammed both of my hands on both sides of him, trapping him within my arms.

  “You have some nerve to not tell me… Mr. Storm.” I growled menacingly. I could imagine a dark aura around me as I confronted my angel investor. As I looked up to see Ciel I expected him to look at me with complete horror or fear but there was no trace of fear on his face. He had his usual smirk plastered upon his face.

  “Oh my dear Habanero, I was going to tell you from the moment I laid eyes upon you but your lips convinced me not to.” he said as he reminded me of the day of my first kiss. I blushed as I remembered the feeling of his lips upon mine. “And to be completely honest, I don’t mind this position.” he whispered as he leaned towards me with our faces only inches away.

  I pulled back as if he was poison and removed my arms but in a blink of an eye he switched our position. He pushed my back against the door and trapped me within his arms. A gasp left my lips as my back made contact with the door and noticed how Ciel was close to me. I could feel his heated breath upon my neck making my skin grow goosebumps.

  Now that I see Ciel in a new light I see him pretty differently and he looks absolutely… “Breathtaking.”

  My whole body freezes as I realized that I said it out loud. Ciel’s smirk only grows if that’s even possible. “So my Habanero thinks I’m breathtaking?” he asked cockily. I tried my best to frown and sound mad “No.” But I know that this time he wasn’t going to be fooled.

  I can feel that his eyes hasn’t left me. I hesitantly looked up into his blue eyes and found myself lost in a beautiful ocean. My heart started racing but instead of frustration it’s a whole new feeling. A feeling I don’t want to acknowledge.

  “You know… I could take you here. Right here, right now.” he whispered but I pretended that I didn’t hear him.

  “What do you want Ciel?” I asked as I averted my eyes from him. I could hear him chuckle as his hand started caressing my cheek. The skin that he’s touching felt like it was being lit on fire. I never wanted this feeling to end.

  “Go on a date with me.” he suddenly said. My eyes widen as I shoved him away from me and asked “What the hell Ciel? You expect me to go on a date with you just after knowing who the freak you are?”

  He smirked and said “All the more reason to.”

  Why do such good looks have to go to waste on this creature? He didn’t know when to quit as he started advancing on me once more. I tried backing away but I was back again with my back against the door. He leaned towards almost like he was going to kiss me and all I could do is shut my eyes.

  Instead of lips I felt his breath against my ear as he whispered “Go on a date with me just this once… I’ll be sure that you’ll enjoy.” Which only increased the redness of my face. His fingers started tracing parts of my face and once his fingers traveled down my neck about to reach my collarbone, I decided to agree to his terms.


  “Good. Now we can start by eating breakfast.” he said softly as he walked off towards the kitchen. I suddenly felt the absence of his warmth and my body started yearning for it. He left me all hot and bothered that my mind was screaming to kiss him.

  I shook my head and mentally scolded myself.

  We ate breakfast in silence but our eyes were silently communicating as if our eyes were having sex. He kept smirking as I kept a frown on at all times. The food tasted absolutely delicious but I wasn’t going to let him know that.

  Tons of things ran through my head desperately trying to process everything that happened. From me collapsing and Ciel playing doctor then there was Ciel being a complete neat freak and he can cook effortlessly, then there was Ciel Storm, my angel investor. Lastly, was the date.

  I was so consumed with thoughts of Ciel but I wonder what I actually thought of him now that I was getting to know him more.

  Chapter 6


  When Fran’s friends came to pick her up we said nothing else but I did tell her to not forget out date. A date with my Habanero. A day has passed and all I could think of was going on a date with her. I wasn’t the type to bring girls on a date unless you can call a small motel a date. All my thoughts about the date weren’t innocent that every time I thought about it my member would stand in attention.

  I went to the bar to hang with Zen and the others but instead of paying any attention to them I would find myself lost in thought of Fran and smiling like an idiot. I guess Fran was right, I am an idiot. But I’m her idiot.

  “She must be that good after just one night she has you all dazed.” Zen commented. I ignored Zen and the guys as they started to tease how I’m like a love-struck high school boy. I wouldn’t care what people would say about me as long as it made my Fran happy then I would be fine with it.

  I quickly left the bar as I started making my way towards Fancy Cups. I was still smiling like an idiot along the way but as soon as I could see the inside of the shop my smile instantly disappeared. Inside was man wearing decent clothes and he looked like a nice boy. He looked to be flirting with my Fran.

  Fran’s eyes turned towards me and the smile of her face disappeared. She quickly said something to the man and turned around to disappear behind the employee door. I stormed inside the shop right as the nice guy was about to exit and I slammed the door on him making him tumble forward. I ignored the guy as I rushed towards the employee door.

  “Ciel! You can’t go in there!” Fran’s female friend tried to stop me.

  It was like my body had a mind of its own. I saw Fran sitting down at the back of the room pretending she was lost in her cellphone.

  “Who was that?” I growled as I pointed where the entrance was located.

  “Nanya.” she replied without even looking at me.

  “Nanya?” Wasn’t that a woman’s name?

  “Nanya-business.” she finished as she put down her phone and exited the employee room. My fists were turning white from clenching too tightly. I didn’t like when men flirted with my Fran or even glanced at her.

  Now that she agreed to go out on a date with me she’s now mine.

  Fran walked around the shop either cleaning or trying to make herself look busy but I was able to follow her every move. Once she knew that I wasn’t backing down she sighed and said “I don’t believe that I have to explain myself to you.” For a Habanero she could sometimes be so cold.

  “We’re dating.” I hissed making sure some of the male customers heard me. She turned around to face me as we both stopped walking around. “We are going on a date but that doesn’t mean we’re dating.” she said.

  “Speaking of date, are you ready for tonight?” I asked with
a smirk on my face. Fran’s eyes widen but she quickly composed herself. “We’re going tonight?” she asked.

  “Yes.” I gave her my simple answer. Fran looked down towards her clothes and I could tell she wasn’t happy about going on a date with what she’s wearing. She was wearing a simple baby pink long sleeve paired with denim skirt that stopped right above her knees and stockings with black doll shoes. Even in simple clothing she looked absolutely magnificent. I can’t even stop myself from imagining taking them off.

  “What you’re wearing is fine.” I assured her. She frowned again and argued “I’m not worried about what I’m wearing besides it’s just you.” I won’t lie and say that didn’t hurt. “And I also didn’t agree that it would be tonight. I could be busy tonight.” she added.

  This woman doesn’t know when to give up. I knew that somewhere deep inside that fierce heart of hers lies admirable feeling for me. I walked away from Fran making her curious about what I was about to do. I walked up to the counter where stood two of her friends who were always glued to her side.

  “Your usual?” Fran’s female friend asked with a boring tone. I decided to at least get my usual since I’m already here. I nodded and asked “Is little miss Habanero free for tonight?”

  Both of Fran’s friends glanced at each other as if they were silently communicating. Fran’s female friend faced me as she gave a friendly smile which was rare. “She has her usual shift and she’s also doing the closing tonight,” she said as Fran smiled triumphantly that’s until Fran’s male friend added “But we can cover for her.” As they both gave friendly smiles.

  Fran had the look of disbelief written all over her face. “Traitors!” she called out.

  “Oh my dear Francesca, you must at least have some fun in your life.” the male friend said. “Even if it’s with some douche who punched you.” the female friend suddenly sounded angry, she even shook her fist in front of me as if she was threatening me. Women and their mood swings are extremely confusing, it’s like an unsolvable puzzle.


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