Mister Perfect

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Mister Perfect Page 6

by Alice Cooper

  “I would appreciate it if you didn’t kiss me so freely as if I’m yours.” she growled as we arrived at the counter where our breakfast awaited us. I find it easy to grin around my Habanero, she amuses me in so many ways.

  I sat her down at the counter as she awaited my reply to her words. Instead I walked over to the refrigerator and told her “No need to be so feisty early in the morning. Here, I have something to cheer you up.” As I pulled out the Habanero hot sauce.

  Once she saw the bottle of sauce in my hands I could tell steam was steaming from her ears as she gritted her teeth.

  She truly was my little Habanero.

  Chapter 11


  Yesterday was the first day in a very long time that I took a day-off from work. I was glad to return to my own apartment without a confrontation from either Stephen or Angela. Although it did prove to be difficult since I live with them. I just didn’t want Stephen to say “I told you that you have needs.”

  I also wouldn’t hear the end of it from Angela. But my thoughts were stolen by one man. It irks me now that I’m always thinking of him. There’s no end to his annoyance. My mind was a complete mess and if I didn’t stay on guard then my mind would drift to that night and all I could picture was his abs and grunts as he filled me with—Ugh! No! Annoying thoughts.

  Finally the day to go back to work came and I made sure that Stephen and Angela would be the first to leave for work. But I knew that I had to face them eventually. I just tried to postpone it as much as possible.

  By the time I walked into Fancy Cups I saw both of them standing behind the counter with their arms folded in front of their chests as they gave me ‘I knew it’ smile. All I could do was smile sheepishly as I gave them a pathetic wave.

  “So… How does it feel like to finally be a woman?” Stephen asked as he leaned forward on the counter. I knew that my face was turning red but I brushed it off and said “What on earth do you mean? I’ve always been a woman.”

  This only made Angela burst out laughing. “You hear that Stephen? She said she’s always been a woman.” she said through loud laughs as she wiped her nonexistent tears. Stephen laughed along as I scowled at my two so called best friends.

  “Come on Fran! Spill the beans! Share the sugar! Tell us details!” Stephen started gushing over the fact that I’ve gone on a date with Ciel. Angela added “How big was he?”

  I don’t think I’ve ever been this red before.

  “Angela!” I scolded her.

  She made a disappointed face as she asked “Small?”

  I shook my head as I buried my face into my hands. What am I going to do with these two?

  My gaze returned to my awaiting friends. “We went on a date and it was… enjoyable.” As I said enjoyable I remember moaning Ciel’s name loudly. “I’m not talking about anything that we may have done on the date. But he did ask me to continue dating him.” I quickly finished.

  I could see the disappointment in their faces but they weren’t getting a single detail out of me. Somehow, I liked the idea that Ciel and I had a secret that no one knew. It excited me.

  “And what was your answer?” Angela asked.

  “I told him I’ll think about it.” I replied as I continued to walk to the employee room to get my apron. When I exited the room I was yet again bombarded by questions from my friends.

  They started saying everything at the same time. I held both of my hands up to get them to stop. “Guys! I haven’t started thinking about what I’m going to say to him. I’m still processing what happened that day.” More specifically that night.

  Angela and Stephen both shared a look before looking back at me. They suddenly started squealing as Angela said “Our Fran is in love!” And Stephen added “Our little Fran is all grown up.” Seriously, I can’t take these two anywhere.

  The day started out slow and each chance Angela and Stephen got they would ask me questions about yesterday. It ended with me either dodging the question or completely ignoring them.

  Aside from dodging my friends, there was Ciel who kept running around in my mind. I felt like some love sick teenager who couldn’t stop thinking about the guy who asked her out to prom.

  I was so consumed in my own thoughts that I didn’t know that I was wiping a table too much. I didn’t even notice the bell ringing from the entrance. Still wiping the table, I was pulled back into reality by someone whispering in my ear “Thinking of me?” I knew that voice, the shivers ran down my back and only one man could do that.

  I jerked back as I made sure there was a space between the both of us. There in front of me was the man who consumed my every thought.

  I feel like I’ve betrayed Mr. Darcy.

  “What makes you think I’m thinking about you?” I asked as I averted my eyes from his piercing blue eyes. He smirked as he slowly walked up to me and said “I can’t say that you are. But judging from how clean this table is… I hope you’re thinking of me.”

  My cheeks burned up as I tried my best to avoid eye contact. I failed as soon as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I think my cheeks were blushing so hard that my ears started turning red as well.

  I’ve read many books to know how a girl could feel in front of someone they feel infatuated with but I was never prepared for how it actually felt. He made me feel all sorts of amazing. Not long ago my thoughts were consumed by this irksome man but now my mind was blank as I stared into his mesmerizing eyes.

  “Do you have an answer yet?” he asked as he casually walked up to the counter. I frowned as Angela grinned behind the counter.

  “What makes you think I have an answer right now?” I asked.

  Before he could make an order he stroked his chin as he said “Oh right, you can’t think because you’re still processing your feelings for me.”

  Damn, he’s good.

  “The usual?” Angela asked but Ciel shook his head and said “I want something new… but I want it to be prepared by my Habanero.” He paid for his drink as he casually walked towards the table where I usually sat when I wanted to read my book, way back in the corner.

  I may or may not have mixed feeling for Ciel but he sure does know how to make the vein on my forehead throb painfully.

  “No problem.” Angela said as she pointed towards behind the counter to prepare him a drink. As much as I wanted to make some sort of poison for him, just the thought of him ever being away from me sends my heart into a semi-cardiac arrest.

  Not only did I love my coffee shop but I also enjoyed making drinks. I went to wash my hands as I started making him a cup of coffee with a hint of cinnamon and peppermint. He usually ordered a mocha coffee but this time I decided to make something completely different for him.

  My hands moved expertly as I made his drink. Once I was done making his drink all I wanted to do was to vaporize the drink I’ve made for him. I was so caught up in making a drink for him that I didn’t notice that the cup I got for him had hearts all over, and not to mention the drawing in the coffee was a heart as well.

  Kill me now.

  Angela smirked as she saw my creation. She jabbed me in the ribs with her elbow as she said “Don’t keep the customer waiting. He did ask for you to make the drink so it’s only proper for you to serve him as well.”

  I rolled my eyes as I quickly erased the heart drawing on the coffee and basically served it as is. I walked up to his table and saw his awaiting eyes glued on me. I sat the cup on the table as I explained to him the ingredients to the drink.

  He had a frown on his face but I could tell that he was curious about the drink I’ve made for him. For some reason his curiosity made my heart leap. He took a sip from the cup and a few seconds later his eyes widened as he said “I’m not a huge fan of peppermint but this drink is really good.”

  I smiled as soon as I saw that satisfied smile on his face. What made me even happier was that it was because of me that he’s smiling. He took another huge gulp of his coffee as he put down the cu
p and looked up at me. “Thank you Francesca.” he said.

  I absolutely love when he says my name. Just watching his lips say my name leaves me all hot and bothered. My thoughts then drifted back to that night. I felt a strong urge to just grab him by the shirt and slam my lips upon his. Instead I pushed the feeling away and just smiled.

  “You’re welcome Ciel.” I said.

  In that moment I wanted nothing else because we just stared at each other, smiling. It wasn’t as romantic as some of the moments in Pride and Prejudice but to me it sure was my kind of perfect.

  I was the first one to snap back to reality as I told him “I hope you enjoy your stay.” As I walked away. I was mentally screaming at myself for how I was acting. It was our first conversation where we weren’t flirting nor were we arguing and I found it pleasant, only for me to chicken out in the end.

  Once I was in the employee lounge I leaned back onto the wall and slid down. Why was I acting like this? Like I’m disappointed in myself for not talking to him more. Regret?

  My thoughts were interrupted as the door slammed open and I was expecting Angela or Stephen to start scolding me. Instead, there stood Ciel. My wide eyes stared up at him. His eyes wandered the room until they landed on me. He wasted no time as he shut the door and walked up to me. He grabbed my hand and yanked me up.

  “What are you—” I was cut off by Ciel slamming his lips upon mine. Suddenly all the disappointment and regret faded away just by the touch of his lips. I didn’t even have to think about it as I kissed him back.

  His lips were soft and warm just as I remembered. The urge to kiss him more only grew stronger and I couldn’t help myself but to deepen the kiss. I heard him groan as he gently pushed me up against the wall. My arms were gripping the front of his shirt as he had one hand behind my head and one on my lower back. One of his legs were between my legs as he applied a bit of pressure on my womanhood making my hold on him grow tighter.

  He licked my bottom lip as to ask for entry but I denied him. He somehow found a way as he gently sucked on my lower lip. Our kiss only grew intense by the second. His hands started tracing the curves of my body and my hands roamed his hard muscled chest.

  His hand slowly slid into the waistband of my jeans and once he touched my most treasured place I became a mess of moans. His skilled hands touched me in the most erotic way that I felt like I was losing my mind.

  My mind was a mess of thoughts and my stomach was filled with butterflies. I thought that this feeling only existed in books.

  The kiss was amazing that I didn’t want it to end. I could taste the cinnamon and peppermint and it only made me want to kiss him more. I once again grabbed onto his shirt as I made sure there was no gap between us. I pulled him even closer if it was even possible.

  He kept rubbing me as I kept gasping his name heatedly into his ear when suddenly the door slammed open making me jump as far as I can from Ciel. Ciel was shocked at my reaction while I panted as I semi-panicked.

  “Was this a bad time?” Stephen asked from the door. The smile on Stephen’s face told me everything, he just wanted to see what we were doing. Good thing he stopped us there or else we would’ve been in a whole different situation.

  “No, not at all.” I lied as I briskly walked out of the employee room. Before I could go back to work and pretend nothing happened somebody pulled me by the wrist making me stop. It wasn’t hard to guess who stopped me. I turned around to see a heavily breathing Ciel.

  “Go out with me.” he stated.

  Angela had a perfect view of Ciel and I from the counter. She smirked as she noticed that both Ciel and I were out of breath.

  I’ve seen different sides of Ciel but this side of Ciel was brand new. He seemed desperate. But I can’t make fun of him for being desperate because my traitorous heart felt the same every time I looked at him.

  I longed and yearned for Ciel.

  I couldn’t deny him any longer.

  Ciel is the first person I’ve ever kissed and in the future he’ll be the first person in different kinds of manner. But you could say that it won’t be a bad thing.


  Chapter 12


  I couldn’t help but smile like an idiot as I sat in the bar where I usually hung out with Zen and others. My Habanero finally agreed to go out with me. It’s been a few days since then and all I’ve been able to do was to text her and stop by the coffee shop where we would steal a few glances and had small talks here and there. To say I was sexually frustrated was an understatement.

  I didn’t exactly knew where to take her. On our first date it took me a while to figure out where I would take her and even though I had a plan to take her places somehow we ended back at my apartment. It’s a habit.

  “You ready for tonight Ciel?” Zen suddenly asked. I turned towards them with a confused look. Everyone sighed at my reaction as Zen said “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already? Is she that good in bed?” Zen’s words made me growl and he smiled as he held up his hands in surrender.

  “Chill bro, I’m kidding. Get your head out of the clouds Ciel. It’s your turn to fight tonight.” he reminded me. My blood ran cold as I remembered that if I wasn’t earning money from my family business then I was earning money from illegal fighting.

  “Can’t I pass?” I asked.

  Zen groaned in frustration as he said “We gave you two passes already Ciel. You can’t skip this time. You’re our best fighter, we need you.” I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. Before I could get myself worked up Fran ran through my head, and it was enough to calm me down.

  Even though Fran and I argued most of the time we’ve known each other, we both had an understanding when it came to our relationship. She means a lot to me and I could tell that I mean a lot to her. I could tell by the way she prepared the coffee with cinnamon and peppermint.

  I also did notice that the cup she gave me was covered in hearts unlike the cup she usually gave me which was pitch black with some meaningless quote on it. That was enough for me to keep me going.

  “Fine.” I gave them my answer. Zen and the others grinned as they started giving each other high-fives. I felt a tad bit of disappointment, if I was going to fight tonight meant I wasn’t going to see Fran tonight like I usually did. Seeing Fran was the highlight of my day and not being able to see or touch her tonight left my heart clench painfully.

  The time for the fight was about to start as my friends and I exited the bar from the backdoor and I swiftly took off my shirt and started wrapping bandages around my fists. My heart was pounding like an angry bird wanting an escape from its cage. Drops of sweat were rolling down my face as I readied myself for the fight.

  A large crowd surrounded the private alleyway. Cheers came from the audience that were awaiting the fight to begin. Zen was giving me some sort of pep talk as I made my way towards the corner where I’ll begin the fight. But I wasn’t listening to Zen, my heart was beating too loudly. It’s as if it’s telling me to go see Fran.

  I tried finding the right reason why I’m standing here and not with Fran.

  I needed the money?

  Zen depends on me like how I do with him?

  Or I simply enjoy the adrenaline coursing through my veins?

  I had all these reason yet none of them seemed enough. These weren’t enough to be a reason why I couldn’t see Fran because Fran was worth more. Yet here I was.

  Before I knew it the fight was starting. My opponent was as tall as me but he seemed to be on extra steroids. He looked huge but I knew that I could easily beat him. Size doesn’t intimidate me. I was the first one to land a punch, it hit him directly on nose making it instantly bleed. He managed to even land a few punches but nothing serious to take me down.

  I was punching him repeatedly until I heard a voice call out.


  It sounded like Fran. I quickly ignored it as I continued on with the fight but then I heard her again. “Ciel!” I was stunned
for a moment and it was enough for my opponent to land a punch directly on my face. Fran’s smiling face entered my mind, completely distracting me.

  My opponent managed to even punch me towards the ground making my breath escape my lungs. Blood was seeping out of my mouth. I was suddenly seeing two opponents rather than one.

  Was I seriously this weak without her?

  My eyelids felt extremely heavy as my fists clenched. I could feel myself getting weaker by the second. I could hear Zen and others shout my name as they tried encouraging me to get back up and fight. My opponent loomed over my body as I lied on the ground, he was about to give the final blow before my body could give up.

  Before I could close my eyes and give up I suddenly saw a flash of familiar red. My eyes widen as I saw her, my Fran standing in front of me with her hands stretched out like she was protecting me.

  “Stop!” her voice was strong.

  Complaints filled the whole alleyway as they tried telling her to get out of the fighting stage. But Fran stood her ground and I could already picture her determined face. I should be worried that she’s here but for some reason my heart felt at ease with her so close by.

  “I won’t let you hurt him.” she said. If I didn’t feel pain through my chest then I would’ve chuckled at how stupid she sounded, but I love her for it.

  “Get out of here girl! This is no place for you. Let me finish him!” my opponent’s gruff voice growled. I tried pushing myself up but for some reason I had no strength left. “I will not let you touch him.” Fran growled back like the fierce vixen she was.

  What happened next sent me into a frenzy, my opponent harshly shoved Fran towards the ground. “Move it!” he growled. A yelp escaped Fran’s mouth and it was enough to send me over the edge. I felt like a beast who just broke its cage.

  In a blink of an eye, I was up and already attacking my opponent. “Nobody touches my Francesca.” I growled as I showed him no mercy. I couldn’t see anything else around me except the color red and my bloody opponent. Anger coursed through me like never before.


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