The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible

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The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible Page 43

by A. J. Jacobs

  modern views on barbarism of, 246-47

  moral role of prophets among, 37, 88-89

  oral laws passed on to, and eventually written, 69

  snail-made blue dye of, 180-81 tithing system of, 38

  Yahweh as boss of all Gods

  known to, 183

  Ivan (friend), 56, 64

  Jackson, Jesse, 270

  Jackson, Michael, 162

  Jacob, AJ's biblical alter ego:

  attention-getting freakish look of, 88

  biblical words spouted by, 99

  byzantine payments to babysitter made by, 42

  in clash with secular AJ over Rosario Dawson, 133-34

  end time for, 329-31

  ethnicity and piety observed in, 118

  in Ezekiel's prophetic tradition, AJ hopes, 89

  moral high ground occupied by, 42

  prudish tendencies of, 129

  referring to self in third person permissible for, 65-66

  on secular freaks who don't get it, 201

  split personality of, 42

  strange behaviors seen in, 42

  thinking of earth age using mind of, 107

  "Thursday" avoided by, 42

  update on appearance of, 180-82 Jacob (biblical), 9, 211, 339

  Leah's son's dud mandrakes traded for a night with, 117

  problems with firstborn son of, 230

  thirteen offspring of, 159

  wives of, 135

  wrestles with God, is injured, and gets new name, 53

  Jacob and Esau story, debated

  meanings of, 237-40, 316-17 Jacobs, A. J.:

  abstemiousness asked of, 231

  agnosticism of, 4-5, 28, 38, 52, 67, 94, 192, 248, 329

  anticircumcisionist reportage of, 317-18

  beard of, see beard

  Bible translation issues met by, 66

  biblical alter ego of, see Jacob, AJ's biblical alter ego

  biblical library tidily classified by, 292

  biblical seder conducted by, 233-36

  at birth of twins, 314-15

  cherry picking forbidden fruit facts by, 171-72

  cold-turkey Sabbath observance of, 72-73

  Jacobs, A. J. (cont.)

  daily coveting list of, 26, 28 dances with Hasidim, 84-86, 214, 326

  defoliation and return to old identity of, 329-31

  disappointing harp of, 167-69 encyclopedia book of, see KnowIt-All, The

  ends-justify-the-means thinking vs. rule-following of, 139 enumerated benefits in avoiding images by, 106

  evolving beard and visage of, iv excessive eye contact as unnerving habit of, 115

  failed cucumber farming of, 165-66

  Falwell singles group audited by, 260-61

  first prayer of, 21

  at gathering of godless, 96-98 at gay Christian evangelical Bible study group, 264-68

  goat's milk, honey, Mediterranean food in favored diet of, 173 "God willing" often used in future-supplicative tense by, 236-37

  G-rated curse words of, 282 G-rated sexual history of, 129 gratefulness welcomed to other obsessions of, 268-69

  guilt feelings signaling Jewishness to, 70

  Israeli experience of, 220-28 in kaparot ritual, 160-65

  libido stashed in deep freeze by, 285-88

  lighter, spiritual white wardrobe of, 122

  lingering stares drawn to exposed cash of, 197

  lust-proofing of apartment by, 129-30

  lying, complaining, gossiping, unwholesome talk denied to, 99-101, 261

  as more biblical than thou, 227-28 as "normal looking," 151

  as now a reverent agnostic, 329 as officially Jewish, 4, 11, 335 one and only rabid fan of, 244

  a partial list of times when he was right and Julie was not, 273-74

  photographed, iv, 2, 44, 90, 120, 150, 184, 204, 226, 252, 300, 312

  pretending to be a better person as a good first step for, 327

  ram's horn blown with modest success by, 47

  random facts still crowbarred into arguments by, 50

  self-censorship of, 29

  self-generated chukim practiced by, 148-49

  self-Googling habit of, 151-52

  sign of the cross made by college friend of, 255

  smashing idols felt urgently by, 70, 337

  spiritual starting point of, 3-5

  in Starbucks meeting with

  delusional other self, 7

  sukkah built in living room by, 77-80

  Times Square's Naked Cowboy out-gawked at by, 339

  trendy OCD and germaphobia of, 36, 48-49, 149, 240-41, 285

  tribal worldview of, 146

  various things tefillin might remind him of, 199

  weasel ex-roommate's debt forgiven by, 64

  Jacobs, Arnold J., Sr., 142, 233

  AJ's honoring of, 241-42

  literalism in practical joke of, 290

  mother's memories of family seders read by, 235-36

  "no stealing" commandment followed to the letter by, 139-40

  self-control of, 81

  workaholism passed on to AJ from, 71, 337

  Jacobs, Beryl, 4

  Jacobs, Ellen Kheel:

  AJ's honoring of, 242

  AJ's near-teasing of, 242-43 emailed jokes and wacky

  etymologies of, 73, 242

  Sabbath solutions offered by, 72 unexpected visit of, 316

  Jacobs, Jasper:

  AJ on first-name basis with, 110 AJ's coveting on behalf of, 26 at bat mitzvah with AJ and his altered state, 325-26

  Chicken Dance Elmo of, 20 deceitful strategems of, 55

  denial of twins by, 316

  enviable swaddling of, 199

  medical traumas of, 188-89, 247 no more lies to, 55-56

  parents perceptively aped by, 144-45

  ratcheting up justice-to-mercy ratio for, 138-39

  remembering circumcision of, 318-19

  ritual chicken as epiphanic standin for, 164

  sibling sought for, 18

  tantrum style of, 55-56

  tithing's impact on, 37

  uneven vocabulary of, 26, 144, 152 in War of the Bowling Pin, 278-79 worst disciplinarian needing help with, 39-41

  Jacobs, Julie Schoenberg:

  AJ's greed, lust, but some virtues exposed in honesty game of, 291-92

  AJ's "Stuff" file revealed to, 274 a biblical assist and an AJ high from, 65

  in birth of twins, 314-15

  capacity for magnitude five tremors of, 50

  commandments on doorpost scripture from, 155

  Dasani bottles filled with tap water by, 140-41

  defiantly negative speech of, 157-58

  demonstration of maturity by, 125 as family disciplinarian, 41 at fertility clinic, 146

  on first hearing of Bible Project, 7 among Florida elderly, 177-78

  hardcore religion losing appeal to, 87

  on hearing an Amish joke, 34

  "helmet" as code word of, 108-9, 310-11

  idiosyncratic sneeze of, 212

  idol worship allegedly practiced by, 105

  lashon hara attributed to, 158

  in late-stage pregnancy, 285

  living room sukkah construction dubiously inspected by, 77, 79

  mother-son relationships as hopeful study of, 230

  movies phased out for, 17-18

  no chair left unsat on by, 52

  off-limits Dickinson sweatshirt of, 15

  playdate invitation trampled by spouse's radical honesty, 196

  pregnancy quest of, 17-20, 37, 48-52, 312

  purity laws not appreciated by, 50-51

  scavenger-hunt work of, 157-58, 338

  spared AJ's evil tongue during ride home, 100-101

  successful (in business) ex

  boyfriend of, 27, 336

  "sweet spots" marked on, 118

  s-word disconcertingly used by, 281

  on things happening for a reason, 248

  three-sons situation staring
at, 206-7, 229-30, 307-8, 312 Jacobs, Lucas, 316-17

  Jacobs, Zane, 316-17

  as first twin to be circumcised, 320

  Jaguar, rabbinical views on coveting of, 27, 336

  James, Epistle of, on how to talk about your next day, 237 Jedi knights, 153

  Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 256

  Jefferson Bible, 256

  "Jehovah," as God's real name, 75

  Jehovah's Witnesses, 74-77

  eschewing cheap jokes about, 74 Hebrew Scriptures leaned on by, 74

  highlights in belief system of, 75-77

  literalist argument for banning blood transfusion by, 76-77 why major holidays and birthdays are not celebrated by, 75-76, 121


  on our ability to change, 248 questioned by the king, 208 security grilling given to, 208 walked around wearing a wooden yoke, 89

  on why men looked like they were bearing children, 146


  AJ just one of the messianic crowd in, 220

  bombings in, 210

  gay pride march in (2006), 267 interfaith street scene in, 213 walking naked and barefoot in, 89 why it's the Galapagos Islands of religion, 220

  Jerusalem Bible, 9

  Jerusalem syndrome, baffling

  symptoms of, 209

  Jerusalem temples, era of:

  purity laws dating from, 51

  rules relevant in, 48, 160, 240, 336

  Jessica and Peter (friends), where God exists debated by, 152


  on almsgiving, 272

  as family man, 256, 340

  following moral teachings without accepting divinity of, 255-56, 262-63, 265

  Last Supper of, 233

  literalist views on teachings of, 11

  marriage ideal in Genesis quoted by, 187

  on number of times to forgive your brother, 289

  observed walking on water, 276

  pacifism of, 75

  parables of, 67, 119, 215-16, 219, 274-75, 306-7

  Pharisees denounced by, 77

  red-letter view of, 270

  righteous indignation of, 84

  ritual laws made obsolete by, 254

  serpent handler devotion to, 294

  tefillin worn by, 198

  traditional laws nullified by sacrifice of, 12, 47-48, 170

  world creation linked to gestation time of, 253

  on year of Jubilee, 65

  Jesus-fish-gobbling-Darwin-fish bumper sticker, 57

  Jewishness, test for authenticity of, 70 Jewish Theological Seminary, 68, 134 Jews:

  breaking stereotypes of, 80

  chosenness of, 36, 296

  guilt as identity marker for, 70

  see also Judaism

  Jews, Hasidic, see Hasidic Jews Jews, Orthodox, 97, 197, 198, 286

  guidelines in The Set Table followed by, 143

  monthly honeymoon sex enjoyed by, 50

  only visible bugs on forbidden list of, 176

  rigid modesty rules of, 129

  sculptures not made by, 105

  as strictest Sabbath keepers, 72

  structure for kids as goal of, 125-26

  tamer version of kaparot

  practiced by, 165

  tzitzit worn by, 180

  Jews, ultra-Orthodox, 11, 126

  antigay demonstrations of, 267

  as eschatological allies of


  Christians, 189

  four blue threads again tied to tassels by, 180-81

  kaparot practiced by, 160-65

  mandatory partying of, 84-85 Job, Book of:

  on the company of the godless, 201

  on the Lord's giving and taking away, 21

  on making a covenant not to gaze lustfully at virgins, 132

  modern, agnostic view in, 114 Joelle (great-aunt), 72

  on God's love, 313-14

  John, First Epistle of, on the little children of God, 316

  John, Gospel of:

  on foot-washing ritual, 30

  on Jesus promising drink for the thirsty, 301

  on Jesus walking on the sea, 276

  on Samaritan kindness to Jesus, 219

  on taking "born again" literally, 290

  on truth as liberating, 291

  John (friend), 69

  discussing impurity issues with, 240-41

  sharing edible crickets with, 175 John the Baptist, survival diet of, 174 jokes:

  Amish, 7, 32, 33-34

  about circumcision, 319, 320

  dirtiest ever, in The Aristocrats, 18

  about five blondes in a bar, 73

  about Mel Gibson's facial hair, 180

  obstetrical, 206-7

  practical, 290

  puns generously classified as, 205 Jonah:

  anger issues of, 83

  in "great fish" or "whale," 337 Joplin, Janis, 115, 194

  Joseph (son of Jacob), 144

  Jacob's favoring of, 316-17

  Rachel's divinely assisted

  conception of, 19-20

  Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 230

  Joshua, reconciling science with the sun stopping for, 67

  Josie and the Pussycats, 131

  "Journal of By-gone Years: The Smuckers," 31

  Jubilee Harps, 168, 169

  Jubilee USA Network, 65

  Jubilee year, 63-65, 262, 336

  debts forgiven, workers stay home, markets collapse in, 64

  plan to forgive third-world debt in, 64-65

  Judah, Judeans:

  prophetic warnings to, 89

  Samaritans hated by, 216


  Ashkenazi, polygamy banned by, 135

  biblical interpretation in, 337 Catholicism and Protestantism compared with, 70

  "deed over creed" as slogan of, 256-57

  food-related ideas about, 173 holidays in, 77-80, 121

  kindness to animals in, 162, 185-88

  life trumping all (or nearly all) in, 77, 336

  oral vs. written law in, 12

  original biblical intent in, 70 reconciling biblical realities with, 245-46

  Judge, Mike, beaten to fantasy punch, 26

  Judgment at Nuremberg, atheism linked to, 97

  Judith, Holofernes seduced and beheaded by, 53

  kabbalists, white-wearing, 123

  kaparot, ritual of, 160-65, 327

  Botox and transubstantiation compared with, 162

  money used in tamer versions of, 165

  summarized experience of, 160 kaparot, ritual of (cont.)

  vicariously sinful chickens used in, 161-62

  see also chickens, ritual

  Karaite calendar, 336

  Karaite Korner, 307


  extreme, but safe diet of, 307 theological minimalism of, 69 why it's best to forgo the "Mazal tov" with, 341


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