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Tatum Page 7

by S Raven Storm

  “Yes ma'am, and by the way you look real pretty.” He blushed.

  Dirk ran out the door as if his pants were on fire. Bristol shook her head as Kaylyn laughed so hard she got the hiccups. Time was drawing near and Bristol became nervous. She didn’t know what to expect and wished Tatum was here to calm her down. Instead, she received another guest, Maisie, who bought her a crown made of daisies to place on her hair. Bristol decided to wear her hair loose. The small waves from the unbraiding gave her hair body. The yellow and white flowers matched her lemony yellow and white dress that showed off her figure beautifully. Taking a deep breath, she was ready to leave. Two guards escorted them to the great hall. The women had out done themselves, the decorations were lovelier in person than on paper, the smell of roasting meats laid heavy in the room, its aroma mouth watering. The sound of conversation and laughing was almost deafening. A hush came over the room the moment she walked down the narrow aisle of the hall. As she approached the dais, she kept her eyes locked on Tatum’s. She could see the passion in them, then heard him say in their pack link. You look good enough to eat.

  She smiled and replied, I’ll test that theory soon.

  Bristol continued walking, suddenly, a small child ran up the aisle, she could hear the parents calling, “Come back Cindy.” Bristol simply swept the child up in her arms, placing her on her hips and continued walking. The women sighed at her gesture and the men clapped. When she reached Cindy’s parents she handed the child to them. The dais had two rows of tables, the first table was long and held Scotty and a few other men, the second-row table was shorter and occupied by Tatum, Luke by his side and at the far end Gamma Tate and Dr. Jax. All stood when Bristol, Kaylyn and Maisie advanced towards the dais, two omegas assisted the women up the stairway to Tatum’s table.

  Once they sat in their seats, Gamma Tate stood. He raised his hand for silence, then bellowed for all to hear, “Quiet, I need everyone’s undivided attention.” It took a minute or two for everyone to heed his directions. “We have gathered her to celebrate the union of Alpha Tatum, the tracker, the unprecedented leader of the Blackstone pack, to Bristol, daughter of the late, great Midas, the just. For all who have bend a knee to Blackstone and Tatum, I ask you to do the same for his soul-mate, Bristol the first female alpha of Blackstone.” The hall erupted into shouts of cheer, and many if not all, stood on their feet.

  Luke stood, mimicking Gamma Tate, he raised a hand to silence the hall. They quickly sat down as a hush fell across the room. “I would like to raise my glass in a toast to my leader, mentor, brother and alpha, Tatum.” The hall yelled, “To Tatum.” Many raised a glass and swallowed deep from those glasses. “And to the beautiful, strong she-wolf, my new leader and female alpha, Bristol.” Again, the hall erupted into a standing ovation and roars of, “To Bristol.”

  Tatum stood as Luke sat back down, the clapping, and praises for Tatum spread throughout the crowd. It was sometime before they would let him speak.

  “I know some of you have traveled a long distance to be here, and I thank you for your support and diligence. To the many alpha’s who are here, I bend my knee in support of you as you have done for me. I pray we continue to live in peace and join together to defeat any enemy that chooses to disrupt our peaceful existence.”

  “Hear, hear,” one man shouted and everyone else followed. Tatum turned to Bristol and asked, “Do you want to say something?”

  Bristol stood and unlike the others, she began to walk down the stairs. Two of the guards quickly joined her, placing a light hand on her elbows. When she descended the last step, she said, “I just became the alpha of this wonderful pack and already I love the people of Blackstone. This is a large pack with a lot of alliances, and I will give my all to serve you. But to a lot of you, I’m just a simple girl, from a small simply pack. That’s fine, because it’s the truth.” The crowd applauded.

  “My first duty as alpha is to appoint the Blackstone pack with its first female gamma. Her kindness, wisdom and age, dictates that she walks in the position to counsel and advise the women young and old of Blackstone. With my alpha mate’s approval, I appoint Maisie, as the new gamma of Blackstone. Gamma Maisie, please sit beside Gamma Tate,” Bristol instructed, as she watched large teardrops roll down the wrinkled skin of the elderly woman. Everyone clapped, and the women of Blackstone cried and shouted their approval.

  “My second duty as alpha, with my alpha mate’s approval is to assign to myself, my own personal beta, I have watched this woman fight, and protect me while risking her own life. I choose Kaylyn as my beta.” Bristol smiled at the shocked look on Kaylyn’s face.

  “To Blackstone pack, I pledge to you my love and gentle hand when needed and my heavy hand when appropriate. I’ll be mother to your children and a sister to you all, but first and foremost, I will be your alpha and the she-wolf of this pack.” Again, the crowd erupted in glee. Bristol saw the look on Tatum’s face and knew she’d done good. He looked taller, his chest bigger and his eyes clearer, than earlier.

  Gamma Tate stood and said, “Before we partake in the wonderful meal that has my stomach doing back flips, I’d like to perform the official mating prayer to our leaders. Everyone please raise your glass, and say the wolf’s prayer.” Everyone stood and held their glass up high, even the children who were taught the prayer joined in, reciting for all to hear, “Spirit of the wolf, we who wander the wild lands, we who stalk in silent shadows, we who run and leap between the moss-covered trees, ask for primal strength and the wisdom of the spirit wolf’s glowing eyes. Teach us to relentlessly track our desires and to stand in defense of those we love, show us the hidden paths and the moonlit fields. Make our pack strong.”

  Silence fell in the hall and all eyes were on the couple as they joined hands and recited to each other, “Fierce spirit guide me as I walk with my mate, even in my solitude. Howl with me my mate in my joy. Guard me my mate as I move through this world. Follow me down the path and I will walk beside you, guiding and showing you the way. I will not leave you. If you ever feel alone close your eyes and you will see me, and my voice will forever be in your ears. Together we will build a pack, help strengthen the weak and fight together with the strong.”

  Tatum took Bristol in his arms and kissed her like they were alone in their special place, and the room came alive with chants, as several others cried and howled in appreciation of the prayer and the kiss.

  The food was delicious, all the major alphas were impressed by Tatum’s modern town and generous hospitality. When the food was served they were beyond grateful. They all agreed they’ve never sat before a feast like the one that day, not even under their own roofs. The servers bought roasted stag for each table along with a roasted pig. Baked sturgeon, goose eggs scrambled with deer roe, wild greens and dandelions along with crusty loafs of bread. On tall stands sat fresh fruits with sweet whipped cream and on the lower level were lemon cakes, Blackberry pies, and sweet powered dough. It was a meal fit for a king, in this case an alpha. The room was inviting and happy.

  When the food was cleared away, the tables were relocated, and the music began. It was customary that the alpha opened the dance, if mated it would be he and his female alpha. Bristol and Tatum made a fetching couple. She was tall maybe four inches shorter than Tatum, she wasn’t a small woman, nor big, but for Tatum she was the perfect size. She smiled and Tatum thought his heart would beat itself out of his chest, it was pounding hard and fast.

  Bristol lifted her head and bit his chin. When he looked down she said, “Can we leave now?”

  “We can do whatever you want.” He smiled, bringing her closer to his hard-muscular body.

  Tatum called Scotty and Luke over. They’d been watching to make sure no one got out of control. They had begun watering down the wine and liquor after dinner, as a precaution. He and some of the best Etas were vigilant around the room as well as outside the hall.

  “We will be making our exit soon. Can you hold this down, Scotty?” Tatum asked.

/>   “Yeah, some have already been escorted up to their rooms and the ones who are staying on the outskirts, we’ve asked their pack to take them to their campsite.

  Luke added, so far, so good.” Then smiling he slapped Tatum on his back, and quickly gave him a bear hug.

  “Okay, I know you don’t drink on the job so what’s up with the hug.” Tatum laughed, looking at his misty-eyed beta.

  “I’m happy for you. Truly happy. That speech she gave, and the appointments made, she’s a natural.”

  “Yeah, she is that, and a hell of a lot more,” Tatum said looking at Bristol talking to one of the alphas with Kaylyn by her side.

  Bristol saw Tatum watching her, she blew him a kiss and gave him a wink, which made him smile. She vowed at that moment to always make him smile. Bristol turning her attention back to Alpha Briar, told him that she remembered him coming to her father’s aide many years ago. “You were kind then, and kind now. My father had a great amount of respect for you.”

  “And I him. Yet, it was different back then. A lot of fighting for territory, and fighting amongst the packs, but Tatum has united most of the southern packs together. In my time, we would’ve never sat under the same roof with other packs. This amazing town alone shows his vision for the future.” Alpha Briar took a deep breath and said, “I love him like a son. He’s a great leader.”

  Pride swelled up in Bristol’s heart. She didn’t realize how important Tatum was to the surrounding packs. Sure, she knew he was loved and feared by the Blackstone pack, but she didn’t know his popularity also included respect and honor for the things he has accomplished. When she finished her conversation, she joined Tatum who was laughing jovially with a young man. He excused himself to join her. Tatum’s arms instinctive went around Bristol’s waist. She loved his touch, she loved him.

  “Did you let your beta know we were leaving? Tatum asked as he handed her a glass from the passing server.

  “No, I thought we were going to slip out undetected,” she responded.

  “We are, but your beta should know every move you make. The only other person outside of me that should be linked stronger to you, is Kaylyn.” Tatum smiled, he liked the fact she was concentrating and hanging onto every word he spoke. She will be a good student.

  “So, I can link to her like I do you without it being to all the pack?”

  “The link is there the moment you chose her, you just have to perfect it. Remember your beta is an extension of you. Your beta is your right hand, your confidant and your conscience.”

  “Humph, some folks need to practice what they preach.” Luke snorted standing behind the two, then continued walking when Tatum gave him the evil eye.

  “I’ll go let her know now.”

  When all was done, Tatum and Bristol snuck out the back door. There were a few people standing outside in the cool night air talking or making out. A couple congratulated them again, yet no one said anything about their departure. Luke and Kaylyn walked a slight distance behind them, watching but not interrupting.

  Bristol wanted Tatum to take her to the grotto, but Tatum talked her out of going, promising instead to take her tomorrow.

  “It’s late and I’m tired, shifting and making that trip after the day I’ve had. I wouldn’t be good for nothing but sleep once we got there.” He smiled knowing that would change her wants, since the last thing she had in mind for him to do was sleep.

  “Plus, I need to be close by in case something goes awry tonight.”

  “Okay, you promise, tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon?”

  “I promise, as soon as the packs clear out.”

  “I heard some were leaving tonight. However, Alpha Briar said, he’s leaving in the morning, right after breakfast,” she informed him.

  “Maybe we should invite him for breakfast at our house. Will that be possible?” He asked, not wanting to put her through unnecessary troubles.

  “Yes, I’d like that. I can have them bring the food over from the hall, since it will be more than enough to feed everyone.”

  “I like him,” she said quietly.

  “I do too. He’s an idol of mine. A mentor of sorts. He has an amazing mind.”

  “He feels the same way about you.”

  “Ha, no way.”

  “Yes, he told me so. He said you’ve changed the way the southern packs interact, and Blackstone proves how much of a visionary you are.”


  “Yes, and he’s right.”

  Tatum stopped in front of their house and said, “I’m linking with Luke.” Luke go tell Alpha Briar that Bristol and I would like he and his beta to join us for breakfast in the morning, before he leaves.

  “I told Tatum to invite Briar and his beta for breakfast.”

  Kaylyn, Kaylyn! She’s not answering.

  “I hear you, now concentrate on her. Connect with her.”

  Bristol inhaled deeply, closing her eyes, she called to Kaylyn and this time she answered. Tell the kitchen we are having seven guests for breakfast. We need everything on the menu brought to the house. You and Luke are to join us.

  Thank you, I'll let the kitchen know, Kaylyn replied.

  “I did it! I actually did it.” Bristol smiled, walking up the stairs, as Tatum held the door open for her to enter.

  “Yes sweetheart, you did.” He smiled back and his dick twitched.

  “You know I met Alpha Briar years ago when I was a child. He knew my father.”

  “I heard tales of the great Midas the just. Seems Briar and your father are cut from the same cloth.”

  Sadness crept up on Bristol, she didn’t want to think of her father, not now. “Let’s not talk anymore, I have something else in mind to do with my mouth.

  Grabbing his hand, she pulled him into the bedroom. Bristol took her time unbuttoning Tatum’s shirt, while placing small kisses on his chest after each button she removed. Sliding his shirt off his broad shoulders, down his muscular arms until it fell on the floor, she then set her sights on his pants. Unbuckling his belt and helping remove his pants she stood back admiring his magnificent body. Turning her back to him, silently instructing him to unzip her dress, Bristol could feel the cool air on her back as the zipper retracted. The dress made a whooshing sound gliding off her body onto the floor. Bristol laughingly pushed Tatum onto the bed and eased herself onto his sprawling body.

  Bristol, kissing each side of his face before centering on his lips, skillfully she played with his tongue. Every now and again, she’d capture it and suck on the slippery member. Bristol let her hands run down the plains of his stomach until it reached his engorged penis. Sliding her hand up and down his thick, long shaft, she made it grow even the more. Breaking their kiss, she began to kiss his massive chest, as her tongue ran circles around his nipples, causing them to harden into tiny pebbles. “Umm” he groaned, as she licked her way downward. When she reached the patch of hair that surrounded his hard-on, he whispered, “By all that the Goddess holds dear.” Bristol had never ventured into this unknown territory of lovemaking, but she felt compelled to do so tonight. Tatum had driven her mad several times with his mouth and she felt obligated to return the favor. Bristol gently took his penis into her mouth. She began at the crown, which caused Tatum to make a sound she’d never heard him make before. The more she experimented, the more brazen she became, until she was sucking and licking him from the crown to the hilt, producing a shiny pre-cum which she licked off. Suddenly, he called out, “Stop or I won’t be able to...”

  Bristol wanted to continue to see what would happen if she pushed him over the edge, but before she could decide, he pulled her up and placed her across his lap. “Since you like being in control my she-wolf, try this on for size.” He entered her and she’d swear his cock was lodged in her belly, he was so deep. She moved gingerly upon his cock, rocking back in forth. Bristol started bouncing up and down in a slow almost methodical way that made him call her name.

  “Bristol, you feel so good.”

; Confidence replaced her innocence as she lifted upward then plunged downward, grinding her hips against his. The power of his vast cock and the movement within, took Bristol by surprise as her orgasm washed over her, causing her body to tremble. Tatum, grabbing her hips changed the tempo to fit his needs, and within seconds he shouted out, “Ahhh! I’m cumming…” as he pumped her with his hot molten cream.


  Morning came too early and for the first time, Bristol woke with Tatum by her side. She watched as his chest rose and fell in a rhythmic fashion. She liked the way his eyelashes curled upward. Before she could relish the idea of waking him up, she heard Kaylyn say, Good morning my alpha, the kitchen will deliver the food in thirty minutes and Alpha Briar will arrive in forty-five.

  Good morning, and thank you. I assume you will be arriving with the food. So, I will see you then.

  Bristol decided to let Tatum sleep, after all it would take her a lot longer to get dressed than it would him. Being wolves, clothing was just a formality, but functional. It was not unusual to see others nude for shifting with clothes proved costly, and constantly having to take them off and remembering where you left them, a pain in the ass.

  The water ran while she picked out a simple dress to wear, the moment she entered the shower and let the water wash over her body, Tatum entered the confined space with his mammoth frame. Because of his height, only a few drops of water fell onto Bristol. “You and I in the shower together, is not a good idea.” She laughed.

  “I thought you were done,” he said, slapping her on the ass.

  “It’s a good thing Kaylyn is on her way.” She narrowed her eyes, letting him know she meant business.

  “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?” He laughed again, repeating his last gesture slapping her on the ass.

  “All yours, my Alpha.”

  Bristol quickly dressed then sat in at the small dresser Tatum bought for her and struggled to undo her matted hair. “So much for wearing it loose.” She said out loud to herself, “This is why I braid this mess,” as she struggled with the tangles.


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