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Minecraft (Diary of a Minecrafter - School of Minecraft - Minecraft Books For Kids, Minecraft Stories For Kids, Diary of a wimpy kid Book 1) Page 2

by Terry Mayer

  Anyway, once Mr Larrson realized that there was no fun to have baiting Darth he got on with the lesson and man, it was AWESOME.

  We started out real simple, just taking some of the Wooden Blocks we collected in Friday's lesson and turned them into Planks.

  You don't have to do ANYTHING! You just put the blocks on the Crafting Table, and WHAMO, they change. Mr Larrson said that the secret to great crafting is knowing the recipes, once you have those the rest is easy. You just have to place the right items in the correct squares on the table. What! you've never used a crafting table? Ok, so this is how it works.

  There are nine squares on top of the table laid out in a 3 x 3 square. You place your items in certain places and it makes something new. For example, I made a bed, yeah I know, a bed! Anyway, I placed 3 x Wooden Planks in the bottom three squares then placed 3 x Sheep's Wool in the centre three squares and boom (well not an actual boom, there is no noise and that makes it even weirder. I expected a great flash of light and a massive BOOM but nope, it just happens, all nice and calm like) you have a bed sat on the crafting table. Now what's really freaky is that the Crafting Room, just like the Survival Room has Overworld gravity so it was dead easy to just pick up the bed one handed and move it off the table. Being small in Minecraft makes NO DIFFERENCE! I love this place.

  The rest of the morning we spent turning Planks into Poles, combining Poles and Wooden blocks to make tools. Yeah, cool right. I made my first Axe by combing two Poles and a Wooden Block. I know a Wooden Axe is not a great tool but I'm going to keep this one as a souvenir.

  At the end of the class we all had to make a Wooden Door, what's that all about?

  The afternoon class was spent learning some more advanced crafting recipes. Did you know that if you combine 5 x Gunpowder in a cross shape and fill the other 4 squares with Sand you get TNT - that's EXPLOSIVES!

  Hoody asked if we could make some in the next class but Mr Larrson just stared at him for so long that we all got a little uncomfortable. Eventually, Hoody asked if Mr Larrson was ok, and he replied that he was trying to make up his mind whether Hoody had a death wish or was just plain stupid. To his credit, Hoody cracked a huge grin and replied.

  'Me, well if I had to choose between those two options I think I'll go with Stupid, thick as two planks me. Me ma always said I had fluff in between me ears so I guess she thinks I'm stupid too.' Then he winked at Mr Larrson, no really, I kid you NOT. He actually winked. Mr Larrson stared at him for a few seconds then broke out laughing, 'Hoody, I think you and I are going to get along just fine.'

  I can't believe it actually worked. If I had tried that I would have been on a one way trip to Trouble Town, prepaid ticket, no refunds allowed.


  Survival Training with Mr Mayer- I love this place!

  Today we learnt how build basic structures using the tools we made in yesterdays class. My souvenir Axe didn't last long, guess I'll just have to make another one.

  Mr Mayer taught us how to mine for new ore's. We found Coal and Stone pretty near the surface and will use them in tomorrow's Crafting class to make improved tools.

  Basic house building was so much fun. Using Soil Blocks from the morning Mining lesson we placed them in a 5 x 5 square leaving a hole in the middle, and proceeded to build a small cabin. Man it's so cool, just like in Mr Mayer's Awesome Beginners Survival Guide. After we finished the walls, Mr Mayer told us to place the Door we had made in Crafting Class into the hole in the wall. Duh, now I know what the door is for, * forehead slap*

  After the walls we built a roof using some Wooden Planks, I can see why Mr Larrson had us making all that stuff now, makes sense.

  Lunch has never tasted so good - I was absolutely famished after all that building. I wonder what we will be doing this afternoon?

  Mr Mayer has just informed us that we will be staying in our completed cabins tonight. Seems the bed and torches I made will really come in handy. Hang on, he's talking again.

  'Right class, tonight, as I informed you earlier, you are sleeping in your cabins. Now does everyone understand what the implications of this are? No, then take a look around.'

  We all look around the place, yeah, looks like the Overworld, cabins all over the place, hills in the distance with guards standing watch. *duh* Then it hits me like an out of control freight train.

  'Yes Jeb, Monsters, although we call them Mobs,' replied Mr Mayer.

  Oh nooooo. What? no not the monster bit, yeah that's scary but I obviously just shouted that out loud, not in my head like I thought. What's Darth going to say....and right on cue.

  'Oh, the poor little person is scared of the monsters, ah diddums.' To which he got great screams of laughter, even from Mr Mayer. *shame*

  'Ok, people, calm down, calm down,' chuckled Mr Mayer. 'But Jeb is correct, there will be Mobs roaming the Overworld when the sun goes down tonight.'

  *gasp* Everyone glanced at each other nervously.

  'Good, so I now have your undivided attention,' Mr Mayer smiled wickedly.

  'So tonight you will stay in your cabins, two per cabin. You will sleep in your beds and tomorrow we will continue our lessons. You will NOT go outside tonight and you will NOT open the cabin door tonight or you WILL die tonight. Do I make myself clear?"

  Oh man, die, for real!

  'Good, then lets team up into pairs and start double checking your cabins to make sure they are secure. You have five minutes before dusk so get cracking.'

  Pandemonium, that's the only word I can use to explain what happened next. (It's a great word isn't it. It means total confusion and chaos - cool!)

  Everyone started grabbing each other, pairing up and then arguing over who's cabin they would use. Gravy and Hoody teamed up together and I grabbed Numbers as my partner, then we checked all four cabins between us and chose the best two. Mr Mayer came up behind us as we were moving our beds inside and whispered in my ear.

  'Nice work Jeb, you were the only Avatars to work with another team and you chose your cabins wisely, tell your friends they did well.' Then he patted me on my head. *shame*

  I just can't catch a break, with one breath he compliments me then smashes me down. Of course Darth saw everything but heard nothing. Missed the compliment but saw the petting.

  'Good Little Person, you must be the new teachers pet!' Him and his cronies burst their sides laughing again and only stopped when the horn sounded one minute to sundown.

  'Right, everyone into your cabins. Light your torches and when the sun sets get into your beds and I will see you all here at first light. Sleep well and be safe.' He then hurried out of the Survival Room, followed by all the guards.

  *gulp* I guess that means we are on our own.

  'Well Numbers, guess it's just you and me,' I said lighting a torch and putting it up on the wall. 'Won't be long until sunset now, might as well get comfy,' I said, as I jumped onto my bed and settled down.

  'Hey Jeb, quick, come and look at this, COME ON,' screamed Numbers excitedly, while he was looking through the window in the door.

  The last exclamation got me out of bed quicker than my Mom can when I'm late for school.

  'What, what's up?

  'LOOK!' he replied, stepping aside and pointing outside.

  I moved cautiously up to the door and peered out.

  'NO WAY!'

  Shambling between the cabins was a Zombie - no messing - a real life Zombie! Well maybe that's not the best expression as Zombie's are not alive but you know what I mean. 'Ah, the idiot, it had to be him.'

  'What Jeb, what's happening, move over will you,' said Numbers, cramming himself in next to me.

  'Darth! What is he doing?'

  We both squished our noses against the glass, mouths wide open and jaws almost touching the floor. Darth and Midge were creeping up behind the Zombie. It looked like they were daring each other to touch it. Were they mad? I wanted to scream out - Watch out you idiots, it's a freaking Zombie you are playing with. Run fools, run. But all that
came out was EEK!

  Yeah I know, EEK! Even Numbers looked at me funny and ask if I was ok? *shame*

  We stood and watched Darth creep up on the zombie. He reached out his hand, ready to touch the zombie on its back when it swung around and lunged at him. I tell you, the look on Darth's face was priceless. I honestly don't think he thought the zombie was real until it turned around. The color drained from Darth's face and he let out a really high pitched scream, yep, I'm going to say it, just like a LITTLE GIRL!!!!!

  Just as the Zombies fingers were within grasping distance of Darth, Midge to his credit, grabbed the back of Darth's shirt and pulled him out of range at the last second and the two of them high tailed it back to their cabin, dashed inside and slammed the door shut. The next second you could see their two faces squished up against the glass in the door, literally shaking.

  Me and Numbers fell about the place laughing, that was perfect. No one got hurt and Darth made a complete fool of himself. Way cool, this is turning out to be the best day EVER!

  Not so, just after that it all went down hill. The Zombie followed Darth and Midge back to their cabin and started banging on the door. We all knew it was only going to be a matter of time before the Zombie ripped the door down and attacked them, but then the strangest thing happened. His friends came to his rescue. Who would have thought that Darth would instill that sort of loyalty in his friends?

  The cabin door across from Darth's opened and Panther ran out and threw a Soil Block at the Zombie. It bounced off its back without harming it but it had the required effect. The Zombie turned around and shambled after Panther, leaving Darth's cabin alone. Panther ran inside and slammed the door and the Zombie shambled up to the cabin and tried to get in. After a few minutes another cabin door opened and a big guy, don't know his name but he hangs out with Darth, ran out and threw a Soil Block and the Zombie turned and followed him.

  Well, you get the idea, each time the Zombie attacked a cabin someone would come out and attract its attention, drawing it away. This could have gone on all night, everyone was having such a great time, until the Creeper turned up.

  Panther was at it again, baiting the Zombie, but he was getting too careless. Running around the cabins, laughing hysterically, with the Zombie in tow, and then it happened. From out of nowhere a creeper turned up and ran straight in front of Panther. It was a total train wreck, he wasn't even looking where he was going and splat, he ran straight into the creeper, and let me tell you, that upset the creeper no end. Immediately it started to vibrate and hiss and lunged at Panther.

  Panther let out a girly scream, but it just wasn't funny anymore. He froze until it was almost too late, the only thing that saved him was the Zombie coming up behind and reaching out for him. That seemed to snap him out of his trance and he took off running for his cabin with the Zombie and a hissing Creeper in tow. He just made it to the cabin as the Creeper exploded. I was thrown to the floor by the blast and when I dragged myself up all that I could see was a huge hole where Panthers cabin had been, and even the cabins on either side were damaged.

  You have got to be kiddin' me! Nooooo. Seeing the huge hole where Panthers cabin had been and the fact that the Zombie was still shambling around, me and Numbers decided there was nothing we could do to help so dived into our beds and hid our heads under the pillows.


  'WAKE UP! Get out here now!'

  What, what's happening? I literally only put my head under the pillow and I can hear Mr Mayer shouting for us to get up. What's going on?

  Everyone gingerly opened their cabin doors, peeked out, trying to see if it was all clear.

  'Come on, come on, we don't have all day. Right, first things first. You all look a little disorientated, hmm. Well, if any of you had read the Course Book you would have realized that the moment you laid down on you bed after dark, you would have slept straight through the night. Almost instant daytime, something to do with the gravity on the Overworld.'

  Looking around I see a lot of faces like my own, confusion suddenly clearing.

  'Right, next point. I see some of your group ignored the rules last night and they are no longer with us the morning. Captain, what is the damage?' asked Mr Mayer of the armored Avatar.

  'Two gone sir, presumed killed in the Creeper explosion and four others eaten, looks like Zombies.'

  'Thank you Captain. So you see what damage can be caused when you do not follow the rules? Two people needlessly killed in a Creeper explosion and four unfortunates eaten alive, and let me tell you, that would have been no fun what-so-ever.'

  OMG, is he serious. Are they really dead?

  'You look a little confused Jeb, what is on your mind? Mr Mayer asked me.

  'Uh, the people who died, they like, really died?'

  'Yes Jeb, they really died. Did you not hear the Headmaster informing you that there would be casualties?

  'Yeah, but I thought, I don't know, maybe like, huh.'

  'It's ok Jeb. Most people react this way after the first deaths. You all think it is just a game, a great adventure, and it is, but as with all great adventures comes great risks and you have just witnessed the greatest lesson I can teach.'

  Turning to look at each student in turn, Mr Mayer continued. 'Disobey the rules and bad things happen. This is not a school where you get a smack on the wrist and a letter to your parents, in the School of Minecraft, you break the rules, YOU DIE. Do You All Understand?'

  All heads nod yes.

  'Good. Now, if you would all like to follow me we can start the next lesson.'

  'What? That's it. Four people dead and school carries on as if nothing has happened,' I blurted out.

  Mr Mayer turned back to me and gave a small smile. 'Jeb, I know it is hard to understand but you have been selected as a Player Avatar and are scheduled to journey to the Overworld whether you are ready or not. If you arrive on the Overworld and you are not prepared, you will all perish; at least if you complete your training you stand a chance. Now, you may grieve for your friends in your own time but right now you are in my class so I suggest you pay attention.'

  And that was the end of it. Mr Mayer spent the rest to the day teaching us how to build a mineshaft, making sure that the tunnels were well lit, how to recognize the different Ores. It was really great but I just could not get the deaths of the others deaths out of my head. It seemed such a waste, four dead Avatars, and for what? I just don't get it.


  Crafting with Mr Larrson was well cool. We took all the ores we mined yesterday and turned them into weapons. We first built a Furnace and smelted all the Iron Ore we found and turned it into Iron Ingots. Then on the Crafting Table we turned the Iron Ingots and Wooden Sticks into a Sword. (Warning: NOT to be used in Survival Classes)

  After that we crafted Armor and a Bow and Arrow. Judging that we usually use all the equipment we craft in Mr Larrson's class for practical lessons in Mr Mayer's class, I guess we will be learning how to fight pretty soon.


  Yep, today we learnt how to fight. I say that like I'm now an expert but nothing could be further from the truth. I wish the class was an how to run away from mobs class as that would have been more useful than the pitiful display that I put on.

  Ok, ok, I said I would tell you everything that happened even if I hate to, so here goes.

  Mr Mayer took us all into the Survival Room to teach the basic art of combat. We gathered outside the cabins ready for our first lesson.

  - note: hole in ground had been repaired and the damaged cabins removed.

  The atmosphere was a little subdued, with everyone looking around warily for Zombies or Creepers. Yeah I know Zombies won't be out and about during daylight, but we are all a little on edge, ok. Anyway, Darth was his usual bulling self, pushing around Stevie Niles - no doubt named after the great Steve, seems like half this planet is called Steve!

  Anyhow, Stevie's not much bigger than I am so I sure he is used to being bullied, but then he surprised
me. He picked up a Block of Wood that was laying on the floor and hit Darth across the head. Man, that was beautiful. Darth's jaw dropped open and he took a step back and stumbled over a tree stump, landing on his butt on the floor. As you can guess everyone just fell about laughing, and that set Darth off again. He struggled to his feet but tripped on the same tree stump again, you get that, the very same stump, and fell flat on his face. Well that was it, game on.

  Everyone was bent over, splitting their sides with laughter when Numbers shouted out, 'Hey Stumpy, what's the view like from down there?'

  I didn't think it was possible for someone to actually change color but Darth did. He went a funny shade of red, if it had been a cartoon I'm sure steam would have blown out of his ears.

  He struggled to his feet and started screaming that he would kill every one of us if we did not shut up. Normally, that would have silenced everyone, but I guess some things are just too funny and everyone kept on laughing.

  Well, by now Darth was nearly exploding with anger, spinning franticly and screaming for vengeance and then his eyes settled on me. *gulp*

  'You, Wimp. You think this is funny?' he screamed.

  I was tempted to make a joke but there was murder in his eyes and I'm pretty certain he would be capable of it. 'Huh Darth, chill, we were all just having a laugh,' I stammered, trying to include everyone into the answer.

  'I will tear you limb from limb you little wimp. How dare you laugh at a Blackheath.'

  'Darth, come on, everyone was laughing not just me.'


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