Dark Wood: Legends of the Guardians

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Dark Wood: Legends of the Guardians Page 25

by Unknown

  Aryaunna looked from the skies to Zane. “Because, if they believe we’re few in numbers, they won’t think to look for the arrow that comes from behind them. If the archers shoot too quickly, the army will focus on them long before they get to us. Our people would be slaughtered, and we’d be left to watch.”

  Zane seemed surprised, though he knew he shouldn’t be. There were many things that Aryaunna seemed to know that her years couldn’t explain.

  The sun was setting. Reign’s shadow cast over them as he swooped out wide to come in from the side rather than from directly above. The other horses were naturally afraid of the Dragon. It was only Sita’s calm that seemed to ease them at all. “Zane, Allos, see to the others,” she instructed as she flicked the reins and urge Sita to meet Reign. His massive back talons dug into the soft earth, digging muddy ruts as his wings slowed, bending the air to their will.

  She started to ask how much longer they had, but he cut her off before she had the chance. “They’re heading for the Hollow. We need to lead them here. You must send a rider at once,” he commanded.

  “Allos!” Aryaunna called, as she turned Sita away from Reign. They met each other half way. “The army is moving for the Hollow. I have to cut them off and bring them here.”

  “Aryaunna, I said send someone. I did not indicate that the someone was to be you,” Reign spoke directly above her.

  Allos followed the size of the Dragon with his eyes before looking back to Aryaunna. “He’s right, you cannot leave now.”

  “I told Elizabeth to stay in the Hollow, Allos, to tend to our wounded. She’s alone! Sita’s the fastest of the three. No other horse will make it on time. I’ll lead the army here. Tell the archers to hurry, and warn them I’ll be riding in front of the army.”

  “You mean tell them not to shoot you?” Allos clarified.

  “It’d be appreciated, yes,” she called as she began to ride harder. Allos kept pace with her and Reign kept on her heels.

  “And how do I explain that you’re leaving?” he asked her.

  “Tell them the truth. Tell them I’m the bait. Go, Allos!” She began to ride faster, out pacing his horse easily. Even Reign had begun to glide above her to keep pace, as he could not run so fast as Sita.

  As Sita gained speed, Aryaunna leaned over against her. It felt like moments before they hit the wood though it should have taken longer. Inside the woodland, Aryaunna had to keep her body low to avoid limbs.

  “It’s been too long.” Zane was pacing his horse anxiously.

  “She knows what she’s doing.” Allos sat still upon the horse. There was no point in expending the animal’s energy too early. He’d said as much to Zane a few times already.

  The possibilities of what was happening inside the wood were too many to speak aloud. The thoughts alone were enough to drive one mad.

  “What is he doing? He just circles the skies above. Why won’t he come down and tell us what’s happening?” Zane was watching Reign. Whispers had spread through the Drow of how the Dragon could let out a single breath and destroy the army. So why hadn’t he?

  “Zane,” Allos called for him to follow and rode ahead, away from the others who were lined across the hillside. It was a feeble army, if they could even be called such. Zane kept alongside him as they rode near twenty paces out. “You’re afraid for her,” Allos noted after they’d come to a stop.

  Zane looked away from Allos. His brow set stern, his mouth turned down hard. “She’s too young for this. Emissary or not. She’s barely more than an infant.”

  “To a Drow,” Allos corrected. Zane’s brow arched with confusion as he looked back at Allos. “She’s human, Zane. We are quick to forget that, given her nature.”

  A heavy sigh let out of Zane as his shoulders slumped. Even under his leather armor, his posture sank. “You and her are much alike. Though Druids live a long life, even to myself you are still young.” A moment passed in silence as they looked out at the looming Thuringian Forest. “I have seen my share of war. I know what it can do to people, to those who die as well to those who survive. No matter what her age, I would nye want to see someone so incredible succumb to a life of blood and pain.”

  “We each have our fate. This is hers.” Allos wasn’t defending her. They were excusing the sadness of her innocence on its last night of existence. Tomorrow, Aryaunna would be a different woman. She’d killed before, but this was war. War is a different beast. War is a demon, and is the only victor of battle. Every drop of blood it takes feeds its evil. Such darkness changes everyone it touches.

  High above them a shadow cast down upon the land. It moved like water over the hillside toward them. With it, the call of the Dragon rang out, bellowing loud as thunder.

  Cupping his gloved hands around his mouth, Zane took in a very deep breath before letting out a loud cry to his people. They began to yell. Screaming into the coming night sky, against the glow of the setting sun behind the Dragon, surrounding its shadow in a blaze of light like fire. The cry of war resonated. A moment rang out so loudly as all the sound combined to deafening volume on the hillside.

  The hooves of horses drummed against the dirt and mud as they ran. One horse moved faster than the rest, her rider calling out to meet the cry of those she’d claimed as her own. Aryaunna sat high in the saddle, sword held out high above her head.

  The army was closing in behind her out through the trees. They couldn’t match Sita’s speed, but their archers on horseback could. Less than a thousand paces separated the army from Aryaunna. More than five thousand land-yards spread out between Aryaunna and the Drow.

  Dropping down suddenly from above, Reign crashed against the hillside. Wings spread out as wide as if he were soaring through the sky. Reign let out another deafening roar, as he separated the army from Aryaunna.

  The archers had taken aim, arrows mid-flight when he’d landed. Aryaunna’s loud cry to the Drow had come to a sudden end as she pulled Sita around. She’d heard him crash into the ground. “Reign!” though she screamed his name it wasn’t loud enough to be heard over his bellowing.

  A dozen arrows hit him.

  Not a single one broke flesh or scale. The hide of his wings was too strong, his scales nearly impenetrable. ‘Go, Aryaunna. I’m all right. Go! Warn the others!’ The voice was his, but it wasn’t heard with her ears. It was as if she’d heard it with her heart. “Sita, ride!” Flipping the reins, she turned the horse around and rode away from him.

  A Dragon had not been seen in nearly a hundred years. No human before him had ever seen one in person, nor had their horses. They’d come to a violent halt. Bodies slammed into one another, horse and man alike. Screams of panic echoed through the open field. It wouldn’t stop the army’s advance, but it could even the playing field.

  Allos and Zane rode ahead of their army of Drow. Most were on foot, but they ran fast, weapons of all kinds held at their ready as they ran for battle.

  Aryaunna rode to meet Allos and Zane. Sita came to a sudden stop before them, forcing their horses to come to a halt. “Ride back! Divert everyone to the west. There’s a second army coming from Valhanna more than two-thousand strong. Allos, you’re with me.” Zane cursed out as he turned the mare around, back for the charging Drow.

  “We take them alone?” Allos questioned as if he questioned her sanity.

  “We have the archers, and we have Reign. There’s no other choice if anyone’s to survive this night,” her words held a finality in them as Sita took lead, not waiting for any further discussion between the two.

  Holding her sword out to the right, she directed Allos to circle around. They’d come in together from either side. A spare thought went to the trees. The best position to take on the soldiers lie directly between them and the archers.

  Many riders had been rendered foot soldiers by Reign. Their horses so stricken with fear, they’d reared back, throwing their riders as they collided and struggled to get away. The screams of men echoed aloud as many were injured in the chaos.r />
  The last glance Aryaunna would have of Reign was his massive wing swept out like a shield, sweeping away two soldiers and deflecting a slew of arrows in its wake. Blade in each hand, Aryaunna rode into the thick of them. Metal sang out as blade against blade collided. Sita reared back, inciting Aryaunna to scream out for her to stop. The horse wore no armor to protect her from impalement. A hoof came down against a soldier’s face, caving in his skull as he collapsed under foot.

  Left sword came up to defend the onset of another. Right dove forth, finding the unprotected flesh of the soldier’s neck. In the Adam’s apple. Out the base of his skull. Blood sprayed out over her blade. The man’s eyes widened with surprise, stunned at his death. As she drew the sword away, the light fell out of his eyes. He was dead before he hit the ground.

  She’d not the time to witness it. As one sword fell away, another took its place. Sita let out a terrified whinny, as a blade cut into her shoulder. Throwing herself against the mare’s neck, Aryaunna’s sword found flesh and rendered life from man.

  Rolling over to her left, she fell off of Sita and brought the butt of her blade against Sita’s rear, yelling for her to run. Fighting on horseback had its advantages and its disadvantages. Rearing back as Aryaunna fell away Sita kicked her feet, pawing through two more soldiers before she went running for the salvation of the trees.

  Arrows flew overhead from every direction. A red haze blurred her vision from the blood in her eyes. The edge of a sword slid across her arm, tearing through the sleeve of her tunic as if it were parchment. Heat consumed her arm, but little else. Arcing her sword up and back, she brought the edge out across his face as she pivoted. There was no time for anything else. Cut, block, stab, parry. Again and again like the never ending rain of blood.

  Their crested banners were ripped away from their spear-headed staffs. The first one thrown, Reign caught in the air. His scales would deflect the spears, but his wings were in danger from these weapons. Letting out a bellowing cry, Reign threw the spear back at them as he took flight. The weapon pierced a rider’s torso, and pinned him to the steed who crashed down as it convulsed violently.

  Despite the darkening sky, a brilliant light radiated from above them. The heat that came with it was that of the very fires of hell. Reign.

  There’s little control in a Dragon’s fire, but he’d done his best not to roast Allos and Aryaunna alive. To save himself from the blaze, Allos grabbed the tunic of the dying soldier on the end of his blade, and pulled him down to the hilt as he dropped to his knees, holding the man’s body like a shield above him. His screams were high-pitched wails of agony until the life was extinguished just as the flames relinquished.

  Momentarily blinded by the flames, Aryaunna fought sightless until her eyes recovered. “Reign!” she called out for him. ‘Help them. You have to help them.’ She couldn’t say the words. There wasn’t enough time to get them out as she fought on. Though she wasn’t able to look for him, she could feel it as he took to the skies away from her. This time she’d gotten no response, just the instinctive feeling that he wasn’t close.

  She’d pleaded he lend his aid to the others, but it felt as if a part of her was leaving with him. “Allos! Allos, where are you?” Aryaunna cried out not for aid, but to know he was safe. A grey blur ran past her peripheral vision. Zane? She couldn’t be sure. No time to tell.

  Bringing her right arm up, she caught an axe on its way down to meet her stomach. The face that met her was frenzied. Eyes so wide that their dark centers were small pits of black surrounded by glassy pink. Saliva splashed against her face as he let out a roar of his own.

  The blade of the axe was bigger than her head if not half the size of her torso. And there were two.

  Searing heat lit up her back. For a moment she thought he was wielding a torch. She hadn’t been so lucky. Her back bowed, instinctively trying to get away from the pain. Bringing both swords up she forced blade against shaft, deflecting him how she could. The man himself was a mountain. A mountain that could swing axes as if they were children’s toys.

  Though he was bigger in every way, and stronger as well, she was faster. Pitching her weight back, she rolled out of the way of the heavy blade. As she came up, he collapsed to his knees. Blood spilt out of his gaping mouth.

  Stunned, she looked up. Raif nodded as he pulled his long blade out of the man’s neck. Not finding any words, she nodded back. “Turn,” he shouted. As the mountain collapsed in death, they both turned their backs to one another and fought on.

  “Raif, find Allos,” she ordered as she parried another soldier. It was becoming exceedingly difficult to move her right arm freely. It felt like lead, and the pain was spreading through her bicep, spilling blood with each thrust, swing, and parry.

  The sounds of war echoed in her ears, but she only seemed able to see one foe at a time now. Were they finally thinning out, or was her vision beginning to fail her? Her left leg seemed to drag more than it should be. She wasn’t as limber or quick with it like it seemed she should be.

  Forcing her body to comply beyond its complaints, she began to circle a snarling man wielding one great sword. He’d begun to walk circles around her as he honed in, like a vulture to its prey. But she wasn’t dead yet. She countered him.

  “So the Drow have resorted to having children fight their battles,” he taunted her. “Perhaps I’ll bend you over my knee and teach you a lesson.”

  A sharp chortle blew out as she came to a stop, now just four foot from him. “You’re really no good at the insults. Come on and let’s get on with this, shall we?”

  “Strange, one so young is in such a hurry to meet their end. As you wish, girl.” His legs were long, his stride wide. He crossed the distance in an instant. It took both her blades to hold his sword at bay from her throat. Though he liked to talk, he had no need nor want to prolong the kill.

  From a great distance she thought she heard her name. Was it Allos? Was he in trouble? Clang! Their weapons collided. She ducked and side stepped, avoiding just barely enough to lose but a few hairs from her head. Forcing her body to comply to her will, she pulled up the core of her strength. The Guardian’s strength. Despite her injuries, she found a renewed source of energy and adrenaline ripping through her.

  Her voice rang out as she stepped into him, bringing both swords with her full strength in from her left to right, for his ribs. They crashed against one another as he defended himself. His fist was right near her face, holding his hilt steadily, blade angled down. Suddenly his fist shot out, hitting her in the nose, causing it to gush at once. Aryaunna’s steadiness faltered. The blade of her left hand slipped across his steel, cutting the man in the face.

  Stumbling back a single step each, they swung again for one another. Her blade’s swung together, side by side, rather than swinging them individually. It gave her more strength to fend off the great sword’s blows. More than the man she saw the weapon, and followed its dance.

  The two collided again, body to body. His sword was held up over his head high, with both hands. Only her left arm was raised to hold him off. Her guard was slipping. His blade angled so that her position left him able to push past her single sword. The blade was swinging for her head.

  Right fist tightening, she shoved the blade straight up. If she missed she was dead either way. Her eyes widened as she saw her blade go up through his screaming mouth, into the roof and past.

  Looking up, she met his frightened eyes. As she stabbed up, she leaned her body to the left. It all happened so quickly. As she leaned to the side, his blade came down and hit her shoulder. He was left standing as her hand still held the sword. His sudden dead weight on her arm brought them both to their knees.

  She had the distinct sensation of being under water. Noise sounded hallow, but it echoed. Her name again. She had to go help them. The corpse was leaning against her. He was sure heavy. In order to shove him off she had to release her swords. One fell against the sodden ground and braced her hands against him any
where she could touch. Shoving him with all her worth, she screamed out, not realizing his sword was still lodged in her shoulder.

  Aryaunna fell onto her side, looking down at the cold, blood red mud. The dead man’s sword fell away from her flesh and meat to the ground, releasing her. What snow was left was red, too. Her finger stretched out, reaching for the fallen sword on the ground. They needed her help. She had to finish this. Pulling the sword closer to her body, she braced her right hand tight around the hilt, trying her damnedest to push up. She swallowed a cry of pain, tears bursting into her eyes. A low groan escaped her lips as she fell back. The pain in her left was too much to bear the weight, so she rolled over to her back.

  “You can do this, Ary. Get up. Time to get up.” Fist still clutching the hilt, she dug the tip down into the frozen earth and forced herself to sit up. She choked on the cry of pain. Yellow foaming vomit coughed up from her lips onto the ground. Stomach acid. The taste it left was burnt, sour, rancid citric acid. Amazing of all grievances she could have right now, that was the one which bothered her the most.

  Looking down at her legs, she inspected the damage. Her left leg was dragging because of a deep gash in her thigh. She didn’t know how deep. Nor did she intend to find out. Her left arm was useless. Blood gushed down from the angry wound. She’d have to rely on her right arm, which still felt leaden.

  Her head spun, making her horribly dizzy. It felt as if she stumbled back, but as she was only sitting, she had just fallen. That horrible yelling wouldn’t quit. Her name, but so loud and harsh. It was very annoying. It was too loud, and she was too tired to care about running to help more people. Couldn’t she just rest for just a moment? Just a moment. Her eyes began to close.

  “Ary!” Allos screamed right above her just as he fell to his knees. “Look at me, Ary!” Turning his head for barely a second he shouted at Raif, “Get to the Hollow and bring Elizabeth!”

  “Aryaunna, come on.” His hand touched to her blood stained cheek.


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