Beneath a Blue Moon (Crescent City Wolf Pack Book 2)

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Beneath a Blue Moon (Crescent City Wolf Pack Book 2) Page 10

by Carrie Pulkinen

  The humor in her eyes faded to wariness. “Sure.”

  He turned her hand over and traced his finger on her soft palm. Her breath hitched as she gazed at their entwined fingers, and a battle of emotions seemed to play across her features.

  “After I got out of juvenile detention, we moved, and I haven’t seen those kids since. Do you know why they wanted my blood?”

  “Blood magic.” She slipped her hand from his grasp and wrapped her arms around herself. “Werewolf blood has healing and transformative powers. They were probably working on a spell that would elicit change or something that would be painful and would require healing. I can’t say for sure.” She grabbed her purse and stood. “I really should go. The potion should have its full effect in an hour or two. I hope you feel better soon.”

  “I already feel better.” He sat up and put his feet on the floor for the first time in two days. Expecting the room to spin, he paused, giving his body time to adjust to the upright position, and then he pushed to his feet.

  Big mistake. A wave of nausea washed over him, and he managed to catch the arm of the sofa to steady himself before he crumpled to the floor. Rain wrapped her arms around his shoulders and guided him to the cushions, getting him situated in his previous prone position before settling on the edge of the couch.

  She brushed the hair off his forehead and glided her fingers down the side of his face. Though no magic seeped from her skin, her affectionate touch lit a fire inside his core. She smiled, her gaze drifting from his eyes to his lips and back again. “Not that much better, I guess?”

  “Apparently not.” What was it about her touch that derailed his thoughts? “I told you about my sordid past; it’s your turn to tell me something.”

  She folded her hands in her lap. “What do you want to know?”

  “Why do you know so much about black magic if you don’t practice it?”

  “Not all blood magic is black magic. Anytime blood is used in a spell, the practitioner has to be extremely careful to avoid contamination and to use the exact amount. I’m glad those kids didn’t succeed, because if they’d screwed up their spell, the results could have been even more devastating than they were.”

  He sat up again, scooting to rest his back against the arm of the couch. For a powerless witch, she knew way too much about all this. “Have you ever practiced blood magic?”

  She opened her mouth to respond but paused mid-breath. Pressing her lips together, she shook her head. “If you’re trying to catch me in a lie, it won’t work. I don’t have powers. I can’t cast spells.”

  Damn. Had his motive been that transparent? If she wasn’t lying about her powers, what was she holding back? And why was she keeping it from him?

  “I’m sorry.” He rested a hand on her knee. “Here’s the thing, Rain. I find you fascinating and alluring. I want to know you, but I can’t shake the feeling that you aren’t telling me everything. I already feel like a sentient being again from drinking your potion, which I think proves that I trust you. So, I’ve opened up. Now it’s your turn.”

  She held his gaze, studying him, as she covered his hand with hers and gave it a squeeze. “You know everything you need to know.” Moving his hand to his own lap, she patted it twice before standing. “I need to get back to work.” She shuffled to the front door.

  “Are you free tonight?”

  Shaking her head, she turned to face him. “Chase…”

  He wasn’t about to let her shoot him down again. “I need you to take a look at the body in the morgue. If I can get Macey to meet us there, are you free around eight?”

  Her chest rose and fell as she sighed. “Sure. I’ll see you at eight.” She opened the door and paused in the threshold, running her finger over the chipping paint on the jamb. “I did lie to you about something.”

  Swinging his feet to the floor, he rested his elbows on his knees. He’d have preferred to stand and face her for the admission, but he didn’t dare risk nearly passing out in front of her again. He held her gaze, his silence encouraging her to continue.

  “At the bakery, when I told you that I was going to say I wasn’t interested and you shouldn’t kiss me…That’s not what I was going to say.”

  His heart slammed against his ribs. “What were you going to say?”

  The corners of her mouth twitched into an almost-smile. “I was going to say that if you wanted to kiss me, you should do it, because I wanted to kiss you too. I’ll see you tonight.” She stepped through the door and closed it.

  Chapter Nine

  Rain leaned toward the mirror and applied a final swipe of mascara. As the brush reached the tip of her lashes, it slipped from her fingers and painted a thick black stripe down her cheek before clinking into the sink.

  “Damn it.” She glanced at the clock. Seven-fifty. No time to start over. Grabbing a washcloth, she wrapped it around her finger and held it under the faucet before swiping the smudge from her face. Ever since she’d left Chase’s house that afternoon, her nerves had been on edge. What did one wear on a trip to the morgue with the man of her dreams?

  She applied a fresh coat of powder where the smudge had been and jabbed the mascara wand into the bottle. This wasn’t a date; she was doing him a favor, so she’d opted not to change clothes. It didn’t hurt to freshen up her makeup and run a brush through her hair, though.

  She tossed her makeup into its storage box and shoved it under the sink. Her tiny living quarters didn’t leave room for clutter, so everything she owned sat either under the bed or in a cabinet or closet.

  Chase’s house was small, but what she’d seen of it had been clean. Cozy. Definitely not the bachelor pad she’d imagined him in before she found out his sister and niece lived with him. She smiled and flipped off the light switch before shuffling to the storefront to wait for him.

  Hopefully, if her curse had caused his accident, she’d more than countered the effects. She hadn’t expected him to actually drink the potion. And the way he’d tossed it back without hesitation did prove he was starting to trust her. But at what cost?

  He could tell she kept secrets, but there was no way she could reveal her curse. She absolutely could not admit to needing his blood to break it. Not after everything he’d told her. The trust he’d shown today would dissolve into oblivion if he knew she needed him for the same reason his so-called friends had attacked him when he was a kid. She’d either have to find herself another werewolf or forget about breaking her curse.

  The thought of living the rest of her life without her magic sat sour in her stomach like expired milk. What else could she do?

  She caught a glimpse of Chase sauntering by the window, but he didn’t stop at the bakery door. She hurried to the front and watched as he pressed the buzzer for the apartment upstairs. Her heart fluttered as she fumbled with the lock. This isn’t a date. Why do I have to keep reminding myself of that?

  She leaned out the door and admired his broad shoulders. When no one answered the buzzer, he stepped back and peered at the apartment above. The streetlights illuminated his strong jaw and high cheekbones. The color had returned to his skin, and his hair appeared washed and combed into that messy-chic style that was meant to look natural but he probably spent an hour perfecting. He looked scrumptious.

  Not that he’d looked that bad at his house earlier. She’d only said he did to turn the tables on his cocky flirtation. He may have been a badass werewolf, but he wouldn’t get the upper hand with her. Not if she could help it.

  “Looking for someone?” She pulled the door shut and locked it. “No one lives up there at the moment.”

  He smiled and strode toward her, stopping short of wrapping his arms around her. Instead, he shoved his hands into his pockets and glanced up at the balcony. “I thought you lived there.”

  “I live in the back of the bakery. I can’t afford the storefront and the apartment.”

  “Oh.” He stared at her, and his magnetism made her lean toward him.

  She slipp
ed her hands into her own pockets to stop from reaching for him. “You look like you feel better.”

  He blinked, seeming to come out of whatever trance had been drawing them together. “I do. That potion you gave me was incredible. Tell Snow, ‘Thank you,’ for me.”

  “I will. It only worked that quickly because you’re a werewolf, though.”

  “I guess I’m lucky to be a werewolf.”

  She smiled. “I guess you are.”

  “We better not keep Macey waiting. You ready?” He motioned toward the black motorcycle parked on the curb.

  Sleek yet masculine, the bike sported black leather and shiny chrome. The closest Rain had ever come to a motorcycle was the one she made out of fondant and gum paste for a ten-year-old’s birthday cake last year. It was so much sexier in person. Almost as sexy as the man who owned it.

  She suppressed the giggle trying to escape her throat. “Seriously? That’s your ride?”

  “You didn’t think I’d drive a Subaru, did you?” He unhooked a helmet from the back of the seat and tossed it to her before pulling a matching one onto his head. Maybe his hair did look that good naturally.

  “A fast healer like yourself needs a helmet?” She shook her hair behind her shoulders and stuffed her head into the helmet, buckling the strap beneath her chin.

  “I don’t know anyone who can recover from having his brains splattered on the pavement.” He swung a leg over the seat and straddled the massive machine.

  Heat pooled below her navel as she ticked off the items on her mental hot-guy checklist. Tattoos? Check. Amazing body? From what she could tell with his clothes on, check. Kind, funny, caring, compassionate. Check, check, check, check. He got her motor running every time he looked at her, and now she was about to be painfully close to him. She’d have to press her body against his to hold on. His tight backside would fit snugly against her front. Goddess, help her.

  “You coming?”

  “I’ve never ridden a motorcycle before.” She gripped his shoulders and swung her leg across the seat.

  “Hold on tight, lean into the turns, and trust me to keep you safe. If you fight it, we could crash.” He revved the engine and looked straight ahead, so she couldn’t see his eyes, but the intensity in his words felt like he was talking about more than the motorcycle ride.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder. “Contrary to what you think, I do trust you.”

  His chuckle vibrated into her chest. “You’ll have to prove it.”

  They took off down the street, and Rain tightened her arms around Chase’s firm body. At the slow speed they traveled through the French Quarter, she didn’t have to hold him too tightly, but she’d have been an idiot not to take advantage of their close proximity.

  His muscles were solid, and his woodsy, natural scent danced in her senses, making her head spin. She rested her nose against the back of his shoulder and took a few deep breaths. Sitting there, holding him, breathing in his intoxicating scent, her insides melted into goo.

  Pheromones. His had to be so strong because he was a werewolf. No human—or witch for that matter—had ever affected her this way. Chase was, at heart, a pack animal. And pack animals drew others to them and were drawn to others in return. Instinct explained why the rest of the world slipped away when she was near him…and she couldn’t fight instinct.

  “Watch where you put your hands, cher. I might think you’re trying to come on to me.”

  His deep, velvety voice roused her from her thoughts. They’d stopped at a light, and as her grip loosened, she’d unwittingly allowed her hands to rest on his crotch. Her heart rate kicked up, and she fought the urge to rub her palm across the mound in his jeans.

  “Maybe I am.” She slid her hands to his thighs and squeezed them before returning her grip to his stomach. With this giant machine rumbling beneath her and her body pressed up against him, how could she not be turned on?

  He missed a beat in his reply, as if her response had derailed his thoughts. Good. Remind him he wasn’t the only one with sex appeal.

  “Hang on. We’re heading onto the highway now.” He took a left and zipped onto the road.

  The speed and the wind rushing against her skin made her pulse quicken in exhilaration. They whizzed past cars and street lamps until they turned into a dizzying blur of light and shadow. Too bad the helmet kept the wind from whipping through her hair. That was the only thing that could have made this moment better.

  He eased into the turns, and she tightened her grip as the bike leaned with the momentum. Chase commanded the machine like a man in control, as if it were an extension of his own self. The slight hint of fear she’d felt at the beginning of the ride drained away, leaving behind nothing but the thrill of excitement and the lust for the man. She could’ve done this all night long.

  Chase pulled into the morgue parking lot and killed the engine. That ride had ended way too soon. Rain pried her arms from around his waist and yanked the helmet off her head, but she couldn’t make her body move away from his. Being close to him felt way too good. Everything about this man had her mouth watering to taste him.

  “You’re hot, you’re sweet, you ride a badass motorcycle… You must have a new girlfriend every week.” She clamped her lips shut. She really needed to work on that filter.

  He slid off the bike and set his helmet on the seat. Narrowing his eyes, he put his hands on his hips. “Is that what you think of me? Because I was a screw-up as a kid, I can’t be faithful to a woman? Having tattoos and riding a bike automatically makes me an asshole?”

  Uh oh. Way to piss off a werewolf again. She set her helmet on the seat in front of her and took a deep breath as she composed her answer. “I don’t think you’re an asshole. I assumed, based on how you make me feel, that a lot of women are attracted to you.”

  Something sparked in his eyes, and his entire demeanor softened. The edges of his lips curved into a tiny smile as he crossed his arms over his chest. “How do I make you feel?”

  Oh, goddess, she did not need to get into her complicated emotions with this man. He made her feel more alive than she’d felt in years. Like maybe there was more to life than power and position. For the first time since she’d been cursed, she had more on her mind than getting her magic back. “We don’t want to keep Macey waiting. Let’s get this over with.”

  She swung her leg over the seat and stumbled as she rose to her feet. Her legs felt numb, her knees weak, and Chase caught her by the hips to steady her.

  “Careful. Your legs might be wobbly.” And there he was, close to her again, his face a few inches from hers.

  How easy it would have been to lean in and taste his lips. To feel his beard against her face. Would it be scratchy or soft? She straightened, grabbing control of her thoughts before they spiraled into all the other places she’d like to feel his beard against.

  With her equilibrium returning, she stepped back before her desires overshadowed her rational thoughts. “How do you walk so easily after riding this thing?”

  “You get used to it.” He smiled, and taking her hand, he led her toward the brown brick building.

  “Thanks for the ride. Having a man and a machine between my legs at the same time was exhilarating.” She sucked in a sharp breath as heat crept up her cheeks. “That did not come out right.”

  He cast her a sideways glance, one corner of his mouth pulling into his signature cocky grin. “Sounded good to me. I’d like to take you for a longer ride when we’re done here.”

  “I’d like that too.” Way, way too much.

  They stopped outside the door, and he turned to face her. “This body we’re about to see is in bad shape.”

  She put a lid on the pot of emotions boiling over for Chase. As much as she’d enjoyed the ride over, this wasn’t a date. It was time to be serious. “How bad?”

  “She looks like a mummy. Dark, leathery skin. Missing an eye. If it’s too much, let me know and we’ll leave.”

  “I’ll be fine.” She wasn’t about to show weakness in front of him. After everything he’d been through as a kid, for him to show her even the slightest bit of trust proved his emotional strength. But he hadn’t gotten over it, and he’d need a strong witch to help him come to terms with his past and let go of his prejudice. She would be strong for him.

  “All right then. Don’t say you weren’t warned.” He opened the door and motioned for her to enter.

  Bright fluorescent lights hummed from above, giving the plain reception area a clinical feel. Four empty chairs sat against one wall, and a petite, blonde woman leaned against the counter, chatting with a tall man with light brown hair. They both wore business casual clothes, but the guns holstered on the woman’s hip and the man’s shoulder gave away their occupations.

  Chase placed his hand on the small of Rain’s back and guided her toward the detectives, his touch sending a flood of warmth through her veins. “This is Macey and her partner, Bryce.”

  Rain shook Macey’s hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Rain.”

  Macey smiled. “I hope Chase has been treating you right. I’ve heard good things about your cakes.”

  Chase crossed his arms and shifted his weight to one foot, casting Macey an unreadable look. The alpha’s mate winked at him, letting him know whatever message he’d tried to send had been received.

  Rain looked back to Chase. “We’re getting along.” That was an understatement. She turned to Bryce. “Hi.”

  “Nice to meet you.” He shook her hand. “I seem to be the only person in New Orleans who doesn’t have some sort of psychic ability.”

  “I’m not a psychic. I’m a witch.”

  Bryce scowled and looked at Macey, who shifted uncomfortably and glanced to the man behind the counter. “Is the body ready for us?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Y’all can head back.”

  “This way.” Macey whispered something to Chase as she strode for the door.

  Werewolves may have kept their true identities secret from humans, but witches were well known, especially in New Orleans. They kept their more powerful abilities hidden, like Snow’s ability to freeze things, but the practice of spells and rituals were common knowledge.


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