Beneath a Blue Moon (Crescent City Wolf Pack Book 2)

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Beneath a Blue Moon (Crescent City Wolf Pack Book 2) Page 13

by Carrie Pulkinen

  As the kiss slowed, he released his hold and stepped back. “I think we do.” He winked and strutted out the door.

  She turned the lock and watched as Chase rummaged through the compartment on the side of his motorcycle. Small black bag in hand, he returned to the door, his smile prematurely triumphant.

  He held up the kit. “I know how to unlock a door.”

  How many times had he broken into a building to hide supernatural evidence? He seemed confident he could break in here, so he must have had a lot of practice. He jimmied his tools into the lock, his brow puckering in concentration.

  Rain laughed as his smile slipped into a frown. With a huff, he shoved his tools into his back pocket and crossed his arms. He jiggled the doorknob, but it didn’t budge.

  “Try to break a window,” she called through the glass, not even attempting to hide her smile.

  He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t want to damage your business.”

  “What’s wrong? Scared the big bad wolf won’t be able to blow the house down? I’ve got insurance.”

  “Oh, now you’re asking for it. Stand back.” He grabbed a helmet and hurled it into the small, vertical window next to the door, but the glass didn’t shatter. Instead, the helmet bounced off the magic force field Snow had created and slammed into Chase’s stomach.

  He groaned and stumbled to his bike to drop the helmet. “All right. You win.”

  Rain pressed her lips together and opened the door. “Satisfied of my safety now?”

  “I suppose.” He rubbed his abdomen as he entered the bakery, absently lifting his shirt to reveal a few ridges of muscle along his stomach. A bird tattoo occupied three inches of space above his left hip, and she was overcome with the urge to explore it with her tongue. To lick every inch of him.

  She sucked in a deep, shuddering breath. “Since you have to go, I’ll collect my prize later, when you have more time.” She’d need at least a few hours to explore his body properly.

  He grinned. “I’m looking forward to it. I work at the bar every night until Tuesday. Want to have that dinner date then?”

  Running her hands up his chest, she rested them on his shoulders. “I’m not sure if I can wait that long to collect.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to, cher, if the prize you’re looking for is what I hope it is. I’ll see you Tuesday.” He gave her one last kiss on the lips and slipped out the door.

  Rain stood at the window as Chase got on his bike and rode away. As soon as he was out of sight, she plopped into a chair and sighed. She was falling hard and fast for the sexy werewolf, and there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Rain finished counting the money in the cash register, and her heart did a little sprint as she prepared the deposit. Once word spread that the alpha werewolf and his mate had chosen her bakery for their wedding cake, business had picked up within the magical community. Pack members had come trickling in over the week, buying desserts and placing orders.

  Snow padded into the storefront from the kitchen. “Smiling while you’re counting money. That’s a good sign.”

  Rain zipped the money bag shut and leaned against the counter. “It is. I took an order for a five-year-old werewolf’s birthday party this afternoon. When they come in tomorrow to pay, I’ll have enough for the coven fees.”

  “Those werewolves are turning out to be a blessing.” Snow grinned. “Especially one werewolf in particular.”

  Warmth spread through Rain’s body. Chase had met her in the park for her lunch break every day since that amazing kiss, and tonight would be his first night off. Their first official date.

  Snow rearranged the cupcakes in the display case, filling in the empty spaces with items from the back. “Where’s he taking you?”

  “To dinner.” She clutched the bag to her chest.

  Her sister straightened. “And then?”

  The heat in her body crept up to her cheeks. “He said, ‘We’ll see where the night takes us.’”

  Snow wiggled her eyebrows. “That sounds promising. Are you nervous?”

  Rain forced a laugh. “Me? Nervous? He’s a smokin’ hot werewolf whose kisses make me feel like a fireworks display with a very short fuse. I have nothing to be nervous about.”

  Snow wiped the counter with a rag. “You’re scared.”

  “Terrified.” She toyed with the zipper on the bag. “I haven’t been with a man since Isaac.” Her heart sank, a feeling of apprehension settling in her stomach like day-old meatloaf. “It’s been seven years.”

  “I’m sure he’ll go easy on you.”

  “I don’t think I want him to.” She fanned herself with the bag. Her date with Chase couldn’t come soon enough.

  “I’m supposed to pick Rain up in an hour. Can’t someone else cover the shift?” Chase lowered his voice, using his hand to cover the phone, so his niece wouldn’t overhear his conversation with Bekah. He loved spending time with the little girl, but tonight was his date with Rain, and his sister was screwing up his plans.

  “No one else can do it. I should be home in an hour and a half.” Dishes clanked in the background. “You’ll be thirty minutes late. She’ll understand.”

  He ran a hand down his face, muffling his frustrated sigh. “Okay. Get your ass home as soon as possible.”

  “I love you, big brother.” Her voice took on that sing-song tone it always did when she knew she owed him big-time. As a restaurant manager, her schedule tended to be erratic, but it was flexible enough to enable her to go to college at the same time. She’d be graduating at the end of the semester, so her dependence on Chase as a free babysitter should lighten up soon.

  “I love you too.” He hung up the phone and glanced at Emma sitting on the floor in the living room. She smiled and clapped as the Beast in her favorite Disney movie transformed into a prince, and his heart swelled with love. There were worse reasons for being late.

  He dialed Rain’s number. “Hey, cher, I’m going to be a little late for our date tonight. Someone called in sick on Bekah, and she has to cover until they can find a replacement for the shift. I’m watching Emma until she gets home.”

  “How late do you think you’ll be?” The disappointment was evident in her voice.

  “Could be half an hour.” He sighed. Might as well let her know what to expect from his sister. “Knowing Bekah, it could be more.”

  “I see.” She paused. “I’ve already closed the shop. I could come over and keep you company…”

  A pleasant ache spread through his chest, and he couldn’t fight his smile. “That’s a thoughtful offer, but I had better plans than babysitting for our first official date.”

  “I don’t mind. Emma is fun, and I’d…like to spend as much time with you as possible tonight.”

  The ache extended through his core. “Come on over then. Emma will be happy to see you.”

  Emma’s movie ended, and he made a game of cleaning up her toys, attempting to make the place somewhat presentable for Rain. His niece squealed when the doorbell rang, and he had to jump over the coffee table to get to the door before she opened it. A week had passed with no sign of the shadow demon, but he wasn’t taking any chances when it came to Emma.

  He put his hand on the knob. “What have we told you about opening the door for strangers?”

  “It’s not a stranger.” She glared at him accusingly. “It’s Rain.”

  “But we don’t know that unless we look out the window, do we?” He lifted her so she could see through the glass at the top of the door.

  “It’s Rain. Let her in!” She kicked her legs until he set her on the floor, and she twisted the knob and swung open the door.

  His fate-bound stood on the porch in jeans and a purple shirt. Her dark curls spiraled over her shoulders, and her lips curved into the most breathtaking smile he’d ever seen. She knelt to eye-level with his niece and hugged her before standing and kissing him on the cheek. She stepped back and held his gaze as his h
eart galloped in his chest. “Are you going to stand there staring at me all evening, or are you going to invite me in?”

  “Come in!” Emma tugged her through the doorway, and he followed them into the living room, where Rain settled onto the couch next to his niece.

  “You be Belle, and I’ll be the Beast.” Emma handed Rain a doll and began setting up a scene of other toys on the coffee table.

  Chase sank onto the sofa next to Rain. “You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.”

  She scooted closer to him, so the length of her thigh rested against his, and held the doll up to her face. “I don’t mind. She kinda looks like me, don’t you think?”

  He couldn’t help himself. Emma had her back turned, so he leaned in and gave Rain a quick kiss. Everything this woman did wrapped him tighter around her finger. She was smart, independent, brave, and beautiful, and she was amazing with his niece. Even if his wolf hadn’t claimed her the moment he met her, he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself from falling for Rain. She was everything he never knew he wanted.

  They played with Emma for the next half-hour, stealing glances at each other as Belle and Beast went on their adventure. Every time Rain’s stormy eyes met his, his pulse quickened. His phone buzzed, and he dug it out of his pocket to find a text from Bekah. He bit back the curse that tried to slip from his lips and tossed the phone on the table.

  “What’s wrong?” Rain had moved to the floor during their play session, so she settled onto the sofa next to him.

  “Bekah isn’t going to be home until nine. I’m sorry. If you want to leave and reschedule, I understand.” Damn his sister. She knew how important this date was to him.

  Emma froze. “Don’t leave.”

  Rain smiled at her. “I’m not going to.” She laced her arm around Chase’s bicep and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m having too much fun.”

  “Yay!” Emma leaped from the floor and scurried out of the room.

  He arched an eyebrow skeptically. “Seriously?”

  “I like spending time with you, and the anticipation of getting you alone will make it that much better when it happens.” She ran a hand along his inner thigh, stopping halfway up.

  His stomach tightened, and he took a deep breath, trying to control the urge to lay her back on the sofa and have his way with her right then and there. He leaned close and touched his lips to her ear. “The anticipation might be the death of me.”

  He nipped her lobe, and a visible shiver ran through her entire body as her grip tightened on his thigh.

  “A little delayed gratification will be good for you.” She rose as Emma shuffled into the room, her arms full of coloring books.

  “I’m hungry, Uncle Chase.”

  “I guess I could feed you ladies dinner since we’re stuck here all evening.” He’d planned to take Rain to his favorite Italian restaurant in the Garden District. Then they’d go for a ride on his bike so he could feel her supple body against his, her arms wrapped around his waist. Something about having her on the back of his bike—and the fact she enjoyed riding it—turned him on to no end.

  But it would have to wait. Delayed gratification, she’d called it. He planned to gratify her until she screamed his name.

  He shook his head to chase away the thoughts. “How about a pizza?”

  “I want mac and cheese.” Emma dropped the coloring books on the kitchen table and dragged Rain to a chair.

  He followed them into the kitchen. “Don’t you think we should offer our guest something a little more…substantial than mac and cheese?”

  His niece poked out her bottom lip. “But you make the best mac and cheese in the world. Don’t you want to impress your girlfriend?”

  He sucked in a breath to respond, but he couldn’t get the words past the lump in his throat. He did consider Rain his girlfriend. Hell, he was on a mission to make her his mate, but they hadn’t discussed the terms of their relationship yet. He caught Rain’s gaze, preparing to apologize, but the look in her eyes stopped him cold.

  So much heat emanated from her gaze that it felt like she’d stripped him bare and made love to him with her eyes. Her full lips tugged into a sly smile, and when she slipped her tongue out to moisten them, his knees nearly buckled. “Yeah, Chase.” She leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms. “Don’t you want to impress your girlfriend?”

  His heart slammed against his ribs. Was that a confirmation? “I…” Get it together, man. “Let me see if I have the ingredients.” He turned around and opened the fridge, hoping the chilled air would cool the heat from his cheeks. It didn’t.

  He rummaged through the drawers and found the cheddar, gouda, and Colby jack, but the only meat they had in the house was hot dogs. He couldn’t feed his girlfriend hot dogs.

  With his arms full of ingredients, he shut the fridge door with his knee. “You ladies are in luck. I’ve got all the supplies for my world famous three-cheese mac and cheese, complete with hotdogs for the little one.”

  Emma stopped coloring and glared at him. “I’ll share my hotdogs with Rain.”

  “That’s okay.” Rain patted her shoulder. “I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat.”

  Emma scratched her head as if the idea confounded her. “I eat meat. So does Uncle Chase. He catches deer and alligators and sometimes wild hogs…”

  “Okay.” He dropped a pot onto the stove, hoping the loud clank of metal on metal would stop his niece from going into the details of a werewolf diet. “Yes, I eat meat.” He looked at Rain. “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “I wouldn’t expect a werewolf to be a vegetarian. In fact, I would find it rather strange if you were.”

  “Good.” He held her gaze a little longer, building the anticipation, sweetening the gratification his sister had delayed. The things he planned to do to his girlfriend…

  He busied himself with his culinary masterpiece, which wasn’t much more than some melted cheese and heavy whipping cream mixed with elbow pasta, while Rain entertained his niece with the coloring books. Half an hour later, he carried three heaping bowls of mac and cheese to the table. “Take your stuff to the bedroom, squirt. It’s time to eat.”

  Emma dutifully scooped up all the coloring books and crayons and scurried out of the kitchen as Chase sat in the seat next to Rain.

  She picked up her fork and swirled it around in the bowl. “Smells delicious.”

  “I’m sorry it’s not the romantic dinner I promised you.”

  She reached under the table to rest her hand on his knee. “You cooked for me. I call that romantic.” She parted her lips and slipped the fork into her mouth, closing her eyes before sliding it out.

  His mouth watered as her jaw flexed, the muscles in her throat moving up and down as she swallowed the food. The woman made eating mac and cheese look sexy. If his sister didn’t come home soon so he could get Rain alone, he might spontaneously combust.

  “I could be a jerk like you were and find something wrong with it…but I won’t.”

  He chuckled. “I’d call suggesting I mate with a goat a jerk thing to say, but who am I to split hairs?”

  She glared at him, but the corner of her mouth tugged into a grin. “It’s the best mac and cheese I’ve ever eaten.”

  “I told you it was good.” Emma climbed into her chair and tore into her dinner as if she hadn’t eaten all day.

  By the time they finished eating and washed the dishes, the front door swung open and Bekah strutted in. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”

  “Mommy!” Emma ran to her mom and hugged her.

  “Let’s go pack a bag,” Bekah said. “We’re having a sleepover at Grandma’s.”

  Chase arched an eyebrow at his sister. “A sleepover?”

  “I owed you one. Now we’re even.” She followed Emma into the bedroom.

  He pulled Rain into his arms. “Finally, some alone time.”

  She laughed and gave him a quick kiss before pushing him away. “We aren’t alone yet. Wait until
Emma’s gone.”

  “What?” He took both her hands in his and looked into her eyes. “It’s good for her to see a man treating his girlfriend right.”

  “Hmm…” She stepped closer. “You think you’re treating me right?”

  He rested his forehead against hers. “Am I?”

  She smiled. “So right.”

  “Okay, we are getting out of your hair.” Bekah slung a bag over her shoulder and tugged Emma toward the front door.

  “Here, Rain, this is for you.” Emma handed her a picture from her coloring book.

  “Thank you, Emma. That’s so sweet of you.” Rain took the page and showed it to Chase.

  “It’s Belle and the Beast,” Emma said. “Like you and Uncle Chase.”

  “See you tomorrow, squirt.” He mussed her hair as she passed.

  Bekah and Emma left, and Rain leaned against the counter and set the picture on the surface. “Does your mom live close by?”

  “She’s got a place in Algiers. Not too far away.”

  She chewed her bottom lip and fidgeted with her hands as if being alone with him suddenly made her nervous. “Does she live by herself?”

  “Yes.” What happened to the flirtation and that promise of gratification?

  “She never remarried? Or…” She furrowed her brow. “Was she not allowed to remarry? I’m not sure how it works with werewolves.”

  Ah, it was the girlfriend comment. Werewolf relationships could seem complicated to someone on the outside; he could understand her confusion. He leaned on the counter next to her. “When a werewolf takes a mate, it’s for life. Since my dad died, she is allowed to find a new mate, but…” He took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers.


  “He was her fate-bound. If a werewolf gets the opportunity to mate with their fate-bound, no one else will ever do. That’s a bond that can never be broken or replaced.”

  Something sparked in her eyes. They widened briefly, a look of…recognition…flashing in her gaze before she furrowed her brow. His pulse thrummed. Could she possibly feel the same bond that tied him to her more strongly every day?


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