(Archaic Modern Niarg).
walk (to walk) - walke inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
walk - walkest 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
walking - walken 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
walking cane - yiphn n. (trollish).
walks - walketh 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wandering - wanderynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
want - wante 1st pers. sing., 1st pers. pl., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
want (to want) - to wante inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
want - wantest 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wanted - wanted 3rd pers. sing. past, 3rd pers. pl. past (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wants - wantes 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wants - wantith 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
war - fnanar n. (trollish).
warbling blackbird - Turdus canorus R., a common thrush of the lawns and orchards of the Dark Continent, which lays four sky blue eggs in its bowl shaped nest of mud and grass which it places on porches and the crotched of fruit trees.
ward - invisible magical protective shield (Niarg Standard).
ward, wards - warde, wardes pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wards - wardes n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
warm (to warm) - warmen, warme inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
warn - warne 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
warn (to warn) - warne (to warne) inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
warn - warnede trans. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
warn - werne 1st pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
warning - warnyng (Archaic Modern Niarg).
was - been, ben 3rd pers. sing. past (Archaic Modern Niarg).
was - was 1st pers. sing., 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wash - wasshe (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wash basin - doirteal (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
washing - wasshynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
was not - nas (Archaic Modern Niarg).
watch - nyrnirrfnyr v. (trollish).
watched, guarded - warded (Archaic Modern Niarg).
watching - wacchyng (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Watchers - Cia n. (Headlandish).
Watch the meat! - Adpyrfn nyrnirrfnyr! (trollish).
wax - wex (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wax nut pine - wex note pyne (Archaic Modern Niarg), Pinus edulis, R.
ways - wayes (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wee - litel wei (Archaic Modern Niarg).
we - nyrfi (trollish).
we - weo (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wear (to wear) - were (to were) inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
weary - wery (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wed (to wed) - wedden, wedde inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
weeks - wykes (Archaic Modern Niarg).
we have been waiting - we han ben waitynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Well! - Dal! advb. (Headlandish).
well - jyoyfn yoynt if (jyoy-fn yoynt if) (trollish).
well - math (Beakish).
well - weel (Beakish).
well - wel (Archaic Modern Niarg).
welcome - wolcome (Archaic Modern Niarg).
well - welle n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wells - welles n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wench, loose woman, servant girl - wenche n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wend - wendest 1st pers. sing. fut. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
were - ther ben 3rd pers. pl. past (Archaic Modern Niarg).
were - was 2nd pers. sing., 3rd pers. dual, 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
were - were 2nd pers. sing., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
were - weren 1st pers. pl., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
werewolf - gourvlyth (Gwaelic).
we two - wit (Archaic Modern Niarg).
we will kill them - ndyrdsirr (trollish).
wex note pyne (Archaic Modern Niarg), Pinus edulis, R. - see wax nut pine.
whang - 16th century Borderland word for thong, still in use in Appalachia.
What? - Fafnyoydfyphn (trollish).
What a bargain! - 'Na fargen! (Old Niarg Standard)
What a load of shit! - A leitheid de chac! (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
whatever - what ever (Archaic Modern Niarg).
What the hell is that? - C' red ayns niurin ta shen? (Gwaelic Elven).
wheat - whete n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
when - whan (Archaic Modern Niarg).
where - wher (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Where is there some water? - Pelec'h ez eus dour? (Headlandish).
whether - wheither (Archaic Modern Niarg).
which - whiche (Archaic Modern Niarg).
while - whyle n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
while, whilst - whilom, whyle (Archaic Modern Niarg).
whirlpool dove - Columbina inca R., a sparrow sized dove of the oases of the Black Desert with scaled grey plumage and a long pointed tail. It's soprano coo sounds like: "Whirlpool! Whirlpool!"
white - gwenn (Headlandish).
white - whyte (Archaic Modern Niarg).
white plew - Myocastor coypus R. an albino aquatic beaver-like rodent kept in captivity for meat and fur by the Fire Sprites.
who, whoever - whoso (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Who are those people? - Quoi ad shen? (Gwaelic Elven).
Who are you? - Quoi oo hene? (Gwaelic Elven).
whole - hool a. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
whole ass - Equus holoasinus R. large horse sized wild asses, 14-15 hands high (5 feet) at the shoulders, that live in mutualism with buttoxen. When alarmed, like all cattle, buttoxen rise first on their hindquarters, allowing them to keep an eye on predators from beneath branches of trees. This puts them at a disadvantage in tall forage away from trees. However, whole asses rise with their front quarters first, as do all horses, allowing them to see predators immediately over the tops of grass. In this way, traveling with whole asses allows the buttoxen to range safely out into the open. Fully on their feet, buttoxen form defensive circles to keep large predators at bay, protecting not only their own calves but also their mutualist sentry whole asses.
whore - fnarryirrny n. (trollish).
whore - hoore n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
whore - hora n., f. (Gwaelic).
whore - hwr n. (Old Niarg Standard).
whore - runk n. (Goblish-Beakish).
whores - horys (Gwaelic).
whose - whos (Archaic Modern Niarg).
why - whi (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wicked - drwg, drygionus a. (Old Niarg Standard).
wicked - wikked (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wickedness - drwg, drygioni n. m. (Old Niarg Standard).
wicked person, rascal - shrewe n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wicker man - man shaped cage made of willow rods used to hold captives whilst they burn alive.
wide - wyde (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wide awake oak - everwaking oak Quercus claudo-ilex R.
wield - welde (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wife - wyf, wyves pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wild - wilde (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wild beauty - aalid n. (Gwaelic Elven).
wild boy - aphnsydafnarrgyrniyy n. (trollish).
wild country - duiche fhiain (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
wild horse - gothfargh (Gwaelic).
will (to will) - to willen inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
will - wol 1st pers. sing, 1st pers. pl., 2nd pers. pl., 3rd pers. sing., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
will - wolt 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Will it be windy today? - Avel a zo hiziv? (Headlandish).
will not - nolt 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wilt thou - wiltow (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wince - wynse (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wind -
avel (Headlandish).
wind - gwyns n. m. (Gwaelic).
wind - gwynt n. m. (Old Niarg Standard).
winged harbinger of the Fates - askellou an nenvou (Headlandish), wings of the heavens.
wings - wengis (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wings of the heavens - askellou an nenvou (Headlandish), winged harbinger of the Fates.
wise - wyse (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wiser - wisere (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wisest - wyseste (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wish - wysshe 1st pers. sing., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wish - wysshest 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wisteria, Wisteria sinensis R.
wit - witte n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
witch - fnadirryaphny n. (trollish).
witchcraft - fnadiyaphn n. (trollish).
witchcraft - hexerei n. f. (High German).
witch - wicche n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
witches - wicches (Archaic Modern Niarg).
with all good wishes - lesh dy chooilley yeearree mie (Gwaelic Elven).
wither - wyddre 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
within - wythinne (Archaic Modern Niarg).
without - with-oute 3rd pers. sing. (before consonants) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
without - with-outen, withouten 3rd pers. sing. (before vowels) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wits - wittes n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wizard - dewin n. m. (Old Niarg Standard).
wizard - draidoir n. m. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
wizard - dyrjiny (trollish).
wizard - wysard (Archaic Modern Niarg).
woe - wo (Archaic Modern Niarg).
woman - maouez (Headlandish).
women - maouezed (Headlandish).
woman - womman (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wonder - wondre, wondir n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wondered - wondred (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wonderful - wondreful (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wondering (to wondering) - wondren pa. inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
wood (group of trees) - koad n. m. (Headlandish).
woodland - talamh coille (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
woods - koadou n. m. (Headlandish).
woods - wodes n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
word - pad (pad) (trollish).
word - worde (Archaic Modern Niarg).
words - wordes (Archaic Modern Niarg).
work - work n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
work - werken 1st pers. pl. fut. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
work (to work) - werken (to werken) inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
work - wirk ind. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
work (you work) -
Heart of the Staff: Complete Appendix Page 33