Defiant Surrender

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Defiant Surrender Page 15

by Tamara Gill

  William threw off her dress and chemise then stilled as his eyes took in her lithe form, and curves. Her breasts were high and full, her nipples hard as pebbles. He leaned down and grazed the firm flesh with his tongue. Her moan of delight flowed to his appendage and made him throb. He kneaded her ample breasts and revelled in the bite of pain as she dug her fingers into his skull. He wanted her. Wanted to mark her as his in any way he could. Yet, he held back the roar in his head to do so and continued to tease. He liked giving her pleasure, a pleasure only he would ever bestow.

  One hand moved down and grazed her slender hip before clasping her delectable bottom. A shiver stole over her as he brought his hand back around to lie against her stomach. He could smell her need and hear her unvoiced pleas for him to touch her. William met her gaze as his fingers slid between her wet folds. Her breath hitched and his cock ached from the tight passage he felt there.

  “’Tis pleasing, my lady?” His voice was hard, rough.

  “Yes.” Madeline sighed. “You know it is,” she said, trembling in his arms.


  Maddie had never been so excited in her life. She lifted her leg against William’s hip and allowed his fingers to continue their endless, delicious torture. Her hands plied his hair, pulled him close as his mouth sent bolts of lightning to her core. She wanted to scream for him to take her, to stop teasing and put her out of this exquisite anguish.

  “William, please,” she said, almost sobbing.

  His hands came away from her heated core leaving her bereft and unfulfilled. Maddie whimpered in annoyance before he clasped her bottom and lifted her up. The rough wood door behind and the hard masculine flesh before excited her, made her need almost a tangible thing. Her legs encircled his hips and held firm. William’s dark gaze captured hers, before she leaned forward and kissed him. His response had a savage edge to it, but also caution.

  “Hurry. Don’t make me beg.”

  “Wanton wench,” he said, and groaned when she rubbed herself against him seeking release. “I will not, ma chère.”

  Maddie almost sobbed in anticipation as he rubbed her swollen, needy flesh with his own engorged penis. She moaned and bit her lip in anticipation. Captured his gaze and held it while he slowly slid inside her. His eyes burned with passion and something else she could not name. Maddie smiled and kissed his lips. Let her own love and respect shine from her eyes.

  She frowned as unexpected pain assailed her.

  “William, stop. It hurts,” she said on a gasp.

  “Hush, ma chère. ’Twill only hurt for a moment. You are a maid, but not for long.”

  “But,” she stilled, then realized why such a thing was happening. It was not her body. Not really, this body belonged to Lady Madeline of the twelfth century. And of course she was still a virgin. Maddie braced for the stinging burn as William sheathed himself fully. She tried to relax. Tried to remind herself it would stop hurting soon. But he was so large. Not a size any virgin wished to tackle the first time.

  “Madeline,” William whispered, his voice strained.

  His tone pulled her back from the edge of panic. Maddie opened her eyes and calmed her breathing. William flexed the tiniest bit and the fullness she had longed for moments before took hold. His action was slow. In and out. An endless tattoo that made her mad with desire. She no longer hurt, but craved. Craved his darker wilder self. Wanted him to claim her, hard and fast and for as long as possible.

  “William. Please.”

  Up against the door, he thrust relentlessly into her wet heat. His calloused hands grasped the flesh on her upper legs, the pinch of his hold only adding to her enjoyment.

  “I want to please you, Madeline.” William kissed her chin, her neck, her upper breasts. Anywhere his mouth could reach.

  Maddie’s nails bit into his back. “You are.” She rested her head against the door and moaned. What was he doing to her? “Please don’t stop.”

  His husky chuckle sounded against her ear. “’Tis not my plan to.”

  His tongue licked the sweat from her skin and she shivered. Pinned to the door and under his ministrations was consuming and Maddie felt herself coming apart in his arms.

  William swore and in two strides, they were on the bed. He kneeled over her and rocked into her heat. Her back arched and she moaned. The raw lust she read on his visage and the utter determination to please left her floundering in ecstasy.

  Maddie felt her release upon her. She shifted her legs higher on his hips and the deep penetration pushed her to breaking point. Her hands splayed against the bedding and she clutched at the woolen blankets for purpose. Her body fractured, convulsed around him and came apart. On and on the pleasure points in her body fired and she gasped his name as the orgasm took her.

  William’s release followed hers and his ragged breath against her ear was like a sensual caress. Maddie wrapped her arms about his back and held him still, not ready to let him go yet.

  “You are mine now, wife,” William said, kissing her mouth.

  Maddie smiled and ran a finger down his stubbled jaw. “That I most assuredly am, my lord,” she said. No truer words ever spoken.


  Hours later, Maddie woke up entangled in a mix of arms and legs. Her limbs were weak, relaxed, and her body very much satisfied. She smirked and bit her lip remembering their heated first time together. She sighed, having never felt such release and pleasure with a man before. It would seem the Baron of Kingston was not only a good kisser, but also a magnificent lover.

  The thought of doing it again blazed in her mind and she squirmed. She looked up from the crook of his arm and gazed at him asleep. Even in slumber, he looked dangerous and devilishly handsome. Her pulse leapt as she leant in and kissed his nipple, then ran her tongue around the small-pebbled flesh. He moaned but did not wake.

  Determined on her course, Maddie sat up and straddled his waist. His penis, half erect, lay across his leg. She stroked his well-endowed manhood, watched it rise to meet her before she moved over to take him again.

  “‘Twould seem I married a shameless woman,” William said, running a finger down her breast. “What will I do with you, ma chère?”

  He sat up and took her lips, in a demanding, hot kiss. Maddie never had a chance to reply as the embrace left her breathless with renewed need. She kissed him back without abandonment, allowed her body to spiral over once more into blissful oblivion.

  Only with him. William.

  She was lost…

  Chapter Eleven

  William raised his sword and parried a blow from Sir Alex. The contact reverberated down his arm. He stumbled before he gained his feet. The demonstration to his younger squires in training was supposed to be educational. All he had done since the bout began was demonstrate how to get yourself killed when your mind wandered. And his wandered constantly.

  To Madeline…

  Her name spun a web of erotic images within his mind. That organ was not the only part of him affected by thoughts of her. A half smile lifted his lips as the image of how he had left her this morn entered his conscious. Sound asleep and in a pool of scattered blankets. A rosy flush upon her cheeks, her body marked by his love. She fired his blood like no other. One look from her and all the demands of a mighty baron flew out of his mind. He had claimed her in truth. He could not leave his bride unsatisfied, and he certainly had not.

  “’Tis a strange lord who smiles while preparing for war with his knights,” Sir Alex said, a teasing note to his voice. The young squires smirked from the sideline.

  William swore as his sparring partner’s blade contacted with his shoulder. He stepped back and shook off the blow, thankful to be using blunt swords. William pushed Madeline and her exquisite long legs out of his head and concentrated on the bout at hand. He would not be made fool in front of his very own men, especially because of a female.

  He evaded the next blow before he aimed a hit of his own. The full body strike was so forceful, Sir Alex lost his balance and
stumbled. William made use of his dilemma and swiped at his opponent’s feet. The ruse worked and his knight stumbled to his knees. William’s eyes narrowed at his knight’s knowing smirk. He pushed the sword against Sir Alex’s throat.

  “Good hit, m’lord. Perhaps next time you will nay end up bruised yourself, if your mind’s kept upon the task.”

  William stepped back and allowed Sir Alex to stand. He ignored his knight’s insightful laugh when he stood. William sheathed his sword. “Or perhaps my knight should remember who won the bout this day.” William smiled and turned to his squires. All eager eyes faced his way. “Perhaps my first knight should learn how to use his puny sword before we spar again.” William laughed along with Sir Alex.

  Tom, an eager boy from Norfolk stepped forward. “Can we have a go now, m’lord?” William ruffled the small lad’s hair and nodded. “Aye. Partner up and start.”

  William watched for a time. He showed the boys how best to defend a forward strike from the sword before luncheon was upon them.

  William wiped the sweat off his face with his tunic, then put it on. The warmth of the castle hit him as he proceeded indoors. He allowed his eyes to adjust to the light before looking about for Madeline. He watched her speak to a serving wench, her face animated, and something within his chest began to ache.

  Her emerald gown and red surcoat with gold stitching around the seams suited her. Her hair, strands as soft as silk flowed down her back, only a few locks pulled away from her face. She was beauty personified. And she was his.

  William had not believed hair could be so erotic. Last eve, when she had kissed his chest, his stomach, his… The strands that had flowed upon his skin left a burn in their wake. She left him in a constant burn. Tonight they would be together again; only a few short hours to go before he could retire. The minutes ticked by, each one an eternity in time. Perhaps it was too long after all.


  Madeline felt William’s gaze as soon as he entered the hall. Like an imaginary line that ran between them, heat moved over her body when she caught his appreciative gaze. There was naked admiration in his expression.

  Her body flushed, as if she’d done a stint at the gym. Maddie dragged her attention back to the girl speaking to her, before images of William sparring outside in the bailey entered her mind.

  The gallery upstairs was quite a fortunate find, and one she would endeavor to use more often. Especially if it meant she could ogle her husband to her heart’s content. That is, however, if she would ever be content when it came to him.

  She listened to the kitchen girl and her troubles with the head cook. She tried to keep her mind focused on the girl’s problems, but it was really quite difficult when William watched her. Wanted her.

  His body today was magnificent. The sweat had run down his back, even in the chill of winter. The muscles flexed, strained under the bout between allies. He seemed preoccupied during the battle. Was it because he thought of her? Did she occupy his mind as much as he did hers?

  Maddie informed the serving girl to seek her in the solar tomorrow, as her problems were many. The girl, satisfied, ran along to do her chores. Maddie looked back to where William leaned against a wall, his casual stance no way masking his eagerness for her and she smiled.

  He’d pushed back his hair, his body still in the afterglow of swordplay. It reminded her of how she had seen him last in his room. A shiver stole over her skin as she came to stand before him. The smell of masculinity wafted from him and she inwardly sighed at his rough beauty. He stood motionless, his eyes burned as they looked at her.

  “Hello, my lord,” Maddie said, and melded against his body. She sighed in delight as his hands came around her back and held her tight.

  “Good day, ma chère. You look, should I say it, comely.”

  She laughed and ran her hands up his damp tunic. “Do I? I thought I was shameless, not comely.” She grinned at his chuckle. Leant toward him and kissed the tip of his stubbled chin then his lips. For a moment, Maddie forgot where they stood as William’s desire for her ignited her own. His tongue swooped into her eager mouth and she moaned feeling his erection hard against her stomach.

  Maddie wrapped her arms about his neck and held him close. How she had missed him. More than she liked to admit. Realized she was only half-complete whenever he was absent. She belonged in 1102 and to this particular man. A man she was determined would admit his deeper feelings toward her. And soon.

  His hands dug hard in to her hips as he pulled her close. Not a breath of air separated them and her body ached for release. She broke the kiss just as his fingers moved southward toward her bottom.

  “What are you doing after luncheon, my lord?” Maddie whispered against his ear, nibbling his lobe. William’s understanding laugh rumbled against her chest.

  “I will be training the squires, my lady,” he replied.

  Maddie stilled her ministrations and pulled back. She frowned at his grin. “Well then, that put me in my place,” she said and pulled out of his embrace, squeaked when he wrenched her back within his arms.

  “And where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

  “Nowhere, would it seem.”

  William smiled at her and kissed her lips quickly. “Perhaps I should change before continuing on with the training. It is chilly outside, and my clothing is already damp.”

  She nodded. “Sounds like a good idea to me.”

  Maddie peeked over her shoulder at the quiet hall and heat stole up her neck. She looked back at William and grinned.

  “I do believe we are being watched,” she said.

  William surveyed the room. “’Twould seem you are correct in your estimation.”

  She allowed him to pull her toward the dais, welcomed the heat from the fire behind them as they sat. Maddie caught the eye of Lady Veronica as she settled herself. She tried to look through the woman and not worry that the food she was about to eat may be tainted. It was hard not to wonder what the woman’s inner thoughts were. Her eyes, so devoid of warmth and life, were disturbing. There was no doubt in Maddie’s mind she had an enemy.

  “Are you well, Madeline?”

  Surprised by the question, Maddie looked up at William. It took her a moment before she understood his issue. How sweet, he was worried for her womanly bits after his pleasurable exertions. Unconsciously she moved upon her seat. She would admit to being a little sore. However, that would pass within a day or so. And she certainly wouldn’t allow it to hinder their love making. Especially as she had a whole afternoon planned around such activity. The squires could wait a day.

  “I’m absolutely fine,” she said, as she placed her hand upon his leg, her fingers teasingly close to his member. She smiled when he had to clear his throat before he spoke.

  “I’m glad for it. I was worried that I may have hurt you with my haste to…”

  “Bed me,” she finished for him. “No, you didn’t, William. Do not concern yourself over such matters.”

  His body stilled as her hand moved up his leg. Sure no one would see, she inched a little higher and grasped him within her hand. She only just held back a moan as he leaned behind her and nibbled her neck. He purred naughty words only she could hear.

  “What are you doing to me, ma chère?”

  Loving you. Teasing you. Trying to show you how much I want you every moment of every day. Most of all she wanted to tell him she loved him. Instead, she chose a different answer.

  “I don’t know. But whatever it is, you’re not the only one affected.” It was as honest as she could be at this time. Perhaps if he confessed his love it would give her courage to do the same. But at the moment, so soon in their new bonds of trust, perhaps it was better to keep such things to herself.

  She clasped his jaw as he went to kiss her cheek and pulled him into a proper embrace. Her hand wound around his nape and held him there. She didn’t care what anyone thought of the Lord and his wife’s new found relations. She sighed in reluctance when he pulled awa

  “We had better behave, my lady. Are we not supposed to be members of the nobility? Decorum and rule-abiding drilled into our very core.”

  Maddie shrugged, in no mood for etiquette. “And were we not going to take it slow and try being friends first? We’ve broken every other rule, why not this one,” she said, motioning for the food to be brought out.

  At Williams raised brow, Maddie sat back and behaved herself. “Perhaps you are right. But doesn’t that also give us the ability to forgo such woeful ideals when it suits us? Like now, for instance.” Understanding lit his eyes as he picked up her hand and placed a reverent kiss upon her inner wrist.

  “’Twould seem you are right, but we should nonetheless allow our fellow table-men to eat. We seem to be the day’s attraction, which is not enabling the populace to sup.”

  “If you insist, my lord.”

  “Meet me in the solar after the meal,” William said, stabbing into some sort of pie Maddie could not name.

  “Of course,” she replied, wondering why he wished her in the solar and not their chamber. Inwardly shrugging, Maddie looked down at the slice of pie she, too, had been served, the spicy smell alone enough to extinguish her hunger. Putting down her knife, she picked up a roll.


  After a discreet time had passed, Maddie made her way to the solar. She walked into the room and closed the door. Leaning against the wood, she silently watched William.

  Her breath hitched in her throat as an invisible energy hummed between them. It took all her restraint not to lick her lips as if to savor his delicious taste in the air. A feminine need to bring this man to his knees assailed her. He was so sure of himself, sitting on his writing table, one leg at ease.

  Maddie walked over to the fire, kept clear of the table and gasped in pleasure as he came up behind her. His tall, strong body was hard against her back. His excitement wedged firmly between her buttocks. His hands stroked down her arms, his fingers grazing the sides of her breasts. Maddie leaned her head on his shoulder, her breathing uneven.


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