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Starfucked Page 13

by B L Morticia

  “Damn, Steven. You’re gonna make me come before we even get in.”

  “Okay. I don’t see the problem with that.” I continued to lick and suck his cock. I’d already worked my own into a frenzy through the material of my shorts. When I couldn’t catch my breath, I could tell I was close to climax.

  Not before I get inside him.

  I let up, then straightened slowly so I wouldn’t tire myself out.

  “Take it easy, baby.” Noah leaned in and pressed his lips atop mine.

  “I am, but I want inside of you, Noah. Been dreaming of this. Wanting this for years.”

  “So, have I. I’m not going anywhere. Let’s take it slow.” Noah ran his hand down the length of my body. When he reached the hem, he yanked my t-shirt over my head.

  After he tossed it aside, I shoved my shorts down and stepped out of my sandals along with the shorts, toeing them out the way.

  Noah did the same, while we shared another slow lip-lock. It quickly turned frantic, with us playing tonsil hockey until we were damn near breathless. “Noah… let’s get inside that shower.”

  “Kay.” Noah kissed me again, leading me behind the curtain.

  When Noah moved in, I’d made sure that condoms along with lube were already in the prominent places we would make love. Although we hadn’t as of yet, I still wanted to make sure I was prepared.

  Once in, I turned Noah around, pushing him into the shower wall. I clasped both of his hands into mine while I kissed his nape and licked around his shoulder blades. “I wanna be in you, now.”

  “Are you… you sure you can?” Noah asked through shaky breaths.

  “Remember the doctor said four weeks. It’s been that and then some. I have to be inside you again, baby. Gotta be.” As I said the words, I rubbed my hard dick over his ass cheeks. I tapped it with the head a couple of times.

  “Alright. Take it slow then.”

  I responded with a kiss on his cheek and grabbed the lube from the caddy.

  “So much for washing off the grime.”

  I chuckled and squeezed the contents of lube bottle onto my fingers. “I’m showering you with love first, then I’ll clean you properly.” I placed one hand on his back and he bent down. He put one leg up, using the small wall as support. I smacked his ass a couple of times and rubbed that sweet bud that I’d tasted thoroughly for days on end.

  “Steven. Oh God, Steven, just… I don’t need… a lot.”

  “No, no. Gotta make sure you’re ready.” I slid one finger in slowly and twisted it, preparing him for my entry. We’d been using toys as part of our improvisation, but it still wasn’t like my dick.

  “Steven…” Noah moaned and pushed back on my fingers.

  I sucked in a breath and pushed another finger in to join the first. I placed two light kisses on his thigh, then playfully slapped it again. “So, ready for me, hmm? Ready for me to be inside you?”

  “Yes. Get in me. Don’t rush.”

  Noah’s pleas were sexy. They made me want to defy his instructions and do anything but. Still, I knew my limits and I’d try to keep myself under control. I removed my fingers and plucked the latex from the box. After I tore it open, I rolled it onto my hard dick and hissed when it was fully encased.

  “Shit.” I closed my eyes a moment to gather my bearings. It would be hard as hell to take it easy, knowing I had Noah right where I wanted him. Again, I opened my eyes and squeezed more lube on my hand. I rubbed it on with both hands, using one to add slick to my cock, while the other toyed with Noah’s ass.

  “Steven…” Noah’s voice trailed off into a series of hampered breaths, his way of telling me to get inside him.

  I leaned forward, sliding inside Noah until I could go no further. The moment I did, I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes, seeing stars behind my eyelids. There were bursting colors, fireworks, the whole damn gamut.

  “Fuck. Steven, oh God, yes. Right there.”

  I couldn’t respond vocally, being so thoroughly taken by Noah. The way his body drew me in made it hard to focus on anything else. My brain was officially worthless. I couldn’t form words. I only grunted as I deliberately slid into him, trying to keep the same pace.

  “MMph. Damn, Steven…”

  “Mhmm.” I bent down, kissing the spot between his shoulder blades. I traced the ankh tattoo on the back of his neck with my tongue and reached around him, twisting his nipples with my fingers.

  “Steven… yes… I’m so close. So, fucking close.”

  While I tried holding out a little longer, I kissed his nape and leaned on him for support. I was on the verge of exploding right then. I opened my eyes and moved the showerhead, so the water could flow down his back. It didn’t deter me from worshipping his body with my mouth. If anything, it made things hotter.

  “Steven…” Noah cried out and trembled under my affections.

  I held on tight, knowing I was there and ready to implode. The slow, methodic strokes had done the trick. I leaned on his back and after three more pumps into his body, I spilled my seed into the latex between us. I couldn’t wait for us to do it bare.

  “Damn.” That was the only word I could articulate. I shuddered and gnashed my teeth together, while I continuously drove my cock into him. My body was on fire and tensed.

  Noah turned his head around just enough for us to lock lips again, both of us thoroughly wet from the shower.

  “Mhmm.” Noah kissed me again. “You okay?”

  “More than.”

  Noah tried turning around, but my cock hadn’t deflated much, so I wanted to stay inside him. “Don’t move yet.” I trailed kisses around the back of his neck from one end to the other. “Wanna stay like this for now.”

  “Okay. But not too long,” Noah laughed. “I got a feeling you’re gonna make me sticky again.”

  “Maybe…” Knowing I was trying to do just that, I kept my mouth shut, trying to come down from this natural high of being inside my man for the first time in ten years.

  * * * *


  We’d gone two rounds in the shower and washed up just before the water got too cold. Thank goodness I didn’t have to work the following morning because I was too tired to move.

  Steven spooned me from behind, holding me around my stomach. Being this close, I was sure we’d probably do more after we rested a little. In fact, I’d welcome that, because I fully enjoyed all the moments we’d spent together and then some.

  To check on him, I turned around and lowered my head onto his chest. His heartbeat sounded steady, but I worried our activity might’ve exhausted him.

  “You okay?”

  “Never better,” Steven said, pulling me into him. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I naturally repeated, not thinking twice. I did love him. Maybe it was further solidified when we made love, but so what? I was already falling hard and had moved in with the man. Naturally, I’d say the words, because they were true.

  “You don’t know how happy I am to hear you say that.”

  “I think I do,” I said, moving myself back up to look him in the eye. “You’re mine, Steven Sharpe. Now that we’ve said those words to one another, you’re stuck with me.”

  “No place I’d rather be, my man.” Steven lifted my chin with his finger and kissed my lips. “I’m glad to have the chance to say them to you. I’ve been wanting to, but…”

  “I know. I just found it so hard to believe, but now I get it. You show me how much every day. Like I told Laze, you make me happy. I couldn’t dream about being with anyone else.”

  Steven dragged his finger down the side of my face. Once it got to my lips, I kissed the tip and drew it in while I watched him.

  “Fuck… baby, I’m getting hard again.”

  I licked his finger and winked. “That’s what I wanted to happen.” I pulled him in, covering his mouth with mine. I pulled away. “I wanna taste you Steven.”

  Steven flashed that sexy smile. “Taste away babe. This cock belo
ngs to you and only you.”

  Naturally after a day off, I didn’t want to return to work, but duty called. The guy who’d created that software was back to take care of some of the glitches, so the phones had somewhat calmed down.

  Since the day would be easy, I decided to use it to catch up with Mom. I sent her a text, letting her know I had news to share, but I didn’t go into detail. Mom wasn’t happy, but she accepted it for the time being. Now, I was sure I’d hear her complaining. At least I hadn’t totally kept it from her.

  I pushed the speed dial one and waited for her to pick up. She answered on the second ring.

  “Hello, son of mine. You have news to tell me?”

  “Yes. How are you feeling first of all?”

  “I’m good, so is Dad. Now what’s your news?”

  “Well, I took the first step towards what you wanted. Me and Steven moved in together.”

  “What? Oh, my goodness, that’s wonderful! I’m so happy for the both of you.”

  I smiled to myself. “Yeah. He asked me the day we were in the doctor’s office. I moved in almost three weeks ago.”

  “Three weeks, child and you’re just now calling me? We could’ve helped.”

  “No. I had Laze and Andreas. I didn’t have much anyway.”

  “Alright. Well, you could’ve called before now.” Momma sounded annoyed. “When are you bringing the young man by to meet us? Maybe we can get three of your brothers to come by. I’m still working on Mike. Did you call him?”

  “I sent him a text, saying hi and hope things are well. He didn’t text back so… and yeah, that would be great.”

  “That boy.” My mom tutted. “Okay. Well, we will continue working on him. In the meantime, let’s set a date for you and Steven to come over. How is two weeks from Saturday sound?”

  “That will be great. Do you want us to bring anything?”

  “No, just the two of you. We’ll have a cook out again and ask your brothers to bring their girlfriends too. It’ll be a mini family reunion,” she laughed.

  “Okay. Looking forward to it Mom. Let me get back to work. I’ll call you later okay?”

  “All right son, love you.”

  “Love you too, Mom. Bye.”

  After she said bye, I clicked the disconnect and sighed in relief. She didn’t sound too mad, which was a good thing.

  Now to prepare Steven for my mother, who’d have a ton of questions to ask once he got there.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “So, you moved him in, huh?”

  Jules asked me pointedly as I strummed on my guitar. “Yes, I did. Right after my attack.”

  “Dude!” Jules laughed and patted my shoulder. “You don’t like waiting, do you?”

  “Why should I? I’ve been wanting to ask him, Jules. He loves me; I love him.”

  “But you barely had any time together before you had him plant his stuff in your apartment,” Jules said with a smirk.

  “We’ve been dating for weeks. We care about one another. Why wait?”

  “I’m just saying. Remember I told you not to rush.”

  “Yes, I remember, but both of us wanted this, alright? Besides, as you know, I got a bad heart. Anything could happen in the interim. I’m dedicated to keeping myself healthy, but you never know.”

  Jules lifted his cup from the side table. “And he’s okay with that?”

  I nodded. “Yes, he is. I gave him an out, but he’s in it for the long haul... as am I. We’re crazy about each other, Jules. Just be happy for us.”

  Jules drank then flashed me a smile. “Oh, I am, man. I’m happy you found your guy. I hope it lasts.”

  “It will. Now. What did you think of those songs I wrote for Pretty Brutal?”

  “They were definitely good. A little too bubble gummy for my taste, but…”

  “Well, they are a pop punk band after all. I couldn’t rock it too hard. They wanted something that could be played on satellite radio and any top forty stations.”

  “They paid you well, huh?”

  I plucked a couple of strings and nodded. “Enough to pay my mortgage on the condo for the next year, dude. I’m telling you, it might seem like you’re selling your soul, but it’s not. Songwriting is a lucrative business. A lot of these newer groups don’t have the talent that we do. They need people to help them along.”

  “I guess.” Jules shrugged. “Maybe I’ll consider it when I’m done with Serpentine. By the way, are you still gonna tour? I hate that you missed going out with us for our trek.”

  “Yeah, just some local shows here in Seattle, nothing more. A couple at Haber’s, then one at Hideaway. Is the offer still open for you guys to join me on stage?”

  “Of course, man. Just let us know and we’ll be ready to start practicing.”

  I slapped hands with Jules and grabbed his hand, shaking it. “Cool, dude. Thanks. That way I don’t have to hire anyone to learn these songs and play them.”

  “Gonna add some StarHaze into the set?”

  “Oh yeah. My boyfriend would kill me if I didn’t, especially Cursed Heart. That’s our theme song.”

  “Really? How cool is that.”

  “Oh yeah. He’s smart, sexy, gorgeous, and has a good ear for music.”

  “Well, awesome. When am I gonna get to meet Mister Wonderful?”

  “Soon, man. I might bring him over the next time I stop by to play some stuff. I wrote a few more songs, using him as my inspiration. All contemporary rock.”


  “Not all of em. Some, yes, because hell, I’m in love,” I said, opening my arms wide. “Can’t help but have that sort of thing going on feeling the way I do.”

  “You’ve gotten all soft on me.”

  “Not totally, but… he has brought out that side I hadn’t shown to anyone else. That romantic side that wants to do nothing but show him how much I love him in every single way I know how.”

  “Damn. You have gotten soft.” Jules snorted. “You’re talking so sweet, you’re giving me a toothache.”

  “Ah shut it, man. You mean you don’t feel that way about your wife?”

  “I do, but not like, all syrupy lovey shit, no. I romanced her in the beginning. You’re taking sappy to a whole new level.”

  I grabbed one of the pillows from the sofa and threw it at him.

  Jules ducked. “You are, but hey, I’m happy as hell you found this man. I was starting to worry about you when you said that was all you’d been looking forward to.”

  “I don’t know why.” I slapped my guitar, before breaking out into a song.

  Jules bobbed his head to my rhythm and clapped. “Well damn man, that sounds amazing.”

  “Mhmm. Tease me a little more about how much Noah inspires me.”

  “You have to record this song.”

  “I will once I get the okay from the doctor to officially work,” I said, while I played the melody.

  “You mean, you’re not working?”

  “Not really, just playing around until Noah gets home. Besides, we hadn’t talked since before my attack.”

  “True. I’m glad you stopped by.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  * * * *


  After moving in with Steven, the next step was meeting my parents. They’d been so excited about seeing my new man that my mother, in particular, couldn’t stop talking about it. She’d been texting, making sure we had the right kind of food, even asking me about the amount of seasoning. I’d told her to prepare the food the same way she did for dad, since he was also diabetic. In truth, I wasn’t concerned about the meal... only how my brothers would receive Steven.

  Steven on the other hand, was very excited. He changed his outfit three times before finally settling on a pair of black slacks and matching vest, along with a white button up. I told him it wasn’t a formal affair, meaning he could dress how he wanted. Steven was determined to make a positive first impression and insisted on going above and bey
ond to show he was worthy of being my boyfriend.

  “Okay.” Steven pulled up in front of my parents’ house and eyed me from the side. “Ready?”


  “What’s wrong, babe? This will go fine.”

  I sighed heavily. “I know, I just...” I placed my hand on Steven’s knee and squeezed. “My brothers can be, um, really straightforward. You can’t lose your cool.”

  “I know, baby. I’m telling you. Things are gonna be fine.” Steven leaned in and kissed my lips.

  I returned the peck and ran my hand through his blond locks. They remained soft after I had washed his hair in the shower earlier, as well as every other part of his body. “You’re not the least bit nervous?”

  “I am, but, I know I love you. I’m gonna remind myself that no matter what your brothers say, that I’m going home with you tonight. I’ve waited forever for this and I’m not gonna screw it up with your folks ‘cause I can’t control my temper.”

  Hearing Steven say that made me smile. “I swear, I love you, Steven Sharpe. You always say exactly the right thing.”

  “Not always, but most of the time.”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, when I denied you ten years ago, I didn’t say the right thing.”

  “Oh stop. That was ten years ago, and you were drunk.”

  “But you worried about being with me because of that, remember?”

  “Yes, but I’m over it now. You had your reasons and you’ve more than made up for it, okay?”

  Steven grabbed my hand. “I’m glad. Let’s get on in here, so we can go home soon. I mean, I’m looking forward to meeting your family, but… even more to take you home tonight and make love.”

  My cheeks heated, and I bit my lip. I hadn’t blushed this much ever in life until Steven became my man. From that first night we made love, we couldn’t keep our hands off one another. When I wasn’t at work, we spent a lot of time in bed or the shower. Working from home was looking better every day, especially with Dane dropping more off-color comments. “Um, yes. Me too.” I kissed him quick and pulled back. “Let’s go.”


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