Happy Endings

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Happy Endings Page 2

by Marlene Sexton

“I’ll keep breakfast warm then, dear.”

  She heard Gladys walk away. “Damn!” Emma cursed. She really wanted to come, but she was hungry too. Famished in fact. She felt like she had run a marathon during the night. By the looks of the room and the bedding, she had been thrashing around all night. Emma wasn’t entirely sure how she had shed her nightshirt, either. In any case, she had to work today, so she got up, showered quickly and went downstairs to eat.

  Of course, the Finnegans were absent again. They drove to Bridgeport and took a ferry into the city for the day. They must be tired, Emma thought, since they were up so late making love. Gladys had mentioned they were young. Emma used to be able to have sex all night and function the next day but at almost thirty, it wasn’t nearly as easy as it used to be but Emma rarely turned down sex to get some more sleep.

  Emma ate her share of breakfast and more. Today Gladys made waffles with maple syrup from a neighbor’s farm. Emma asked Gladys if she could have a bigger cup for the coffee. She explained she was going to be working hard all day and needed lots of “go juice”. Gladys brought her a big travel mug full of steaming coffee. Emma thanked her and asked if she would bring lunch to her room and then assured Gladys she would be done later that afternoon and looked forward to a few bottles of wine that evening. Gladys perked up at that and promised to make sure the house was quiet so Emma could work in peace.


  It was four-thirty when Emma decided she had done all she could do. She was starting to make changes for the sake of making changes and second guessing edits she had been satisfied with earlier. It was time to stop. She backed up the file and closed down her laptop. She was exhausted, but it was finished. She realized she had barely touched the sandwich Gladys had brought her at noon and that she was famished.

  She was really looking forward to dinner and then dessert and wine with Gladys. She really didn’t expect the Finnegans to show up. If she hadn’t seen Mrs. Finnegan last night, Emma would have questioned Gladys’ two-bottle limit. Gladys talked about them, but nobody ever saw them. She decided to take another shower and then dress for dinner. She didn’t bring anything fancy, but her sweats and loose sweater she was working in seemed a little too drab and dingy.

  After a quick shower, she dressed in her room and realized it was warm again. She had forgotten to tell Oscar about it being cold again that morning, but remembered that after breakfast the warmth had returned. It was an old house and Emma figured that’s just how things were. She slipped into her jeans, a warm sweater and some comfortable old flats and headed downstairs.

  Dinner was delicious and as Emma expected, the Finnegans were not back from the city yet. She didn’t even ask about them. Gladys served them the most delicious Shepard’s pie Emma had ever had. It really hit the spot and Emma had three servings. Emma knew she was gaining weight staying at the inn and would have to hit the gym when she got home. She wasn’t looking forward to that, but it wasn’t going to stop her from enjoying Gladys’ cooking either.

  After dinner Emma, Gladys and Oscar sipped coffee as Oscar told them stories from his childhood growing up in Maine and his time in Vietnam. He left out the bad stuff and just waxed nostalgic about his buddies and their adventures on leave in Japan. He was really funny and Emma enjoyed his stories. Even Gladys didn’t seem to mind all the stories about Geisha girls.

  After a bit, Oscar excused himself to go read and Gladys began clearing the dishes. Emma insisted on helping. Gladys resisted, but when Emma suggested they could crack open a bottle of wine while they worked, she relented. They cleared the table and Emma began doing the dishes as Gladys fetched a bottle of Merlot. They drank the entire bottle before they were done, talking and laughing as much as doing any actual work.

  They retired to the main room and continued to drink, talk and laugh. Soon they emptied another bottle of wine and Gladys got up to retrieve a third and get some apple pie for each of them. The apples, Gladys explained, came from the trees up on the hill behind the inn. She seemed proud of that.

  While Gladys was getting the wine and dessert, Emma looked around the room. The walls were dark paneling and covered with old paintings, photos and shelves with all manner of knick-knacks. Some of it looked really old; some looked like it had been placed there recently. A few portraits around the room looked as old as the house, including one of a stunning young girl. Emma wondered who she was.

  Gladys returned and Emma forgot to inquire about the portraits. The pie was delicious and so was the wine. Emma was feeling rather warm and comfy, her head spinning just enough to be pleasant. Gladys tried to pry subtly into Emma’s private life, obviously curious about her choice of lifestyle. Emma thought it was cute and gladly told Gladys as much as she wanted to know.

  Gladys seemed shocked at times and curious at others. Emma could see that most of it was foreign to Gladys, but that she had a very open mind. Emma thought that if Gladys was twenty years younger, she might show her a thing or two. The thought seemed so out of place, that Emma chalked it up to the wine.

  “So, how did the book turnout?” Gladys asked clearly becoming flustered at all the frank talk of girl on girl relations, changing the subject.

  “Oh, it’s done and not to shabby. It still needs to be edited by Haya, but I’ve done everything I can,” Emma replied.

  “So then you have a free day tomorrow? You should go see Mystic. It’s a neat place. You’d like it.”

  “Actually, I’ve started a new novel. It’s actually based on the inn. I just started getting ideas and writing them down. This place has been very inspiring. I promised myself that if I got the manuscript done today, I’d spend tomorrow working on the new book. I’d love to go explore the area, but I’m very excited about this book. You don’t mind me writing about your inn, do you?”

  “Oh, heaven’s no! Oscar and I would be honored. What’s it about?”

  “Kind of a period romance-slash-thriller. It’s not my usual kind of book but as I said, this place kind of inspires me. The main character is a woman named, Rebecca. The plot is pretty firm, but the details are still kind of coming to me.”

  “The daughter of the folks that built this house back in 1769 was named Rebecca. Did you read that somewhere?” Gladys asked.

  “No, I don’t think so. That’s kind of wild. Maybe I did read or hear about her,” Emma theorized. It was strange, but Rebecca wasn’t exactly an uncommon name. Probably a coincidence.

  “That’s her picture over there, or so I’m told. It’s been hanging on the wall since we bought the place. Maybe you should do a little research and make it one of those, what do they call them...?”

  “Historical drama?” Emma offered and she turned to look at the portrait again.

  “Oh, yes, that’s it. I have some things you could look over if you’d like.”

  Emma turned back to Gladys, “I’d like that, thank you. I’ll make you a bargain. If it gets published, I’ll make sure you and Oscar are mentioned in the acknowledgments and I’ll send you some free copies. Deal?”

  “Oh! That would be exciting. Yes, yes, we have a deal. Emma, you’re such a sweetheart. I hope you come back here. I really have taken a liking to you, dear.”

  Emma blushed, “Same here, Gladys. I’ve only known you for a few days, but you feel like my second mom.”

  Gladys stood and went to Emma and hugged her, “You’re like the daughter I never had, dear,” and she started to cry. Emma hugged her back. It felt so good. She missed her real mom and Gladys filled that void, if only temporarily. She wondered again if Gladys was younger if things wouldn’t have turned out differently.

  They had a connection and Emma felt a deep affection for the woman. The idea of making love to Gladys seemed a little strange given the circumstances, but it wasn’t repulsive either. Under different circumstances, a different time and place, who knew? It must be the wine, Emma thought, wondering how she had returned to this line of thinking.

  They hugged and cried a little more and then each hea
ded off to bed. Emma felt so warm and happy. The last few days had been some of the best of her life. She had met Gladys, finished her latest job and begun a great new book of her own. She knew she’d be back here many times in the future and thought about her little fantasy of buying a farmhouse here.

  It occurred to Emma that her usually dreary outlook seemed much brighter here at the inn. She usually wasn’t so optimistic. Like she told Gladys, she didn’t believe in happy endings. When Emma’s mom died, things got dark and they seemed to stay that way. Emma wouldn’t call it depression, but she lost her optimism. Life became about the struggle and thoughts of happier times seemed out of place. However, in the last few days, those thoughts returned.

  Emma was tired and drunk. She didn’t take her musing too seriously as she readied for bed. It was the wine, she thought again. Emma climbed under her covers and sighed. She did love it here. Gladys, the peace and quiet and just the feeling of the whole place made Emma happy. She fell asleep still smiling.


  Emma awoke from a dreamless sleep. It was nearly pitch dark in her room, only starlight providing some barely perceptible illumination. She felt a presence and then her door quietly clicked shut. There was someone in her room!

  “Who’s there?” she asked louder than she intended.

  “Shhh,”came the response, “you’ll wake my husband, dear.”

  Was that Gladys? Emma’s mind reeled. What was Gladys doing in her room in the middle of the night? She could barely make out the figure in the darkness, but could see the figure was removing a robe.

  “What are you doing in here?” Emma whispered.

  “I’ve been watching you, Emma. I must say that I find you quite attractive. I wanted to say something earlier, but if my husband were to discover my passions, he would surely be cross with me and turn me out into the night. I hope this is not too forward of me. It seems I am powerless before your beauty and grace.”

  Gladys sounded strange, but she was whispering. Gladys had obviously been thinking the same thing Emma had. Emma wasn’t sure if she should do this. Her feelings were mixed. Gladys was such a sweet lady, but Emma had reservations. She was afraid what this might do to Gladys and wine or no wine, Emma wasn’t sure she really felt that way towards the woman.

  The dark figure climbed under the covers before Emma could respond. The woman’s skin was cold, and Emma realized the room was freezing again. This wasn’t Gladys. The woman’s skin was soft and silky, her body small and slender. Mrs. Finnegan? Who else could it be? Emma thought she should be frightened, but she wasn’t. In fact, she had an overwhelming sense of well-being.

  “Who are you?” Emma asked quietly.

  “I am from upstairs. My name is Beth. You saw me last night, did you not?”

  “Yes, I did. In the blue gown?”

  “Indeed. Please forgive my forwardness. I know this isn’t proper, but you’ve occupied my thoughts ever since you arrived at this house. I am drawn to you in a way I cannot explain.”

  “I don’t even know what you look like. I feel like this should be strange, that all of this should disturb me, but it doesn’t. Why are you here?” Emma asked.

  “Why I am the woman of whom you’ve dreamed. I’ve come to share with you the forbidden pleasures only another woman can bestow. Why even now, I am already flush with...anticipation. Please, do not turn me away. I need you, Emma,” Beth pleaded.

  The girl of whom she’d dreamed? She couldn’t have meant that literately but considering the dreams she had been having the past few nights, it was curious. The dream last night was different and not fueled by wine like the night before. Maybe seeing Beth at the stairs and hearing her moans of pleasure had worked their way into her subconscious. But how could Beth have known any of that? Still, she had a feeling that Beth was indeed the woman in her dream last night.

  “Emma?” Beth prodded.

  “Sorry, this is all so sudden, Beth. I’m a little overwhelmed and still a little groggy, but laying next you feels nice. I want to see you. Can we turn on a light?”

  “No, please do not! I need the darkness. I am faint of heart. I cannot bear to suffer the light. Please?” Beth pleaded

  Emma could not put her finger on it, but something wasn’t quite right. Maybe it was the way Beth spoke or just waking so suddenly. Emma wasn’t uneasy. In fact, just the opposite, but something nagged at her. “OK, we’ll leave the light off. I get a little bashful when I’m naked too. So, what now?”

  “Emma, I would very much like it if you would take the lead. I am not well versed in the art of Sapphic love, or love of any kind for that matter. I defer to your expertise.”

  Emma guessed that meant she should take the initiative. Beth spoke so strangely and with an accent she couldn’t quite place. She’d never heard where the Finnegans were from. In any case, the accent and the way she spoke was kind of sexy. Maybe Beth was from Nova Scotia. People talked funny up there, didn’t they?

  Emma sat up on one elbow and cupped Beth’s breast in her hand as she bent to kiss her. Beth shuddered, obviously excited. She was still cold, but in a pleasant sort of way. Her cool skin was so soft, so smooth. Emma kissed her deeply and was already lost in this girl.

  Emma had experienced one-night stands before and had been with inexperienced girls too, but this was different somehow. She seemed to have a connection with Beth she couldn’t explain, almost as if she knew the girl. Kissing her was so erotic. Emma needed more.

  She began kissing Beth’s neck and then her breasts. They were soft and full, large for such a thin girl and perfect for playing with. The lack of light meant Emma had to rely on her sense of touch. She could feel the goose bumps appear on Beth’s skin as she caressed her and felt her nipples harden as she sucked them. Emma was so aroused, her pussy getting wet and beginning to feel warm. She adjusted her position so she could rub her pussy on Beth’s thigh.

  Beth hardly made a noise, but her breathing deepened and quickened. Emma knew how to make her vocalize her pleasure. She kissed her way down Beth’s belly and began to blow on Beth’s pussy. Beth let a small moan escape her lips, but when Emma ran her tongue over Beth’s pussy, she stiffened and moaned aloud. Emma teased Beth for a while longer before she slipped her tongue inside Beth’s moistening pussy. Beth began breathing louder and moaning. Emma could sense Beth wanted to touch her.

  “Beth, it’s OK to touch me,” she assured the girl. Beth did just that, placing her hands on Emma’s head, gently forcing it back between her legs, which she then wrapped around Emma’s body. Emma giggled at Beth’s sudden activity, as if she was waiting for permission. Emma continued to eat Beth’s pussy, loving the taste of the girl.

  Beth began to writhe and moan more loudly and then she convulsed and whimpered as she had her first orgasm of the night. Emma wished Beth could make some noise, but she knew this wasn’t the place or time. However, Emma continued to pleasure the girl orally. Emma loved pleasing women with her mouth, especially when they were as responsive as Beth was.

  Beth convulsed again and pressed Emma’s head more firmly into her pussy. Emma sucked Beth’s clit and slipped a finger into Beth’s tight pussy and began fucking the girl. Beth went over the edge. She began crying out loudly and Emma, lifted her head just enough to tell her to use a pillow. Beth seemed to understand and covered her face with Emma’s pillow as she continued to scream.

  Emma refused to stop, even as the girl seemed to be trying to escape from the pleasure. Emma just wrapped her hands around Beth’s thighs and held tight as she teased Beth’s clit with her tongue. Beth could only stand one more intense orgasm before she begged Emma to stop.

  “I cannot take any more of this, Emma! Please!” Beth hissed, attempting to suppress the urge to scream aloud. Emma complied, but not before giving Beth’s engorged clit one last suck, which caused Beth to shudder with joy. Emma then climbed alongside Beth and kissed her. Beth sucked her own juices from Emma’s tongue, apparently enjoying her own taste.

  “Did you l
ike that, Beth?” Emma asked already knowing the answer.

  “Oh, yes! Emma that was wonderful. Truly, you are skilled in the art of making love. I cannot recall experiencing such pleasure. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, Beth. I’m still not sure exactly why you’re here, but I’m glad you came.”

  “Emma, I would like to return your affections. May I?”

  “Yeah, I’d like that, Beth.”

  Beth gently rolled Emma on to her back and kissed her deeply. Then began running her hand up and down Beth’s body letting it settle eventually on her pussy. Beth kissed Emma’s neck as she rubbed her hand softly up and down Emma’s pussy. Beth’s touch was electric, sending shivers up and down Emma’s body. Then Beth began to lick and suck Emma’s nipples as she rubbed Emma’s pussy harder.

  Emma noticed the room was freezing and was sure she could have seen her breath if the room was brighter, but she wasn’t cold despite the comforter having fallen to the floor while she was pleasing Beth. Beth’s body was warm now but her hands were still freezing. It felt good, however, adding to the sensation.

  Beth found Emma’s clit and began rubbing softly. Emma spread her legs to give Beth better access. Beth began rubbing faster and harder and Emma’s climax built within her. Suddenly the sensation was too much and she came. She tried to be quiet, but she couldn’t help gasping aloud as Beth rubbed her clit furiously. Emma placed her hand under Beth’s chin and raised her face to meet her own. She slipped her tongue into Beth’s mouth and Beth sucked it hard.

  Emma was coming, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her body. She was all but screaming into Beth’s mouth as she was losing control. Beth continued to tease Emma’s clit and now Emma was squirming and writhing, unable to take the intense sensations. Beth stopped sucking Emma’s tongue and bit her nipple hard as she pressed harder on Emma’s clit and then finally stopped.

  Emma stiffened, then relaxed and exhaled. She was spent and her muscles ached from tensing as she came. Beth kissed her softly and then laid her head on Emma’s breasts. The women lay there recuperating for many long pleasurable minutes. Emma could still feel the room was frigid, but she wasn’t cold in the slightest. She caressed Beth’s back as Beth drew circles on Emma’s belly with her finger.


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