Aedan Of Highever

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Aedan Of Highever Page 8

by Milton Garby

  Aedan drew his sword out the stinking ogre's thick skull and flicked the blood of the blade. Aedan hopped off the eviscerated corpse, Dane bounded toward him jumping and barking in happiness. Aedan happily pet the giant dog as Alistair wiped the sweat and blood from his brow.

  "We've certainly missed the signal." Alistair gasped as he tried to catch his breath. "Best light it quickly. Loghain better be ready, the king is depending on us!"

  Aedan ran over to the torch and lit the fire, and after fighting a hundred darkspawn and an ogre to get here it felt like a victory! The torch blazed bright and majestically! Aedan ran over to the window overlooking the battlefield, eager to finally see the legendary Hero of River Dane in action! The Grey Wardens and the king's men were in the thick of the battle, the darkspawn were beginning to push back, but when the teryn charged their flank victory would be theirs! Loghain's men sounded their war horns and proceeded to march. But wait. Wait! They were marching away from the battlefield! What was this!? "Alistair! Loghain's retreating!" Aedan screamed.

  Alistair's eyes went as wide as saucers. "What!? No, that can't be! If he doesn't charge that battle will be lost! What is he doing!?"

  Loghain's men were in full retreat and left the king and all the Grey Wardens to be overrun by the darkspawn. They were going to lose! Before Aedan could fully register what was going on he heard the door behind burst open and darkspawn flooded in! They threw an axe right into the mage's face! Aedan and Alistair stood their ground!

  "You want some of me!? You ugly, tainted motherfuckers!" Aedan screamed as he swung his weapons hacking and slashing at everything he could get close to. More darkspawn flooded in, they were being overrun. They fought their hearts out but they were still tired from fighting that ogre. Aedan saw Alistair fall from a club to the back of the head! He had to keep fighting! He could not die now! The darkspawn fired arrows at him, nailing him the ribs and chest, but nowhere vital. He had to keep fighting! They tried to attack him from behind but the shield on his back deflected their blows. He felt the burning swings of their blades cut into his flesh, but still he would not fall, he refused to!

  He was wearing out and he knew it. He would not last much longer, but he had to keep fighting! Aedan felt a powerful blow to the back of his head. The world slowed down as he fell to the ground, the darkspawn had him fully surrounded. He looked out the window one last time. He thought he saw something flying towards the tower. Was the Lady-of-The-Skies coming for him? And then his world went completely black….

  The Next Morning Deep in the Wilds...

  How fortunate that the same Wardens who Morrigan found in the Wilds would be the same ones that her mother had rescued. She was even able to rescue the dog that was with them. The blonde templar's wounds were superficial, he was merely struck on the head. Although, if her mother hadn't saved them his wounds would have been worse. The tattooed man, Aedan, was a very different story. He was covered in blood, his own and the darkspawn's, with deep cuts all over him and arrows sticking out of his body. She had to strip him completely naked in order for her mother to clean his wounds before they got infected. Before she could get a good view at anything worth looking at her mother shooed her away. Such a shame.

  Now here she was alone with a handsome young man sleeping in her bed. Under any other circumstances she would have called it a good day. Alas, it was not this day. Her mother was able to fully heal his wounds, it was most fortunate that he was a Warden otherwise the taint from the darkspawn blades would have made things very difficult. But now there was nary a scratch on his well-toned body.

  Morrigan took a moment to completely take in the view of the comely lad currently in her bed. His face was long and handsome, with a strong jaw and high cheekbones. His hair was black like charcoal, with the sides of his mane tied into a long braid going down the back of his head. She had seen his eyes when they first met; they were a deep blue color that matched the tattooing on his face.

  She looked at all the elaborate tattoos he had etched into his skin. On his powerful chest, over his heart he had a badged shield with a white wreath in the form of wings on a blue field stamped on it. On his right arm was a green raindrop with two spears crossing in front of it. And on his left arm was a black snowflake with two axes crossing each other. She knew that symbol, it was the mark of Haakkon Wintersbreath, the Avvarian god of snow an winter. Was he an Avvar? Earlier she saw on his back was a scantily robed woman with wings. Who was this woman? Was it the prophet Andraste? If so, how curious. At the base of her feet was a set of words but Morrigan couldn't read the language it was in. On both of his knees were tattooed the symbol of Fereldan royalty. Two mabari facing one another, one with a scepter, the other with an axe over a quartered badge shield with red and gold opposite each other. Was there a meaning behind all of these elaborate designs? Or were they simply meant for decoration to enhance his appearance? Because if so, it certainly worked.

  As she looked at his sleeping form she couldn't help but notice how magnificently defined he was. Unlike some the Chasind men she had been with, who had muscles but were big and burly like apes, he looked like a sculptor chiseled him perfectly from stone. Every muscle she could see was strong and taught, and after seeing what he could do to those darkspawn she had no doubt they were well maintained. The ones that caught her attention the most, however, were those magnificently formed abdominal muscles. They were six compact hills tightly knitted into his abdomen, with absolutely no traces of fat on them. As she continued to stare at those godlike muscles, she couldn't help but feel the urge to touch them! She lowered herself closer to his sleeping body and extended her arms to rub her hands on that powerful midsection. Her soft, skilled hands were a hair away from touching his flesh when his powerful hand wrapped itself around her neck.

  Aedan's eyes shot open and they glared violently, "You the maid?" he asked in threatening sarcasm.

  "I am Morrigan, lest you've forgotten. And you'd best remove your hand, lest I undo the healing my mother put so much effort into." She threatened.

  Aedan slowly withdrew his hand from her slander neck. "Sorry. That was a reflex. What were you doing, anyway?"

  Morrigan's coughed with embarrassment as she turned her blushing face from him. "I was merely…bandaging your wounds."

  Aedan didn't notice her blushing "Oh. Well, thank you for healing me, then." He said sincerely sincerely.

  "I…you are welcome." His thanks caught her off guard. "Though Mother did most of the work. I am no healer."

  "Were my injuries severe?"

  "Yes, they were. Mother had to sew up two three-inch slash wounds, one five-inch, pop your shoulder back in, remove five arrow heads, a sword tip and a war axe that got lodged in your back. But, thanks to mother, you are right as rain. But in all honesty, you should probably learn to duck."

  Aedan couldn't help but laugh. "I'll take it under advisement."

  "How does your memory? Do you remember mother's rescue? It was a very close call."

  Aedan sat himself up and rubbed his aching head, then he realized something. "Wait. The battle! The king! What happened at Ostagar last night!?"

  "Ah, yes, the battle. The man who was supposed to lead the charge up and left the field. Those he abandoned were massacred. Your friend isn't taking it well." Morrigan informed him coldly.

  "My friend? You mean Alistair?"

  "The suspicious, dim-witted one who came with you. Yes. He is out by the fire with my mother?"

  "And is he alright?"

  "He is as you are. Though it would be unkind to say that he is being childish."

  Aedan couldn't believe this woman's tone. "Very unkind! Those were his friends out there!"

  "And do you think they'd encourage his blubbering? If so then they are not the Grey Warden the legends note."

  "Spoken like an empty person whose never known joy. We're all allowed to mourn when we suffer loss."

  That remark stunned Morrigan. "You should… go now, Mother is waiting."

sp; "Actually I have a few questions, if you don't mind."

  "Ask your questions, then. I do not mind." She actually didn't, so long as he continued to sit there with no shirt on.

  "The battlefield. What happened after Teryn Loghain quit the field?"

  "That is the man who was meant to charge when the signal lit, is it? The darkspawn took the field and butchered the army there. The Grey Wardens lost."

  "Were there any survivors?"

  "Some. But I suspect they are long gone by now. Those who weren't able to flee the field… I suspect you wouldn't want to know what is happening in that valley now."

  "Please tell me. I insist."

  "Are you sure you want me to describe it?"

  "Yes…please. I must know. Paint me a picture." Aedan had to know what Loghain's actions had done. So he could hate him more for it.

  "I had a very good view of the battlefield. 'Tis a grisly scene. There darkspawn feast upon and defile the dead. Those who weren't fortunate enough to be killed are taken. Dragged by the darkspawn back underground, screaming. What happens to them there I do not know, but I think we can guess the worst."

  Aedan would remember the pain that each loyal soldier and Grey Warden suffered and he would visit that pain tenfold on Loghain right next to Howe! And then he would send them both screaming on their way to hell! "Next question, and this is very important. Is Dane here?"

  "I do not know who that is." Morrigan answered flatly.

  "My mabari war hound."

  "Ah, so that's your beast, is it?" Morrigan's tone was most annoyed. "Yes, he is here." Aedan sighed with relief. "He spent the whole night trying to get close to you. Mother found him distracting so she had me watch him outside. I half hoped he would just run off, but instead he kept jumping on me and covered me with his slobber and foul breath. I had to bathe for an hour!"

  Aedan couldn't help but laugh. After so much loss it was good he didn't lose his most faithful companion. "Thank you once again for your assistance, Morrigan."

  "You are…most welcome." Morrigan was unused to being thanked by others. "But you should go now. Mother is not a patient woman."

  As Aedan got up from the bed and put his cloths and armor on, Morrigan made sure to take one last look at his perfectly shaped, tattooed body, for surely she would not see it again. Such a shame really, she would have liked to have had her way with him before sending him back out into the Wilds. Well, no matter. Surely whatever her mother had planned for them had certainly nothing to do with her.

  Two Hours Later...

  Morrigan couldn't believe this! Not only did the Wardens leave the swamp, but she was forced to go with them too! And to make matters all the more unbearable that flea-ridden mongrel refused to leave her be. So Frustrating! She tried to push her anger aside. After all she did want to leave the swamp and see other things, and perhaps with these Grey Wardens she would finally see what the world was like instead of knowing it from her mother's skewered vision.

  Alistair's mind was still plagued with grief over what happened last night but he knew Duncan would want him to soldier on. This was his duty as a Grey Warden and he was going to let anyone down! He knew Arl Eamon if anyone could help them against Loghain he could. And they could use the treaties to secure allies from the other factions in Fereldan. He just wished they didn't have to bring Morrigan, but both Aedan and Morrigan's mother insisted that she come. After all, her magic would be useful. He just wished Morrigan was the quiet, wallflower kind of mage, instead of the creepy steal-your-soul kind of mage. Alistair still couldn't believe her mother was actually Flemeth, the Witch of the Wilds! That would probably explain her perpetual bitchiness.

  Aedan was still wrapping his mind around everything. Loghain's betrayal, the defeat at Ostagar, his brother's fate. But they had to continue on. He still had a hard time believing the old crone they met in the Wilds was actually Flemeth!? He knew the story very well. His family was tied to it, but he never gave thought to the witch's actual existence. Morrigan didn't seem willing to accompany them, at first, but Aedan believed she was more pissed off about being forced to go rather than going off on her own. He could see she wasn't very happy about Dane being so close to her. For a shapeshifter she didn't seem to be dog person. He walked in between her and Dane and tried to start a conversation. "Have you ever been outside the Wilds before, Morrigan?"

  "I've been to Lothering on occasion, but never for long. I purchased goods and watched its people, curious beings that they are. But I always left quickly before the Templars of the locals took notice. Why do you ask?"

  "You didn't seem very pleased about coming with us. Are you sure that you want to leave your home behind? We're not forcing you to be here."

  "And if I didn't truly wish to be here, I would not be. Rest assured, Warden, I am here of my own volition."

  "And why is that?"

  Morrigan paused for a moment and searched for an answer. "Because...I want to see mountains. I want to witness the ocean and step into its water. To experience a city rather than see it in my mind. Actually, truth be told, leaving is harder than I imagined."

  Aedan knew that feeling of desire mixed with reluctance. He felt it when he so eagerly wanted to leave home for the first time when he went to the university in Orlais, but was apprehensive to leave the familiarity and comfort of his home. "I know that feeling, Morrigan. More than you could imagine. If there's one thing I've learned this week is that things you enjoy can quickly burn to the ground. So be sure to enjoy everything you can for it can quickly be taken from you."

  That bit of wisdom caught Morrigan off guard. She hadn't expected Aedan to give such profound advice, let alone care enough to give her any. Perhaps this quest wouldn't be the curse she originally thought it to be. Perhaps Aedan could save his homeland after all.

  And so forth he went, this mighty Alammari, sword in hand.

  To fight the tainted 'spawn, Chasind and Avvar.

  For all who threatened the valley would know his strength.

  And all who lived in the valley would stand behind him as their Teryn.

  For he was Hafter, son of Dane, and protector the Fertile Valley.

  And all his sons would share his strength and protect this Valley, our sacred home.

  Fereldan Poem, This Rise of Hafter

  Arriving in Lothering

  With the Wilds now behind them the four of them now approached the small village of Lothering along the Imperial Highway. As they approached the entrance to the village Aedan saw a group of no more than five men blocking a young woman's path. When she tried to force her was past them they threw her to the ground and pointed a sword at her! What the hell was this!?

  The leader of the highwaymen saw them approach. "Oh, look men! More travelers to attend to! I suspect that fellow's the leader. Come, lads we'll tend to this lass later."

  "Highwaymen." Alistair informed. "Preying on fleeing refugees. How low can you sink?"

  "They are fools to stand in our way." Morrigan confirmed. "I see no reason in denying them the fight they want."

  "Er, they don't look much like refugees." Pointed out a fat, ape of man who was so intellectually retarded and physically repulsive that it stood to reason that his parents must have been swinging from the same family tree before they conceived him.

  "The toll applies to everyone, my friend." The leader explained to the fat retard.

  "Oohh, right! Even if you're no refugee, you still have to pay! Those are the rules." The ape explained like he was winning a game.

  "Well, since we're new here why don't we play a new game?" Aedan explained sarcastically. "It's called 'Get the Fuck Out of My Way'. The rules to win are simple: you get the fuck out of my way and stay out of my way until we're gone. If you win, you get keep living long enough to go home and fuck your mothers."

  "Well, I can't say I like the sound of that game." The bandit answered. "I think we'll just keep playing by our rules."

  "Right. We get to ransack your corpses, then. Those
are the rules!" The ape announced.

  Morrigan's patience was wearing thin. She had little patience for men enough as it is, but these men certainly reinforced her mother's teachings about the male species' intelligence or lack thereof. She especially didn't like how their leader was eying her.

  "Of course there are other ways you could pay us." The bandit leader suggested lecherously. "You could leave that raven haired lass with us along with this young lady here." He pointed to the brunette young woman they threw to the ground.

  "Please. I just want to go home." The woman begged. Aedan's anger began to rise.

  "We show them a good time and when we're done you're free to go. It won't cost you a copper!" The man laughed through his rotted teeth.

  "Are you serious!?" Alistair said in disgust. "Aedan you can't be considering this!"

  "No, you can't." Morrigan warned dangerously.

  "Oh, we'd show them a grand old time. Isn't that right lads?" The dirty-minded bandit laughed looking back at his men as they all joined in.

  "Yeah, we'd show them a grand old time." The ape laughed.

  "So what'd you s-hrglkl!" Aedan's hand swiped across the man's throat so quickly they barely saw him rip out his esophagus and trachea! After realizing what just happened, the retarded ape yelled and raised his sword so far over his head he could've scratched his ass with the tip. Aedan slammed his palm into the ape's nose and jammed his nose bone right into his small brain!

  Dane pounced on another and bite out his throat, while Morrigan froze and shattered him to pieces, while Alistair knocked the last ones head off. With the highwaymen taken care of Aedan looked to the young woman that they assaulted. She was probably around Aedan's age and was quite lovely. She was light-skinned with long, chestnut brown hair that cascaded down in thick locks and had deep amber colored eyes. She wore a scarf around her neck and her white blouse was cut low enough to show off a modest amount of her cleavage. Aedan found her to be very tempting. Dane trotted over to her and licked her hand comfortingly.


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