by Janet Todd
The Fair Jilt
Poem to Sir Roger L’Estrange
Agnes de Castro
A Discovery of New Worlds
The History of Oracles including ‘Essay on Translated Prose’
To Poet Bavius Occasioned by his Satyr
‘On the Death of E. Waller, Esq’, Poems to the Memory of... Waller
The History of the Nun
A Pindaric Poem to the Reverend Doctor Burnet
‘Of Plants’, The Second and Third Parts of the Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley
A Congratulatory Poem to Queen Mary
The Lucky Mistake
The Widdow Ranter
Miscellany Poems
including ‘Verses... to be sent to a fair lady’
The Younger Brother
The Histories and Novels
including ‘Love-Letters’
All the Histories and Novels
including ‘Memoirs of the Court of the King of Bantam’
‘The Nun, or the Perjured Beauty’
‘The Adventure of the Black Lady’
Histories, Novels, and Translations
including ‘The Unfortunate Bride or the Blind Lady’
‘The Dumb Virgin’
‘The Unfortunate Happy Lady’
‘The Wandring Beauty’
‘The Unhappy Mistake’
The Muses Mercury
including ‘Complaint of the poor Cavaliers’
Familiar Letters of Love and Gallantry together with T. Brown’s Remains
including ‘To Mrs. Price’
A Song. ’Tis not your Saying’
‘A Letter to the Earl of Kildare’
Bibliography of Works Written before 1800
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