Gripped (Prescott #2)

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Gripped (Prescott #2) Page 11

by Joanne Schwehm

  When I arrived at the course at Thousand Oaks, the rest of my foursome were waiting for me on the first tee. All three were assistant pros at local clubs, also going to Florida to try to join the tour. They were great golfers, but Tony was the best in the group. I’d played with him at a couple of amateur events, and we’d always been neck and neck.

  Mark walked up and shook my hand. “Prescott, you ready to lose today?”

  “No way, Mark. Keep talking your bullshit. I’ll wipe this course with you.”

  We both laughed and I greeted the other men. Tony naturally told me to put my money where my mouth was, but Greg remained silent. He’d been in a slump lately, so slinging trash talk probably wasn’t what he wanted to do.

  We teed off, and I outdrove them all by about ten yards. My game was on point. When I made it to the green before the other guys, I was sure I was going to win the hole, not to mention the round.

  I lined up my putt and addressed the ball. With a steady stroke, I curved the ball exactly as I’d hoped and dropped it in the cup with a total of three strokes for a birdie, one under par for this par-four hole. The other guys didn’t do as well and ended up with a four. If I kept up the pace and played like this in Florida, there would be no stopping me.

  Tony and I shared a cart and drove to the next tee. We continued our battle, and by the fourteenth hole, Tony and I were even, while the other two were three strokes behind.

  The sound of a motor came around the corner, signaling the approach of the beverage cart. Courses always hired the prettiest women to offer golfers drinks on the course, knowing men would buy more from them. I immediately thought of Beverly, realizing this was probably something else she hated about the sport.

  “Hey, Suzy.” Greg waved to the attractive brunette who hopped out of the cart and opened the cooler on the back.

  “Hi, guys. Can I get you something?” She smiled and batted her eyelashes our way.

  After Tony, Greg, and Mark all got a drink, Suzy looked at me. “What about you? Can I get you something?”

  I shook my head. “I’m good, thanks.”

  “So I’ve heard,” she said as she licked her lips.

  My gaze snapped to her as the guys stood to the side, grinning at me as they elbowed each other.

  Suzy cocked her head to the side. “You’re Dane Prescott, right?”

  “I am,” I said, my tone wary. Who is this person, and how does she know me?

  “I’m friends with Carina. She told us all about you.” And there went her tongue running over her lips again. She probably thought it was sexy.

  “Carina? And who’s us?” Why am I even talking with this woman? I just want to play golf.

  “I won’t tell her you don’t remember her. Apparently you didn’t the morning after, but then she said you did.” She shrugged. “Well, I’ll see you around. If you ever get bored or need a stress reliever, just holler.” After giving me a sizzling smile, she hopped into her cart and drove it past us to go the next group.

  Mark stepped up and clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Jesus, Prescott. Is there any chick your dick doesn’t know?”

  He laughed, enjoying poking fun at me, but I was still trying to remember who the hell Carina was.

  • • •

  Once I collected my winnings and was driving home, I realized Beverly hadn’t called. After I’d left her place yesterday, I’d hoped she’d call and we could smooth things over, but she hadn’t. An odd sense of disappointment hit me, so I called her, only to get her voice mail. Not knowing what else to do, I left her a message.

  “Hi, it’s me. I’m headed home and was wondering what you were doing.” I paused too long and was cut off by an annoying beep.

  Jeez, I hope that was nice enough.

  My phone rang, and I didn’t even bother looking at the screen when I pressed the button on my steering wheel to answer the call. “Hello?”

  “What’s up, big brother?”

  I smiled when I heard Gretchen’s voice. “Hey, sis. Not much. Driving home from the course.”

  “Are you on hands-free?”

  “Yes, Mom. What’s up?”

  “Pardon me for not wanting you to crash. Nothing is up. Can’t I just call my brother?”

  “Aww, do you miss your favorite big brother?”

  “No, I saw Drake at Mom’s.” She giggled at her jab that I wasn’t her favorite sibling.

  “I’m wounded, sis. You’re lucky you’re the only girl, or you wouldn’t be my favorite sister.”

  “Anyway, I was just calling to say hi and make sure you were doing okay.”

  “I’m fine, thank you. How are you doing?”

  “I’m good, thanks. I’m off like a prom dress.”

  I rolled my eyes at her comment, which she couldn’t see, of course, but it was still warranted.

  “Nice visual, sis. Thanks for that.”

  “Ha-ha. Okay, I’ll talk to you later. And, Dane?”


  “Even if I wasn’t the only girl, you know I’d be your favorite.” Gretchen laughed and disconnected the call before I could debate her on that.

  The thing was, she was probably right. Our family was blessed when she was born.

  I parked my Jeep and walked into my apartment, which wasn’t going to be my apartment for much longer. I’d not only lost my job—I’d also lost my club-subsidized apartment on Long Island, which meant it was time to head home to Virginia. And being in Virginia meant I’d no longer be close to Beverly, at least until she moved there for her new job.

  Of course, considering how mad she was at me, that might be a moot point. But I’d think about that tomorrow.

  Pushing those concerns aside, I headed to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich, trying to decide what I should do tonight. Since I was still in the doghouse with Beverly, I guessed my choices were between staying in and watching TV, or going to Louie’s. And since I was a little restless and out of sorts, Louie’s was starting to sound pretty good.


  ~ Beverly ~

  Sleep evaded me most of the night as my brain replayed my overreaction to Dane yesterday. It had taken everything I had not to run after him or send him a text when he left. This morning, my brain was still churning when I got up.

  I plopped down on the sofa and propped my feet on the coffee table. Ever since Dane saw that picture, I couldn’t turn my brain off. More memories flooded my mind, but they weren’t about Dane, they were of my past. The thing was, I wasn’t that insecure, lonely girl anymore. The only thing standing between me being with Dane was my own stupidity.

  The guest house was eerily quiet, the only noise the thoughts in my head, and they were all telling me I blew it. The fact still remained that I was moving to a new state and Dane was potentially leaving for a long time. We didn’t have much time together, and I’d just shortened it, but my stubbornness and insecurities prevented me from contacting him. I was in unfamiliar territory here, and handling it badly.

  The day passed slowly, and after hours of playing devil’s advocate in my own head, I’d had enough. There was a time for sulking and a time for action, and I was going to do the latter.

  I jackknifed off the couch, threw on a denim jacket over my blue tank, slid on my pink Chucks, and headed out the door. Once in my car, I knew exactly where I was headed. All I could do was hope he was there too. It was time for me to take matters into my own hands—literally, if need be.

  When I pulled into the parking lot of Louie’s, I was pleased to see Dane’s Jeep parked on the side of the building. I parked my car in a nearby spot, touched up my blush-colored lipstick in the rearview mirror, and said to my reflection, “You can do this.” I nodded back at myself and let out a nervous breath.

  Louie’s was bustling tonight. Small clusters of people filled the front of the bar, evidence that happy hour was in full swing. I should have worn heels so I could see over their heads. Peanuts crunched under my sneaks as I weaved my way through the crowd to ge
t to the bar. I scanned the room in an attempt to find Dane, but it wasn’t until a man stepped aside that I saw him. My heart thumped like a bass drum as I took a moment to appreciate the fine specimen he was.

  The black T-shirt he wore stretched across his defined back as he leaned on the bar. Louie stood in front of him. They must have been talking about something because Louie appeared to be nodding in agreement with whatever Dane was saying. The chatter of the crowd was overshadowed by my heartbeat, which had traveled from my chest and now throbbed in my ears.

  When Louie looked over Dane’s shoulder and caught me watching them, I headed their way.

  “Hey, pretty lady.” Louie smiled at me, and then nudged Dane. “Your prom date is here.”

  I frowned because I didn’t know what he meant. Was that some kind of man code for get the hell out, the woman you want to avoid is here?

  Dane turned around. His eyes widened and his lips started to curl up, but then they stopped.

  I scanned the bar and noted that the seat next to Dane was occupied by an older gentleman sipping a martini, but the one next to him was vacant. So I tapped the stranger on the shoulder.

  “Excuse me?”

  When he turned toward me, his face brightened. “Yes, young lady?”

  “Hi,” I said with my nicest smile. “Would you mind moving down one stool so I can sit next to my friend?”

  The man nodded and got up to do as I’d asked. But before he settled in, he looked at Dane. “She’s a beauty. I wouldn’t let her out of my sight tonight if I were you.”

  All Dane did was nod as I took my place next to him.

  Louie plopped a cocktail napkin in front of me. “What can I get you, Bev?”

  “I’ll have a diet soda, please.”

  He nodded in acknowledgment and pointed to Dane, who had two empty shot glasses and a half-empty pilsner glass of beer in front of him. “You want another shot?”

  “No, but I’ll have another draft.” Dane picked up the glass and drained the contents in a single gulp.

  I placed my hand on his forearm and felt his muscles flex beneath my touch, but I left it there. “Dane, can we talk?”

  He looked at me, his brown eyes studying mine as if he was wondering what the hell I was doing there. At this point, I was asking myself the same thing.

  No. I can do this. After I gave myself a quick mental pep talk, I forged on.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday. What I said wasn’t fair.”

  Dane nodded before he took a sip of the beer Louie slid in front of him. “It’s cool. Don’t sweat it.”

  “Is it? Then I guess I don’t need to explain that when you stopped, I figured you didn’t want me because I’m not your usual type. I let my insecurities cloud my judgment, and I acted immaturely. It’s my defense mechanism—to push men away. It’s the only way I knew how to protect myself.”

  Louie placed a drink in front of me and walked away.

  “I didn’t want you?” Dane’s eyes narrowed as he glared at me. “Why in the hell would you think that?”

  I gave him a quick shrug. “I figured once you saw the picture of me and how I looked when I was younger, maybe you changed your mind. You wouldn’t be the first guy to have that reaction. It can be a turnoff. I’ve lived with it most of my life.”

  Before I knew what he was doing, Dane grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch. “Does that feel like I don’t want you? Do you know how hard it was to walk out of your place without limping?”

  I tried to stifle a laugh, but then I realized my hand was still on his erection. Although his hardness was covered in button-fly denim, I could still feel it as if it were bare. I jerked my hand away and took a sip of my soda.

  Dane swiveled on his stool. “Can I be blunt with you?”

  “Why stop now?” I let out a small laugh, but could feel my insides trembling.

  “Not here.” He slid off his stool and tossed a fifty on the bar next to his untouched beer. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the front door, steering me to the side of the building where his car was parked.

  “Where are we going?”


  We stopped walking, and Dane turned so my back was against the brick wall of the building. He rested his hands on the wall on either side of me, pinning me between his arms.

  “When I said you were different, I didn’t mean that in a bad way. It was meant to be in the best way possible. Being with you at your place, sliding my hands over every inch of your body, being able to smell your arousal as I knelt in front of you, it was the sexiest moment ever. Believe me when I tell you I’ve had a lot of moments. The fact is, I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I did you. I didn’t want to stop. Don’t you get that?”

  Confused but increasingly aroused, I whispered, “Then why did you?”

  “Because I like you.” He lowered his head and let out a breath before looking me in the eyes. “I’ll never lie to you about what I’m feeling and you may not always like the truth, but that’s what it will be. So if you have a question, ask me and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

  A flurry of possibilities ran through my head, but there was only one question on my mind right now. “Will you kiss me?”

  The corners of Dane’s brown eyes crinkled when his lips curled into a smile. He leaned in and placed his right hand on my neck, and the other remained planted on the wall next to me.

  Then our lips met, and I was lost in a way I didn’t want to be found. It didn’t matter that we were in the parking lot of a bar. It didn’t matter that anyone could walk by and see us. It didn’t matter that he’d kissed many women before me.

  What did matter was this man, this gorgeous man, wanted me as much as I wanted him. I’d never experienced anyone quite like Dane Prescott. The way his tongue explored my mouth made my body sing like a tabernacle choir.

  Oh my God. He wasn’t kidding when he said his tongue was talented. This wasn’t our first kiss, but each one seemed better than the last.

  I slid my hands up his chest to the back of his head, where my fingers threaded into his soft hair. When I gave it a gentle tug, my feet left the ground as he picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His hands cupped my ass, sending delicious tingles through me as his hips pressed mine into the wall behind me.

  Our lips never lost contact, but our kiss became more aggressive. I never thought I could have an orgasm from a single kiss, but I could feel myself on the precipice of one.

  Without thought, I broke the kiss and touched my lips to the curve of his neck, giving it a little nibble as I felt wetness pool between my legs. Holy shit, I was going to come right here in the parking lot. My legs tightened, begging for more pressure from him. As if he read my mind, he pushed forward just enough for me to feel his hard-on against my sex, making me moan as an orgasm shuddered through my body.

  Dane’s forehead dropped to mine. “Fuck, Bev.”

  Our breathing was labored and I was completely sated, but I knew he wasn’t. At once, my inner vixen came out, and I didn’t even know I had one. She was telling me to give him pleasure like I’d received, but it would take more than a kiss to get him there. This was going to be a first for me, and of all people, it was with the nameless wonder. The only difference was, he knew my name, and I was determined for him not to forget it.

  There was no way I was going on my knees in this parking lot, but I had an idea. “Let’s go for a drive.”

  Dane reluctantly set me down and gave me a curious look as he opened the door of his Jeep for me. Once we were both inside, he asked, “Where to?”

  “Just drive.”

  We pulled out of the parking lot. When we were on a stretch of road I knew had few stoplights, I unfastened my seat belt, reached over and unclicked his, then removed the strap that was over his lap. As I did, he asked the exact same question that was running through my mind.

  “Um, Beverly, what are you doing?”

  “Just drive.”

sp; Doing my best to avoid the gear shift, as well as the rational part of my brain telling me this could end up badly, I carefully arched my body so I could reach him. With shaky fingers, I unbuttoned the top button of his jeans, then gave a small tug and watched the other metal disks slide through the holes until I spotted his black boxers. When I reached inside the flap, the car swerved to the right and back to center.

  I freed his dick and stared at it for a minute as I gently brushed my fingers up and down his length. As I did, it bobbed up as if to say please. So I obliged, first taking a tentative lick at the tip of him. The car swerved again before Dane righted it, and I sensed him looking down at me as he rested a hand on my back.

  “You’re going to get us in an accident,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I can pull over.”

  “Just drive.”

  My mouth surrounded him as I sucked and licked my way until he was deep inside. I struggled a little, trying to figure this out since he was larger than I’d expected—the tip hit the back of my throat, and I hadn’t taken all of him in yet. His hand gripped my hair as my head bobbed up and down while I stroked him.

  Startling me, the car came to a screeching halt on the side of the road.

  Dane hissed a breath through his teeth. “I’m going to come, Beverly. If you don’t want me to, you need to stop now. Holy fuck!”

  Was he kidding me? There was no way in hell I was going to stop.

  Despite his warning, I kept my movements steady, flattening my tongue against a vein that ran along the underside of him. He groaned right before he thrust upward, and his warmth coated the inside my mouth and slid down my throat. I’d never let a man come in my mouth before and prayed I didn’t hate it. Luckily, I didn’t.

  I slowly released him and tucked him back in his boxers, then buttoned his jeans before I sat in my seat. After I refastened my seatbelt, I let out a contented sigh.

  Dane shifted in his seat, his face the picture of satisfaction. He remained silent for a few moments, probably trying to compose himself.

  Finally, he turned to me and said, “You’re full of surprises, Ms. Whitfield.”


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