My Last Chance

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My Last Chance Page 2

by Vanessa Sueroz

  – What is wrong with you? – Lena asked me in the middle of the class when I was lost again thinking about what Lu had said.

  – Lena... – I started.

  – Menezes – she corrected bored.

  – Lena, do you wanna go with me to the party tomorrow? – I asked very seriously.

  She looked at me scared and raised her eyebrows, thoughtful.

  – Are you really willing to try that crazy Daniel’s idea? You know you will lose me, don’t you? – she asked confused.

  – I wanna take a chance! – I said sort of shy without knowing if that was actually the right thing to do.

  – Do you promise you will never speak to me again after that? – she asked.

  – If you don’t get out of this party as my date, I will never look to your face again, if that is what you want – I answered confidently. Now I couldn’t turn back.

  Lena raised both eyebrows amazed. She analyzed me for a couple of seconds; seconds that seemed hours.

  – Ok, Igor. I will talk to Rodrigo – she told me smiling.

  I am not kidding! She was actually smiling at me! And she called me Igor! The happiest day of my life was just starting.

  Chapter II

  It still doesn’t feel real this conversation I had yesterday morning with Lena, better saying, with Menezes.

  I showered still going through all the information of these last hours. The happiest day of my life was in its beginning. The day by her side was wonderful. Together, we did everything smiling. We didn’t fight and I wasn’t told off for calling her Lena or sunshine.

  It was really a perfect day until the last minute.

  As soon as the break period started after the stem cell class, Lena was gone.

  At first, I thought she was running away from me and I was really upset when I saw her smiling at that useless guy, Fagundes.

  – She’s smiling at him! – I complained regretfully to Cláudio that was by my side.

  – But he is almost crying – Cláudio added smiling.

  It was then I stopped to watch closer the scene in front onf me. Lena was really throwing that confident smile at Fagundes but he seemed upset at every word she said.

  I was unable to understand for a couple of seconds until Fagundes passed by us very annoyed and nearly knocking me off.

  – Enjoy it, Cintra! – he said angrily when he passed by bumping into my shoulder.

  I didn’t know if I laughed at him or hit him. I was going to the party with Helena.

  – Take a deep breath for your sunshine is coming – Daniel warned me laughing.

  Lena came towards us with a soft expression.

  – What are we doing in our break? – she asked looking straight at Daniel.

  – You I don’t know but I am going to study in the library – Daniel quickly stated.

  – Study or flirt with Ana? – Lena wanted to know with a malicious smile.

  – Both – Cláudio answered for him before Daniel went away. – So, Lena. Where’s Lu?

  – She went to the post office.

  – I’m going after her and I’ll let Igor take you for a walk - Cláudio joked giving me a wink with his right eye.

  They didn’t even try to hide they were leaving us alone.

  As soon as Claudio walked away, I offered Lena my arm.

  – Shall we go? – I asked smiling.

  – Let’s go! – she answered putting her bag in the arm I offered. – Thanks for carrying my bag. It’s really heavy.

  Lena got off of me without getting me stood up. That’s already big progress.

  We went to the park that was close by.

  She sat under a tree and I sat by her side.

  – Do you really think you’re going to win? – she asked after some seconds of heavy silence.

  Honestly, I could not recognize Lena. She always has stones in her hands to throw at me... Alright, we had agreed she would treat me well but this was strange.

  – Lena, let’s not talk about this now, please. I just want some small talk and to show you I can be a nice guy when we’re not fighting.

  – But I like flighting with you! – she admitted, smiling confuse.

  – I’ll miss you yelling but right now I wanted to see your smile – I answered dreaming.

  She looked at me raising an eyebrow.

  – And what’s inside this evil head of yours? – she asked.

  – No big deal. You’re very suspicious – I said smiling. – But, then... What are you going to do when university is over? Have you decided if you will be working in hospitals or if you will have your own office?

  - I still haven’t. My mother suggested traveling to some places, to get to know their health system so I can learn a little. And you? If you weren’t a doctor, what would you like to be?

  – Try to guess! – I asked humorously.

  – Soccer player? – she tried guessing, amused. Alright... I’ve always loved soccer and played with the boys but things change, don’t they?

  – I’ve already thought about it but I wouldn’t be able to build a family. I would always be traveling. And I wanted to be a famous doctor to help people – I answered.

  – Igor Cintra thinking about building a family? Who are you and where did they take Cintra? – she provoked with some irony.

  – Funny girl... I mean it. Every man dreams of settling down beside a great woman – I’ve said thinking of Lena wearing a bridal dress.

  It must be a beautiful scene!

  – Wake up! – she said laughing. I think she noticed I was daydreaming, better, daydreaming about Lena. – Nor all men dream about it – she corrected thoughtfully when I looked at her.

  – Do you know any crazy guy that doesn’t think about it? – I asked suspicious.

  – Cláudio, of course. And Daniel because of the situation with this parents – she said upset. I think due to Daniel’s situation.

  – Daniel is an exception. He should not think his life will be like that of his parents. I’ve told him a million times that the woman that loves him will accept him as he is, and he won’t need to worry about any of this. And Cláudio... He won’t admit it but I know him enough to tell he’s in love.

  – Cláudio Costa does not fall in love! – Lena repeated, miming Cláudio’s annoying body posture.

  – You women don’t know how hypnotizing you are – I joked.

  Lena just laughed

  – What about your family? – she asked me when she finally stopped laughing.

  – My dear mother, Sara, is very beautiful. Just like you! – I paid her a compliment.

  Lena put on an annoyed face.

  – Calm down, sunshine – I said in a playful tone. – I was not trying to hit on you. Those pick up lines like: ‘you’re as beautiful as my mom’, don’t fit me. I only said you’re alike because she also has dark hair like yours and mine, she is short, stubborn, intelligent, charismatic, kind, stressed and she loves to control me – I’ve explained laughing even more about her.

  Lena turned red before saying:

  – I’m not short and even less stubborn! – she put on a grumpy face pouting.

  I laughed to tears.

  – Did you know pretty girls are not allowed to pout? You deserve punishment – I stated with a crazy idea in mind.

  – What do you intend, Igor? – she asked raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms in the chest line.

  – I intend nothing – I answered getting closer.

  – This naughty boy face can’t deny it – she pointed relaxed.

  – Grumpy girls should learn to smile! – I announced before starting to tickle her.

  Scared of hurting my fragile sunshine, I simply let her run away. In the end, I was lying down with a threatening Lena sitting over me.

  – Surrender or I’ll kill you with tickles – she threatened happily laughing.

  – Nor even under torture! – I joked.

  – Are you sure? – she asked with a rascal expression.
  Exactly! My righteous Lena had the biggest rascal face I’d ever seen.

  – Don’t you want the seniors help? – she offered laughing even more.

  – No! – I’ve answered between laughs. – By the way, I do want help... Lu, help! Lena wants to kill me! – I screamed when I saw Lu and Cláudio passing by.

  The two got closer, laughing at us.

  – Here is an unseen scene: Helena Menezes over Igor Cintra, and he is nearly shirtless – Lu said with a smile.

  It was then I realized Lena had raised half my shirt while tickling me.

  I’ve never seen my sunshine so red in six years. Lu knows how to make mean comments.

  – Nice ab shape – Lu commented pretending to be interested.

  Was it me or did Lena got up angry? Was she angry because she was taking off my shirt, for being seated over me or due to Lu’s compliment? I’ll never know the answer.

  – How did you two start the torture session and no one calls me? – asked Cláudio humorously while the girls went far away with amused expressions.

  – It wasn’t that bad. – We’ve heard Lena say a little before Lu started jumping like a monkey.

  – What’s up with her? – asked Cláudio seeing Lu’s joy.

  – I don’t know... But it must have been something good – I answered shrugging.

  It didn’t take too long and we were already in the Genetics class. For my amazement, as soon as I got into the room, Lu started screaming:

  – Cláudio, sit here. Lena wants to sit with Igor.

  I and Cláudio exchanged looks confused but Cláudio soon joined Lu and I joined Lena in the front. I wasn’t surprised when I saw her blushing due to her friend.

  – I’m sorry about Lu – she said ashamed.

  – If you don’t want me to sit here, you just have to say it – I started upset already expecting her to kick me out.

  – There’s no problem – Lena answered with a light smile.

  I don’t need to say this was the first Genetics class I’ve liked.

  Lena even helped me answer the quizzes, touched my hand while handling me a book and other similar things.

  For the first time, I was one of the first people to deliver school work and the detail is it was correct. I’ve finally honored my student residence name.

  – Congratulations, C... Igor! – Lena told me as soon as I finished the questions.

  – I had certain help – I joked talking about her.

  After the double Genetics class, lunch time finally came and it was evident that I went to the restaurant in the company of no one less than Helena Menezes.

  It was very funny when we happily entered the usual restaurant. I was finishing telling her one more of the adventurous story of the boys and Lena was laughing to tears. Everybody that knew us were looking at us amazed. Some even had dropped their chin. What did we do? We laughed even more.

  – I think you’re calling everybody’s attention – she joked while we sat by others and her friends.

  – I’m calling attention because I’m accompanying the prettiest girl in this university – I answered charmingly.

  – So cute! – complimented Bárbara, Lena’s friend, making her blush even more.

  – What are we up to today, dork? – Cláudio asked as soon dessert was served.

  I had thought of disturbing freshmen but now is forbidden. In my time, they even cut the hair and now I can’t even point the wrong classroom. – I answered upset. - What about organizing a study group? – I asked already with second intentions in mind.

  - One of those where you drink more beer than study? – Cláudio asked with that naughty smile.

  - Of course, after all, we don’t have tests in sight to justify us studying to death. – I answered shrugging.

  - We have to constantly study so we don’t need to study so hard during tests. – Lena commented firmly.

  - Do you study everyday? – Lu asked thoughtful.

  - At least an hour. – my Lena is so diligent.

  - And even though I see you spending the night in the library one day before test. – I commented.

  - Course. I need to review the subject. – she asked very innocently.

  - I already have experience with tests. You just have to think like this: if you were the professor, what questions would you choose so that no one would answer correctly? Then, I study those.

  - Test experience? I am finding it hard to believe that you had a great rank in the entrance examination test. – Lu complained.

  - I also make me this question and try to think of questions that could be on the test. It´s not such a bad idea. Cláudio is really experienced in it. – Lena answered letting us all amazed.

  Even I let my shin drop in disbelief. That really is the last straw. I could never think she’d agree with Cláudio regarding studies.

  – I was kidding! – she continued laughing like a lunatic. – Did you really think I’d consider you both experienced?

  – I am experienced in all aspects, Lena. Don’t you wanna try later on? – Cláudio offered striking a pose.

  Girls laughed ashamed.

  – I prefer the hottie of Igor! – Lu said in opposition, making Cláudio’s smile fade while mine increased.

  – Are you sure, Lu? Cláudio is way more good-looking and experienced... – pointed Lena, making my smile fade and Cláudio’s mockery smile increase.

  – Didn’t I tell you it was perfect? – asked me Cláudio winking me an eye, full of himself.

  – You, Cláudio, good-looking? That’s impossible. When it comes to beauty standards, no one compares to me and my sunshine – I said smiling.

  While Lena blushed again, everyone laughed of Cláudio’s fading smile.

  Unfortunately, lunch flew by quickly just like the rest of the day.

  Soon after dinner, we all went together to the soccer field. Cláudio, Alice and I wanted to play a little and we had set a mixed team to practice some sport once in a while or, better saying, we were thinking about practicing something, girls were thinking of slimming down.

  – Let’s stay at the grandstand – Lu said while the team entered the changing room.

  How did they intend to slim down, since that’s what they said when we set the team, if they never play?

  – Don’t you wanna stay here? – asked Bárbara. – The shirtless boys landscape is wonderful.

  – You have a boyfriend, Babi! – Lena shouted, all red and serious.

  – I have a boyfriend but I am not blind, friend – answered Bárbara shrugging and making me laugh.

  Lu and Lena sat in a bench waiting for us to get changed. Cláudio, who is not innocent at all, pretended to have lost his uniform and went asking the girls wearing only a towel.

  – Did someone see a uniform with my name out there? – he asked shamelessly while the girls looked at him smiling.

  – Isn’t it that one in your locker? – asked Vagner pointing to a blue dot getting out of Cláudio’s locker.

  - Party-pooper! – Cláudio complained while my goddess laughed.

  After that, practice ran normally – except for the fact that Lu and Lena were screaming from the grandstand.

  As soon as practice was over, I saw Lu pulling Lena out but I had no time to figure anything else out, for soon I entered the changing room and went straight to shower. After all, Lena could not see me all sweat like I was.

  – Igor, we’re going! – I heard Daniel scream.

  – Wait there! – I screamed back. – I’ll just get changed.

  As they didn’t answer me, I simply left out of the shower box wrapped in a towel and went to the lockers to talk to them. But who do I see? Helena Menezes.

  – Oh, my God! – she said turning her back with hands on her face as soon as I showed up in front of her.

  – I’m sorry, Lena. I didn’t know you were here. – I’ve rushed to the locker to get some clothes.

  – The girls locked me here – she explained still giving me
her back. – Are you dressed yet?

  – It depends... Do you want me to get dressed? – I joked finishing zipping my pants and getting a towel to try to dry my hair.

  I don’t know why but Lena simply turned to look at me with an angry face.

  – Of course I do! – she said turning her back again.

  – Watch out, sunshine... I’m completely naked. – I teased and she soon closed her eyes.

  – Put on your clothes soon, we need to get out of here – she asked with her eyes still closed and extremely red.

  Did I mention I love to make her blush?

  I simply started laughing like a lunatic and she peeked me through a gap in her fingers that were closing her eyes. As soon as Lena was sure that I was fully dressed, or almost dressed, she moved her hands from her face, pouted and crossed her arms in the chest line.

  – That was not funny at all! – she complained upset.

  – Of course it was – I said still laughing.

  – Moron! – she still had her arms crossed. – Aren’t you going to finish getting dressed? – she asked after a while I was only looking at her.

  – Didn’t you say we are locked? – I asked without understanding why the rush for me to get dressed.

  – I thought you and those muscles could get us out of here – she explained sitting in a bench.

  I stroke a pose showing all my built muscles and, to my surprise, she just smiled.

  – Fear not, beautiful lady. I’ll take you out of here – I promised striking a superhero pose. I think it only missed the flying cloak.

  Lena laughed so hard when all I managed was to hurt myself trying to use force to open the door.

  – I see... It seems we’ll be here until they remember us – Lena sentenced, still laughing at my face.

  – I was only testing to check how resistant the door is – I said going back and grabbing my shirt. It was then I remembered there are easier ways to open a door, and I looked for the spare key but instead, I found a Cláudio’s note in my locker.

  After I read it, I thought it would be best to show it to the stressed girl on duty.

  – What’s this? – she asked when I handled her the note.

  – A wonderful note from our dear friend, Cláudio – I answered sitting by her side.


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