Beneath Submission: (An Unbreakable Series) Romantic Suspense

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Beneath Submission: (An Unbreakable Series) Romantic Suspense Page 8

by A. L Long

  Scraping the sharp edge of the wire against the side and bottom of the window, the crud that had built up slowly flaked off. I was very hopeful that soon I would be able to open the window and escape through it. Using all the strength I had, I tried lifting the window, but it wouldn’t budge. I couldn’t understand what was going on. I had cleared the area around the window and it should have opened.

  There was no way that I was going to give up. The only thing I could do was break the glass and hope I wouldn’t be heard. I looked to the mattress and grabbed the pillow. Removing the pillowcase, I wrapped it around my arm. Using my elbow, I hit the glass as hard as I could. I did this several times, only ending up hurting myself without so much as a crack in the glass.

  Falling to the bed, my fate was inevitable. There was no way I was going to make it out of this room. An uncontrollable wave of anger came over me and I began throwing everything I could grab against the door. First was the tray and then the pillow. If I could have lifted the bed, I would have thrown it as well.

  The noise that I made alerted whomever was on the other side and the door opened. Mr. Sakai was standing on the other side. I had nothing left to throw, so I came at him. Giving it everything I had, I pushed at his chest, trying desperately to escape. My efforts may have cost me more than I had bargained for. Standing behind him was an Asian man holding a gun and it was pointed directly at me.

  Taking a step back, I looked up at Mr. Sakai and asked angrily, “What do you want with me?”

  “You need to come with me. If you promise to behave, I will reward you with more desirable living conditions,” he advised.

  I wasn’t sure what he was up to or why he would be offering me a better place to stay, but I wasn’t about to argue. Standing to my feet, I grabbed my shoes and followed him out of the room.

  As we walked down the hallway, I could hear the sounds of moaning and screaming. I could tell that they were coming from females, but I couldn’t tell from where. They must have been coming from behind the many doors that lined the hallway. I could feel their pain and if I could have, I would have freed them.

  Based on the cool temperature and from the view outside the window, I knew I was being held below ground, but instead of climbing a set of stairs, we stopped in front of an elevator. The door opened before we reached it with no one inside. Looking up toward the ceiling, there were several sensors along with cameras. The minute we stepped inside the car, the doors closed, and the elevator began ascending without any of us hitting a button. It was very high tech and I could only wonder what other high-tech equipment secured the large, mansion-like home.

  The doors to the elevator opened up to a large room. It was decorated in reds and golds and looked like a theater room except there was no wide-screen TV. Instead, there was a stage dressed with a shimmering gold curtain. The curtain wasn’t what would be expected a theatre. It wasn’t velvet and the fabric was thin and allowed some indication as to what was on the other side.

  Mr. Sakai took hold of my arm and guided me to the front row of chairs facing the stage. I had no idea what I was in for and was becoming very nervous as he began speaking to the man that rode with us on the elevator and who also held the gun on me.

  Staring straight ahead, I focused on the large dragons that were positioned on either side of the stage. I was pretty sure that some sort of show was going to be taking place. I found it rather odd that Mr. Sakai brought me here until the curtains lifted and a woman bound to a cross came into view. Her mouth was gagged with a gold ball and her feet and hands were held in place with leather cuffs. She was completely naked and seemed to be enjoying what was happening to her. She was Asian, based on the color of her skin. It was very pale and perfectly flawless. She was very beautiful.

  Keeping my eyes forward, I waited for something to happen. Mr. Sakai took hold of my hand and said, “I think that you will enjoy the exhibition. You will find that Aiko is very responsive.”

  It was then that I realized that the woman bound to the cross was the woman that served us the sake. She looked so different. Pulling my hand away from his, I knew there wasn’t going to be anything about this performance that I was going to enjoy. Lowering my head, the sound of music filled the room, and since I wasn’t willing to look up at what was taking place, I was forced to look at her. Mr. Sakai snapped his fingers and soon I felt strong hands pressed tight against my head, making it impossible for me to move. The grip became tighter when I closed my eyes, and I knew that it was time to give in and open my eyes.

  Focusing my attention to the stage, a man dressed in a leather pants, which matched the leather straps that crossed his muscular chest, appeared from the side of the stage. His face was covered, and I had no idea if he was also Asian or a different ethnicity. I hadn’t noticed it before, but to the side of the cross there was a small table with different instruments on it. When the masked man picked up the whip, his movements reminded me Mr. Colin’s clients.

  When he snapped it against the wooden floor, I jumped at the loud crack. As hard as he snapped it, I wondered if it was for show or if he would be using it so violently against her. I wanted so badly to close my eyes, but knew that pain would be inflicted on me if I did.

  Watching the man on the stage, he walked round the cross as he continued to snap the whip. When he finally stopped behind her, he did something to the cross that allowed it to fall back into a horizontal position. Given the position that she was in, I found it difficult to see what was going to happen to her next. I should have been thankful that I wouldn’t be able to see her being tortured. It only lasted a minute when a screen lowered above her and displayed her lying on the cross from an overhead view.

  Taking the whip that he held in his hand, the man began stroking it against her body lightly. He had only used the whip to spark her arousal until he snapped it against her right nipple. I could hear a moan escaped from her mouth, even though the gag was still in place. I thought for sure she was in pain, until she pleaded, “More, master.”

  With the snap of the whip, he touched her left nipple, which caused Aiko to arch her back. By the time he finished, her nipples looked like they were on fire. She seemed to be enjoying everything that he had done to her. Placing the whip back on the small table, he picked up another item, which appeared to be a large wand. It was long with a ball on the tip. When he twisted the bottom of the wand a vibration could be heard. At first it was only a hum and then it became a loud buzzing.

  Walking between her parted legs, he placed the vibrating wand between her legs and pressed it against her clit. Her body began to squirm, and he immediately slapped her on the leg, which caused to her to hold still. Unhooking one of the straps that was crossed over his chest, he used it to secure the vibrator in place.

  Moving away from her once again, he went to the table and grabbed another item. I knew exactly what it was, only because it had been used on me many times. Testing the clamps, he sauntered over to her and sucked on each nipple, lapping and kissing them with care before securing the clamps on the hard buds. Her back rose from the cross, giving in to the pressure being applied to her reddened peaks.

  She was receiving stimulation from every sensitive part of her being. Her head was swaying from side to side as she tried to escape the pain mixed with the overload of pleasure she was receiving. It was only after he adjusted the vibrator and dipped it inside her channel that she moaned frantically before her body went limp. I could see the aftermath of her release spill from her body as her juices ran between her cheeks, landing on the floor beneath her. I didn’t know if she would wake up, but the curtains began to close, ending the performance.

  I was amazed that she was able to take so much. As degrading as it was, the performance had left a tingling sensation between my legs. The minute Mr. Sakai snaked his hand up my thigh and under my dress, he was also aware of my arousal.

  With a smile of satisfaction, he said arrogantly, “Soon it will be your turn.”

  When I was brought to my new prison, it didn’t matter how gorgeous it was. I knew I was doomed and there was no way that Xavier would ever be able to find me. All I wanted was things to be the way they were, and the only way to do that was to be positive and find a way out of this place.

  Searching the room, I couldn’t find anything that would help me out of here There were bars on the window making it was impossible to escape through. The door was locked, and I was pretty sure there was a guard standing on the other side keeping watch. Looking in the closet, there were only clothes and shoes inside, which I assumed were for me. I had no intention of wearing any of them even if they were gorgeous. I didn’t want any part of Mr. Sakai or what he had planned for me.

  Sitting on the bed, I noticed that there was a phone on the nightstand, I knew that my luck couldn’t have been that good. Taking a chance, with nothing to lose, I picked up the receiver and listened for a dial tone. Taking a shot in the dark, I dialed 911. I was just about ready to yell for help when a man’s voice came over and asked, “What can I get for you, Tessa?”

  It was then I knew that the only calls I could make were within the house and my calls for help would never get outside the house. Hanging up the phone without responding, I fell back onto the bed, staring at the painted ceiling. Concentrating on the crystal chandelier above the bed, I could feel my body sink deeper and deeper into the mattress. My eyes became heavy and all I wanted to do was fall asleep. I knew that if I didn’t move, I would be doing just that. Pushing to a sitting position, I got up from the bed and headed to the window.

  As I gazed out over the estate, I noticed that there was a young man washing a car just outside a four-stall garage. My eyes were fixated on him. I could tell he took pride in cleaning the expensive car. When he was finished, he drove the car into the garage and turned off the engine. When he got out of the car, he placed the key in a cabinet just inside the garage door. Taking another key from the cabinet, he went to another car and drove it out of the garage, I presumed, to wash it.

  It dawned on me that he might be my way out of here. I just needed a way to get to him without being seen. As I continued to watch him, he looked up at me and gave me a smile. He didn’t look like the rest of the staff. He was much younger and for some reason didn’t seem to belong. Taking a better look at him, I noticed that he had straps wrapped around his ankles that, in the beginning, were hidden by his pants. I wouldn’t have noticed them, but when he bent over to pick up the bucket of water, his pants hiked up just enough to reveal the straps. My guess was that he had been a prisoner just like me.

  Giving him a friendly wave, he reciprocated by waving back before continuing with his job. Moving from the window, I felt a sense of hope. Maybe he would be my way out.


  Every day I looked out the window, hoping to see my new friend. I was beginning to think that he may have been taken away when he finally appeared by the garage. He must have known I was at the window because he looked up with no reason other than to see if I was watching him. He gave me a smile and a small wave, and I was glad that he was still around. Waving back at him, I watched him fade into the garage, reappearing with some gardening tools. It was only when he was out of sight that I moved from the window.

  I had been in this room for almost a week and there was no word from Mr. Sakai. The only person that I saw was Aiko, and even she never spoke to me. Her only assignment was to deliver my meals and then leave. Several times I had tried to start a conversation, but in the end, I was only talking to myself.

  I wondered if the reason I hadn’t seen him was because he was away on business. As soon as the thought crossed my mind the door opened, and he was standing with one of his men behind him. Rising to my feet, I watched as he said something to the man before leaving the room. Mr. Sakai began walking toward me, stopping inches from where I was standing. Placing his hand on my cheek, he said eagerly, “It is time. I have something special planned for you.”

  I turned my head, which caused him to belt out a deep laugh. It was almost deafening to my ears. Leaving my side, he walked over to the closet, remaining inside it and out of view, until he appeared with a shimmering blue gown draped across his arms. I kept my eyes on him as he placed it on the bed. He didn’t say another word until he got to the door. “Take a long hot bath. Aiko will be in momentarily to help you get ready.”

  “Ready for what?” I demanded.

  “That, my sweet girl, is a surprise,” he smirked, leaving me clueless.

  I wasn’t about to do as he requested. Sitting back down on the bed, I ran my hand across the dress before picking it up and throwing it at the door. Just as it hit the wood, the door opened, and Aiko was standing on the other side. She picked up the dress, shaking it lightly to straighten it out. Gazing over to me, she said, “It would be better if you did as Mr. Sakai said. He does not like to be disobeyed.”

  Carrying the dress over to the bed, she laid it neatly across the top. Bowing her head, she went to the bathroom and the minute I head water run, I knew she had started the bath that Mr. Sakai requested.

  I knew that I wouldn’t be winning this fight. I knew what Aiko was capable of and the last thing I needed was to feel her wrath. Walking to the bathroom, I began stripping off my clothes while she poured something with a sweet fragrance into the water. Holding out her hand, she offered to help into the deep tub. Pissed more than anything, I refused her hand and balanced on one leg while swinging the other over the rim of the tub.

  I was glad that Aiko didn’t stay to help me with my bath. Instead, she left the room, closing the door behind her. I waited until she was gone and listened for the bedroom door to close, signaling that she was on her way out, only the sound of the door closing never came. Hurrying as quickly as I could, I lathered my skin with the expensive soap. I had taken a shower earlier, so I was basically covering my skin with a new scent. Rising off the soap, I pulled the lever to the plug and got out of the tub. After wrapping my body in a thick towel, I slowly opened the door to find that Aiko had left the room. I thought for sure she was still around since I didn’t hear the door open. I guess the walls were thicker than I thought.

  I had a funny feeling that she would be back soon, so I hurried to get the dress on before she came back. I was surprised how good the fabric felt against my skin. When I pulled the zipper up, which was located on the side of the dress, I was amazed at how well the dress fit. Walking over to the standing mirror, I looked at my reflection admiring how amazing I looked. It was much classier than the dress that Mr. Colin had chosen for me when I first arrived. Turning around to check out the back of the dress, I loved the way it cascaded in layers of silk which ended in the middle of my back. It was very elegant, revealing just enough skin to be tasteful.

  While I was appreciating the way I looked, I could hear the door open. Aiko was back, and she didn’t look as though she was very happy. As much as I was intimidated by her, I hated seeing her so sad. Walking over to her, I asked her very carefully, “Aiko, what is the matter?”

  When she looked up at me, I could tell that she had been crying. I wasn’t sure that she would tell me, but when she began to speak, it didn’t surprise me at all. “It was my fault. I shouldn’t have left you. Mr. Sakai gets very angry when I disobey him.”

  “He is an evil man. He is no different than Mr. Colin,” I confessed.

  “The man who brought you here?” she inquired.

  “Yes,” I responded. “What does Mr. Sakai want with me, Aiko?” I continued hoping she would answer me.

  “Most of the girls who come here, like you, are transported once they have been trained. Just like your Mr. Colin, Mr. Sakai will sell his girls to the highest bidder,” she admitted.

  “And you, have you been sold?”

  “No, I have been with Mr. Sakai for a long time. He would never sell me. I am his.”

  “So that is why he wanted me to watch you? So I would see my body would be used in the same manner,” I ask

  “Yes. There will be an auction next week. The girls that are ready will be sold and the ones who don’t put forth the effort to learn will be slaved,” she stated.

  I couldn’t believe what she was saying. Either way, if I didn’t get out of here, my fate would be unpleasant. If I couldn’t find a way out, I needed to be prepared for which option would be the lesser of two evils.


  Even though my current situation was very bad, I was thankful that Aiko finally opened up to me. She was actually a sweet girl who had been put in a bad situation as well. Just like me, she was taken from her family and raised by a man whose only desire was to use her for his own personal gain. Even though she was never taken to hotels or other places, her obligation to Mr. Sakai was the same. She was put on display and if a client paid enough money then he would have the chance to do as he wished. I guess, in a way, I was lucky. The only person that observed my interaction with other men was Mr. Colin.

  With the help of Aiko, I looked beautiful. She had an impeccable talent in applying makeup. My skin looked flawless and the way she fixed my hair looked amazing as well. It was way more than I expected.


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