The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed

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The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed Page 4

by A Tale of the Blood Breed (lit)

  He could have found a willing female easily, but he knew the end result would be the same—wanting that one small female who had his cock screaming with arousal.

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to get his body under control. It didn’t help much, but he was able to get his eyesight back to normal and make his fangs retract. His cock, on the other hand, got harder and more insistent in its demands. He brought his hand to his crotch and rubbed his dick. He continued to rub himself as he watched her, his eyes dropping to half mast as his lust intensified. She stood, her long, slender legs perfect for wrapping around his waist. He growled low in his throat when he saw the male she sat with grab her wrist. He could easily hear their conversation even through the thick glass that separated them. The male’s words were caring and affectionate, and Aleksei calmed slightly. She walked away, the sway of her ass so tempting it made his mouth water. He already anticipated what her blood would taste like, sweet and addicting, like her pussy would no doubt be.

  * * * *

  Lana pushed the exit door open and was greeted with the cool night air as it stirred the hair around her face. Her surroundings were what she expected to find behind the massive club structure. A large pond sat ahead of her with thick trees lining three sides of the sparkling water. The moon shone high above, the stars reflecting from the water’s pristine surface like thousands of diamonds. She looked around, trying to spot Kayla. It was dark, but the moon illuminated enough of her surroundings that she could see fairly well. The only noise that penetrated the air was the gentle lap of the water kissing the shore.

  She called Kayla’s name a few times but got no response. She walked toward the pond and sat on one of the many benches. The wind blew lightly, giving the air a little chill and causing goose bumps to form on her skin. Leaves rustled, and branches swayed as the wind continued on its journey. She was about to get up and search for Kayla when faint laughter came from the woods. Male and female voices sounded not too far away, the sounds coming closer and closer.

  Kayla came out of the woods as graceful as a deer, laughing and talking with a man—the same man she pointed out earlier. They stood close together, not touching but still seeming intimate. As the two of them stepped fully out of the woods, they both stopped talking at the same time and looked at her.

  “Lana, what are you doing out here? You really shouldn’t be alone out here.” Kayla took a step forward, her brows knitted in confusion.

  Anger spiked in Lana at that moment, and she didn’t try to hide it. “It’s not safe out here for me?” She looked at both of them. “You run outside, and I find you prancing out of the woods with some strange man, and you’re telling me it isn’t safe?” Lana pointed at the man and shot him a dirty look. He was so much bigger up close than when Lana saw him in the club. “I should tell your brother about this. He would be thrilled.” She didn’t mean to sound so childish, but she couldn’t believe how stupid Kayla had been.

  “Calm down. I didn’t run off with some stranger. This is Adrik. He works security at the club, and I’ve known him for years. Once I saw his face I was shocked at first. It’s been years since we saw each other.” She looked up at him, and Lana could see an unfamiliar emotion play across her features. “Kaleb probably didn’t recognize him at first. Adrik’s changed quite a bit.”

  Lana felt the tension leave her body but only marginally.

  “Come on, let’s go inside.” Kayla tried to take Lana’s hand, but she lightly shook her head.

  “I want to sit out here for a little while. The club was getting crowded, and I need a little fresh air.”

  “She’ll be fine. The club’s property is secured, and nothing will breech the perimeter.” Adrik spoke to Kayla, completely ignoring Lana in the process and pissing her off.

  “I’m right here. Oh, and by the way, I’m a grown adult, and if I want to stay outside by myself for awhile, I don’t need your consent.” It probably would have been wise to go back inside, but she was starting to feel cramped and hot in there. Adrik had said it was safe out here, and if Kayla trusted him Lana felt secure in her decision.

  “Okay, but don’t be too long. You have your phone?”

  “Yes, I have my phone and will call you if I need to.”

  Kayla gave her one last disapproving look before she turned and walked away. Lana watched as the two of them headed back into the club, Kayla giggling at something Adrik said. She sat back down on the bench and watched the water continue to lap at the shore. The wind continued to rustle as the time slowly seeped by.

  Chapter Four

  “Don’t you read the papers?”

  Lana jumped at the deep, accented voice that came from right behind her. She stood quickly and turned around. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her whole body tingled with adrenaline. The man in front of her had his hands up, palms facing her in an act of surrender.

  “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me for frightening you. I only meant to wonder if you have not read the news.” He dropped his hands and smiled. “You should have an escort with you since times are not safe right now.”

  She took a few steps back and eyed him. His size alone startled her. He was impossibly tall, at least a foot taller than her five foot five. His large body was packed with muscle and clearly defined through his shirt. His dark hair was cropped short, and his eyes looked light, maybe blue, but it was hard to tell. He placed his hands in his pockets, making his forearms bulge out. The first few buttons of his shirt were left open, giving her a glimpse of smooth skin. She felt silly just staring at him, but she was unable to tear her gaze from him. She drew her eyes away from his body and up into his chiseled face. He was gorgeous. She shook her head at how closely she was examining at him. Never had she felt so compelled to stare at a man before—to look at his body like she couldn’t control herself. She felt drawn to him, everything inside of her blossoming at the very sight and smell of him. She inhaled and actually closed her eyes. Oh yes, she could definitely smell him. The breeze gently stirred around them, his scent enveloping her.

  * * * *

  Aleksei hadn’t meant to scare the human female, but her fear poured off of her in waves of distress. His cock got impossibly hard from being in such close proximity to her. She smelled incredible, like sugar and honeysuckle. It had been ages since he took a human female—they were so very fragile. He smiled as her eyes roamed over his body, her arousal becoming thick and coating her. It smelled heavenly, and it took all of his willpower not to pounce on her right then. Even though she was aroused, he knew it wasn’t because of his allure—a Blood Breeds pheromone that made them irresistible to humans. There was something very different about this female—something that made all logic leave his brain.

  When she opened her eyes, the pupils were dilated, lust reflecting back at him clearly. He inhaled deeply, knowing the arousal she felt was completely natural, totally untainted by his allure. He opened up his mind, probing her thoughts as to what she was thinking at that moment.

  A wall blocked his entrance to her thoughts, something that never happened. Her mind was a blank slate, white in appearance to him. Occasionally, he could see a word here and there pop into her mind, but he really had to concentrate. Never in his long existence had he come across a mortal or otherwise who could block their thoughts from him. That was his gift, the one special talent he was born with.

  Like all Blood Breeds, he was born with a special trait—his was the ability to read minds. All it took was a light probe of their mind, and he could see their whole life before his very eyes. He knitted his eyebrows together and focused all his concentration on the female. Again, all he got was the blank canvas, occasionally one of her thoughts crossing through his mind.

  Have never been so aroused.


  Stop staring at him.

  He could grasp what she was getting at, but he should have been able to hear every detail of her mind and see every image she had ever seen. This intrigued him. He shook
his head and cleared his own mind, losing the concentration he built. He shouldn’t be concerning himself with flukes of nature since there were much bigger problems to worry about. He needed to fuck her and feed and then go hunting for Bloodless. All he needed was one night, no, not even one night, just a few hours to fuck her and feed from her. His cock throbbed through his jeans, and his fangs pricked the bottom of his lip. The metallic taste of his own blood slipped over his tongue, causing his need for her to increase. He could smell her blood flowing through her veins—a heady combination that had his cock giving a mighty jerk in his pants.

  “What is your name, milaya moya?” His desire and hunger were so thick he couldn’t help but speak in his native language.

  * * * *

  Lana’s whole body relaxed. Her limbs and muscles went lax at the sight and smell of the man in front of her. He asked her something. Her name, maybe? Her brain was hazed over in a lovely state of euphoria that she honestly had to ask herself that question.

  “Your name, my sweet, what is it?”

  She shook her head to clear the aroused haze and spoke in a mere whisper.

  “Lana, my name is Lana Alexander. Wh-what’s your name?” Was that her voice that sounded so sultry? He was so close to her now that she got a full, concentrated dose of his scent, and it was intoxicating.

  “Aleksei Draukowski.” He swept a hand behind him, gesturing toward the club. “This is my club.” His smile wasn’t forced, just a sexy lift of his lips.

  She hadn’t heard anything he said aside from his name. Standing so close to him made her feel so feminine. His big body dwarfed hers, and she closed her eyes at the arousal that washed through her. Her vagina started to get wet, dripping into her panties as the fabric rubbed against her skin. Her nipples tightened against the lace fabric of her bra, the friction doing nothing but heightening her senses.

  “What’s wrong with me? I’ve never felt this strongly for someone before.”

  “I could say the same.”

  He brought his hand up and gently ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek. She closed her eyes and turned her head into his embrace. It shouldn’t have felt so good, and she shouldn’t have gotten wetter by the simple act of his fingers touching her skin. She moaned aloud, not feeling the slightest bit of embarrassment by her actions.

  “Come inside with me. I have an office upstairs where we can be alone.”

  His voice brushed along her senses, causing her skin to prickle with awareness. “I don’t even know you. Why would I go anywhere with you?”

  “You’re safe with me. You can ask anyone.”

  She didn’t know why she fought these feelings she was having. They felt too good. He was so close to her, his body heat wrapping around her and taking the chill away. His hands rubbed along her bare arms in slow caresses like he was imprinting each cell to memory.

  They stared at each other, her breathing growing quick, his steady and strong. His head dipped, and she held her breath. The only sound she heard was the pounding of her own heart. She couldn’t think as his lips pressed gently, but forcefully, against hers. He coaxed her mouth open with his tongue, and she couldn’t stop the moan that left her throat. He didn’t stop, just swallowed her moan and gave her one of his own.

  His tongue swiped at the seam of her lips, the wet hotness of it making her womb clench and a fresh stream of wetness coat her sex. His tongue touched hers, and she couldn’t help but press her breasts into the hardness of his chest. He was skillful and erotic with his ministrations. She placed her hands on his biceps and squeezed her fingers against the tight, bulging muscles just under the fabric. His mouth felt so good, the pleasure so excruciating she couldn’t even imagine what sex would feel like with him—even if she had no experience in that department.

  “Come with me inside, and I will make you feel so good.”

  She let her head fall to the side as his mouth trailed hot kisses down her throat. He buried his face against her neck, and she inhaled as he growled low and deep. It turned her on. That one sound shot straight to her clit. He ran his tongue over her frantically beating pulse, his teeth lightly nipping at her skin. He wrapped his arms around her waist, gently stroking up and her back. She thrust her breasts more firmly into his hard chest, letting her stiff nipples run wickedly over the fabric.

  “You smell so good. I can smell your arousal, and it’s driving me crazy.”

  His voice was a deep growl, and she shivered from the sound. She should tell him no, but the fact that she never felt this strongly about another person couldn’t be ignored. She just met this man, true, but there was something about him that made this feel so right. It was like they fit perfectly, a silly analogy, but a true nonetheless. She nodded at his question and breathed out as his tongue ran over her neck once more. He pulled away, and she suddenly felt bereft, cold and alone. He took her hand, his warmth seeping into her skin and washing the cold away, and led her toward the club.

  Chapter Five

  Kayla looked at Lana, who sat on the bench. She should stay with her even though Lana didn’t want company. Adrik’s warm hand wrapped around her own and led her to a small door on the side of the club’s building.

  “She’ll be fine, I promise. This place is the most heavily guarded facility in all of Stone Brooke.”

  She looked back at Adrik and smiled, knowing what he spoke was true. It was still so surreal she was standing next to him after all of these years. He changed so much from the last time she saw him it was like he wasn’t even the same person. He never had been one of those scrawny boys she went to high school with, dwarfing all those other guys tenfold, but now he was immense. He was still tall, but even more so. His muscles were so defined he must work out daily. He was taller, also, if she could believe that, making her crane her neck just to look into his eyes. His hair was still the same pale blond, but was longer than it used to be, just barely touching his shoulders. It was disheveled, like he just got out of bed and didn’t care what his hair looked like. It was sexy as hell. His eyes were still the same pale blue she remembered, but they now seemed guarded, like he saw too much throughout his life. She should have recognized him right away, but he seemed more intense, more dangerous now.

  He placed his hand on a sensor that changed from black to blue before it gave a soft click. He still had her hand engulfed in his as he opened the door and led the way. They stood in a small sitting area, and he led them to an elevator that was off to the side. He once again placed his hand on a sensor—the same process outside repeating itself.

  “Where are we going? I should probably let Kaleb know where I am.” She looked at him and noticed his jaw had gone tight. She should have known bringing up Kaleb wouldn’t have been a good idea.

  For reasons unknown to her, her twin and Adrik had never gotten along. They had once been civil with each other, but one night that changed. Kaleb never talked about Adrik and certainly never wanted to hear about him. After whatever altercation they had, Adrik stopped coming by, had just disappeared without even a single look back. It had broken her heart. She should be furious with him for how he left, but when she first saw him after so many years, she couldn’t help the joy and longing that washed through her. She had loved Adrik, but he had never felt the same about her. He treated her like a younger sister, but she always wanted more. She told Kaleb about how she felt about Adrik, but he just stared at her and never responded. She had only been sixteen years old at the time. She had so many questions for him, the biggest one being why he left.

  “He knows you’re okay, don’t worry.” Adrik stepped out of the elevator when the doors finally opened, still holding her hand.

  The room was modernly decorated with a leather couch on one side and a large plasma screen television across from it. A small kitchen sat just ahead with a hallway to its side. An arched opening let her see into the kitchen without having to walk any farther. Stainless steel appliances adorned the kitchen as well as a small, dark wooden table and matching chai

  “Where are we?” If this was anyone else other then Adrik, she would have assumed they were trying to get laid.

  “This is a room I use at the club in case I can’t…get home.”

  In case he couldn’t get home?

  She wasn’t stupid. That was guy talk for when he got laid and didn’t want to take the time to go back home. She would be lying if she said it didn’t bother her.

  She stared at him as he started to pace around the living room like a caged lion.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He had gone from being happy and relaxed to being angry and tense. She stood by the door as he continued to pace, finally stopping and staring at her. As she watched him, she felt herself falling in love with him all over again. It was stupid for her to let that emotion present itself, but her love for him had never died. She was being foolish, though. He made it clear all those years ago how he felt about her. She remembered that horrible night like it happened yesterday.

  * * * *

  She was eighteen when she finally got the courage to confess her feelings to Adrik. It was a lost cause with Kaleb, but in the long run, she needed to do what was best for her, even if her twin wasn’t pleased about it. Kaleb told her hurtful things about Adrik, things he knew would cut right to her heart. How he had women all the time—so many in one week that Kaleb lost count. She yelled at her twin, even cursed him, but he just looked at her with a sadness in his eyes. He told her he didn’t mean to hurt her, but that was just the way things were with his kind. It confused her, and she didn’t know what he meant by that, but she was furious and stormed up to her room. She called Adrik, telling him she needed to see him right away.

  Shortly after that call, she knew it was Adrik who knocked on the front door. Kayla knew Kaleb would be angry she called Adrik, but she wanted her brother to be just as upset as she was. She opened her door and listened as Kaleb and Adrik started talking. They kept their voices so low, she hadn’t been able to hear anything, just deep rumbles that sounded angry. Loud footsteps came up the stairs, and she quickly shut the door. She smiled as Adrik knocked and then entered, his presence making her heart skip a beat. He always made her feel this way, a joyous bubbling inside of her body.


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