Crimson's Captivation

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Crimson's Captivation Page 7

by Melange Books, LLC

  “Eighteen,” Uric responded.

  “You will be my daughter’s then. She just turned eighteen. Darya, this young man will be yours.”

  Crimson saw how Darya ran her eyes over Uric. He was cute, and his face was certainly charming. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was physically appealing but Crimson could tell she was enamored with Sergen. “Can’t I have this one?” she begged her mother as she ogled Sergen.

  “Not a chance, my dear. He’s my plaything. Uric will be just fine for you for now, you’ll teach each other.”

  “Mother you are so selfish.”

  The countess smiled. “The day you become an empress, you too can have a stud like Sergen but that is not today.” She laughed, suggesting, “If you do not want the young one, I’ll take him and train him. It would be my pleasure.”

  “He will do,” Darya responded. Crimson noted Darya was now looking intently at Uric.

  “Very well then.” The countess stepped toward the middle of the hallway. She remarked, “Tonight will be a busy night for each of you. I suggest you fill your bellies in the feast hall and get some sleep. You are all aware of the decree of this house?”

  Uric was the only one to respond, “Yes.” He had learned quickly the punishment of not obeying.

  She stepped forward and brought the riding crop to rest under Sergen’s chin, and then she dragged it in little x motions across his chest, and then moved over to the chest of Crimson and Sena doing the same. “You three didn’t answer.”

  Almost in unison, they responded, “Yes, my lady.”

  “Hmmm … I wonder if I’m being too lenient. You’ve caught me in a good mood and I will let this infringement go without punishment. But do not test me. When I speak, I expect your attention. When I question I expect an answer. When I order I expect it to be followed. Is that understood?”

  All replied, “Yes, my lady.”

  “Good, much better. Eat and get some rest. Crimson, you and Sergen will be our entertainment tonight. Sena, you may be called to join. It depends on how pleased I am.”

  Darya spoke up. “Can I take Uric now?”

  “Not now, dear, let the young man eat and rest. It’s good to wait, it makes it all the better.”

  Darya pouted and crossed her arms.

  In the feast hall, the captives ate luscious lamb meat, fresh apples and juicy forest berries, washed down with one allotted glass of wine. They were starving having not eaten for two days. Schedules in the palace were noted by chiming of bells. One chime indicated the start of an event, two chimes its completion. Sergen was still eating when the bell chimed twice and he tried to palm an apple, was found out and received three lashes from an unpleased caretaker. They were led to modest servant quarters, where the men were given silk bottoms and the women light camisoles. The door closed behind them and locked.

  Crimson felt lonely and nestled against Sergen. Her eyes grew heavy and she slept, dreaming of a young man and a willow tree.

  The indigo sky was just turning to grayish white light in the moonlight when Sergen and Crimson were awakened, and escorted to the Countess’s bedroom. Crimson cringed when she saw Tor sitting in a chair opposite the bed. The curtains were drawn and candles were lit casting a soft ocher light over Tor and the Countess. Tor had his hand on the pubis of the countess, his fingers moving in and out of her. She had her fingers wrapped around his member slowly stroking him up and down.

  “You two,” she ordered, “undress and come stand before us.” Sergen removed his bottoms and Crimson hesitated before removing her camisole.

  “Face each other and kiss, slowly, deeply,” the countess ordered.

  Sergen leaned in and kissed Crimson on the lips. At first, the kiss was soft and persuasive. Then his tongue searched her mouth and found hers. Soon her face was flushed, her nipples were erect and her body seemed to grow heavy and float at the same time she fell into him. They were both breathing hard, and their hands were roaming over each other’s body as Tor and the Countess disappeared into the backdrop of ocher colored shadows.

  Sergen cupped her breast and wanted to suck on her nipples. His cock throbbed and surged between her legs, pressing against her sex and she began to slowly thrust against him, caressing and rotating herself against his stiff shaft. The silky friction of him only made her want him more.

  “Stop, stop!” the countess insisted. She tossed Crimson a red ribbon. “Crimson, tie his hands behind his neck.” When Crimson went around Sergen and collected his wrists, she knew the countess for the first time could see his erect cock. It was long and thick, the candlelight cast its shadow on the wall. The shadow seemed to thrust and move. The countess stroked Tor even harder. With her left hand, she pushed Tor’s fingers deep inside her and began moaning and writhing in her chair.

  Crimson interlaced Sergen’s fingers and loosely tied the red ribbon in place and waited for direction. “Kneel and please him with your mouth,” she ordered.

  Crimson knelt in front of Sergen and grasped his shaft with her left hand, then kissed the tip and licked the head of his cock. She pushed his cock up and away from her and, for the first time, she really noticed the length, his head landing an inch or two above his navel. She licked the length of him and then ratcheted him straight towards her mouth, trying to find an angle that matched the back of her throat. Her lips engulfed his head, wetting it with her saliva. She sucked him deeper into her mouth and felt him swell and thrust against her tongue.

  The countess began to moan loudly while Tor slid his fingers in and out of her. He moved along her cleft, and then used his thumb to circle her clitoris. A wellspring erupted through her body and Crimson noticed how she closed her eyes savoring the moment, thoroughly enjoying the sensual foreplay. Tor gyrated and thrust his hips, forcing himself through the tight grip of his wife’s hand as he watched Sergen move his cock in and out of Crimson’s mouth. The sucking sounds were magnificent.

  * * * *

  Darya was tired of waiting. She knew something was going on, because the halls were far too quiet. She grabbed a robe, snuck toward the captives’ chambers and woke Uric. She grabbed his hand and they snuck through the threshold of her mother’s bedchamber. They knelt behind a hanging tapestry and peeked into the room. Sergen and Crimson were on the large bed at the end of the room. Her mother and father’s backs were to her and Uric.

  She whispered to Uric, “See how Crimson’s chin and throat arches when Sergen moves inside her? See how she tightens her grip in his hands? The arch and motion of his back and hips as he plunges into her. Look at the sweat glistening on the small of his back. I want you to do that to me.”

  “Yes, my lady. I fear …” Uric whispered.

  “Fear? How could something so beautiful cause fear? Just look at them. His single purpose enslaves him. I wonder how his member feels sliding in and out of her, pushing past her delicate lips. And her, could she be any more content to just disappear? She must feel as light as a butterfly. She must be on fire. I envy her. Do you see that? I want to be a butterfly on fire.”

  Uric looked away and let his hand fall out of hers. “Yes, my Lady, I see. I fear that I will disappoint you.”

  “Then don’t,” Darya ordered.

  Darya took Uric’s hand and led him to her bedchamber. She skipped across the floor and playfully bounced on the bed. “Drop your pants for me,” she ordered.

  Uric smiled and pulled his silk bottoms past his knees and let them fall to the floor.

  “Good, you’re hard.” She cupped her breast in her hands. “Do I excite you?”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “Do you like my body? Do you want to fuck me? Are you eager to please?”


  “Then take me, but do it like my mother’s Sergen did with Crimson. I want to disappear from the world only to return a satisfied woman. Don’t you dare orgasm, Uric, not until I’m done. Not until I say you can. Am I understood?”

  Uric nodded, pushed her onto the bed, and pulled away
her robe, allowing it to fall around her. He kissed her, and she fiercely responded with her own deep kisses. She was hungry for passion, and wrapped her legs wrap around his waist. Her hands ran over his butt, up his back, and pulled him at the shoulder blades hard into her. “Kiss me, explore, and suck my nipples.”

  Just feeling the heat of her body almost brought Uric to climax. He kissed her nipples and sucked on her lips. His torso pressed against hers while his thighs spread her legs. He reached between her legs, ran his fingers along the length of her clitoris, then his fingers were gone and the head of his cock pushed through. He used his weight to control himself and felt her tighten around him. He tried to push away the feeling of fascination he felt as he entered her but couldn’t. His body reacted in a blissful, tense explosion.

  Darya felt his release inside of her and immediately pushed him off. “You fool! You will suffer for this.”

  “I’m sorry, my lady. I can do better,” Uric pleaded, “I can do better.”

  “Sorry? Do better? You couldn’t do any worse. Were not my instructions clear? I said, ‘like my mother’s Sergen,’ did I not? Did I say you could orgasm?”

  “No. My apologies. I’m young, my lady. I know I can do better. Please, do not turn me into a eunuch.”

  Darya sat up and looked at him. She laughed at the thought. “A eunuch? Uric, I’m not that cruel. You shall be a good student, and I, a good teacher but I shall be harsh with you when you disappoint. I would not cut out your tongue for an inability to form a sentence. Nor would I cut your manhood. No,” she was surprised she was about to utter it, but said it anyway, “what I need is a real man. What I need is Sergen. I tell you this—you’ve disappointed me. You bring Sergen to my bedroom before this night is over and I will forget about his mishap. Agreed?”

  “Yes, my lady. I’ll bring him.”

  “Perfect. Dress, we shall slip back to my mother’s room.”

  “How do you know they are still there?”

  “Please, Uric, don’t remind me of your faults. Sergen is still there. I know he is. I know he and Crimson have only started.”

  When they peeled back the tapestry, the setting of the room had changed. Sergen was now pleasing both Crimson and the countess, while Tor sat in the chair and watched.

  Darya whispered, “See, you’re like my father. He finishes far too quickly. It’s because he’s selfish. You are, too.”

  “I’m not selfish, my lady.”

  “Yes, yes you are. That’s the only way to explain it.”

  Uric was about to defend himself, but thought better of it.

  Sergen thrust into the countess as she straddled his pelvis. Their skin flowed in harmony, using the silky wetness of their sweat. Each deep push of his cock into her stretched her vagina. She closed her eyes and dug her fingers into his chest. She’d leaned back, gasped for air, and grabbed his thighs for support, then fall back onto him, taking him into her to the hilt, slowly fucking him. She moaned with ache and pleasure.

  To Uric, it looked as if the countess was in pain, but Darya understood. It was all unspoken, it would be weaker if it was given a name, but she knew the sensation. She wanted it the first time she undressed in front of mirror and realized she was a woman with sexual desires.

  Sergen gratified Crimson with his lips and tongue, as she spanned his mouth with her clitoris. She licked, sucked and used the softness of his lips to drive her mad. She felt his hot tongue licking her swollen labia, circling her clitoris in a cunning torment. He licked and tongued her without mercy and Crimson screamed out. Her hands were interlocked into his, and their arms were stretched out over his head. The entire weight of her body fell over him, and then she struggled to lift herself up with her knees, only to fall back again, so wanting the slickness, the incomprehensible self-consciousness his tongue provided.

  Darya and Uric watched for several minutes. Darya grabbed Uric’s hand, and whispered, “Come with me. If you can’t please me with your cock, you shall do so with your mouth. The sensation of the tongue and mouth on a body is exceptional, you know that, right? You can do that, what Sergen is doing, right?”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  Darya paused and gave Uric a look that communicated she was doubtful.

  They stopped in the hallway. “Know this, even if you do please me, and I suggest you take it slow. You should survey all of my body before you please me. I still expect Sergen to be at my bed this evening, and I want you there, as well, to watch, and learn.”

  * * * *

  Uric did an exceptional job at pleasing her with his mouth. He didn’t rush in. Even as overbearing as Darya was, she was beautiful, and he enjoyed examining every inch of her body. He focused on areas that are rarely touched. When he first pressed his lips to her sex, brought his mouth to her clitoris, she was so excited, that she shoved him away, but he pursued and captured her. Soon, her fingers tousled his hair, and she accepted the pleasure, and, used the tips of her fingers to pull him onto her.

  Some time later, Sergen and Crimson were exhausted as they were led to the bathing room. Crimson had just had countless orgasms or one long orgasm, she wasn’t sure, and her body was still in a shockwave of warmness and tingles. She felt weak and out of touch with the world.

  After being bathed, and oiled, they quickly fell asleep in their chambers.

  Later that night, Uric woke Sergen and convinced him to sneak to Darya’s bedroom where they found her wide-awake with anticipation.

  Sergen was flaccid, but quickly warmed up as Darya went down on him. Rapidly, he was erect and ready.

  Darya ran her hands over the length of him, “My, I’m not sure I can handle all of you. You shouldn’t be gentle, but do be careful, and quiet. We don’t want to wake my mother. Uric, I want you to watch.”

  Sergen reached between her legs and Darya was on fire and slick. He gathered her legs on his shoulders and guided his cock toward her. He teased her clitoris with the head of his cock, and then entered her several inches until he felt her tighten around him. Then he slid out and entered even more deeply.

  She instantly grabbed his thighs, trying her best to control and slow his progress.

  Another inch and her nails dug into his legs, leaving imprints and red scratch marks. She removed a thin layer of skin.

  Another inch and the palms of her hands pushed against his stomach.

  Another inch and her right hand found her right breast and embraced it, massaging it while her left arm lifted her left leg into the air.

  Another inch and she let go of her breast and leg. She let her legs fall onto his shoulders, and grasped the sheets above her head trying her best to pull away from him.

  “No more,” she pleaded, but it was a lie. He knew it. She knew it. She reached up, grasped his neck and pulled him close. “I love you,” she whispered and kissed him. She pulled herself up to his chest, rested her head on his shoulders. “Say you love me, too.”

  Sergen didn’t respond. He, instead, inched deeper inside her and she let go and fell to the bed.

  Uric watched her reactions and he was erect. He approached the bed and moved toward Darya’s mouth. Just then, the door creaked open and the countess entered the room.

  “What do we have here? Darya, I believe my order was for you to only have Uric? To train him? I don’t think my instructions were vague.”

  Darya slowly opened her eyes. She was unable to speak, but knew she wasn’t finished. She despised the intrusion and scowled at her mother.

  The countess exited the room, left the door open, and shouted down the hallway. “I require a caretaker and guards, NOW!”



  Chapter I

  ~ Warfare and the Honor of Men ~

  Viktor grew impatient. The ride to Nyberg took all of the night and the better part of the next morning. Not only was the trip long, it was in the opposite direction of the horrors that held Crimson. His thoughts always pulled him eastward, and his heart grew heavier with each step wes
t. Nyberg was at least a full day’s travel west, so he dug in deep and pushed his horse to its natural limit. Often, he thought of turning around and taking his chances with the horrors, but the slash across his chest was healing, itching, and an agonizing reminder of how close he had quickly come to death. And dead he’d be no good to Crimson. Nevertheless, grave concern, and a sense of desertion, tormented him. He knew that he should’ve been boarding a boat by now and heading toward Finland. Soon the deep freeze of winter would be upon them and no one would be traveling anywhere, much less across the Baltic.

  The wind whipped fiercely off Lake Malaren where it marshaled miniature icy raindrops into small whirlwinds that strafed him and his men. It didn’t appear to matter if they were on the move or taking shelter, the wind reached them wherever they were and chilled them to the core. Viktor was never so happy to see a village, as he was when they finally made it to the outskirts of Nyberg. The two guards with him were even bleaker about the prospects. Their optimism of the adventure had already given way to unease and uncertainty.

  Viktor wasted no time. He immediately found Johan in the small village and produced the written decree from the princess. Johan studied the document, handed it back, and said in an annoyed manner, “I’m in the middle of training pikemen at the moment. I can train you and your men in a couple of days.”

  “A couple of days?”

  “Yes, lad. We are at war, you know.”

  Viktor’s eyes widened and seemed to amplify his shock. “I’m aware of the war! Sir, this ... it cannot wait, you must train us now.” Viktor lied, “the historian who travels with King Charles has been captured by the horrors of the night and I’ve been given the mission of rescue. I will find him with or without your help, but know this, I will tell him that you refused to train us. I will tell the king and his historian, if found alive, that you, sir, Johan of Nyberg, felt he wasn’t important enough.”

  Johan didn’t struggle with the decision long. “Sir, that is black mail,” but he didn’t want to cross the king, “If I’m to do this, then it must be quick. Historian or not, my duties are clearly set forth by the king and my duty is to Sweden, not Princess Sophia and certainly not to you. Stable your horses and meet me in the library in the middle of the village.” Johan stomped off mumbling to himself.


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