Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3)

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Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3) Page 2

by Alice May Ball

  Linebacker’s voice hardened, “Ingratiating himself now. With the inclusive, ‘We’re all guys together’ gambit.”

  Crane’s nose was still almost touching Carlo’s. The urge to move his feet nagged, but he remembered the sight of the drop behind him.

  Crane said, “It’s like a verbal arm around the shoulder.”

  “He’s bro-hugging us with his words.”

  “Isn’t that sweet?”

  “I’ll treasure this moment.”

  “I’m touched.”

  “I’ve heard that said about you.”

  “You shouldn’t listen to talk.”

  “It’s true. And I know it. But what else is there?”

  Carlo hated them doing that banter, talking across him. Like they could just play with him. He needed to take charge here and get things progressed along. “You aren’t going to choke me, are you?”

  Linebacker shook his head, “Oh, no.”

  Crane’s eyebrows raised like he was shocked by the thought. “Whatever gave you that idea?”

  “God, no. That would be terrible.”

  “No, we’re not going to choke you.”

  “Not after what you did to that little girl’s puppy.”

  “Much less what you did to the little girl.”

  There they were with the fucking puppy again. They couldn’t have guessed it. But how could they know? Nobody knew.

  Smoothly, linebacker told him, “There is a little information that we’d like.”

  Carlo’s eyes narrowed. His guard was up. “And if I give it to you?”

  Crane finally moved his nose back a fraction of an inch and the ledge didn’t feel quite so ready to crumble under Carlo’s heel.

  Crane said, “Then we’ll give you a choice.”

  Stepping back, linebacker said, “You can choose whether to take this pill, or to eat one of these blueberry muffins.”

  The information they wanted seemed unimportant. They even asked in a way that made it seem like something that didn’t matter. And then they gave him a muffin. Carlo looked at the wrapping, turning it over and inspecting it. The two men had also taken a muffin each.

  AITING FOR LIAM and Declan was always hard for me. This was always the time when the hotel suite started to feel small and claustrophobic. It didn’t matter how big it was. In the early days I could amuse myself thinking up things for room service to bring up. Now that I was more used to it, it just made me angsty and impatient waiting, thinking. What was taking them so long?

  Every moment when Declan and Liam weren’t with me, I ached for them. When they were out working I worried they’d get into some trouble or one of them could get hurt. Deep down I don’t think I ever completely shook the idea that they’d come to their senses. I loved them so much, they were so big, both of them, so strong and powerful. Each time they walked into a room you could feel every woman squirm in their panties.

  Someday, I thought, those two fine, hot men are bound to take up with someone else. They could have any woman, any women they wanted. Yet from the first day, there was never a hint that they were ever interested in anyone else, not even for a moment.

  That day is bound to come, I thought, but until then I simply tried to live every day like it could be my last. Because after life with Declan and Liam, there could be no other life for me, I was sure of that.

  At least I had gotten back my love of reading. There was no better way to pass the time when they were out or away or working. Bathing, pampering, grooming, cooking, eating, any of those things, as soon as I’d finish I started to get anxious. Anything that came to an end. That’s where books were great. Especially books in long series.

  That day I wore the gray suit, businesslike but still showed off my curves. With the soft creme blouse, open low at the front and the plain silver necklace, the one Declan said he loved to watch on my collarbone. And underneath, black lace and silk stockings, just like they loved.

  The suit was classy and sexy as fuck. Soft and silky. Liam loved to see me perfectly dressed and made up. The gleam in his eye was what I remembered in the changing rooms of the upmarket couture salon, that first time when he saw me dressed in a suit. He made that low growl when he called me, “Mrs Boss Lady.” “Looking like business all right,” he said, coming nearer. That suit got ripped apart and I got spread wide and stretched across a table.

  When Liam paid for that and all the other clothes that day, the girl in the store blushed as she picked up the shreds. Her eyes glistened and her voice scratched as she held up the torn fragments and asked him, “Shall I wrap these for you?”

  “Sure.” He said, “Gift wrap them with a fucking great bow.”

  He was joking, but she didn’t get it. Her fingers trembled as she tied the ribbons and I stood indecently close to him. Pressed against him, I wanted to swallow his cock so bad right then. I did in the cab. The driver couldn’t keep his eyes on the road. I saw them in his mirror. He tipped the mirror while he was driving to get a better view. Fucker.

  But still I couldn’t wait a moment longer so I pulled a coat over my head while I took Liam’s head in my mouth and let him stretch my throat.

  Thinking about that didn’t help me wait either. I flipped the page on my tablet but I wasn’t concentrating properly. Every sound outside made me start to fidget and run around the hotel suite. I primped pillows for the twentieth time and moved flowers and ornaments around.

  I needed them, both of them. When they were away more than ever, I needed to feel them, feel their strength and their need. To stretch and spread and squeal as they divided me, parted me, pulled me and pounded me. Whether they shook me with one at each end, or they invaded me, sandwiched between them, possessed and penetrated me, the farther, the longer they were away, the more desperately I wanted both of them, all of Liam and all of Declan, all the way inside me.

  ARLO WATCHED THE two men. They were both eating their muffins. Carlo wondered if they had gotten him out here, gone through this whole fucking production, just to show him that they could. Like one of those stupid warnings that the bad guy always gives in dumb movies.

  Carlo unwrapped the muffin. It was from his favorite store. They had taste, he’d give them that. Blueberry wasn’t his usual choice, but it was pretty good. “Mm. The muffin tastes fine.”

  “Of course it does.” The linebacker’s smile was soft as he finished his own muffin. “Why wouldn’t it?”

  Crane snapped at him, “It’s a fucking blueberry muffin, you prick. Why would it be anything but a tasty little morsel of delight?” Carlo decided then and there. Whoever he was, he was going to regret saying that. Nobody talked to him that way. He would find out who these fuckers were and he would staple their ears back. Take a nail-gun to their fucking knees. For now, he just smiled and finished his muffin.

  “And speaking of tasty little delights,” Linebacker held the door of Carlo’s car open for him. “I have a powerful urge for us to get on, get done, and get going now.”

  As Carlo slid into the driver’s seat he wondered if they could have done something to the car. They couldn’t, though. It wasn’t possible. He only had his back to them for a few seconds. He fired up the engine. As he pulled away on the high cliff road, he reached for his cell phone. No fucking coverage.

  As soon as he got back to town, those idiots were going to start wishing they’d never been born. This was the beginning of the worst day of their lives.

  Declan said, “We can’t just go straight back to the delicious Courtenay right now, can we? I mean, we have to see this to its conclusion. Only I have a powerful need to feel the soft press of her full tits and taste the nectar of her sweet, sweet lips.”

  Liam nodded to him as they got into the car. “You and me both. Shouldn’t be long, though.”

  The sun was straight in their eyes and they pulled down the visors. Declan started the engine.

  Liam said, “Isn’t it funny how, if you put a muffin into some glossy, familiar packaging, a person will assume that
it came from a store bakery and it must be something completely innocent.”

  Looking around and then over his shoulder, Declan swung the car out onto the narrow, winding road. He headed the way Carlo had gone. “I think we gave him good enough reasons to want to believe that, though. What’s in the pill?”

  “Same thing as what was in the muffin. The pill would just have been quicker. More cherry and almond flavor, probably, if you crunched it.”

  “And a lot less painful, I’m guessing.”

  Liam opened his window and said, “It’s hard to know. Painful for a much shorter time, though, that’s for sure.”

  “How long do you think the muffin will give him?”

  “Ten minutes. Tops. Probably a lot less.”

  “And the pill,” Declan sped up a little, trying to keep Carlo in sight. “How long would that have taken?”

  “Five. Either way, he’s pretty surely on his way to a very spectacular wreck.”

  “These high switchbacks can be treacherous.”


  They swung through a harp bend and Declan nodded as Carlo’s car appeared a couple more bends ahead. “It wouldn’t be likely that anyone’s going to be looking for another cause of death, then.”

  The road cut into the high cliffs and from here, seeing the space that Carlo had, side to side, it looked pretty narrow.

  “All being well, they’ll be looking long enough to find the remains of your man there.”

  “You don’t think there’s a risk of him being violently sick before he crashes?”

  Through the open window, the hot, dry wind fanned the side of Liam’s head and made his suit coat flap. “I’d say there’s a risk you’d be violently sick if you saw a six or seven hundred foot drop loom up in your windshield.”

  Nodding, Declan said, “Fair point.”

  “And if anybody does bother to sift through the remains of his organs, and find the bitter almond traces, well, there’s a long list of people who would have been happy enough to slip him his final dose.”

  “What makes you so sure he won’t just pull over as soon as he feels bad?”

  “Testosterone. I told you.”

  “Ah, yes, I remember. That was why you said we had to get him angry and anxious, and then take it all down to make him relax really fast.” Declan started to close the gap between the two cars.

  “Leave him energized but anti-climactic.” The tires made a squeak and skipped as they turned through a tight bend.

  “But how will we be sure?”

  Liam held on to the side of the door. “About the result? We’ll follow him. Make certain he reaches his final destination.”

  “I know. That’s what I’m doing. But, I mean, what if it doesn’t happen? What if he gets all the way back to the city and nothing’s happened?”

  “Then at least one of us won’t be worried about it.”

  “How do you figure that?”

  “Because there was enough cyanide in the muffin to kill a fucking bear,” Liam chuckled, “so if he doesn’t die in the next few minutes, one of us will, because you’ll have given him the wrong muffin.”

  “Oh, well, there’s no fear of that, I’m telling you.”

  “I’m seriously hoping so. I’m also pretty anxious to get back to the hotel, you know? Reach a final destination with Miss Depravity back there.”

  “Ah, no more than I am, my man. I’m aching to massage her throat with the end of my cock. And I do mean literally aching. But, business before pleasure.”

  “As always, lad. As always.”

  “I can’t wait to part her weeping lips with the head of my cock.”

  “Should we be driving so close?”

  “You think it’s making him nervous?”

  “Oh, I know it’s making him nervous. No, my concern is for the possibility of us being seen on a video recording, just a few feet behind his back bumper.”

  “Do you think it would be better if we were seen following him from farther back?”

  “Well, if it came to it then, yes, I think it might.”

  Declan said, “But there’s not a camera out here for miles.”

  “Ah, you know these Californians love to have all of the very latest little gadgets. Wouldn’t you suppose that most of them have got dashcams fitted by now?”

  “Sure, but there’s no one out here.”

  “I know.”

  “It’s not like you to be jumpy.”

  “It’s not like you to let the mark go driving off on his own.”

  “It’s a beautiful plan.”

  “It was when I thought of it in the hotel. I won’t be happy now until it’s completed and it’s all done.”

  “There. He’s starting to weave.”

  Carlo’s car lurched by a precipice. He swerved and the tires kicked shale off the ledge. He swung back into the middle of the pavement but as the road twisted back, he was at the edge again. A hail of dust and a spray of shale flew.

  Carlo’s car vanished in the cloud of dust. As they drew closer to the spot, they saw it. The rear stuck out into the road. The front tire was on the edge. The door swung open and Carlo stumbled out.

  He blundered the wrong way, toward the edge and slipped. His heel skidded and his foot flew up in the air as his ass thwacked onto the pavement. He was going over the jagged precipice. And he rolled back to safety.

  He lurched as he spun back up to his feet. Declan was parking and Carlo faced them. His foot slipped. Falling forward onto his knee, he raised an outstretched hand in Liam’s direction as he waved his arm for the car door. The car rocked as he leaned on it. He half stood and stumbled toward Liam and Declan, his hand outstretched. And he turned fast. His neck craned and he folded and leaned. His face reddened and his mouth stretched as he blasted a stream of vomit over the edge.

  Carlo wobbled unsteadily on his feet and turned to blunder toward Liam. His eyes rolled like they had come loose. “His shirt is still perfectly nice and clean.” Liam said with amazement, “It’s a miracle. There’s not a trace on him.”

  “Yes.” Declan said. “My worry is that his stomach is just as clean. He could have expelled the whole of our good work there.”

  “It’s possible.”

  “Do you not know?”

  “I’m not a fucking toxicologist, man. What do you want? I did my homework. It should have worked.”

  “He’s coming to give you a hug.”

  Carlo fell into Liam’s outstretched arms. “Okay, here you go, big feller.”

  “Is he going to throw up again? Ah, no. He’s pretty well collapsed in your arms, I’d say.”

  Carlo slumped in Liam’s arms like a rag doll. “Like a babe. And doesn’t he look peaceful?”

  “Is he gone now?”

  “He will be if we get him back into the car.”

  “You’re right enough there.” Declan moved around Carlo’s slumped body. “I’ll get his feet.”

  “And it would be best if best we don’t give any straggling travelers the view of us heaving him in,” Liam felt Carlo’s arms trembling, “so let’s be sharp about it.”


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