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Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3)

Page 4

by Alice May Ball

Declan loved to make me squirm and squeal and I knew that he knew exactly how much he was making me suffer. And that he would want to do it all the more. His fingers were a delicious consolation for our fuck deferred.

  The knowing pressure of his fingers made it better and worse at the same time. I didn’t know if there was too much point in me following what was going on in the business between the men, but Declan’s fingers sure did make it hard. I should have moved or taken his hand away. But I didn’t want to.

  Declan’s eyes didn’t give a thing away. Except to Liam, of course. I saw him slip a side-eye and his lip tightened as he tried not to grin.

  Gunner was saying, “The conference is in Germany.”

  The deep vibration of Declan’s voice added to my trembling. “I don’t care if it’s in your mom’s house, right on the town square in Gunnerville, capital city of Horst fucking County. We’re in fucking charge. All right?”

  Gunner lifted his hands, palms down. He spoke quietly. “We formed a plan where a location would be selected for a three-cornered sniper hit. Three shots simultaneously.”

  Declan pressed upward to make me quiver inside while he said, “Will we have to take a grassy knoll out to Germany with us, or are they easy enough to come by out there?”

  “Ah.” Gunner frowned, uncertain, “You are making a joke about the Kennedy assassination and some of the conspiracy theories. That’s very clever actually.”

  “Oh, I’m fucking glad you approve.” I watched his lips tighten as he spread his fingers to open me.

  Liam cut in, “Let’s set up a time to meet tomorrow, okay? We’ll make a proper plan then.”

  Horst had a slight sad puppy face. “You don’t like the three snipers?” It was awkward for me to watch as I struggled to be still, and Declan was getting close to making me come.

  Liam’s head shook, “I haven’t thought about it much to tell you the truth, but it sounds like it would depend on the target being at an exact location at an exact time.”

  Horst said, “How about we do it the same way as the operation that you did Carlo?”

  Declan’s voice lowered a notch. “Is that your very subtle way of asking what we did on Carlo?” He scraped behind the base of my clit and my breath leaped. “Jesus H fucking Christ on a bike, Liam. Are these eedjits for real? Are you people professionals at all?”

  Liam’s voice was soft and reasonable. “What I want to know is, what’s this fucking conference? Is your man a delegate to an international hoods federation? The G fucking twenty of the mob?”

  Horst looked down. Gunner shook his head. “I don’t know, actually.”

  “Well, before we go blundering in and blasting away at their honored representative of associated racketeers of the American East Coast, I think it would be worth our finding out a little about what it is we’re stepping into.”

  Horst brightened. “But we could take him here. Before he leaves.”

  Declan’s hand clenched and the whole inside of me back-flipped. “The assignment has a place and a time, as well as a target.” Gunner was about to speak.

  Liam stood. “What Declan’s saying is, we need to understand this situation better before we make any fast decisions. Agreed?”

  Horst and Gunner nodded.

  Declan tortured me. My body cried out from inside for me to let go, but I knew I had to hold it together, at least on the outside, while the men finished their meeting. His thumb pushed my clit into its weeping hood as his fingers probed deeper. He said, “We need some idea what kind of an international conference our big-hitting mob boss is attending.”

  “And,” Liam gestured with his glass, “Someone’s aiming to make a point, having him popped while he’s attending that gathering. That could make a difference to our strategy for exfiltration.”

  Gunner frowned. Declan said, “Someone might be wanting to cut off our escape.”

  Liam nodded. “We don’t want to end up as the sacrifices in someone else’s game.”

  I bit my lip. The corner of Liam’s eye flashed at me. He had been watching the whole time. The bastard. My thighs clenched in little spasms now and it was getting to the point where it would be hard to stop. I was afraid that I was going to burst in front of the twins.

  As the twins got up, Declan rose, too. He didn’t take his hand out of me, though. He lifted me, like I was a pet, a kitten in his hand. I didn’t think I would be able to stand. I thought I would shudder and shake from my core, dissolve and collapse.

  Horst and Gunner shook hands with Liam and Declan, then with me. Each of them looked at me with puzzled concern as I tried to keep my face from contorting and my body from snapping like a mousetrap. Declan pressed his fingers farther inside me.

  HE INSTANT THE door closed behind Horst and Gunner, I sprang on Declan and wrapped myself around him. My lips seized his mouth and I beat the sides of my fists against his chest. Liam’s body shook and he laughed loud and uncontrollably until he tumbled, helpless onto a couch.

  Declan laughed and I beat harder on his chest and his shoulders until he fell to the floor. Fair’s fair, I thought, and squatted on his face.

  “Liam,” I called across the room, “Come and give me your cock to suck while this bastard finishes up what he started.” Declan’s tongue was already slurping at my hood and my swollen lips, and his hands gripped the cheeks of my ass.

  Liam bent down to kiss me but I cried out as Declan’s nimble tongue nudged through my folds and up, deep inside me. As the currents of ecstasy bubbled and quaked, finally I was able to cry out.

  Liam straightened up, still laughing. “Girl, those two Germans will hear you, twenty-two floors down in the lobby.” My fingers clawed at his ass and pulled him to me, then flew around to the front of his pants to find his cock.

  “Oh, my god but you’re wild,” he said as I yanked his zipper down and his hands plunged into my hair. His thick cock sprang out and I groaned as I grabbed it. Hard and fat, I squeezed it as I pulled the length of it and immediately stretched my mouth to cram it in. Liam groaned and his hands clamped hard on my head as I fastened my lips around his hot girth.

  Reaching up from under me, Declan ripped open the front of my blouse. His hands on my bare skin shot a charge through me, even before he yanked down the straps of my lacy bra to spill out and grab at my breasts.

  “Is she thinking about the two Germans, do you reckon?” Liam held on to my head and he didn’t break his rhythm. My walls shook when Declan’s breath coursed up inside me. He nodded and his mouth shook up and down on me.

  He lifted his face off my needy petals long enough to say, “How many do you think she could take?”

  I clutched at Liam’s ass and sucked hard on his rod. I drew him deeper, all the way across my tongue. In until his head hit the back of my throat. Cool, super-sweet saliva gushed into my mouth when I stretched my mouth and my throat wider and shoved my head harder to grip him in the soft, wet tunnel of my neck.

  And I was thinking about what Declan said, I can’t deny it. Declan’s mouth worked harder on my pussy and I pushed my lips over Liam’s thick shaft, all the way along until my eyes were wide, until the tip of my tongue reached his balls. He crouched as he pumped long, hard strokes into my throat.

  And the thought wouldn’t leave me. How many could I take at a time? Declan writhed under me and I stretched down to find his cock, but I couldn’t reach him while my throat was full of Liam. Declan’s hips lifted, but I still could only claw and stroke at the tented front of his suit pants. He pulled open his belt and his fly and hauled out his hot mass, tipping his pelvis into my reach.

  He pulsed hard in my grip. With Declan in my hands and Liam in my throat, I rocked my pussy on Declan’s face as a swirling storm of orgasm broke free and racked my body. Liam rasped and groaned encouragement. My stomach and thighs clenched and my fingers stretched on Declan’s hard hunk.

  My head shook as I came and a ripple of shouts rose in my throat, only to vibrate on Liam’s cock. That set him off and he roc
ked his hard cock deep into me. Rings of pulses began at the base of his shaft and flashed along the length as his hot, salty love filled my throat and spilled around my lips.

  Surges of bursting ecstasy made me open my mouth more and Liam’s luscious juice dribbled out onto my chin. He held my head, pulling my face tight against the heat of his body as he thrust four long, last strokes.

  I fell off his cock and straight down onto Declan’s. His bulging head buzzed on my wet tongue and I rubbed the length of the shaft as I sucked hard and fast on the end. His pelvis jerked. He squeezed my breasts and made my nipples hard and pokey as he sucked on my stinging clit.

  When his cock burst and fountained into my mouth, he shouted and slammed into me and I sucked and slurped down all I could. Gorgeous sticky gobs of him filled my mouth and slid down my throat as I came again on his face and fell, exhausted with my wet face in his hot groin.

  Liam brought drinks over while Declan and I crawled together onto the nearest couch. Liam settled in with us and we curled up together, and snuggled. With the two men wrapped around me, I never felt safer or more secure.

  My head lay in Liam’s disheveled lap. He stroked my hair and looked into my eyes. “You really are a beautiful child, you know that?”

  Declan squeezed me. “And a fabulously filthy girl, too.”

  “Right enough,” Liam agreed.

  “I think she likes the Germans, you know,” Declan said, teasing. I tried to slap him but I was too drowsy and contented, my hand just flopped against him. Besides, it was true. And he knew it.

  Liam agreed, “I think she does, you know.”

  “You don’t mind, do you?” I looked up at Liam, then back to Declan. My eyebrows lifted, imploring.

  Declan grinned. Liam said, “Ah, you know we trust you.”

  “Whatever happened, whatever you did, I know you’d never be disloyal to us.” Liam stroked my hair again.

  I truly hoped he was right. I would never want to, that was for sure.

  HE NEXT MORNING Courtenay slumbered late. Declan stood at the floor-to-ceiling window, silhouetted against the diffuse golden glare through the muslin drapes. Liam called room service for breakfast.

  “She sleeping snugly?” Declan asked.

  “Ah, yes.” Liam’s smile was warm. Protective. “Like a kitten. She stretches every now and then.” He poured himself more coffee from the morning pot. Winced at the cold brew.

  “Oh, I love to watch over her when she does that. Screws her little face and flexes her shoulders or clenches up her legs.”

  “Oh, yes. Then she releases it with a long breath and that soft little smile.”

  “I love to see her smile while she’s sleeping, you know?”

  Liam’s grin stretched, “I think you’re quite in love with our little minx, you know it?”

  “Oh, and you’re not, I suppose?”

  “Ah, well. Maybe just a bit.”

  “A bit.” Declan’s laugh was a gentle mocking. “You’d give her your bones.”

  “True enough.”

  Then Declan asked him, “What do you think that Arden’s up to with this thing?”

  “Ah, I don’t know. We can’t even tell if it’s Arden piling fuckeries on top of bullcrap there.”

  “Something odd’s afoot, and that’s for certain. Asking us to work with the golden boys of the Rhineland.”

  “Or whoever the fuck they are.”

  Declan looked at his watch. “Do you think Arden’s grooming them to take our place?”

  “Or is he just setting us all up for something?”

  “There’s a lot of doubt in this job.”

  “You’re thinking we should take a pass on it, right?”

  Liam scowled at the cold coffee and checked the time on his phone. “God, room service takes a fucking age in these places. We shouldn’t do it. Probably. I’m thinking we shouldn’t. What do you think?”

  “I think we should definitely know more before we decide to commit. I do surely hate the thought of passing up on a perfectly good piece of work.”

  “Me too. Maybe not quite as much as I hate the thought of spending the next few decades dead, though.”

  “Or in jail.”

  “That, too.”

  Declan told him, “You’re always the steady voice of reason. If it was just me, I know I’d probably be blasting out from the middle of one firefight and straight into the next.” Liam shook his head gently as he looked over. Then made a face as he finished the cup of cold coffee. Declan went on, “But if the Aryan twins made a success out of it, and we’d passed it up, well, that would be pretty fucking galling, would you not say?”

  “I would say that. And it could be, what did Arden say, what was the phrase you said that he used?”

  “Reputationally damaging.”

  “Is that even a word?”

  “Do you mean, ‘Reputationally’? I wouldn’t know. You’re the fucking scholar, my good friend. But it’s what he said.”

  “All of the effort we put in to invisibility. The light step. Leaving no trace. We work at having no reputation at all, and Arden wants us to worry about whether it’s a good no-reputation or a bad no-reputation.” Declan nodded as Liam went on, “It’s the way of all business now. The burden moves more and more to the worker.”

  “Ah, now, you’re not about agitating for a Socialist collective of hitmen, enforcers and criminal subcontractors now, are you?”

  “No, you’re right. I’m just letting off steam.”

  “I know what you mean, though. It’s manipulation is what it is.”

  “Who’s manipulating?” Courtenay leaned against the bedroom door, her hair all mussed and her eyes still not fully open. Her voice was dreamy and soft and her turquoise satin robe hung loose around her. Before she’d gotten the words out, both men moved swiftly to her. Liam caught her around the waist and snuggled his face into the crook of her neck.

  From the other side, Declan wrapped his arms around her.

  He poured his voice into her ear, through the muss of her hair. “Looks like you could be in need of some manipulation.”

  She peered up and kissed him, and a pursed, Cupid’s bow smile stayed on her lips while her eyes remained shut. She turned the other way and took a kiss from Liam. Longer, but still gentle. Although, from behind, she did feel through their pants the rising interest of their two lengthening cocks, Liam’s against the cheek of her ass, Declan’s at the back of her thigh, almost ready to slip inside.

  With her eyes still closed, she stroked both of their faces and drew a long, soft breath in through her nostrils.

  “I’m going to shower,” she peeked up, first at Liam, then to Declan. Liam hugged closer against her. “Breakfast is on its way up.”

  Her hands both reached back and stroked and gripped. “That’s not all that’s on its way up,” she breathed hoarsely. She leaned back. Liam caressed her breast through the satin and Declan trace the line of her chin, then her neck and then her shoulder.

  Her head tipped back as both men’s free hands stroked her ass and her thighs. Declan held her throat as he tipped her head back. He looked in her eyes before talking a long, soft, deep kiss. Her back arched and she stretched.

  Room service knocked on the door. Courtenay pulled herself free and said, “I’ll take my shower. Leave me some breakfast.”

  Declan went to check the spy-hole before he opened the door.


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