Life as We Know It (Love Not Included) (Volume 4)

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Life as We Know It (Love Not Included) (Volume 4) Page 6

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “Are you okay?”

  Oh God. This is not happening to me. That voice. I lift my head from the papers littering the floor to meet his burning eyes.

  “What… What are you doing here?” My voice is shaky.

  “Well, it looks like making a business investment. I guess I am getting a little bit more than I bargained for.”

  I’m so embarrassed. This guy. Sam. I can’t even look at him with a straight face and not picture him pounding into me. My cheeks go from a green to a blazing red.

  “You look flushed all of a sudden. Why is that?” He asks in a saucy, full of it, voice. He knows why. He knows what’s flying through my filthy brain right now.

  “Nothing.” I pull the presentation out of his hands, and stand. He follows me up, grabbing my elbow to steady me on my feet. His touch is scorching and I am seconds away from jumping ship and seriously running the hell out of this room. Mr. Wellington, thank God, saves the day.

  “Mr. Dresden, my deepest apologies. Ms. Summers seems to be on a role of mishaps today. I assure you this is not our normal office procedure.”

  “It is no trouble, Charles.” He looks at me and winks. “I hope Ms. Summers here is all right.”

  “Oh, she’s fine.” He brushes me off. “Penelope, for God’s sake, pick up these reports. These gentlemen do not have all day.” He dismisses me and walks back to his chair. Sam, on the other hand, does not. He looks quite angry for some reason, and I’m not sure if it is geared toward me.

  “Does he always speak to you that way?” He asks quietly as he hands me a pile of reports.

  “Oh his bark is a lot bigger than his bite.” I grab at the last report and organize the pile in my hands. Anything to avoid making eye contact with this beautiful man.


  “Yep? I mean… yes. Yes?”

  “Why did you leave without waking me up?” Oh God he is not doing this right here. Right now. He’s still holding my elbow and I can feel the heat in my body rising to a very unprofessional level. My queasy stomach has been replaced with butterflies and the look he is giving me right now is practically melting the panties right off me.


  “Ms. Summers. I will not ask again. Are you ready to present the numbers to Mr. Dresden and his team?” I look at Sam. Or Mr. Dresden. How funny to be noted on such a business level with a man I, not less than two days ago, had inside me.

  “Are you ready to show me what you got, Penelope?” He extends my full name. I need to snap out of this. Maybe slap him or myself. Because this is not happening to me. The probability that he is him is slim. Let’s face it. I’m a numbers person. I would know. I think I’m just dehydrated. This gentleman in front of me is not Sam. A mirage, that’s it. I need to just get through this meeting and then go home. Sleep this off.

  I brush past mirage Sam and head toward the front of the table. “Yes, of course Mr. Wellington. My apologies all.” I make it to the front of the boardroom and begin to lay the reports in front of Mirage Sam’s team. I watch each one open to the front page and begin to review the numbers. Once I have made it around the entire table, I sit down in the usual seat that is saved for me, which is right next to the main client. Sam Dresden.

  “Thank you, gentleman, for your time today. As we begin I would like to have you all flip to page eight on the report. These, you will see, are the quarterly numbers for the first portion of the year. With the backing of the U.S. Green Building Council, Dresden Architects has the investment flow to support the Green Building Alliance and Green Architecture Council of New York.” When I hit this portion, it is my job to turn to the client and express the financial benefit of working with West and Mills.

  I twist to look at Sam who is looking at me as if I’m the only person that exists in this room. Of course I stutter. “Sam… I mean. Mr. Dresden…” Breathe Penny. In and out. “Mr. Dresden, your decision to choose West and Mills is greatly appreciated. As we are also members of the Environmental Protection Agency, and have had a prominent relationship with them, as well as the knowledge for your future investments. Reviewing the numbers on where you have chosen to invest your earnings, the future sustainability reports suggests premium green construction material…”

  I finish my spiel and thank the heavens above I made it through. This is the part where Mr. Wellington steps in and takes over. I normally get to leave, but as I gather my things and begin to push my chair out, a hand under the table grabs at my thigh and forces me to still. I squeal at the warm feel of Sam’s hand, catching the attention of a few of his teammates and Mr. Wellington.

  “Excuse me,” I spurt out, while Mr. Wellington gives me his stink eye, and then continues on. I dare not look at Sam, but I have to. I slowly turn and see him cool as a cucumber sitting in his chair listening to Mr. Wellington’s speech. His fingers, on the other hand, are grasping my skin tightly, while he uses his thumb to caress my inner thigh.

  This is not happening. He is not real. I will never ever, ever drink tequila again.

  An hour later Mr. Wellington wraps up and turns to Sam, looking for confirmation as to whether or not he is satisfied. I look at Sam to see his reaction, because no matter who he is, it’s my job on the line. I try and decipher his facial expression. I want to say he looks semi-bored, which does not sit well for me and my future employment. Under the table he is still stroking his thumb along my thigh. I don’t know how he can keep such a cool composure when I’m about to combust. I really don’t want to lose my job today, but I’m also two seconds away from grabbing his hand and sticking it up my skirt.

  His voice breaks me from my spell. “Charles, I thank you and your team for your time. I will want to review these numbers more closely at my office.” Shit that does not sound promising. Clients normally say yes or no on the spot. I just committed career suicide and now Sam is going to say no, and in about one hour I’m still going to be super turned on and super out of a job.

  “Mr. Dresden, I assure you, your company’s investment is in the best hands, West and Mills hands.” Mr. Wellington is talking but I’m only hearing ringing. Every time he says the word hands I think I shake. Sam’s hand squeezes harder and his thumb brushes just a tad bit higher up my thigh.

  “Oh God.”

  “What was that, Ms. Summers?”

  Oh my God did I just say that out loud? I look at Sam and he’s sporting that devilish grin on his face. “Um, I was just going to say that it’s a good thing that his hands, I mean our hands. Oh God.”

  I’m fired, I am so fired.

  “I think what Ms. Summers is trying to say is that she is very happy her hands are holding my interest.”

  He did not just go there.

  “Well, I’m glad for that. Penelope, you are dismissed now. We will call you if any more of your services are needed.” And at that I am dismissed. Sam releases his grasp and I fly out of my chair. It jerks back and hits the wall. I don’t bother grabbing it and putting it back at the table. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me as I graciously excuse myself from the room. I make it out of the door and throw myself against the wall. What the fuck. I have to do it. I slap myself. Ouch! Okay. So this is really happening.

  I hear people shuffling in the conference room which means they’re breaking. I need to get the hell out of here. I race down the hallway, pass my cube and head toward the bathroom. I lock myself in a stall and try to catch my breath. I am going to be brutally honest and say that I am two hundred percent totally confused on what just happened in there. How on earth is the world this large and, out of everyone who could be our client, today it is the one and only Sam Dresden? Did he know I worked here? Did I ever mention where I worked? I’m pretty sure the only information I spit out was my name and that I enjoyed his finger assault. Oh god. I look like such a hussy. He probably thinks I’m such a slut.

  I hear someone entering the bathroom. I fake flush and get out. I wash my hands and splash water on my face. It’s going to be okay. We are both professiona
ls. I can do this. I dry my hands and exit the bathroom. Turning down the hall, I slam right into the strong arms of the one and only.

  “Whoa, in a hurry?” The rush of cologne and memories shoot up my nose as Sam’s strong arms hold me in place. His thumb stroking my bare arm is like an electric force sending a layer of goose bumps over my sensitive skin.

  “Oh God. Why do you keep startling me?” I push off his suited chest. Shit! What’s wrong with me?

  “How am I startling you? I think I could say the same about you.”

  “Did you know I worked here?”

  “Certainly not. If I did, I might have tracked down your information the moment I woke up and found you gone with no note or way to reach you.”

  “Why would you want to reach me?”

  “What do you mean why would I want to reach you?” He looks confused at my question. I found it to be pretty simple. “Why? Because I was just some one-night stand for you. Why would you want to reach me?”

  This, I believe, turns his confusion into anger. I’m not sure why because I was pretty certain I was just stating the facts. “Because I had an amazing night with an amazing woman and was hoping to have another one.”

  Oh. So there’s the catch. “And you wanted to get my number so we could continue to hook up,” I state rather bitchily, but I’m now disappointed, which is followed by anger. I mean, if I’m correct, he just came out and openly admitted to just wanting sex from me—no romance, dating or possibility of a future relationship.

  He looks taken back at my immature tangent. “What? No, that’s not what I meant. Do not mistake my eagerness for promiscuity. I do not take just anyone into my bed, Ms. Summers.” Oh now were back to surnames. Fuck this.

  “So I was a special hook up is what you’re saying? Well wow, thanks, I feel so honored. Gonna have to decline though. Not really interested in being another notch on your overpriced bedpost.” I know I’m kind of being a childish brat but for all I know this is still a really bad dream.

  Sam huffs loudly and steps forward reaching for me. “Oh for Christ sakes, that’s not what I meant, I meant that the other night, I—”

  He is rudely interrupted by Mr. Wellington.

  “Ahhh, Mr. Dresden, there you are. Is Ms. Summers taking up your time? I do say, Penelope, it’s time you get back to work.”

  Sam stiffens, clearly not approving of the way Mr. Wellington is speaking to me. He takes hold of my shoulder and places me next to him. “Mr. Wellington, I was actually telling Ms. Summers here how impressed I was by her numbers. It amazes me what elite staff you hold here at West and Mills. As I said before, I would like to take the numbers back to my office and review them. But I must insist that I steal your little gem here to help me discern what it all means. Unless you say that she is too busy to assist me.”

  Oh that sneaking conniving, little—

  “Of course. Take her as long as you want. She is at your mercy.”

  He did not just say that! Sam’s smile grows smugly on his face. He turns to me, knowing he’s going to get a licking from me. “Splendid. Ms. Summers I am booked the rest of the day. I have a lot of meetings to notch off,” he wiggles his eyebrows at me, accentuating the word notch. “… but I would love for you to come to my office tomorrow. Plan on spending the entire day there. Can I post you in my schedule?”

  He didn’t just use the word post. And then to insinuate he has a full line up of sexcapades!? Ahhh! I don’t even get to refuse or flip out, because Mr. Wellington steps up and speaks for me, “She certainly will. She won’t even step foot in this office. Penelope you will go straight to him. Do you understand?”

  I’m still gaping at Sam. He just took the decision right from under me! Turning to my boss, “Mr. Wellington, are you sure? I’m really busy tomorrow catching up on my other accounts. I’m sure Kimberly can step in and assist Mr. Dresden.”

  “Don’t be silly Penelope, you are free. There is nothing more important than Mr. Dresden.” I turn to look at Sam and his stupid smug face is now beaming. “I am glad to hear it Charles. With that said, Penelope, I will need your contact information. Probably your personal cell number so I am able to reach you any time I have a question about my files.”

  I’m finding it hard to see the sexual appeal in this guy anymore.

  I MAKE IT THROUGH my day, God only knows how. My anger overpowers my hangover, and by the end of the day, my fingers are sore from pounding on my keyboard.

  He has a full day of appointments. What a sleaze! I’m so mad. This is why I don’t do random hook ups. Because they just get confusing and I’m not built to not attach emotion. I can’t just have sex with a guy and then hear about him having it with a bunch of other sluts. Great, well if they are sluts, then so am I. My crotch is mad at me because I didn’t accept, but she is going to have to deal with it. She has never complained before. She’ll still get her release just less in human form, and more in the form of my electronical devices.

  I step out of my office building into the busy evening, and about get my nose taken off by an umbrella.

  SERIOUSLY!!!!! “Can you get any bigger of an umbrella!?”

  I know it sounds kind of looney to always be yelling at bystanders, but trust me, they don’t even care. They never stop and turn around and say who me? Or did you say something? NO! They just keep walking like it’s their own sidewalk! I hate New York.

  I pull out my buzzing phone and see, right on schedule, Patti calling in.

  “Hey girl,” I sigh into my phone while zigzagging through people.

  “What’s up my slut’s McFriend? How’s it hanging?”

  “Oh you know just fantastic.” There is no hiding the sarcasm there.

  “Oh no. Sounds like someone still has their te-killya hangova!”

  At that, I groan into the phone. “First of all, don’t ever say that word to me again until I tell you it’s safe. And second of all you have absolutely NO idea what kind of day I’ve had.”

  “Oh boy. Give it to me.”

  Preparing with an extra-large sigh, “So, I get to work right? Have Mr. Wellington throw an impromptu client on me, which meant I had to actually work all day long. Tells me that if I don’t nail this client, (which I wanted to tell him I was one step ahead of him on that one), then it’s my job. So I spend half my day crunching numbers, and the other half gagging in the bathroom, to only end up presenting my numbers to the one and only Mr. Cruise Bang-Bang.”

  I can tell Patti doesn’t get it. “Okay so. The client was super-hot and you wanted to bang?”

  “No Patti, stay with me here. As in Mr. Cruise Bang-Bang himself.”

  The wheels are definitely not turning on this one.

  “Okay I’ll throw you a bone. My client, whose name is Sam Dresden of Dresden Architects was our huge client. You would know him more as the rich best man from the cruise ship who I bang banged.”

  “HOLY—” I hear that one word before the noises coming through Patti’s phone resemble sounds of tripping and falling into something. Faintly in the background I hear voices. “Oh my, Miss are you okay? …yeah yeah. Totally fine.” A bit more shuffling, and here it comes, “Holy shit, you just threw me into the wall! Can’t say that I’ve been caught that off guard before. Okay so…um, what!?”

  “Oh you heard me correctly. Cruise Sam is my client.”

  “Holy shitballs. Did you know that? Did he know that?”

  “I certainly did not know it. He says he didn’t know it.”

  “Oh my God, so you talked to him?”

  “Yeah I talked to him, Patti! He’s my god damn client!”

  “Well I assumed that but outside the earshot of grumpy old Mr. Wellington?”

  “Yeah, well, I attempted to flee once I was done with my presentation, but it seems he was waiting for me once I left the bathroom. Practically cornered me and basically asked me if I wanted a round two.”

  “Holy fuck.”


  “What did you say?”

>   “I said no thanks.”

  There it goes again. Seriously can she not walk today?

  “Shit! Sorry, Sir! Okay, I haven’t walked this bad in heels since I was a teenager. Stop throwing bombs girl. Cause I seriously thought you just told me that you denied that ass.”

  “I did.”

  “Are you insane!? That has to be the hottest piece of male species I’ve ever seen. Well other than his friend Trent, which may I add called me. Not important. Besides the fact that you have lost your mind, why would you say no?”

  “Um, because I’m not going to fall victim to being another business venture. You should have seen the way he was propositioning me. Practically asking me if I was free between five and seven each Wednesday night.”

  “Ew. Why Wednesdays?”

  Ugh. “I’m just saying. Stay with me.”

  “Oh. Okay, sorry.”

  “It’s just like you said. He is rich. And gorgeous. Trust me he doesn’t need plain old me to fulfill his needs. I am one hundred percent certain that the second he’s done with me, a new appointment will be waiting. I’m not down with that.”

  “Awe Pen, don’t be so negative. You don’t know that.”

  “Oh yes I do. And it gets worse, once I pretty much told him no thanks, right in front of me he informed Mr. Wellington that he’d need me personally to help assist him with his account figures. As in his office, all day, no interruptions!”

  Seriously Patti?

  “Seriously, so sorry Ma’am! I’m taking these damn heels off. He wants you alone in his office?!”

  “Yes! He tricked me! After I told him no, he basically forced my hand. Mr. Wellington was eating out of the palm of his. Practically sold me to him.”


  “Yeah wow. So now I’m scheduled to spend whatever time he needs to decide if he is going to work with West and Mills at his office helping go over numbers.”

  “Oh my God, you two are sooo not going to go over numbers.”


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