Wild and Tender Care

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Wild and Tender Care Page 5

by Haley Whitehall

  William hurried over to Miss Page. “Let’s get you home so you can rest your ankle.”

  “Mr. Austin is trouble. You need to be careful around him.”

  “I know. You’ve told me that before.”

  Her cheeks filled with air and she shook her head. “Then what was that?”

  “I was standing up for both of us.”

  “You don’t need to stand up for me. I don’t want you to. I never asked you to.”

  “I know you never asked me to.”

  They walked along in silence for several minutes. “I’m not sure where you’re from, Dr. Steere, but this is the west. Mr. Austin could shoot you down without a second thought.”

  William nodded. “That possibility crossed my mind when he reached for his gun. I assure you I fully respect firearms.”

  She looked at him as if she didn’t believe him, her lips sucked in. “Men.”

  He didn’t know what else to say to her, so he just took in her beauty. Her strawberry hair peeked out from under the same fashionable bonnet she’d worn the day they’d met. It looked a little out of place paired with a pale green day dress, but it fit her somehow. She wasn’t one to follow the rules of society or fashion. It gave him hope someday she might change her mind about them as a couple. She hadn’t given him a reason why she didn’t want to court him. She owed him an explanation—but not here.

  * * * *

  On his knees, William dipped his finger in the bucket of water to make sure it wasn’t too hot and then allowed Miss Page to lower her ankle into the Epsom salts bath. He tried not to stare at her bare ankle, but he couldn’t help himself. The little bit of impropriety upped his temperature. It didn’t matter how many naked women—let alone ladies’ ankles—he’d already seen. He forced his gaze to her face. “By the looks of the swelling you actually sprained your ankle. You need to take it easy.”

  She nodded.

  “Can I get you something, ma’am?” he asked, his voice a mite squeaky.

  “No, I’m fine. You don’t need to fuss over me.”

  He stood and reached out to take her hand. Stopping short, he rested his arms at his sides. “But I like to fuss over you.” There. He’d said it.

  She inhaled sharply and for a moment he feared she’d order him out of her house.

  “Earlier you had said you had wanted to know why I didn’t think we should court…”

  His chest knotted, forcing him to take shallow breaths. “Yes.” The answer was coming whether he liked it or not.

  “I’ve been told the heart wants what the heart wants, and I appreciate your interest in me. I do, Dr. Steere. I never thought any man would wish to call on me…” Her voice faded and tears sprung to her eyes. She swallowed hard and continued with a wavering voice. “However, I believe it would be unwise for us both. Sometimes it is in our best interest to tell our hearts no.”

  Her words sucked the moisture from his mouth. The emotion washing over her plainly showed how difficult those words had been for her to say. He didn’t believe them. “I don’t understand.”

  “Any more scandal on my part and the good citizens of Big Rock might run me out of town like they did the other girls who used to share the Blushing Rose with me. They tried to run me out of town too, you know. I would have none of it.”

  “Good for you!”

  She let out a long sigh and he saw the pain and sorrow ingrained on her face. If only he could wipe it away and make her happy. He’d do anything to bring back a smile.

  “I don’t know if it was good for me or not. I’d likely have a better life if I’d have left, but I’m just too stubborn. I guess you should know something more about me.”

  The way she said that made his heart jump into his throat. They all had secrets. What was hers?

  “I’m more than a fallen woman, Dr. Steere. I guess you could say I had a head for business. After the madam of Blushing Rose left town with a rich miner I took over. I ran the place.”

  “That doesn’t bother me.” He liked a headstrong woman. A smile tugged at his lips. “I’m stubborn as well, Miss Page. Just ask Mr. Steere, the man who adopted me. As far as running the whorehouse…well, we all do what we have to in order to survive.”

  Her eyes widened. “I didn’t know you were adopted.”

  He scuffed his shoe on the wood floor. “Both my parents died when I was a boy. The cavalry came to our village to offer aid but it was too late. They took the orphans with them to be raised in mission schools. The man running the mission school was a good man. He adopted me.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about your parents. I’m glad it worked out well for you though.”

  Well? He studied the wall for a minute, his heart sinking low in his stomach. Having his Indian ways beaten out of him wasn’t “well,” but he’d survived and had grown from that experience. Once he had taken Mr. Steere’s name and tried hard to act white, the man had been nice to him, treated him like a son, and even helped him get into college.

  “Do you still keep in touch with Mr. Steere?”

  “Yes,” he said, slowly turning his head to her. “We exchange the occasional letter.” It was the least he could do for the man paying for his higher education. “You know we all have our demons, Miss Page.”

  “I just have more demons than most women.”

  He tilted his head, trying to think of how to respond. “I doubt any of your demons would scare me. Is there any way I can get you to give us a chance? How can you say no without us even trying?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “Don’t you see, Dr. Steere? We have to stop this now before we get started. It is the only way to save your reputation and what is left of mine. I know the people in Big Rock would love to run me out of town, but this is my home. I want to stay.”

  He sucked in his lips. She hadn’t said she didn’t have feelings for him. That was a good sign. By the way she looked at him he could tell she was interested. He just had to persuade her somehow that they could be together in Big Rock.

  “I see, Miss Page. Well, I will be by tomorrow to check on you.”

  “Check on me? Now listen here, Dr. Steere, I didn’t get shot. I didn’t even break a bone. There is no reason for you to check on my sprained ankle.”

  Fire burned in her eyes. He didn’t respond, merely headed for the door.

  She liked him, wanted him. Usually it was the boy who showed he loved the girl by antagonizing her. Miss Page was flustered because she loved him. He’d bet all his money on it. Of course, he longed for her to say those words. Hopefully in time she could.

  Stuck in the chair with her foot emerged in the bucket of water Miss Page couldn’t run after and chastise him. However, her glare scorched his back. “Did you hear me, Dr. Steere?”

  He turned around and grinned. “Yes, I heard you, Miss Page. I’m just doing my job. All my life I’ve had to work extra hard for the things I’ve wanted.” And I want you.

  His piercing lust elicited a tiny shiver from Miss Page. His gaze having the effect he wanted gave him silent encouragement. Oh yes, she wanted him. “It was hard getting into medical school as a half-breed. I wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  Chapter 6

  Ida huffed. Dr. Steere was a confounding man! He wouldn’t take no for an answer. That message had come across loud and clear. A small part of her rejoiced. If he continued to pursue her after all the times she’d tried turned him down, he must really love her. When he did visit, she would give him a friendly reception. It was time she saw how deep his love ran. And how deep hers did too.

  What to do? Ever since he had stripped in front of her she’d fantasized about his bare chest, running her hands up and down his skin and…

  Grr. He had played innocent, but teased her on purpose. It was so indecent, so brazen, so enticing. Dr. Steere was one devious man. She had told him she didn’t want to give them a chance. A chance would bring equal opportunities for happiness and disaster.

  She stood in front of the mirror
in her bedroom and ran her fingers through her hair. She still needed to pull it back in a tight bun for the day, but loved the feel of her long hair resting on her shoulders.

  God had blessed her with a fair amount of beauty but not much else. Despite the rosy picture she tried to paint to cheer herself up, her life had been nothing but one disaster after another. At eighteen, she’d been turned out of the orphanage without a job or place to stay. After moving from one mining camp to another for years she’d gotten tired of entertaining the rough and dirty men and found herself in Big Rock. Sure, she was despised here, but she also had a home, her independence. Things she’d vowed to achieve when she left the orphanage. She’d have to risk them if she wanted to get closer to Dr. Steere. And if things failed she might have to pack and move again. For what would feel like the hundredth time.

  A knock at the front door drew her out of her thoughts. Walking gingerly, she answered it.

  “Miss Page,” Dr. Steere said, hat in hand.

  “I did not expect you so soon,” Ida said, opening the door wider and welcoming him inside her house for the second time. She’d been rather frigid yesterday. Since that took more effort and hadn’t done a bit of good she might as well be cordial.

  “Did I interrupt your breakfast? I’m an early riser,” he said, following her down the hallway. “Sometimes I forget not everyone keeps my schedule.”

  “I have eaten. Would you like some coffee? The pot is still hot.”

  “Yes, a cup of coffee would be nice. Thank you.”

  Ida entered the kitchen, poured two cups of coffee, and carried them to the table.

  Dr. Steere pulled back her chair and then took his cup.

  They exchanged heated glances, the steam between them rivaling that of the coffee. She couldn’t even feign disinterest anymore. Not with the man sitting so close. To her, Dr. Steere was as handsome as an Indian version of Apollo. And what woman would be able to deny the handsome masculine beauty of a god?

  “How is your ankle, Miss Page?”

  “The swelling went down after the Epsom salts bath. It is tender but I am being careful.”

  “Good. Once you twist an ankle it becomes easier to twist it again.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  The intensity between them continued to grow stronger, her fever rushing to the apex of her thighs.

  Dr. Steere looked away as if he couldn’t stand the passion brewing between them. “I think you are right, Miss Page. I made a mess of things yesterday.”

  “What? I mean I don’t understand.” Was he deciding to let her have her space, to no longer pursue her? That wasn’t what she wanted now.

  “Mr. Austin thinks we’re a couple. I assure you I have done nothing to encourage the notion,” he said, his voice pinched. “I’m truly sorry.”

  She took another drink of coffee, trying to compose her thoughts as the hot liquid slid down her throat. “He told you this?”

  Dr. Steere bowed his head and examined the grain in the tabletop. “He’s told everyone in town. He has a big mouth.”

  “Oh.” That was fast. She’d known all along Austin had some feelings for her that she could never reciprocate. She’d taken money from him a few times before she was forced out of her profession. She’d never enjoyed his touch, though. In fact, those nights had been long and arduous; she’d faked several orgasms for his pleasure. Clearly he had viewed those occasions differently.

  “I’m truly sorry.”

  She shook her head. It really wasn’t his fault. Although he’d seen her every day, for what—six days now? That alone would have gotten some folks wondering. “What’s done is done, and I’m glad.”

  “Glad? You didn’t want the gossip.” He squeezed the bridge of his nose. “I should have listened to you more, taken your warnings more seriously. I didn’t think the whole town would get in an uproar so fast.”

  “In small towns gossip spreads—”

  “Like wildfire,” Dr. Steere finished the popular saying. “I’m afraid we’re both going to get burned.”

  She’d been pushing him away this whole time for his own good. He hadn’t gotten the message. In fact playing hard to get seemed to make him more determined to get closer to her. She didn’t have it in her to fight any more. She wanted to be with him. Her heart ached to spend each day in his company. The only man who had wished to really get to know her since she’d left the orphanage.

  Sentencing herself to a life alone would be more punishment for her sins. Sins she didn’t feel she had committed. That’s what the people of Big Rock wanted—for her to be unhappy, miserable. Since she already lived the life of an outcast there really was no reason to keep fighting their attraction.

  “I’ve braved the heat before, Doctor. It will easier to brave it now. I’ve been telling myself these past few days that I was pushing you away for your own good, but really I didn’t know what to do. I haven’t really been with a man.” Her cheeks burned. “Well, you know what I mean. It isn’t like I’ve been courted before.”

  “The idea of being courted scared you?”

  Ida’s insides squeezed together and she let out a nervous laugh. “It thrilled me, Dr. Steere. I was overcome with so many happy emotions, emotions I’ve rarely felt that I didn’t know what to do.”

  “Afraid of happiness. Now that’s a new one, Miss Page. I know women can be afraid of many things—mice, spiders, thunderstorms…but happiness?”

  Ida shrugged. “I know it doesn’t make any sense. But men usually say that it is hard to understand a woman.”

  She ran her fingers across the top of his hand. “I’m sorry for making it so difficult on you. I’ve had feelings for you from the first day we met. I’m tired of living alone. I want a man beside me.”

  His eyebrows furrowed. “A man beside you?”

  “You,” she said, and then laughed. “I want you in my life every day. They are saying we’re a couple, yes?”

  “In a manner of speaking.”

  “So then let’s prove them right.” She stood and sauntered over to him, putting a hand on his chest.

  He pushed his chair back from the table and she dropped into his lap. “I wanted to avoid the gossip. I didn’t really want to turn you away.”

  “I see.” His fingers traced the side of her cheek. “So I should really be thanking Austin.” He kissed her lips softly, teasing. “How do you want to proceed with our courting now?”

  She kissed him, their mouths crushing with pent-up passion. “You don’t have to court a shady lady, Dr. Steere.” She eased off his lap, flashed him a saucy smile, and took him by the hand, pulling him out of the chair. “I’ll show you to the bedroom.”

  His eyes widened. “B-bedroom?”

  “No need to be shocked. You’ve been with a woman before, right?”

  He swallowed and his Adam’s apple bobbed. “Yes, ma’am. During the war.”

  “Ah. So you know all about women like me.” She smiled even though her own comment stung. She had done what she had to do, but it was hard to mask all the pain.

  Dr. Steere blushed deep red, indicating a silent yes.

  “But you’re not like those other women.”

  Ida laughed. “I’m not? I do know how to please a man.” She turned on her seductive charm and opened the door to her small bedroom. Dropping his hand, she went to work undressing herself before his heated gaze.

  Her heart thumped wildly and her fingers turned clumsy. She was so out of practice she knew she looked more awkward than sensual. Taking a steadying breath, she got ahold of her fraying nerves.

  She stepped out of the puddle of fabric and stood naked.

  He approached her slowly and ran a hand down her bare shoulder and onto her bosom.

  Her heart thudded, delighted at his warm touch.

  “You’re beautiful, Miss Page,” he whispered, his breath brushing across her lips.

  “I’m glad you approve.” Her lips quirked into a nervous smile. “Call me Ida.”

p; Dr. Steere would be the first man to sleep with her without paying. The first man who looked at her as a woman and not as a whore.

  His other hand trailed down her arm. “And you may call me William.” His gaze dropped from her eyes to her lips and she leaned forward, begging for a kiss.

  He obliged and their lips met in a gentle caress. “I’m going to make love to you, Ida, better than any man you’ve ever been with.” His husky voice and sincere promise went straight to her mound. Pounding with the need to be filled, she creamed.

  Both hands cupped her breasts and she sighed. He rained kisses down her throat and she tipped her head to the side. Yes, oh yes. His kisses fanned the fire already burning in her belly. All the men she’d been with in the past had concentrated on their pleasure. She could tell by the look in his eyes, by his slow but practiced touch, that he would see she enjoyed this experience to the fullest.

  Fullest. She throbbed, imagining his cock plunged inside her. Already moist, she’d soon be ready.

  He gently massaged her breasts. “Do you like it harder?”


  She pushed her chest into his palms and the massage deepened into kneading. “Oh,” she moaned. Her breasts were sensitive, but few men bothered to see to them. He ignored her nipples, which begged to be touched.

  Without warning, his mouth dropped to one of those stiff peaks and he sucked it into his mouth. His teeth barely brushed across her skin and the bit of pain increased her delight. His tongue flicked her hardened nub and she panted. He laved her nipple, tongue circling, teasing. More; she needed more.

  “Look at me,” he ordered.

  She met his big brown eyes, watching him alternatively lave and suck, bringing her the attention she craved. The erotic experience drove her to the edge.

  He switched to her other nipple and sucked hard. Her thighs clenched. It had been too long since she’d been with a man. Oh God, he could nearly make her come just by playing with her breasts.

  As if he sensed her need, he doubled his efforts, working faster. He ground his pelvis into hers, the delicious friction pushing her closer to the edge.


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