Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 11

by J. J. Marstead

  “Thanks’, Dad.”

  “Now, let's go downstairs and see what your mother and sister are up too. I’ve been smelling cookies for the past hour. I think it’s time for a dozen,” he says and I chuckle. My father loves my mother’s cookies, he can eat two dozen by himself within twenty minutes.

  “Cookies, sound great.” I smile at my father. We walk out of the room but we’re stopped dead in our tracks at the top of the stairs, when we hear Alison yell, then my mother screams for my father. My father looks at me with panic in his eyes and runs down the stairs to the kitchen. I’m in shock for a second longer, then I head downstairs, watching the steps with my eyes as I make it down them, one step at a time but faster pace than normal. I don’t want to end up falling down the stairs and lose my baby.

  Once my foot hits the bottom of the stairs. I take off for the kitchen to find my sister sitting at the table, leaned over holding her stomach and my father shouting into the phone. My mother is standing beside Alison rubbing her back. “Just breath like they showed you in your classes,” my mother softly tells her. How can she be so calm? My father is on the phone panicking. “Ace, get your ass here NOW. Alison needs you,” he shouts into the phone and I raise a brow. What happened, then I notice a puddle of water near Alison’s chair. Oh, my God, her water broke.

  “The baby is coming?” I ask and my mother nods her head.

  “Yes, the baby is cominggg… Ouch,” my sister grunts out, through the pain of a contraction.

  My father hangs up the phone and turns and his eyes tell all, he doesn’t like to see his baby girl in pain. Especially, now that it’s not something daddy can make better, only the doctor can help Alison with the pain and it’s killing my father just standing there not able to help in some sort of way.

  My mother looks at me. “Tammy, come stand beside your sister. I need to call the hospital to make sure they have everything ready for when they get there,” she says and I’m panicking because shouldn’t she be getting an ambulance or something? Or getting Alison in a car and driving her over there? It’s like my mother can tell what I’m thinking because she puts my mind at ease a bit with her answer. “Alison can be in labor for hours, Tammy. She will be fine and if she ends up having the baby before Ace gets here so be it. I can for sure handle delivering a baby. I’ve had two of my own.” She mumbles walking over to the phone.

  “Alison, do you want some water or something?” I ask and she groans.

  “No… Damn it, this hurts,” she grunts out, she takes deep breaths.

  A few minutes go by then Ace comes rushing into the kitchen. “Alison, baby,” he says rushing over to her, she has tears in her eyes looking at him with so much love but then a contraction hits and she hisses at him that he’ll never be touching her again. My father chuckles while Ace glares at him.

  “What the hell are you laughing at me for?” Ace hisses at my father. My father is standing there with his arms crossed with a grin on his face. I shake my head; my sister is sitting there in pain and the baby is coming anytime and there standing around doing nothing, but getting on each other's nerves.

  “HEY, Alison needs both of you to grow the hell up,” I shout and they both snap their heads and look at me. Ace helps Alison up and lifts her up in his arms and walks to the front door. I pray he wasn’t an idiot and took his bike.

  Outside I see he has his truck, thank God. He places Alison inside the truck and runs around the other side and hops in and they take off. Wow, what a day! I just hope the birth goes easy for her. My mother wraps her arm around me on the porch. “Your sister will do just fine, honey. She’s strong,” my mother says. I look at the truck disappearing from my view and I nod my head.

  “Mom, shouldn’t we head to the hospital?” I ask and my mother shakes her head.

  “Sweetheart, it can take a bit for a woman to have a baby. She’s probably going to be in labor for a bit before the baby comes,” she tells me. She turns around and heads back inside. I tell my parents that I’ll talk to them later and I head home. I need a nap after all this. It was surreal to see my baby sister in labor. My time will be coming sooner than I think, if all goes well.

  Tomorrow’s the day that Viper will be with Destiny at her appointment. I’m annoyed with the fact he’ll be there with her sharing it with her, but there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it. But if that bitch thinks she can have Dalton, well, she has another thing coming.

  Chapter 15

  Being in this doctors office with another woman, a woman I don’t love and one that I made the mistake of trying to forget about the one woman I’ve always wanted. The woman, that I would jump in front of a bullet for.

  Destiny’s laying on the table and the technician is there with a thing that looks like it could be used in porno’s and squirts a good amount of jelly on her belly. I should feel something but I’m numb right now. I don’t know what to think right now. I feel like I’m betraying Tammy just being here. I should be with Tammy at our first ultrasound, not with Destiny. I royally fucked up. I slipped on some very thin ice.

  “Oh, Viper look there’s our baby,” she says reaching out trying to grab my hand but I move out of the way just enough, she can’t reach me. I give a tight smile and nod. She frowns then turns back to the screen.

  “Would you like a photo of your baby?” the technician asks, looking at the both of us. I look at Destiny and she smiles.

  “Yes, can we have two photos please,” she says and the technician nods, pushing the print button on the fancy machine and the photos come out a second later.

  “Is it too early to tell the sex of the baby?” Destiny asks and the technician looks at me and then back to her.

  “If the baby is in the right spot we should be able to see if it’s a boy or a girl.” He moves the wand around on her stomach a few times and pauses looking at the screen. “Well, it seems like you’ll both be parents to a little boy.”

  “Did you hear that Viper, a little boy,” she says with a huge smile on her face.

  I should be jumping up and down. I have a baby boy, but I can’t. I don’t know what it is but I don’t feel right being happy about this. If he is my son, I’ll be over the moon happy but at this point I don’t know if the baby is mine. Yes, we used no condom but hell, she’s a club whore. She slept with half of the guys at the club that don’t have old ladies. I know, I sound like an asshole but it’s true.

  “Yeah, I heard,” I mutter out. I look at the technician. “Is it too early to get a paternity test?” I ask and the technician halts the wand before putting it back in its holder.

  “A paternity test during pregnancy uses amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, the same medical procedures used to test a fetus for Down Syndrome. But those procedures are invasive and carry a small risk of inducing a miscarriage, so they are rarely used for paternity testing while a woman is pregnant. I would advise you wait till the baby is born then we can do a swab test to make sure you’re the biological father,” he says. I nod my head and he gets up from his chair and takes off the gloves and throws them in the trash can near the sink. He washes his hands quickly then turns back to us. “You can get changed now, Destiny.” He leaves the room, leaving us both standing there.

  “You don’t want to do a paternity test now, do you?” Destiny’s voice sounding sad and I shake my head sighing.

  “No, I won’t push for a test now, you heard him, it can cause a miscarriage,” I rub my face with my hands and groan. This is going to be a long six months to wait to find out if the little boy is mine or not.

  She gets up off the table and whips her gown off and I turn around and head for the door but her voice halts me in my steps. “Viper, you don’t have to leave, it’s not like you haven't seen me naked before,” I can hear the smirk in her voice and it pisses me off.

  “Yeah and it’s an image I can’t get out of my head,” I mutter and open the door and slam it shut, leaving her there in the room alone with I’m sure shock written all over her face. I
just hope that she calms down on the partying and smarten up and act like a mother to the child, because if I find out that the baby is mine and she’s out partying and doing God knows what drug and what not, she’ll be one sorry bitch. I grunt out loud and leave Destiny there. It’s not as if I drove her here. She has her car. I grab my phone and text Tammy.

  It takes a minute then she replies.

  God, I love that woman. She must be going nuts wondering what the appointment showed and what not.

  I just pull up to my place, I couldn’t get away from Destiny any faster than I did. I’m just fucking glad, I never took Destiny here. I could see her showing up and Tammy would freak the fuck out if she saw her on my porch. I look around my property and soon to be Tammy’s too. I’m so fucking happy that I bought this place, it’s going to be perfect to raise the kids.

  There are five acres of land and there’s a long driveway away from the road, so it’s not too close. My neighbors aren’t too close either, so, we have privacy. I hope Tammy likes this place just as much as I do. I know we were together for a while, but she hasn’t seen my place. I’m sketchy when it comes to my home. The guys haven’t even come over here. I want this to be my get away from the rough, crazy fucked up life of the club. It’s funny, I got this place because it’s quiet and thinking about it now, it was the right decision, because now, I’ll be raising my family here. I can picture Tammy on the back porch pregnant with another child of ours and our little girl running around. It’s crazy to think, I’m going to be a dad. I just hope that, I’ll be the dad they deserve.

  I walk up the steps and take out my key, sliding it in the keyhole unlocking it then I twist the handle. I push the door open and walk in, closing the door behind me. I need to get the nursery somewhat finished because I’m picking up Tammy later, to show her the baby’s room. I hope to fuck she loves it.

  Forty minutes later…

  I’m finally done the room, looking around, I’m impressed that I finished it. The crib looks great. I ordered it from a place nearby that makes wooden baby furniture. There’s little bears engraved on the headboard, Tammy will be happy to see that, she loves Teddy bears. I got the matching change table, too. I got to admit, the little bears are cute. My phone buzzes and I’m snapped out of my thoughts. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone.

  I can’t help but wonder how I’m going to be when Tammy goes into the labor? Am I going to be the type that freaks the fuck out and then pass out? Fuck, I hope not. I know the guys wouldn’t let me live that down, that’s for fucking sure. I’ll be forever branded the dad that passed the fuck out when his woman was delivering.

  I just hope Alison doesn’t chew him a new one. I don’t know much about women giving birth, but I do know it must hurt like a motherfucker, pushing that out. I shiver. Thank fuck, I’m a man and I don’t have to endure that.

  I chuckle. He says my time will come, like he knows that I’ll be panicking. Fucker!

  I know that Tammy isn’t due for another seven months, but man time flies by fast so. I wanted to make sure the room was finished and we had all the furniture we needed. Tomorrow’s our appointment at the doctors to see if it’s a boy or girl. I’m so fucking excited to find out. If it turns out to be a little girl, man, am I in for it. I’ll be a father and a Brimstone Kings member. I highly doubt any little fucker will mess with her. If he did, he would be one stupid son of a bitch to even think of trying anything.

  I place my phone back in my jeans and head to the bedroom. I need to take a shower before picking Tammy up. I open the bedroom door and take my phone out, placing it on the dresser. I stretch my back and groan, when my muscles stretch and my back cracks. Fuck, I feel old and I’m only thirty. I strip out of my clothes leaving them on the floor and I walk my naked ass into the joined bathroom.

  I turn the shower on, letting it warm up, before stepping in. When the warm water hits my back, I groan. I grab the soap and start washing my body, when I reach my cock. The bastard perks up, just wanting me to give him attention. I’m not a prude to whacking one but I want Tammy’s hands on me, stroking me. It’s just not the same without her doing. She has the magical touch.

  Once I’m done washing my hair and body, I turn off the shower and step out. I grab a towel and wrap it around my hips. My body is perfection to Tammy, she drools every time she sees it and I couldn’t be happier knowing she loves my body. I work hard to keep this body and I just hope that when I’m in my forties, it won’t be as hard to maintain my shape.

  I grab some clothes and throw them on the bed. Tammy’s supposed to text me when she got home. I haven’t heard from her yet. I should check my phone to see if she messaged me or not. I walk over to my dresser and I see the little blue light flashing on top of it. Well, I got a message, that’s for sure. I open my phone and see two text messages, shit, how long was I in the shower for? I see both are from Tammy, letting me know she’s home and can’t wait to see me. I hurry to get dress and I text Tammy back, letting her know I’ll be there in a few.

  I’m on my way to Tammy’s apartment and I’m not going to lie. I’m a little nervous about her seeing my house. I just hope she loves it because if a woman isn’t happy with a home, the home won’t be a happy place to be.

  I pull up to Tammy’s and I notice she is outside waiting for me. I park the car but I leave it running and I get out and walk over to Tammy. She’s biting her lip and she knows that drives me fucking crazy. The only one, that gets to bite her lips is me. I wrap my arms around her, bringing her close to me and I growl into her neck before I place a little kiss at the base. She shivers, I chuckle, because I know that’s her sweet spot.

  “You know what it does to me when you bite your lip, baby.” She giggles at me and I pull away from her and she kisses my lips and I groan. God, I’ve missed those lips.

  “Sorry, I keep forgetting,” she says with a grin. Oh, I’m sure she keeps forgetting, by the grin on her face, she’s doing it on purpose, the little minx. Well, two can play that game. I slap her ass lightly through her jeans and she groans against me. I know she loves it, but she won’t admit it. Every time I slap her ass, her panties get soaked. She likes it a little rough and kinky sometimes. Her ass is something that should be worship because, fucking hell, it’s amazing. Nice and round and perfect and in a pair of jeans. Man, I have a hard on all day from just staring at it.

  “You’ll pay for that later,” I whisper and her eyes flare with desire, then she licks her lips and I can’t hold back the moan that leaves my lips. “Fuck,” I mutter. I growl before attacking her lips with my own and she moans into my mouth. I pull away all too soon and she whimpers. I smile to myself.

  “We got to get going,” I say and she nods her head. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll give you exactly what your craving,” I say, lightly licking the base of her neck before nipping at it. She shivers in my arms.

  “You promise?” she asks with a devilish smile on her face.

  “Oh, baby you know, I’m good on my promises. You’ll be calling out my name all night,” her eyes light up and she grins.

  “Promises, promises,” she says walking towards my car. Oh, she’s going to be for it tonight. She won’t be able to remember her name once, I’m done with her.

  Fifteen minutes later…

  I pull in the driveway and Tammy gasps. “Oh, my God, this is your house?” she asks and I chuckle nodding my head.

  “Our house,” I say.

  “Our house,” she repeats and she turns and looks at me with a huge smile on her face.

  I park the car and grin. “You ready for a tour?” I ask and she nods her head repeatedly.

  I open the car door and walk around to open Tammy’s door but she is out of the car already and half way up the front steps. I shake my head and chuckle. She’s a little impatient. I walk up behind her and kiss the top of her head. “You ready,” I ask again and she squeals.

  “Yes.” She grins at me and I grab my keys and unlock the door. I open the door and stand
there with my hand out.

  “After you, my lady,” I say in my best foreign accent and she giggles at me. I wag my eyebrows at her and she blushes. It’s so easy to get her to blush. The best blush ever is when I make her come, her eyes hazed over and her cheeks flush. I close my eyes and mentally groan.

  She walks in and her sharp intake of breath has me on edge, does she like it? Or does she hate it? I’m waiting for her to say something but she’s just standing there looking around. When a few minutes go by and she doesn’t say anything, I can’t take it anymore. “What do you think, baby?” I ask softly coming up behind her, wrapping my arms around her stomach, the little bump from my son or daughter growing in her belly greets my hands.

  “I love it,” her voice cracking. “I love it so much, it’s perfect,” she whispers in awe.

  “I’m glad you love it, baby. Wait till you see the baby’s room,” I say with a smile on my face. She turns and faces me with tears in her eyes. I wipe my thumb under her eyes. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I ask and she sniffles and then smiles at me.

  “I’m happy,” she says. I scratch my head confused.

  “Your happy, that’s why your crying?” I ask and she nods her head. Man, I’ll never understand women.

  “It probably doesn’t help that my hormones are making my emotions jump all over the place lately,” she mentions. Ah, now I get it. She’s hormonal.

  “You ready to head upstairs to see the baby’s room?” she squeals and nods her head.

  We head upstairs and when we hit the landing upstairs she looks around. “Oh wow, this house is huge.” She mumbles and I can’t help but grin. Everything about me is big. Big house, big dick. I chuckle to myself about my little inside joke.

  I take her hand and we walk to the baby’s room. The door is closed, her hand is vibrating in mine, I guess someone is excited. “I hope you like it,” I whisper and she turns to face me, her face softens as she stares into my eyes, into my soul.


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