Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 15

by J. J. Marstead

  “Thanks, mom. I will,”

  My mother and sister leave and head towards their cars.

  I look in the kitchen and see my mother forgot her sunglasses on the table. Oh, well. I’m sure she’ll stop by later for them.

  It’s time for another nap. I lock the front door and head for the couch.

  I smile and close my eyes and sleep comes quickly.

  Around an hour later….

  I’m woken up by a knock on the door, again. Must be my mom coming to get her sunglasses.

  I get up and the pain hits again and I grit my teeth. Shit, it’s getting worse each time. What the hell is going on? I open the door and my mother frowns when she sees my face. “Tammy, what’s wrong?” she asks coming closer.

  “Just getting pains but they seem to be getting worse.” I grit out as another pain hits and I almost double over.

  “Oh, my God, Tammy,” my mother rushes to me. Holding me up, she shuts the door and brings me over to the couch and I whine the pain hasn’t gone away yet.

  “Tammy, have you been having pain all morning?” she asks in a motherly tone. I nod my head and she sighs.

  “Tammy, how many have you had?” she asks and I look at her puzzled. What the hell does she mean how many?

  “Mom, what are you talking about, how many what?” I ask, not knowing what the hell she’s asking.

  She sighs. “How many contractions have you had?” my eyes widen and my face drops. No, these aren’t contractions. My water didn’t break. I would know.

  “Umm… My water didn’t break mom. I don’t think these are contractions,” I stutter out and she laughs, shaking her head.

  “Tammy, sweetheart. Your water doesn’t have to be broken for you to start having contraction pains,” she mentions. Oh, my God! Am I really having contractions? Shit, I’m not due for another two weeks.

  “Holy shit, mom. I can’t be having contractions now. I’m not due for another two weeks.” I shoot out, worried.

  “Darling, it’s normal. Believe me, Alison was two weeks late and you were two weeks early.”

  Oh crap. This is really happening today. I get up from the couch and I feel something running down my legs and my eyes go wide with horror as I stare at my mother who is looking down at my legs. “Mom, I think my water just broke,” I shoot out, scared.

  “Don’t worry calm down. I’m going to call the hospital,” she says running from the room. My phone is still on the coffee table. I need to call Dalton. I grab it and dial his number, after three rings he answers.

  “Hey baby, I was about to call you, I’m...”

  I cut him off. “Dalton, you have to get home. My water broke,” I say quickly, my nerves all over the place, making my voice waver.

  “What?” he shouts into the phone.

  “I’m going to have a baby,” I say in wonder.

  “But you’re not due for another two weeks,” his voice strained with worry. I explain to him what my mother said and he seems to calm down a bit. He tells me he’s on his way and hangs up the phone.

  My mother comes back in the living room. “Do you have a bag packed for the hospital or you haven’t had a chance yet?” she asks.

  “Yes, it’s in the closet in my room,” I say. I’m glad that I packed one about a week ago, I didn’t want to wait last minute and I’m happy I didn’t.

  She nods her head. “Good, that is one thing down. Did you get a hold of Dalton?”

  “Yeah, he’s on his way.”

  Five minutes later…

  A very anxious looking Dalton comes through the door, his eyes wild with concern. He takes one look at me and jumps into action. He runs around getting everything ready. I’m on the couch freaking out a little. He seems to be calm. I on the other hand, I’m scared about what’s going to happen, if something goes wrong during delivery.

  Dalton has all the bags and runs to the front door and runs out to the car. He comes back and looks down at me on the couch. “Baby, you ready?” he asks and I nod my head. I’m ready for this. Well, I hope I am!

  I’ve been at the hospital for what it seems like forever. Six hours of labor. Right now, I’m staring at Dalton, who’s holding our little girl in his arms. I’m happy to say that the delivery went well. She’s healthy and her weight is good. I was worried that something could be wrong with her, seeing as she’s two weeks early, but Max told me that there’s nothing to worry about.

  “Hey baby girl. I’m your daddy, yes I am. You're going to be my baby girl, forever,” Dalton says in a baby voice and I try to hide my smirk, but it stretches across my face as I stare at them both.

  I’m glad that Dalton was here with me while I was in labor. He was whispering encouraging things in my ear, pushing me not to give up. I wonder if he did that for Destiny? I frown a little and Dalton seems to notice. It’s like he can read my mind.

  “No, I wasn’t that close to Destiny while she was in labor. I might have held her hand for a little bit while she pushed but that was it.” He mentions, placing our daughter in the hospital bed beside mine.

  He comes over and kisses me. “I love you baby. Thank you so much for giving me a baby girl,” he whispers in my ear, his voice cracking a little with all the emotion running through him. In the last month, he’s gotten a baby boy and a baby girl. The baby boy might not have come from me but he’s happy that he has a son, as well. I’m happy for him too. If he’s happy, I’m happy.

  “I love you too,” I whisper back. My eyes feel heavy, I didn’t get much rest earlier. I did have two naps but it’s impossible to sleep while having labor pains. It’s a shock to your body every couple of minutes.

  “Do you need anything? Maybe some water?” he asks. I could go for something cold to drink. My mouth feels dry.

  “Yeah, some water would be nice. Thank you,” I say with a lazy smile.

  Dalton grabs my hand. “Tammy, you should try and get some rest. I’ll go get your water. Why don’t you close your eyes for a while,” he says and I can’t argue with him, I’m drained.

  Dalton checks on Mia and then kisses my forehead before leaving the room. I look over at the hospital baby bed and I smile. I can’t believe she’s finally here. She’s a miracle, my little miracle. I relax on the bed and I’m about to close my eyes and get some sleep when the door opens again and Dalton comes in with a glass of water. He hands me the glass and I give him a smile in return. “Thank you,” I say softly. I don’t want to wake the baby. She’s sleeping soundly right now.

  “You're welcome, baby.”

  “Now rest, you need it,” he gives me a stern look.

  “Okay, I’ll rest. If anything happens, if she wakes up and needs to be fed. Wake me,” I ask and he nods his head.

  “Of course,”

  30 minutes later…

  I’m poked awake by a distressed Dalton, looking down at me with Mia in his arms. Mia is fussing, her little cry, makes my eyes open fully and I’m wide awake. “How long has she been like this?” I ask and Dalton looks torn about it.

  “Well, she’s been like this for about ten minutes or so. She woke up fine but then she started crying and wouldn’t stop. I wanted to give you time to rest, so I took her for a walk and rocked her and nothing. I think she’s hungry,” he says, clearly he’s exhausted.

  I put my arms out to take Mia and he places her in my arms. “Dalton, why don’t you go home and rest. I know you can’t rest here on that chair in the corner. You’ll wake up with a sore back. Please, I’m fine here. My mother should be here soon,” I mention and Dalton looks warily at me.

  “I don’t know if I like the idea of leaving you here alone. I want to help,” he presses. I shake my head. He’s done so much already. He let me rest as much as he could before Mia became so fussy.

  “I’m telling you, go home and sleep. I’m fine here on my own. You’ve done so much,” I say softly and Dalton's eyes soften as he looks down at me.

  “Baby, I’ll do anything for you. You know that.”

do know that, and I love him dearly for that, but if he runs himself into the ground trying so hard, he’ll be no use to me. He won’t be able to help with Mia and with working at the club. He’ll be overdoing it. I don’t want him to have a burnout.

  “Now, shoo,” I say, waving my free hand. He smirks then leans forward.

  “I love you,” he whispers before placing a kiss to my lips. I return his kiss and then Mia cries lightly against me.

  “I love you too. I better feed our darling daughter,” I say with a giggle. It feels amazing saying ‘daughter’.

  “I’ll be back later after I rest a bit. Do you need anything from home?” he asks and I shake my head no.

  He leaves and I feed our daughter. She latches on quickly without problems. I lightly run my finger over her face and tears come to my eyes. I’m so happy that she’s here. So, many things could have happened because with my first miscarriage and what the doctor said. I close my eyes and say a prayer of thanks. I lean down and place a kiss on Mia’s forehead and she smiles against my breast. I grin while a happy tear runs down my face.

  Once I’m done feeding Mia. I softly rub circles on her back and she burps. I rock her in my arms for a few minutes and she falls fast asleep. I place her back in the bed beside mine. I get back in bed slowly and I close my eyes for a few minutes.

  There’s a knock on the door and I smile when I see my mother walk through. “Oh, my God, Tammy,” my mother says rushing over. My father walking in behind her with a smile on his face. My mother stands right beside Mia’s bed and gasps as she looks between the both of us. She then tilts her head up and looks at my father. “Oh Garrett, she looks just like Tammy, when she was born,” my mother says in awe.

  My father walks over and puts his hands on my mother’s shoulders and look past her at Mia. “She does. Dalton’s going to have one hell of a time,” my father says chuckling.

  My mother swats his arm. “Garrett, don’t let Dalton hear you. You know he’ll have gray hair in no time,” my mother snickers.

  We hear a throat clearing and I know who it is before I even turn my head. Standing there staring at us in horror is Dalton. I can’t help it, I break out laughing at the fact that he’s thinking about something that won’t even happen till she’s much older. One word, the enemy of any father who has a little girl, boys.

  “Garrett, you better not wish that on me. I’m going to tie up each little fucker that comes around my baby girl,” Dalton bellows. My father chuckles and shakes his head.

  “Son, you're going to learn. Whatever a woman wants, no matter what her age is. Don’t make a huge scene about it.” My father wills Dalton to understand. Dalton just nods to my father his understanding. I blow out a breath. I look at Mia over in her bed and I bite my lip. She’s going to have some very protective family members, her father being top of the list, especially around boys. I feel sorry for any guy that’s willing to come around Mia when she’s older. He’ll have to have some balls, that’s for sure.

  Chapter 19

  2 days later…

  Our baby girl is amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better baby. Mia sleeps her nights and she’s not a very fussy baby. I’ve lucked out while my sister is having troubles with Geri-Ann, still. She did as my mother told her and nothing has worked. I feel for my sister. Ace is trying to do as much as he can. Thank God, Dalton helps so much, taking a shower feels like a privilege now.

  I think back to the day, we found out what we were having. Viper was all excited, hoping it was a boy because he didn’t want to end up having a little girl because of what Ace and the other guys were feeding him, lies about what will happen if it’s a girl, blah blah blah. God, he’s gullible. Ace told him something about boys will be coming around, sniffing around his baby girl and what not.

  I’m thankful that there wasn’t a throw down in the examiner room when we went to see the sex of the baby. Dalton and Max have some bad blood between them, at the time. It’s better now, thank God. I remember his face when Max told us it’s a girl. He looked horrid, almost like he was going to be ill. But his face was priceless, I laughed at him and he scowled at me, hissing under his breath, that it wasn’t funny. What? His facial expression was funny, I couldn’t help it.

  I was so happy finding out, it’s a girl. I’ve always wanted a little girl. Mommy and daughter times are going to be so much fun. I have a feeling she’s going to be a daddy’s girl thought. It’s just a hunch. I can see Viper and our little girl now. She’ll have him wrapped around her little finger, I just know it. Poor bastard, doesn’t have any idea what he’s in for. I had my father wrapped around my finger. I know the great lengths a father goes through for their little girl. Mia is going to be a little spoiled.

  I thank God, every day for Mia, I was so worried that something would happen and take my baby away but I took things easy just like Dalton told me too. He didn’t want anything to happen to Mia or me. I loved her so much already, when she was still in my belly, I didn’t think you could love someone so much, whom you never met, till she was placed on my chest. My heart was beating wildly when I look down at her for the first time. She’s mine, my little girl. The only thing I’ve ever wanted in this world. I’m glad that God, heard my prayers and Mia came into the world. I don’t know what I would’ve done if she was taken from me. I would have died, she’s my world besides Dalton now. I’ll protect her with my life.

  Today’s one fucking killer hot day out, the heat and I, don’t seem to mix, very well. Mia doesn’t seem to be affected by the heat, like I am. We’re having a little get-together today, at our house. The guys were in dumbstruck when they finally got to see Dalton’s house. Ace hasn’t really been here fully before today, either and they are the best of friends. He’s come to drop Alison off with Geri-Ann sometimes, but besides that he hasn’t stepped foot in the house. I don’t know if it was to give Dalton space that didn’t involve the club or what, but I told Dalton, they’re his family and they all want to see Mia. I understand he wants them around. I know that he’ll protect Mia and me from any harm with his club life, as I would protect them both with mine.

  I’m snapped away from my thoughts by my hubby-to-be manning the grill. God, he’s sexy as hell with his shorts and muscle shirt. God, if I wasn’t so hot, I would take my soon to be hubby upstairs for a round but today I’m worn out solid, and all I did was walk from inside the house to outside on the back deck. I sigh heavily and my sister chuckles.

  Alison is sitting beside me looking at me with a raised brow. “I guess it’s safe to assume that you want to tear that shit up?” she laughs at my tactics. I glare at her, she’s not even the least bit funny right now. I want my man, but Mia is awake. I’m sure my mother would watch her but Dalton is cooking on the grill. The guys are all starving, they keep grumbling.

  “Shut up,” I grumble.

  Geri-Ann starts to whine in my sisters’ arms. God, she’s gotten so big. She’s already eight months old. She’s going to give all the boys a run for their money. She’s going to be a little heartbreaker, that’s for sure. Ace will have a fight on his hands, when the time comes when she starts dating. I can’t help but chuckle out loud and my sister grins at me. “What are you laughing about?” she asks.

  “Oh, nothing much really,” I grin evilly. “Just thinking about when Geri-Ann starts getting boys coming around,” I say casually and my sisters’ eyes widen in horror. She then turns to look at Ace who is at the grill as well, talking to Dalton.

  “Don’t you dare say anything to Hayden, Tammy. You’ll get him to go off again, about her being locked up till she’s thirty,” she says and I lose it. God, it feels good to laugh. I have tears in my eyes from laughing so much. I cross my legs because it feels like I’m going to pee my pants, if I don’t stop. I take a few deep calming breaths.

  I feel something cool touch the back of my neck. I tilt my head back and see Dalton standing behind me with the sweetest smile on his face. “That feel better, baby?” he asks and I nod my head, closing my
eyes. It feels like heaven. I groan and my sister cracks a joke to Dalton that the cloth has replaced him in the sex department. I swear the more she’s around the guys, the more she jokes like them. I shake my head and glare at my sister.

  “Nothing could replace my big cock, sis. Nothing!” I say with the straightest face and my sister’s eyes widen, and I hear Dalton coughing as he chokes on his beer. Oops! Oh well, that comment should shut my sister up for a little while.

  “Are you alright, Dalton,” I hear him still coughing a little.

  “I’m fine, baby. But Damn warn me next time you want to talk dirty,” he croaks out. I shake my head and giggle. He loves it!

  Destiny’s son, Jackson is the spitting image of Dalton, when he was a baby. Dalton wanted me to be there with him at the hospital while she was in labor. I stayed as much as I could but it took a lot out of me. I didn’t want to be there and see the interaction of them both. Destiny wanted to name him Brandon but Dalton said that he wanted his son named, Jackson. They argued a little about it, but Dalton won in the end. Jackson is now two months old and is going to be here later after Destiny finishes work. I guess, Destiny’s parents are down visiting and are spending some time with Jackson, before they return home. I don’t know how such loving parents could have someone like Destiny as t their daughter. Her parents are sweet and caring. I can’t wrap my head around it. I suddenly feel really tired and my eyes are getting heavy. God, it’s like I can’t even go three hours without having a nap these days. It’s not like Mia isn’t sleeping at night, it’s just a new routine I must get used too. I stand up from the table and Dalton stands behind me, wrapping his arms around me.

  “You feeling okay?” he whispers in my ear.

  “I feel fine, just tired. I think, I’m going to go lay down for a bit upstairs,” I mention and Dalton walks around me and frowns.

  “You’ve been really tired lately, are you sure your alright?” he asks again and I nod my head.


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