Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 18

by J. J. Marstead

  She grins, looking at me with her finger tapping her chin. “Hum, I don’t know. It’s a lot of work taking care of two babies,” she says. Then she laughs at my sad face. “You can you go and hang out with the guys Dalton. Jeez, calm down.”

  “Thanks, baby. I need to chill with the guys and have a beer,” I mention and she raises a brow at me.

  “Don’t drink too much, Dalton. Your driving.” She mumbles as I hug her to me.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t have more than two beers. You don’t have to worry about me,” I say softly.

  She tilts her head up and looks at me. “I always worry, Dalton. Always,” I kiss her lips and she groans against me. Ah, hell. She tastes amazing like always and it’s hard to pull away from her. I want nothing more than to throw her down on the couch and have my way with her. But my boner is shot dead when my son starts to cry and then Mia starts right after. I groan pulling my lips from hers.

  She chuckles at me. “Don’t worry. You might get some if you’re not home too late,” she whispers, before placing another kiss to my lips. She turns around and walks over to the playpen to check on Jackson and Mia.

  I follow her and I see they are both up and wanting to be feed. I help Tammy with feeding them and then she tells me to get going. God, I love her. After kissing her again, I finally get out of the house and take my bike. Fuck, I miss my ride. My girl, my baby. But she’s not the other one in my life anymore. I have Tammy, Mia and Jackson now. But the rumble of my bike, soothes my soul.

  I pull up to the clubhouse and park my bike then I head inside. Ace and Blaze are already at the bar, on their third beer by the looks of it. Parking my ass on a stool beside Ace, he looks over at me and tips his beer to the side. “About time you got here,” Ace mumbles.

  “I help Tammy feed the kids before I headed out. Like a good man would do,” I joke and Ace chuckles.

  “I get ya, man. I did the same thing before showing up,” he mentions and Blaze bursts out laughing.

  “I’m just lucky I don’t have any kids or a woman to hold me down,” he grumbles under his breath and Ace and I look at him. He might not admit it, but he has a thing for Maggie and Maggie just so happens to have a child who is four. When Blaze found that out, let’s just say, that it was a slap in the face. He backed off from Maggie. I know Maggie is hurting from it, because Tammy has told me that she was talking to Alison and she brought it up. I just hope Blaze gets his head out of his ass before it’s too late. Maggie’s a good girl. She would do Blaze some good.

  I shake my head because there’s no use in trying to talk to Blaze, he must learn this on his own. He’s still young, he’ll have to figure it out. Hopefully, before she figures he’s not worth it to the hurt and waiting. I make a sign to let David know that I want a beer and he brings one right over, uncapped and in front of me.

  “How is everything going?” Ace asks, sipping his beer.

  “Man, this has been a long three weeks. You know what happened with Destiny a while ago and then again two nights ago, she was drunk out of her mind,” I hiss. Ace shakes his head. He’s never had the chance to really meet his mother, so, the way Destiny is with Jackson hurts Ace more than I knew. I take a sip of my beer and groan, fuck I love my beer. I don’t drink a ton, well I used too. Before Tammy, and well, I guess when she left me too.

  “Fucking, good for nothing,” he snarls out and I’m taken back. Usually, Ace is level-headed but when it comes to kids and the mother or father are deadbeats it’s not a pretty sight. Ace get’s pissed. “Jackson, doesn’t need her man.” I nod agreeing with him.

  “I know man, but she’s still his mother. We went to the lawyers today and Destiny was served with papers yesterday about me wanting full custody of Jackson. Once, the judge looks at the paperwork for that and adoption papers for Jackson from Tammy. Now we’re just waiting for the court date.” I say.

  “Man, you got this. I’m sure the judge will grant you full custody, he would be a fucking idiot not too.”

  I slap his shoulder with my hand, then my grip tightens some. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

  Blaze looks at me with a serious face. “I hope you get it man. The kid deserves a loving family. Not that stripper whore of a mother,” he snarls.

  “Thanks man.” He nods his head at me, and drinks his beer. He’s sidetracked when a club-bunny comes around the corner. He downs his beer and jumps from the stool and walks into her direction.

  “Catch you guys, later,” he shouts and Ace and I chuckle, shaking our heads.

  Ace looks back at me and whistles. “Man, you have one hell of a mess. I know what’s going to happen in court already. The dumb fuck wouldn’t side against you but Destiny on the other end. You're going to have a fun time with that one.” Fuck, do I know it, but he doesn’t have to repeat it.

  I sigh heavily. “Fuck, I know,” I mumble through a sigh.

  I don’t know how long I’ve been here chatting with Ace but I look at my phone and notice the time. Shit. I got to get home.

  “Ace, man. I got to get going, it’s getting late and Tammy’s alone with the kids.” I tell him.

  He nods his head. “Yeah, I got to get home to Alison. Geri-Ann should be sleeping. I hope Alison is in the mood when I get home,” he says with a wink. I chuckle. The fucker is hornier than me. Wait, scratch that, Blaze is the hornier one out of all three of us.

  “Talk to you tomorrow,” I tell Ace. I get up and walk out the front doors of the club.

  I can’t wait to get home and hold Tammy in my arms. I know, I sound like a pussy I know, but fuck it if she doesn’t make me want to be the biggest pussy of them all. I hop on my bike and peel out of the parking lot. I head in the direction of our house and within minutes, I’m pulling up to my driveway. I park my bike in the garage and head to the front door. The door is locked, like I knew it would be. Tammy’s probably already fast asleep upstairs. I try to get inside the house as quiet as possible. I don’t want to wake the kids up.

  Once I’m inside the house, I shut the door behind me and lock it.. I check the other doors and make sure no windows are open downstairs. After not hearing from Destiny, makes me worry about what she’s going to do next. If she finds out where we live and end up showing up in the middle of the night and end up doing something stupid.

  After making sure everything is closed for the night. I turn the lights off in the kitchen and walk out, heading upstairs. I check in on the kids and they are fast asleep. When I get to our bedroom, Tammy is out cold and she’s lightly snoring. I bite my lip hard from laughing. I wouldn’t want to wake her up. She’s a she-devil when she’s woken up. Taking off my shirt, I throw it in the laundry hamper and go to the bathroom and I brush my teeth.

  After I’m done, I head towards the bed taking off my jeans and socks off, putting them on the chair beside my side of the bed. I pull the blanket down and slide in behind Tammy and wrap my arm over her stomach and she groans in her sleep. I smile against her neck. “I love you,” I whisper into her hair before laying my head down on the pillow and close my eyes. Her scent drifting around me gets my cock hard. Shit! If I wake her up after the draining day we’ve had with the lawyer and then her being here with the kids. I think she might just cut off my balls. I move my ass back a bit so my cock isn’t knifing her in the back.

  Finally, after getting comfortable, sleep comes quickly.

  Chapter 23

  Next day…

  I wake up and Tammy isn't in bed. I hear movement downstairs, I’m assuming she got up with the kids, so I could get some sleep. That woman is going to have a red ass. I told her multiple times to wake me up in the morning to help. She refuses to do so. I get up from the bed and stretch. I groan when I feel my muscles in my back tighten up, then loosen. I head to the bathroom to take a piss and then I grab a pair of PJ pants.

  After getting them on, I slowly make my way downstairs. I see Tammy at the stove cooking and the babies are in their chairs, clapping their hands together. “Hey baby,” I sa
y loud enough for Tammy to hear me and she squeals jumping away from the stove. I move fast and I stand beside her. “What’s wrong, baby?” I ask in a panic. Did she burn herself? Tammy shakes her head giggling.

  “Nothing, you scared me. I didn’t hear you coming downstairs,” she replies.

  I can’t help but snicker. She slaps my bare chest. “Ouch,” I hiss rubbing the spot she hit and she glares at me.

  “Oh, suck it up,” she hisses and I raise a brow. “Baby, the only who does the sucking around here is you, sucking my cock,” I murmur and she gasps, looking from the kids, then at me.

  “Dalton, the babies,” she growls.

  “Baby, they don’t understand much, yet,” she grumbles under her breath and goes back to cooking.

  “What are your plans for today?” I ask her. She looks at Jackson then back to me.

  “I’m going to clean up a bit today and then when Mia is napping, I’ll be doing the same,” she says and then I’m about to open my mouth to ask her what Jackson will be doing. “I was thinking maybe you could head over to Destiny’s with Jackson for a supervised visit. I know she doesn’t deserve it because of what she’s done. But she’s still his mother,” she adds sighing, she fills a plate with pancakes and sausages and hands it to me. I take a seat at the table and dig in. She brings me over a coffee. God, I’m lucky to have her.

  “So, are you going to take him over to see her?” she asks and the fork stops just before my mouth.

  “If you want me to take him over to see her, I will. But I’m telling you, she’ll be fucked out of her mind, when I get there.”

  “Still, I find it weird that she hasn’t been texting or anything because of the papers the lawyer’s office sent over. I just want you to check how everything is going over there and what her angle is.”

  “Fine, I’ll head over after breakfast,” I say and she grins at me before placing a small teasing kiss to my lips. The babies start whining in their high chairs and I grumble, ‘cock blockers’.

  Tammy gasps and looks at me with shocked eyes. “Dalton. They are not cock blockers. Don’t say that,” she says in a teasing way.

  “Baby, last night when I went to bed. I was right behind you with my arm around you. My cock was so fucking hard, I’m sure I got blue balls. I wanted you last night badly, but I knew if I woke you, there would be a monster to deal with,” she gasps and mutters ‘fuck you’ and I lose it. I love it when she says the word ‘fuck’, it travels right to my cock every time and it’s so hot coming from her lips.

  After I finish eating, I head upstairs to take a shower then get dress while Tammy’s feeding the little ones’ downstairs. I’m in and out of the shower, then I get my clothes out of the dresser. Today’s going to be a long day, I just know it. It’s like there’s something’s wrong, but I’m not sure what it is. I get dress and head back downstairs where Tammy is cleaning up Jackson and getting him dressed. Mia is in her swing, not having a care in the world about anything. Jackson is fussing a little while she dresses him. It’s like he knows he’s going to see the mother, a mother that doesn’t want much to do with him.

  I can’t shake the feeling that something horrible has happened or is going to happen, it’s stuck in my bones like a warning. I don’t like the idea of leaving Tammy alone, but she would have a fit if she knew that I wanted to just stay here and be with her and Mia and Jackson. I don’t want to go see Destiny, but I have to at least see if she wants to see her son. It’s not like I owe her anything, her actions speak louder than words. Even after everything, she hasn’t done right, she still has a right to see him. This will be the last and final attempt to see if she’ll get her acted together. I just hope she’s not fucking drunk or high when I get there.

  Twenty some minutes later…

  I turn down Destiny’s street and I apply the brake, when I see an ambulance and the police near Tammy’s apartment down the road. It couldn’t have anything to do with her. I shake my head and continue down the road to her place. I start to worry because they seem to be right there, at her apartment building. Jackson whines a little in the back. “It’s alright, little man,” I say, trying to calm my son but he seems beside himself.

  I park the car not far from the apartment and turn off the engine, with everyone there I could get boxed in and I don’t want to be around here for hours. I get out of the car and open Jackson’s door, removing the car seat. I slowly make my way to the apartment, the closer I get, I feel the lump in my throat. I see a whole bunch of yellow tape and that’s something I try to stay clear of. It’s not something good, when you see that kind of tape.

  Jackson has gone quiet in the car seat. I look down and his eyes are wide looking around at everyone. I walk over to an officer, I don’t like cops never have and never will. He looks me up and down judging me before I even get to him. “You can’t go any further,” he growls out and I stop and grunt my reply.

  “I’m here to see the mother of my child,” I hiss out and he looks down at the car seat and his eyes come back to me. He looks nervous and I start to question what the hell is going on.

  “Sir, you’ll have to wait here,” he mumbles walking off to another cop but this one looks like he’s the one in charge.

  He comes walking over to me and puts his hand out. “Sergeant Daniels,” I shake his hand.

  “Dalton Cole,” I reply, he releases my hand.

  He clears his throat. “Destiny Bishop is your…umm,” he trails off and I put him out of his misery.

  “She’s the mother of my son, nothing more, nothing less.” He nods his head.

  “I’m sorry to be a bearer of bad news Mr. Cole, but Destiny was found in her apartment by a neighbor. She was found dead in the living room, she had taken something and slit her wrists. She left a note for her parents and one for Viper. I’m not sure who this Viper person is,” I cut him off from speaking further.

  “I’m Viper,” I mention.

  “I’ll be releasing the letter to you as soon as her parents arrive. I’m sorry Mr. Cole, but we did read the letters. The one that was addressed to her parents and yourself, it’s mandatory in a suicide.” He declares.

  “I understand,” I reply and he nods his head and walks back over to where he was overseeing things.

  I’m in total shock by what the hell is happening. Destiny took her own life? Did she care so little about her life and Jackson’s for that matter? I shake my head because she lost out on raising our son, watching him grow up and enjoying life. I don’t know what to think right now. I’m flabbergast.

  A few moments go by and I catch my bearing’s. Destiny’s parents just show up. There’s someone in the car with them, a woman walks out and she looks so much like Destiny that I was sure it was her, but it’s not. Destiny is in a body bag right now inside the house. Ready to come out and get transferred to the morgue.

  Laura comes up to me sobbing. “Oh my God, is it true? It can’t be true. My baby,” she sobs as she hugs me. Jackson is on the ground and he begins to cry. Laura sobs harder when she hears Jackson. She lets me go and leans down and unties Jackson and holds her to him. Henry comes over and comforts his wife. She holds on dearly to Jackson like she’s afraid he’ll disappear. The woman that was in the car with them comes up to me, her eyes are puffy and red. She sniffles and straightens herself in front of me.

  She holds her hand out and gives a small sad smile. “Hi. I’m Destiny’s older sister, Taryn.” She says softly. I grab her hand, shaking it.

  “I’m Dalton Cole,” I murmur and she nods.

  “I know who you are. I’m sorry that we haven’t met before now. Even if you and my sister weren’t together. I should have tried harder to see my nephew.”

  “It’s okay. I honestly, didn’t know that Destiny had a sister. She has never spoken about you,” I mention sympathetically.

  “She wouldn’t talk about me either. We had a fall out a couple of years ago,” she mumbles lightly. I nod my head, I’m not going to pry.

  Laura ha
nds Jackson to me and she takes off screaming. I look over towards the apartment and see the body bag coming down the stairs. My heart stops for a second, I can’t fucking believe this is happening. I can’t seem to get my head around it. Taryn’s hand shoots into her mouth and she gasps. Henry takes off after his wife, holding her back from the black bag that now holds their daughter. Henry pulls Laura away and brings her back over to where Taryn and I are standing. Laura is a mess, she looks like she’s ready to drop any second. She looks at me and in her eyes, I see the hurt and the loss. I feel for her. I don’t know what I would do if anything were to happen to Mia or Jackson, there are my life.

  Sergeant Daniels comes back over to us with two envelopes. He stops in front of us and nods to Henry, then at me.

  “Mr. Bishop, Ms. Bishop, there’s a letter addressed to you from your daughter.” He hands them the envelope and then hands me the one with my name. It feels so heavy in my hand. Dread rolls up my spine as I see Destiny’s handwriting on the front, nicely written is my name ‘Viper’. I close my eyes. I might not have loved Destiny but she did give me my son. I have some feelings towards her for that fact alone. But it’s not love, it’s respect. She gave me something precious. I’ll forever be thankful.

  Henry looks at me and down to his broken wife, his eyes showing unleashed tears. I know he’s trying to stay strong for his wife, his family. I nod to him and one tear slides down his face and he wipes it away quick and he nods back. Laura looks at Jackson with a lost look and she sobs lightly. “The baby will never know how good his mother could have been, how she was before that wicked job of hers,” she cries and Henry holds her to him, rubbing her arms trying to soothe her. Laura looks at me. “Dalton, please don’t keep Jackson away from us. My heart won’t bear it,” she says softly, her voice so broken for crying.

  “I would never keep Jackson, from you. From either of you,” I announce.

  “Thank you, Dalton. Jackson is the last part of Destiny that I have and I don’t know what I would do if I lost him too,” she whimpers, her lip trembling.


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