Purrfect For Me: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Misty Valley Shifters Book 3)

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Purrfect For Me: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Misty Valley Shifters Book 3) Page 7

by Natalie Kristen

  She began to wheeze and shudder violently. Her body was screaming with hunger and need. Lindsay felt a sudden stab of fear. What was happening to her? Was she going to die?

  She cried out and felt Sean's arms tighten around her. “Lindsay,” he growled her name as his cock nudged at her opening. When she cried out, he slid blissfully, sweetly into her.

  Her body stopped shaking and she relaxed back onto the mattress as she felt him surge into her body. He stretched her and filled her completely, perfectly. She felt so full, so safe, so...amazing.

  Sean stroked languidly in and out of her body, his cock massaging the rippling walls of her channel. She wrapped her legs around his waist and sighed contently. This felt so good, she wanted it to last forever.

  This felt different from the last time they were together.

  That night, she had been drunk and delirious. The sex that night was hard and furious. Raw, animalistic, possessive. It was full of heat and hunger, explosive lust and want. As far as one night stands went, she would rate it a solid ten. Ten out of ten.

  But this, this was more than lust. This felt different. This was tender and very intimate. Sean wasn't just having sex with her now. He was making love to her. Enjoying her, cherishing her, loving her.

  This was how it felt to belong to someone. To be truly, fully joined with someone.

  “Oh, Sean,” she breathed, tracing her fingers down his undulating back. “I think I could get used to this.”

  He smirked. “You'd better. I'm going to make love to you every day, every night, Lindsay.” His expression turned serious as he said huskily, “Every night, for the rest of your life.”

  She laughed. She would play along with him. She didn't want to spoil this perfect moment. He couldn't be serious.

  “That sounds...perfect,” she whispered and sighed. Too perfect to be true.

  “You are perfect, Lindsay,” he said, stroking her cheek tenderly.

  Lindsay's breath caught at the softness and gentleness of his touch. Sean gazed deeply into her eyes, his hands making slow, caressing circles down her arms and around her breasts as he took her closer and closer to the edge. His thrusts became faster and more urgent as he thumbed her hard, aching nipples. Lindsay could feel the heat uncoiling low in her belly, rushing down between her legs and winding deliciously up her spine. The sweet, enveloping warmth wasn't just throbbing between her thighs. It was everywhere, invading her heart, her core, and spreading through her foggy mind.

  Her muscles clenched as she pulled Sean deeper into her body. It felt so good to be with this man. She had seen his wild, deadly animal side and she wasn't afraid of him in the least. She had seen the lethal, unforgiving predator in him. She knew that he wouldn't hesitate to kill to protect his offspring and his mate. He was an alpha male who protected his family and his pride.

  Lindsay was a fiercely protective parent herself. She might be law-abiding and ladylike when people behaved themselves, but if she detected even the slightest danger or threat to her Mina, the law-abiding, ladylike persona would be gone in half a blink. Her daughter's safety and well-being was her priority. She believed in Mina, and she gave her the space and freedom to explore and find herself. But she took care and looked out for her own. She would kill to protect her baby girl, and...she would kill to protect Sean's baby girl too. She would gladly have killed those hyenas back in that alley to save Allison.

  Lindsay arched her back, thoroughly enjoying Sean's powerful body and possessive embrace. This beautiful, powerful, loving man was making love to her, taking her so sweetly, and making her body hum and purr with pleasure.

  The first flames of her orgasm was flickering at the edge of her consciousness. Lindsay cried out in need as Sean increased the pressure and speed of his thrusts. “Harder,” she panted, digging her nails into his shoulder.

  Sean pushed deeper into her, but he didn't take her hard. He rocked steadily into her, building up her pleasure by degrees until she gasped and screamed his name in abandon.

  Lindsay felt Sean's body buck and tremble in her arms as he came with her. She rode the wet, scorching heat of their climax, surrendering her body and her pleasure completely to Sean.

  Closing her eyes, she breathed in that perfect moment of shared, mutual ecstasy and bliss. They were so perfect together.

  As her body stopped shuddering, Sean rolled onto his side and pulled her into his arms. He dragged the covers up to her shoulders and wrapped her up in his warmth as she snuggled against him.

  “That was...amazing. I feel better already,” she grinned and poked him playfully. She heard him chuckle softly as he kissed the top of her head.

  Her eyelids were already drooping as she murmured drowsily, “So...when can I go home?”

  Sean's arms tightened around her.

  As she drifted off to sleep, she thought she heard his quiet reply, “You are home, Lindsay.”


  Lindsay had just finished dressing when she heard a small sound at the door. It sounded like a tentative knock. “Yeah?” she called out, but there was no response.

  She shrugged and turned back to the mirror. She had showered and freshened up in the attached bathroom of Sean's large bedroom. When she came out of the bathroom, her old comfy jeans were nowhere to be seen. Instead, she'd found this flowing cotton frock carefully laid out on the bed for her. She usually preferred her jeans to girly dresses, but she had to admit, Sean had good taste. This dress accentuated her curves beautifully and flattered her full figure. She looked really good in it. Lindsay beamed then frowned at her reflection in the mirror. Was it her imagination, or did her figure look fuller than usual?

  The swells of her breasts looked creamy and rosy, and her butt looked rounder and fleshier than usual. She'd always been comfortable with her curves, but now, she felt...sexy, womanly, like a flower in full bloom. Lindsay rounded her eyes at her own reflection. A flower? God, she was out of her mind. Not only had her libido raged out of control this last few days, she was now certifiably delusional.

  She was no sweet, virginal flower. She was a middle-aged woman, with a grown-up, married daughter who would probably bestow upon her the honored title of grandmother pretty soon. She hoped it would be soon. She would dote on Mina and Declan's pup and spoil the precious little thing rotten. She loved kids and she was so looking forward to grandkids. But it was no use nudging Mina. The girl was a pro at deflecting questions she didn't want to answer. She'd just change the topic with a disarming smile and a well-timed joke. Raising Mina had certainly been a challenge and a joy.

  Lindsay huffed at herself and flounced away from the bathroom mirror. She was walking towards the door when she heard the knock again. It was a little louder this time.

  She opened the door immediately and came face to face with the white knuckles of Allison's fist.

  “Oh.” Lindsay stumbled back, startled.

  Allison caught her arm immediately to steady her. “I'm sorry,” Allison muttered. “I didn't mean to scare you. Are you all right?”

  “I...I'm fine,” Lindsay smiled.

  Allison released her elbow and stood awkwardly at the bedroom door. “I just wanted to...thank you, for saving my life. And...” She swallowed and looked down. “I'm sorry for what I said. I was wrong. You're not like those...um, those...”

  “Greedy, grasping gold diggers?” Lindsay supplied.

  Allison gave a sheepish nod. “You're not like them. You...you're real. You really are my dad's mate. He cares for you, and I can tell that you care for him as well.” She glanced up at Lindsay and added softly, “And for me.”

  Lindsay stepped forward and touched the young woman's hand lightly. “You are Sean's daughter. You are like my daughter. In fact, you are a lot like my Mina.” Lindsay canted her head to the side and regarded Allison with a slow smile. “Yes. Both of you are strong, stubborn, quick-tempered and unafraid.”

  Allison returned her smile shyly. “Thank you. You...we
re incredibly brave. I never expected...”

  “There's no need to thank me. I simply acted out of instinct. I just had my fangs and claws out, figuratively, when I saw those hyenas coming at you. Maybe I have a shifter in me!” Lindsay laughed nervously.

  To her surprise, Allison threw her arms around her and hugged her. After a beat, Lindsay embraced the girl without a word.

  Allison stepped back and cleared her throat. “You...do have a shifter in you.”

  “What? Oh, that was just a figure of speech! I was just joking,” Lindsay waved her off.

  “But I'm not,” Allison said, her amber eyes glowing ever so slightly. Lindsay saw Allison's nostrils flare and she knew that the young lioness had detected a subtle scent in the air.

  “What is it?” Lindsay coaxed gently. “You can tell me. I won't tell anyone. Besides, I'm leaving soon. I've got to get home and...”

  “No! You can't leave,” Allison blurted out, her eyes widening in panic. “Not when you're...” Allison took a sharp breath and gulped. “The pride will protect you,” she said solemnly. “My dad and I will protect you.”

  “You don't have to...”

  “I'm a lioness. I protect my own,” Allison declared.

  Lindsay beamed. Spoken like a true Alpha.

  “I protect my pride,” Allison said, looking her in the eye. “I protect my family.”

  “Oh, that's...” Lindsay was at a loss for words.

  Allison was giving her a funny look. Finally, she said cautiously, “You do know, don't you?”

  “Know what?” Lindsay's eyes rounded.

  “Um...didn't Dr. Zhou tell you?”

  “Tell me what?” When Allison chewed her lip and hummed and hawed, Lindsay exploded, “Come on, spit it out! What didn't Dr. Zhou tell me? What do I not know?”

  Lindsay stopped suddenly and sucked in a long breath. She did know.

  She pressed a hand protectively over her belly. She did have a shifter in her. A lion. A cub.

  The room tilted suddenly and she gasped. Allison grabbed her and helped her to the bed. She heard running footsteps and heard Sean thunder into the room. Sean and Allison began speaking together, talking over each other.

  “Sean?” Lindsay put out her hand for him.

  “Yes, Lindsay, I'm here.” Sean knelt in front of her and held her hand.

  Trying not to hyperventilate, Lindsay flicked her eyes up and blinked Sean's concerned face into focus.

  She gulped loudly. “How...I...?”

  “Just breathe, Lindsay. In, out, in, out,” he recited.

  “How is it possible?” she mumbled, half to herself. “I'm forty-three!”

  She felt a hand on her shoulder.

  “Allison?” she said in a stronger voice.

  “Yes.” She heard a step beside her.

  “Can you tell me exactly what Dr. Zhou said? Am I...pregnant?”

  There was a pause as Allison glanced at her dad. “Yes. You're pregnant. Dr. Zhou confirmed it.”

  Lindsay breathed in sharply and went very still.

  After a long while, she heard Sean's quiet voice, “Are you upset, Lindsay?”

  Upset? No, not at all. She just couldn't believe this.

  “No, no, Sean, I'm not upset. I just...never thought that I'd have the chance to be a mother again.” She blinked rapidly to clear her blurring vision. Smiling up at Sean and Allison, who were both hovering worriedly over her, she laughed in utter disbelief and wonder. “I...I am pregnant! I'm going to have a kid!”

  “Not a kid. Only weregoats have kids. You're having a cub,” Allison corrected. Then she let out a whoop and clapped. “I'm going to be a big sister! Oh my, oh my, oh my! And...I'll have a mom too! And a sister!” She did a happy dance around the room and ran to kiss Lindsay on the cheek. “This is so awesome!”


  Lindsay let Sean zip up her white nurse uniform and stepped deftly away from him before he decided that he very much preferred the zip undone. She had been late for work before, because the lion had pounced on her before she could make her getaway.

  She tut-tutted at her mate, and rolled her eyes at the look of disappointment on his handsome face. “I'll see you tonight, lion,” she purred.

  Seeing that she wasn't going to be swayed, Sean grumbled good-naturedly under his breath as he nuzzled her neck. “I'll drive you.”

  Lindsay pushed him away gently. “You have a meeting to attend, Mr Hunter. I heard you talking to Jake earlier.” When he scowled, she gave him a peck on the cheek and said, “Don't worry. Allison is a very careful driver. And I like chatting with her in the car. Girl time, you know.”

  “Fine. Give me a call once you reach the clinic, okay?” He walked with her down the corridor, his hand on the small of her back.

  “It's just a short drive. Okay, okay, I'll call you.”

  Allison was already at the front door, car keys in hand.

  “Dad, Mom,” she grinned. “Oh, man! Will you guys stop that? Ick!” She made a face when Sean swooped down to kiss Lindsay passionately on the lips. His huge hand caressed her swollen belly possessively and proudly. “Mom, he's going to make you late again!” Allison hollered.

  Sean scowled at his daughter. “Brat,” he said, ruffling her hair affectionately. “Drive safe.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Don't I always.”

  Lindsay waddled to the car and buckled her heavily pregnant frame in. Along the drive, Allison chatted excitedly about her latest plans for Hunter's Lodge and Hunter's Cabin. Allison was in charge of two hotels now, and the young lioness was bursting with enthusiasm and gusto. Lindsay was proud of her, and she was glad that they had grown really close. She was close to both her girls, Allison and Mina. Mina had been thrilled to bits at the news of Lindsay's pregnancy. The she-wolf and the lioness were as thick as thieves. Mina and Allison were always planning shopping trips together, coming back laden with all sorts of baby stuff. Both girls couldn't wait to welcome their new baby sibling, and were taking their big sister roles very seriously.

  Lindsay glanced out the window as Allison drove and prattled on cheerfully. Lindsay passed her old house almost every day on her way to work. She had rented the place out to a young human couple when she moved into Sean's mansion. Members of the Hunter pride were always coming and going at all hours of the day and night, and she had gotten used to Sean jumping out of bed to take a call or attend to pride business in the middle of the night.

  But she knew he felt safe leaving her in the mansion only because Allison was there with her. The lioness would protect Lindsay and her unborn cub with her life.

  They pulled up in front of Dr. Zhou's house-cum-clinic. “Bye Mom, be careful,” Allison nagged as Lindsay closed the car door. Lindsay nodded and waved, but couldn't resist an eyeroll as she turned towards the clinic. Both Mina and Allison seemed to have morphed into little nags lately. It was...rather disconcerting. It was like their roles had been reversed and they had become the mother instead.

  Lindsay pushed through the door and greeted her bosses. “Good morning, Dr. Zhou and Dr. Zhou!”

  Dr. Zhou and Abigail put down their cups of green tea and smiled. “Good morning,” they chirped together. Abigail immediately poured another cup of fragrant green tea and pushed the cup into Lindsay's hands. “Drink. Green tea is good for you. And your cub.”

  Lindsay grinned. “Thank you!”

  She loved working for Abigail and her dad. She had found the crumpled advertisement in her bag and gone for the interview after all. Imagine her surprise when the door opened and she came face to face with Dr. Zhou. “Oh, it's you!”

  Dr. Zhou and Abigail had asked her about her experience as a nurse in New Moon City, and after an hour-long interview, they had offered her the position on the spot.

  Lindsay enjoyed her job immensely. Even when her belly ballooned and her ankles started to swell, she had refused to quit her job and stay at home. Sean knew when to back off. It w
as no use fighting a battle he couldn't win.

  “There's a long list of patients today,” Abigail said, looking through the appointment sheets as she sipped her tea. “We have to see to...”

  There was a loud crash. Lindsay's cup lay in pieces on the floor bleeding warm green tea into the floorboards. There was a growing pool of moisture around Lindsay's feet.

  “Ah! Ow, oooh, no....” Lindsay clutched her belly and began to pant.

  Dr. Zhou and Abigail leaped into action straight away. “Cancel all the appointments!” Dr. Zhou yelled to his daughter. “We've delivering a werelion cub today!”

  * * *

  Abigail handed Lindsay a squirming, squalling bundle. The young physician looked thoroughly exhausted but she still managed to grin happily at Lindsay. “He's gorgeous!”

  “Thank you,” Lindsay smiled as she cradled her baby in her arms. The little fella immediately stopped bawling and settled contentedly against his mother's chest.

  Dr. Zhou went to open the door. He stepped aside quickly as Sean barreled into the room, followed closely by Mina and Allison. They rushed to her, shoving and shouting at once.



  “Oooh, look at him! He's...perfect!”

  As Sean wrapped his strong arms around her and the baby, Mina and Allison crowed and cooed over their new baby brother.

  Abigail and Dr. Zhou beamed at the happily family before quietly leaving the room. They had delivered a healthy, hefty cub in one of the treatment rooms of their clinic. They had done a great job, and they were going to sit down for a nice cup of green tea and a quick lunch before getting back to work. Patients had been streaming in all morning and even though Dr. Zhou had gone out to explain the situation to them, they had been content to wait. Their waiting room was now pretty full. Most of the patients seemed unfazed by all the werelions crowding into Dr. Zhou's front yard. The entire Hunter pride had turned up, their cars choking up the long quiet street where Dr. Zhou's house was situated.


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