Heartsridge Shifters: Grant

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Heartsridge Shifters: Grant Page 5

by Olivia Arran

He sucked in a breath as he readjusted his hold, one leg sliding between mine until I was basically riding his thigh. His hips rocked forward, as if driven by an unseen force, his eyes glittering with heat. “I suppose I should be glad that you didn’t try to castrate me on purpose.”

  “I thought about it…” I widened my eyes and pursed my lips, before continuing, “…but even I can admit, it would have been a damn waste.”

  “Oh, yeah?” He grinned. “I knew you really liked me.”

  I stared up at him, itching to reach out and touch him. To brush back the strands of hair that were hanging into his eyes, cup his jaw, trace his lips with my fingers. Yeah, that’s never been our problem.

  The moment stretched between us as we laid there, sweaty skin pressed close and breath mingling. His gaze darted to my mouth, lingering and darkening with a hunger that hit me straight between the legs. Not thinking, I twisted, trying to throw him, anything to escape the answering need rising up inside me, the insane—absolutely fucking insane—thought that letting this man kiss me again might be the best idea ever.

  Like I said—insane.

  I got lucky, or he was distracted—whatever, I was taking it—and I managed to complete the roll, only now I was perched on top of him, hands sliding across his chest, groins notched together, his large hands gripping my hips, and his thick hard shaft pressed deliciously between my legs. It had been a long time since I’d had a man with anything like this one was packing anywhere near my ladyparts, and they were liking this way too much.

  A wolf whistle had me almost jumping out of my skin. Not missing a beat, I shot Sarah the middle finger, ignoring her peal of laughter.

  Grant hadn’t moved a muscle since I’d rearranged our position, his shoulders bunched and biceps straining as he held the perfect mid-crunch. I’d bet, if I peeked, his abs would be mid-delicious ripple. I had to rest my eyelids for a brief moment; holy hell, he was fine. A soft tremble worked its way through me as I fought the urge to rock against him. When I blinked my eyes back online, I was met with flared nostrils and hooded eyes.

  “Got you,” I murmured, trying to snap myself out of it, but it came out soft and breathy. Come on! My mental groan was deafening, and helped serve as the adrenaline jolt I needed to try and stumble to my feet.

  Or, I would have, if large dinner plate sized hands weren’t holding me in place, thumbs tracing lazy circles over my hips, sliding under the edge of my workout top, teasing me with the slightest hint of bare skin to skin contact.

  “What are you going to do to me, now that you’ve caught me?”

  I took a moment to make sure my voice was steady. “What do you mean?”

  My eyes must have been showing a little too much white, because he chuckled. “I’m the assailant and you’ve overpowered me. What do you do next?” If I hadn’t detected the tiniest hint of strain in his voice, I might have thrown a hissy fit, but it was there, all right. Yep, the insufferable man was having a damn hard time resisting my womanly wiles.

  Allowing myself an internal booty shake, I leaned down, until we were nose to nose. “I’d poke them in the eyes.” I moved my hand slowly down his stomach, tracing each defined ridge with my nail, almost humming when he bit back a groan. “Or I’d go for the previous option, but finish the job.”

  His hand snapped out, catching my wrist. “Careful there, sweetheart.”

  “Why? If I break it, I pay for it?”

  Hit eyes lit up with amusement. “Something along those lines.”

  “Do you two need the rest of us to leave?”

  A quick glance confirmed that the rest of the gang were all chilling and watching from their various positions in the room, similar expressions of amusement on their faces.

  “I’ll…” I bit my bottom lip, swallowing back a hell, yeah. “We’re done, right?”

  At Kel’s nod, I vaulted off Grant, his hands sliding away with a reluctance that stroked my ego. “I’m hitting the shower, then.”

  Sarah joined me, nudging me with her hip. “Wow-ee, girl.” She wafted a hand in front of her face. “It’s getting hot in here!”

  I tossed a glance over my shoulder. Grant was still on the floor, but had pushed up to sitting, one knee bent and his arm draped casually over the top. As if hiding something. Catching my eye, he smirked. “Text me your address and I’ll pick you up at 7:40.” At my confused expression, he winked. “For our date with Mrs. Barone.”

  Oh, right. Our date.

  Sarah’s eyes were round when I managed to drag my attention away from the cocky shifter. “Date?” she mouthed.

  A frisson of excitement curled in my stomach. “Lucky me, huh?”

  I yanked on the scrap of fabric that resembled a top, smoothing it over my hips, and stared in the mirror. “What do you think?”

  Behind me, Sarah lounged on my bed, twirling her phone in her hand as she shoved another chip in her mouth. “S’good,” she mumbled around a red hot Cheeto, lips tinged fiery orange. Popping her fingers in her mouth, she scraped at the fluffy coating with her teeth, one of the many reasons Cheetos were a part of my top ten snack foods. “I liked the last five tops you tried on, too.”

  This mini panic attack was also one of the reasons I wasn’t busy coating my hands in red-orangey goodness. Yet another reason to cancel this so-called date. I reached for the bag, which was cruelly swiped out of my reach.

  “Uh huh. You’ll thank me later when you’re smooching—”

  I snarled, eying the bag. “I’m not going to kiss him.”

  “—And you don’t have Cheeto breath.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me. “Sure, of course you’re not. That’s why your entire wardrobe is now being used as a carpet.”

  I yanked the top off; it showed way too much skin. “I don’t know why I’m even going.”

  Sarah rolled onto her back, clutching at her chest. “Because you liiiiike him.”

  I shook my head. “How old are you?”

  “Old enough to know that sometimes people deserve a second chance.”

  “After they’ve acted like an ass?”

  “Sometimes especially after they’ve attained assdom.”

  “That isn’t a word.”

  She was also nearing the bottom of a bottle of wine. Which she’d drank on her own, since I’d declared I needed to keep a clear head.

  Screw that. Plucking her wine glass up, I drained it in three large gulps, letting out a gratifying sigh. If Sarah could look for the good in a man, after what she’d been through, then maybe there was hope for me yet.

  “Feel better?”

  I grinned. “Much.”

  “Good.” She shuffled to the end of the bed and scanned the floor, reaching out and snagging a scrap of silver material. “This one. It makes your tits look fabulous.”

  I held it up, scrunching up my nose. “I don’t want—” At her rude noise, I caved, and pulled it on. “Okay. But he’s not getting his hands on my fabulous tits.”

  “That’s right, you make him work for it.”

  I planted my hands on my hips, ignoring her as I scrutinized myself in the mirror. Tight skinny jeans, silver top that clung to my breasts before fluttering out in a graceful—and flattering—curve. Bouncy curls and a touch of lip gloss. Yep, I’d do. I grabbed my purse, checking to make sure my badge and spare firearm was tucked inside, along with my money. “I won’t be late.”

  She winked at me, giving me a mock leer and following me out into the living room. “Just hang something on your door knob if you get lucky.”

  “No-one’s getting lucky.”

  “Hey, me and Mr. Bob might have a good time while you’re out playing with a real man.”

  “Spare batteries are in the second drawer.” Sheesh, we both needed to get laid.

  She dropped onto our couch, curling her feet up underneath her and grabbing the remote. “Pfft. Like Bob isn’t primed and always ready.” She flicked on the TV while I hovered at the edge of the room, peeking out of the window. “Seriously, though…”
  I flashed her a panicked glare. “No. I’m not doing serious. Not right now.”

  She shuffled around, coming up onto her knees and peering at me over the back of the couch. “Seriously, honey, I know he acted like a total jerk, but maybe he had a reason.”

  “And maybe he’s just a jerk?”

  She sighed, as if I’d disappointed her. “Well, you said the man could kiss, so why not use him to let off a little steam? Hmmm?”

  Oh, yeah, Grant could kiss. That moment was seared into my memory in technicolor detail, complete with sensory surround sound. Every time I closed my eyes, I could feel his lips pressing against mine, his taste invading my mouth, his hands cradling my body as he pressed against me, holding me like I was the most precious person in the world. That he also wanted to push onto the floor and screw senseless. And then there was the sounds … ahhh, heck … the rumbly groan as he bit at my lip, the throbbing growl as his tongue invaded my mouth, the—

  “Mandy, he’s here.”

  I blinked, my body tight with need and frustration humming beneath my skin. He ignored me. Pretended that he hadn’t just rocked my world.

  It was enough of a slap in the face for me to force a deep breath and step out into the night, to face the man who’d managed to do what no man in fifteen years had managed to do.

  Slide past my defenses and take a shot at my heart.

  Chapter Seven


  My hand barely brushed the wood before the front door swung open, spilling the sweet scent of vanilla and chocolate into the crisp air. Perfection stood in front of me, framed in the soft light that blurred the shadowy early evening gloom.

  She took my breath away. Yeah, it was cheesy as fuck, and I was happy that no-one was privy to my inner thoughts, but that didn’t change how she affected me. How I struggled to think as we stared at each other. How the air around us crackled and sparked with attraction thick enough, that I had to curl my hands into fists to keep from reaching out and touching her.

  “Grant.” She swallowed, forcing her mouth to curl into an easy smile, even as her eyes ravaged me.

  “Bella.” My native tongue was rusty from misuse, but it didn’t stop the endearment from spilling out of my mouth. I cleared my throat. “Mandy, you look beautiful.”

  Her lips parted, her tongue darting out to wet them. Pulling the door shut behind her, she tugged a wrap around her shoulders, curling her fingers into the soft wool. “Okay. You promised food, buster.”

  Hiding my amusement at her soft bluster, I offered her my arm, which she stared at for a brief moment, before accepting with a grimace.

  We walked to the SUV and I helped her into the passenger side. “I don’t bite.”

  Her retort was lost behind the door as I closed it, stalking around to take the driver’s seat, but the indignant glare she gave me more than made up for it. After sliding into the evening traffic, we’d traveled a couple of miles before she let out a sigh. “What’s this all about?”

  Flicking my eyes to her, I took in her rigid posture, the way she stroked her fingers across the bag she hugged into her lap. All thoughts of teasing melted away at the sight of her discomfort. “I wanted to apologize and this opportunity presented itself.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her flinch. “Apologize?” The careful nonchalance in her voice had me cursing under my breath.

  This wasn’t a conversation I’d planned on having in the car. I hadn’t actually planned this conversation at all, though—if I had to be brutally honest with myself, something that was being forced on me more and more often, lately—I’d known it was coming. The flirting earlier today had been my undoing, and I’d spent the hours leading up to this moment taking a long, hard look at myself.

  It didn’t help that my wolf wasn’t happy with me. At all. He was furious that we’d upset our mate.

  Time to man up and spit it out. “About what happened back in Heartsridge.”

  She squirmed in her seat. “We really don’t have to talk about that.”


  “No, seriously, we really don’t.” She sounded exasperated, and more than a little pissed off.

  “I hurt you.”

  She turned in her seat, pinning me with a glare. “You’re making a big assumption there.” She waggled a finger at me, and I knew that if I hadn’t been driving, she would have been poking me. “Sure, we kissed, and it was nice. Fun. But it was just a kiss. It’s not like you made any promises or took me home to meet your mom.” She shook her hair back, resting back in the seat, her point made. “Yes, you acted like an asshole, but no more than a ton of other guys out there. I’m pretty sure you won’t be the last, either.”

  A snarl escaped me before I could pull it back. Yanking the steering wheel, the SUV bounced against the curb before coming to a stop. Throwing it into park, I unclipped my seatbelt and swiveled in my seat to face her. My wolf vied for control, surging to the surface and pressing against my skin. “You will not be kissing other men,” I growled, a haze coming down over me as the image invaded my mind. I wanted to break something. Hit something. I sucked in a breath, muscles bunching and straining as I willed myself back under control. Shit. How had I ever thought I could fight this? Trying to walk away had only made it worse.

  She gaped at me. “Um, excuse me?” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “Who do you think you are, trying to tell me what I can and can’t—”

  “Your mate.”

  This time, her jaw almost hit the floor. She closed it with an audible click, her throat working as she swallowed hard, not saying a word.

  It was a silent standoff, the interior of the SUV lit by the soft glow of a streetlamp and the air thick with unvoiced accusations. I could almost hear her shouting at me inside her head as she shook it slowly.

  Keeping my hands braced on my thighs, I forced my eyes back to gray, feeling my wolf finally recede at my silent promise to make things right. “I pushed you away because you surprised me. I wasn’t expecting you—a human cop—to be my mate.” At the flash of hurt in her eyes, I mentally called myself every name under the sun. “You’re taking it the wrong way, I didn’t mean—”

  “Because I’m human? Or because I’m a cop?” she asked in a quiet voice.

  She deserved honesty, even if it was brutal, I reminded myself. “Both.”

  She looked away, her chin tilting up.

  “But not the way you’re thinking.” I wanted to touch her, if only to reassure myself that she was still with me, that I hadn’t lost her. Not that I didn’t deserve to.

  “You’re a human cop. You have a life here in the city. Friends. Family. A job that you love. You’re happy.” I willed her to look at me, but she didn’t, so I forced myself to carry on, “I’m a wolf, an enforcer. My pack needs me.” Excuses, all of it. I could see that now, but it didn’t make it any easier. The decisions any easier.

  Until something inside me had finally snapped and I’d understood. It had taken less than 24 hours back in her company, and I’d known I wasn’t walking away again. If this new legislation actually went through, then I’d have a fighting chance. I was hers, however she’d have me.

  “I get it.” She sounded calm.

  I didn’t like it one bit. She still wouldn’t look at me. “You do?” I asked, wary.

  She let out a wry laugh. “I guess long distance relationships don’t work when it comes to shifters?”

  I rubbed my hand along my thigh. “We tend to move faster than humans.” When it comes to our mates.

  She nodded, mirroring my movement with her own hand. I wanted to reach out and take it, link our fingers together and pull her close, but I wasn’t sure of my welcome. “What now?” she eventually asked, her eyes eventually sliding over to meet mine. The question encompassed everything, and gave me nothing as to what she was thinking.

  I hated this. Hated the fact that there was a wall between us, though I had only myself to blame. I made myself smile, nice and easy. Non-threatening.
“I don’t suppose you’re still hungry?”

  She snorted. “Hmmmm, do you turn into a wolf?”

  I held out my hand, palm up, searching her eyes. “I was an ass. Give me another chance?”

  She pretended to consider my plea. Okay, I hope she pretended. Goddamn it, I was sweating on the inside.

  “You still want that date? I thought shifters moved fast.” She gave me a wry smile, but it didn’t mask the tension in her jaw.

  “I want anything you’re offering, bella. This shifter is more than happy to let his mate dictate the pace.”

  “No promises.” At my nod, her hand met mine and I slid our fingers together, dipping my head to press a kiss against the underside of her wrist.

  Her breath hitched, then expelled on a smooth gust. “Thank you, Grant.” The emotion in her voice hinted at more than the obvious.

  “What for?”

  “For putting me first.” She rolled her eyes, breaking the heavy mood with a soft laugh. “Even when I had no idea that’s what you were actually doing.”

  “Have I redeemed myself?”

  She pulled her hand away, but not before giving mine a brief squeeze and went to open her door. Her words floated back to me as she slid out of the car, “No, you’re still an ass. You’ve got your work cut out for you, buster.”

  “Challenge accepted.” If she heard me, she didn’t comment, but when she joined me on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, her cheeks were flushed.

  I opened the door for her with a wink. “Ladies first.” As she swept past me, I dropped a kiss on her cheek, unable to resist nuzzling into the springy curls that hid her neck.

  She paused, arching a brow at me. “Oh, I see we’re going to have to talk about some ground rules.”

  I gave her a look of mock horror. “But that’s not even first base!”

  She nudged me with her shoulder. “Definitely second date material.”

  “You’ve had me pinned on the mat, all hot and sweaty and desperate for you. I’d say we’re well past our second date.”

  She tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth, the action sending a surge of heat directly to my cock. “Desperate?”


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