Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids)

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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids) Page 4

by Billy Miner

  But one of the zombies is different. There is something about him that almost appears to be human. Discover the secret of the zombie apocalypse with John, Jane, and an unusual zombie they meet. Curious? Go ahead and begin reading now!

  Chapter 1: Another Zombie-Killing Day

  “This is it. We can’t hold them back much longer,” Jane said. “Just keep shooting them!” John yelled in despair. “There HAS to be a way out.”

  John and Jane were driven into a corner. The hordes of zombies were running at them, drooling and bleeding along the way, making gruesome noises and frightening movements. John had a machine gun, a simple but effective AK-47, and Jane had a huge shotgun. Both of them were firing away at the approaching creatures, reloading and shouting for courage.

  “Well, where is it then? I don’t see a way out! Do you?” Jane yelled. John looked around for a minute. “There!” he said. “The vent!” With that being said, John and Jane turned around and jumped into the vent, crawling through the eerie space that could give any person a claustrophobic heart attack.

  “Go! Go! Go!” John shouted as he watched Jane go first. Although he didn’t want to be an annoyance, he wished she would crawl a little faster.

  They were stuck in a high school. After the disease pretty much took over Minecraft City, they fled to the supermarket, looted whatever they could, and set up camp in the high school classrooms, thinking that they were safe. And they were… for a while… until they were discovered.

  “This teaches us to be more careful when we go out next time,” John said.

  “Hey, just because there happened to be a zombie in the ladies’ bathroom, doesn’t mean this is all my fault, okay!” Jane said in frustration.

  “I am not saying that. I am just expressing my worry about the next hiding place we find. We need to become more secluded, and wait out the end of this episode of terror. The zombies are everywhere, and we can’t afford to take risks,” John added.

  “Well, what do you suggest?” Jane asked.

  “A bank. Find supplies and hide in the bank vault. For now, until we find something better.”

  “Sounds good, but let’s get out of here first. I think I already killed about 20 in a few minutes, but they keep coming,” said Jane.

  “Let’s take the emergency exit and then just follow me. I know the quickest way to get there,” John explained.


  Jane left the building as fast as she could, followed by John. They blocked the exit and ran off through the alleys.

  “Did we lose them?” Jane asked, panting and trying to catch her breath.

  “I think so. Let’s keep running until we are there,” John answered.

  “Easy for you to say. You were a basketball player. I was part of the chess club,” Jane said.

  “Ha-ha! I thought chess was a sport! That’s what you told me!”

  “Yes, but…. Ughh… I am tired. Can we pause for a few seconds?”

  “Okay,” John answered. “But no more. We need to get to a safe area.”

  After a quick pause, John and Jane ran into the closest bank. They quietly opened the door and held their guns in front of them, making sure the environment was safe. They slowly moved towards the vault.


  “Right, genius. How do we open it?” Jane asked.

  “The code has to be around here somewhere. I mean, everyone is gone. Aha! This must be it. Let’s try it.”

  John tried to open the vault, but it wouldn’t budge. There was no way of opening it. He tugged and pulled with all his might and started kicking it in frustration.

  “Hey, take it easy,” Jane said. “That’s not going to help. Let’s go to plan B.”

  “What is plan B?” John asked. “We can find a bomb shelter. Some of these houses have one. They were built during the Cold War, so they MUST have SOMETHING.”

  John agreed and they left the bank. They saw some money lying on the floor, but money was no good here. There goes that idea…

  “Watch out!” Jane screamed.

  John turned around and shot a zombie in the face. Takadakadak! His machine gun fired a few rounds, all precise hits.

  “Thanks. Now let’s get moving.”

  John and Jane came to the old part of town. They knew there might be a higher risk of encounters with zombies, but Jane’s idea about the bomb shelter actually wasn’t bad.

  After searching through several homes, they found one with a basement. It was great, because it had a food storage, comfortable couches, a bed, and enough space to move around.

  “Aaahh…” Jane said in satisfaction as she fell on the bed. “This is what I am talking about.”

  Finally they were safe, or so they thought….

  Chapter 2: We Have to Get Out!

  John and Jane stayed in the bomb shelter for 5 days. They opened cans of food, ate the leftovers, and read some of the books that were on the shelves. The only thing that almost became a problem, was that there was only one bed. Clearly this shelter was made for married couples, but John and Jane were not even in a relationship.

  John was 16. He had been a sports fanatic, always trying to be the best at everything. His whole life, he had spent countless hours practicing basketball shots, attempting to dunk, and playing non-stop with his friends.

  Jane was 14. She secretly had a crush on John, but he was too ignorant to notice. Jane always looked up to him, although there was no need to. Jane was extremely intelligent. She won chess tournaments, built her own websites, and learned how to make money online. She usually had high grades in school and studied world history and geography. If there was any location in the world you would bring up, she could tell you something about it.

  But now they were stuck together, something that Jane didn’t mind. John, however, was focused on survival and didn’t even want to get close. Yes, Jane was attractive, but his mind was on other things. Besides, she was his best friend. It would be so weird to take it any further, right? That’s what he thought at least.

  “I am glad the toilet works,” Jane said. “Could you imagine being here without a bathroom?”

  “Yes,” John said. “But we are running out of food. I have to go get some at the convenience store across the street. I know there is some over there. I saw it when we came here.”

  “Please be careful,” Jane said. “We don’t want to alarm anyone. Nobody can know we are here.”

  “No worries,” John answered nonchalantly. “I’ll be back before you can blink your eyes.”

  As John took off, Jane feared the worst. They had felt safe before, only to wake up by a few zombie hordes and having to run for their lives.

  John took his AK-47 and pointed it in front of him. With every quiet move he made, he squinted his eyes and concentrated as hard as he could to see if there was any movement. He exited the house they were hiding in and walked across the street, as quietly as he could… until…

  “What was that?” John thought nervously.




  “Whaaaarghh!” he heard an ugly zombie cry out. It was coming right at him. John didn’t hesitate and shot it immediately. Bull’s eye! But the sound set a disaster in motion.

  Suddenly dozens of zombies came running at him from around the corners of the surrounding streets.

  “Oh no, what did I do?” John said as he backed up and kept firing at them. He was outnumbered. There was nothing he could do but go back downstairs and hide.

  “Open up! Hurry!” John shouted.

  Jane opened the hatch. “Did you get the food?”

  “No time for questions. Let me in and shut the hatch! Quickly!”

  John climbed down the ladder when he felt a tug on his shirt. “Waaaah! Let go!” Jane climbed up and punched the zombie in the face. “Take that ugly head!” The zombie let go and John safely got down. The hatch was closed, but now what?

  They were stuck. The zombies had discovered their hideout. There was now
here to go. They had no food or drink. They had shelter, but they wouldn’t survive for very long. And the only way out seemed blocked by zombies. They had to get out somehow and add to their limited supplies. If only there was a way to sneak past them…

  Jane buried her head in her hands and cried, “How long is going to go on? How long can we survive this? Is there any hope?”

  “Now, now,” John said calmly and courageously. “We will find a way. We always do.”

  He put his arm around her. That was enough. She felt safe. Not that she tried to make him do that on purpose, but it was convenient for now.

  Chapter 3: When It All Began

  The apocalypse? It all started when they were in school. The bell rang.


  “Finally, I am so done with school,” John said to one of his friends.

  “Hi, Professor Kruger. Anything new today? Invented a time machine? Cured cancer?” one of John’s friends said mockingly.

  “Go home, boy,” Professor Kruger responded as he walked along.

  John’s friends started laughing.

  That Professor Kruger… such a nut job… always in his own little world, experimenting with this or that. One time, they remembered, he invented soap that would glow in the dark. He was so excited about it and presented it to the class. When someone turned the lights off, the soap became black and was less visible than anything or anyone else in the room. Another time, he claimed he had an instant cure for fever, making it so that the body’s temperature would rise immediately when taking one pill. When a guy at school tried the pill, he had the flu for five days and had to stay home.

  John felt a little bad that Professor Kruger had become such a bullied teacher, but in a way, he was such a weirdo that it was to be expected in the first place.

  As John walked home, he bumped into Jane.

  “Hi,” Jane said shyly.

  “How are you?” John asked.

  “Good. And you?” Jane said with a smile.

  “Fine,” John said as he was about to walk away.

  “Listen, John… I was wondering if…”

  But before she could finish her sentence they heard a loud BOOOOOOOOM! Coming from the school building. The entire floor was shaking for a second because of the explosion.

  People started running everywhere.

  “Wha-… What’s going on over there?” Jane asked.

  “I don’t know. Wanna go see? Let’s go!” John said enthusiastically.

  Jane followed John to the school. When they came closer, they saw a lot of people gathered in the hallway and the chemistry classroom. They were in a pretty happy mood after such a dramatic noise. Everybody was laughing. When they weaved their way through the people watching, John and Jane watched Professor Kruger trying to clean up glass, burnt fluids, and substances on the floor of the room. Obviously, he had experimented with something and failed tremendously.

  “Poor Professor Kruger,” Jane said.

  “You are right, but it actually is kinda’ funny,” John said as he couldn’t hold in his laughter completely.

  John and Jane each went their separate ways. Jane never finished her sentence. She didn’t get around to asking John what she wanted.

  The next day was supposed to be a regular school day. Both of them went to the chemistry class. That was their first class. They were early. It was a beautiful day. It would be another fifteen minutes before the rest of the class would show up.

  “Hey, decided to be early?” John asked Jane as he saw her walking into the classroom.

  “I guess we had the same idea,” Jane answered.

  But when they entered the classroom, they saw Professor Kruger lying on the floor. There were glass urns and bottles everywhere; there was a certain smell to the room they couldn’t put their finger on; and there were papers all over the desk with formulas and scribbling in a weird handwriting.

  “Professor, are you all right?” Jane asked when she came closer.


  Suddenly the Professor looked up. Those eyes! Jane got startled and stepped back. The Professor’s eyes were green inside, and the bags under his eyes were gloomy and creepy. His whole face had somewhat degenerated and was wrinkled ten times more than before. He was drooling a bit and his hair was messed up.

  “Professor, what’s going on? What is wrong with you?” Jane asked again, but she wasn’t sure if she should stick around.

  “Let’s go. We’ll tell the other teachers,” John said as he backed out towards the exit.

  John and Jane ran through the hallways. They told the teachers something was wrong with Professor Kruger. The teachers said they should stay in the teachers’ room. They waited…. And waited… and waited… Then they heard noises… lots of scary noises… screaming and growling and panting…

  “Let’s lock the door!” John said. “I don’t trust this one bit!”

  They locked the door and watched through the window. Suddenly they saw dozens of people coming through the doors in the lunch area. They were in panic. They were injured… or so it seemed. No! They were sick and aggressive! What was going on?!!!!

  John had always played zombie video games. He came to a quick conclusion.

  “They are zombies! They have to be! It’s real! There are real zombies!” he yelled. “Let’s get out of here as soon as we can!”

  Then they heard gun shots.




  They watched as two police officers with heavy armory entered the lunch room, killing zombies as they moved forward. This went on for about twenty seconds, until every zombie was dead on the floor.

  “Hey!” the officers shouted as they waived to John and Jane. “Are you kids okay?” John gave him a thumbs up. “We’ll get you out of there!” one of them said.

  The officers came to the door. John and Jane opened the door. “Let’s go. It’s mayhem out there,” one of the officers said. But then something terrible happened. Both officers got attacked from behind. Two zombies were simultaneously biting each officer, making them drop their guns. John and Jane stepped back. They watched in horror for two seconds because they didn’t know what to do. Then John made a decision. He saw it was going nowhere. These officers were as good as dead. He stepped forward, picked up the two guns, and closed the door.

  “What! Why did you do that?!!!!” Jane yelled in panic.

  “Th-They were dead anyway,” John said with a shaky voice. “There was nothing we could do. We have to defend ourselves now.”

  “Are you crazy?! I never used a gun before!” Jane shouted back.

  “It’s easy,” John said. “I’ve seen it in movies so many times that I am pretty sure that I know what I am doing.”

  And that’s how they got stuck at the high school.

  Chapter 4: The Hordes

  Back to the bomb shelter. Jane fell asleep in John’s arms. They were both exhausted from all the running, shooting, panicking, and the lack of food and water.

  John woke up with a jolt. After a deep, quick nap, he suddenly realized the situation they were in. He got up and started planning out their escape route. Jane was still asleep. She could sleep through anything, he noticed.

  “Okay,” he thought out loud, “If we reach the supermarket, we could maybe find some food there. We’ll use our school backpacks and fill them up with stuff. Then we get out of there. But where?” He thought for a moment. “Maybe we just need to find a car and drive out of the city. That would probably be best. If we can get out of town, we could find a place with more people who haven’t turned into zombies yet.”

  As he was pondering his plan, Jane woke up.

  “What? Where? How?” she asked in panic.

  “It’s okay. We are safe for now,” John said, calming her down. “Let’s leave when you’re ready. We have to get some supplies and then find a vehicle to leave town.”

  After twenty minutes of getting ready, John and
Jane opened the hatch, hoping that the zombies were gone, and they were.

  “We have to be as quiet as possible. The more noise we make, the higher the risk of having an entire horde storm at us,” John whispered.

  They snuck through the city streets and came to the supermarket, avoiding the occasional zombie on their path. When they arrived, John and Jane simply went to the food section and found a whole bunch of canned food left behind.

  “Let’s stuff these in our bags,” John said. “That’s the only way we’ll be able to survive for a longer period of time.” He thought for a second. “And make sure you get a can opener!” he added. Yeah, that would be the day, having a big food supply and nothing to open up the cans with.

  John and Jane put as many cans of food into their backpacks as they could. One of the cans of food rolled on the floor after Jane accidentally dropped it. “Whoops,” she said. That should have been it, but the can rolled outside the supermarket doors and triggered the alarm.


  “O-oh” Jane uttered with a sheepish face.

  Within seconds, numerous zombies came running into the store. John and Jane ran as fast as their legs could carry them.

  “There!” John pointed at a small surveillance room.

  They entered the room and locked the door. That should keep them out for at least some time. Pfew! That was a close call.

  “I’m sorry,” Jane said.

  “It’s okay. Everybody makes mistakes,” John said. “Hey, what’s that?”

  Chapter 5: One Special Zombie

  In the corner of the room stood a zombie that didn’t look half as ugly as the other ones. He just looked at them, didn’t move a muscle. It was as if he didn’t even have the desire to attack them. John was about to shoot him, but then he hesitated.

  “Notice how that zombie isn’t even coming near us,” he whispered to Jane. “Hey you!” he said to the zombie. “Why aren’t you attacking us?”


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