Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids)

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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids) Page 25

by Billy Miner

  “Now what?” I asked. “Why couldn’t I do it? I did what you did.”

  “No, you didn’t,” he said. “It looks like you did what I did. What you did with your body is exactly the same thing I did. Yes. You are right about that. But what happened in your mind was completely different. What were you thinking about?”

  “Just about teleporting to that spot over there with this block of gold. Nothing more.”

  “That’s what I mean. How did you feel when you thought about that?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I just wanted to do it. That’s all. I was going to make an attempt and then wait and see if it would happen.”

  He rolled his eyes and sighed. Then he put his arm around my shoulder and started his brief lecture.

  “You will never be able to do it with that attitude, kid. First, you have to believe you can do it. You need to believe in yourself as well as in the possibility of succeeding. You have to block out all negative thoughts and doubts, all criticism from the past, and see yourself as greater than the tiny being you appear to be. If you can muster a little belief in yourself, you can accomplish more than you imagined before.”

  “Makes sense,” I said.

  “But that’s not all,” he continued. “Believing in yourself isn’t the only thing you need to work on. You also must know the reason why you are doing it. If you have sufficient reason to do the task, then create an inner will, a burning desire to this, feeling the pain of the hypothetical situation of failure. Understood?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Good. Now let me help you a little with becoming more motivated by telling you what’s going on.

  Entry 7: Control

  Andy suddenly got very serious. Actually… what am I talking about? It was like he was always serious. But this time, he looked straight at me and made sure I paid attention. I think I even saw some emotion as I listened to his words.

  “There is a realm,” he began. “It’s a realm full of Endermen, like you and me. They call it ‘The End.’ Hundreds of Endermen live there in harmony. It’s a great place, where all our needs are taken care of, like darkness and less social pressure, and all the foods and means necessary to keep us alive. But there is one problem.”

  “And what is that?” I asked.

  “The entrance is blocked. They don’t know about it. There are numerous exits, and they are all blocked, but there is one that is penetrable. We are able to get rid of the rocks blocking it. All we need to do, is teleport the blocks and materials out of the way.”

  “Doesn’t sound too hard,” I said.

  “And yet it is,” Andy continued. “The blocks are all made of this gold material. There is no way we can lift them, as you’ve already concluded from your experience with this small block of gold.”

  “Then we’ll just teleport them out. You just said so yourself that it’s the only way to do it.”

  “I know,” he said. “But it’s too much… too big to do it by myself. I have been trying for years, Edward. I think it’s just one of those times when we have to combine efforts and increase our teleporting power that way.”

  “Okay. So I’ll help,” I said.

  “Thank you, Edward. That was the answer I was waiting for. Let’s continue your training. It will take more for you to become powerful enough to help me out with this… much more.”

  That was about the last thing we said to each other in a while, because after that, he insisted that I would train night and day teleporting the block of gold to the other side of the yard. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. I wasn’t too sure why I didn’t succeed all the time. Maybe something was still lacking in my self-confidence or my character or something.

  But anyway, the training was hard. I had to focus all day and sometimes even late into the evening. Andy was a strict trainer. He made me exercise, meditate, and resist temptation by holding food in front of me without giving it to me. He encouraged me at times, but most times, he was just calm and patient with my slow progress. It took a lot out of me. He was right. Sometimes I doubted if I would ever find the strength to consistently remove a heavy object like that.

  “You’re almost there,” I heard him say after a week of training. “You’re just lacking one thing.”

  “What do I still lack?” I asked.

  “Let’s go to town and find out if you do. I’m not sure, but something is telling me you will find the answer to your problem there.”

  I didn’t know I still had a problem. I mean, I thought I was doing great. Nothing was wrong, right? But there was…

  We went to a store and bought some food, along with some training items and a little snack. I walked out of the store, following in Andy’s footsteps, until I heard a voice close to me. It was a guy from school. Again, I don’t know why, but I hate it when people stare at me. And this boy wasn’t just staring at me; he was making silly faces at me too. I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t resist. I just felt the anger inside of me. I wanted to punch him and attack him so much! Still I kept it under control for a while; it was eating at me so fast that I became anxious and started shaking a little. The boy was still looking weird at me, ON PURPOSE! Oh, how much I wanted to damage that annoying brat… I couldn’t hold it in anymore… it was too much! I leaned backwards, ready to run forward at high speed, but suddenly…


  Andy appeared in front of me.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I just can’t take it anymore,” I said. “I have to kill that little brat… well, not literally kill, but you know what I mean.”

  “This is what you lack,” he said calmly.

  Then it daunted on me: The one thing I was lacking was self-control. If I could just master my anger, I would be able to liberate my thoughts and fully focus on teleportation. This was the one thing I still had to learn. I took a deep breath.

  “Okay,” I said. “I understand now. I think I am ready to concentrate on my teleportations now.”

  Andy smiled.

  “Almost,” he said. “The only thing left, is to test it.”

  “Huh? What do you mean?”

  But before I could say another word, Andy already turned around and yelled at the boy in the corner of the street, “Come here and dare make those faces in front of us, wimp!”

  “Andy, what are you doing?” I asked softly.

  “Remember,” he said. “Complete control. I believe in you, Edward.”

  The boy came within a few feet distance and stuck his tongue at me. He made weird noises, called me dumb and stupid, danced around me like a chicken, pushed me over, and told me how ugly and depressing I looked.

  I didn’t move a muscle, not even the muscles in my face. I just stood there. I was calm. I controlled myself. I didn’t say a word back. When he pinched my arm, I just took it.

  “Why don’t you do something back? Come on! Face me!” he said tauntingly.

  I didn’t say a word. I concentrated.

  “Weirdo, weirdo, dark and dreary weirdo,” the little bully kept repeating.


  I vanished. I am sure he was shocked, but I didn’t know and I didn’t care. All I knew was that at that moment, I stood in Andy’s big yard, with the block of gold in front of me. I bent over, put my arms underneath it, and teleported it to the other side without hesitating.


  It wasn’t long before I heard another “poof” right next to me.

  “You did it, Edward!” he said. “You are ready to help me out. Together, we can free the other Endermen.”

  Entry 8: The End

  Before we knew it, we ended up on the edge of a mountain. He was right. There were a lot of golden blocks there, all preventing anyone from going in or out of the cave.

  “Hold on a minute,” I said. “If they can teleport, then why don’t they just teleport out of the cave?”

  “Clever boy,” he said. “They don’t know what’s out here. Most of those Endermen have grown up in the cave,
knowing of none other place. They are happy. It’s great there, but they aren’t able to live freely or expand their boundaries. Most of what we’re doing is just making them familiar with the outside world, so that they know what’s out here.”

  “Then why didn’t you just teleport to them?” I asked.

  “You’re just full of questions today, aren’t you?” he said laughingly. “Well, I guess it should all make sense. I’ll tell you why. You see, I could teleport to them and tell them of the outside world, but to them, it means nothing. They have to see it first in order to teleport over there. So I could teleport there and back, but it wouldn’t accomplish anything. I couldn’t take them with me. That’s why the best way to open their eyes, is to remove the blockage from the entrance.”

  “I get it,” I said. “That way, they can walk out and see it for themselves.”

  “Yes. Now, will you help me get rid of all this gold?”

  “Of course,” I said.

  Then we just stood there, closing our eyes and focusing on the blocks ahead of us. We both took a deep breath and placed our arms underneath the ruins and huge boulders blocking the entrance.

  “On three,” And whispered.

  “One… two… three!”

  Paying attention to the blocks and nothing else, we teleported to a distant tree. We opened our eyes and discovered that we had managed to pull away some of the golden blocks.

  “Again,” Andy said. “This is working. If we keep this up, we should be done within a reasonable time period.”

  We kept at it. We went back and forth, carrying rocks and blocks away from the entrance. Eventually, we came to the last of them. Together, we joined forces and took away every single block.

  “Let’s meet your new friends,” Andy said with a smile.

  He was right about The End. It was a beautiful, obscure cave, spacious and wide. As far as the eye could see—only an eye that could see in the dark that is—there were dark tunnels and open spaces. I loved it right away.

  Everything went well after that. I met hundreds of Endermen with the same teleporting abilities, learning of their adventures in the cave. Andy and I took a lot of them outside and showed them their possibilities. It didn’t take long or all the “trapped” Endermen were able and motivated to teleport all over the world. Their eyes had been opened, and they could explore more than they had ever imagined before.

  Of course I often stayed in the cave. It was a safe, comfortable place for any Enderman. I finally felt like I belonged. The other Endermen were friendly and helpful. It was a great spot that I would treasure for the rest of my life. But every once in a while, I went back to the village, the mountains, and even the cave with the bear, just for fun, and just to use my teleporting abilities.


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  Minecraft Endermite

  A Minecraft Endermite Diary

  By Billy Miner

  Copyright @2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Billy Miner.

  This book is or will also be available in audio form. I have hired professional narrators who do voices and make the story come alive.

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  Entry 1: Enderwhat?

  Entry 2: What’s in a Name?

  Entry 3: Allergies

  Entry 4: The Solution

  Entry 5: The Nether

  Entry 6: Nether Enemies

  Entry 7: The Diamond


  Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of an Endermite, one of those weird little creatures in the Minecraft games that you just can’t put your finger on?

  In this book, you can find out about the thoughts and feelings of an Endermite who didn’t know his name. Because he didn’t remember his name, he was confused about his identity, which made him very grouchy. In the deep jaws of the Nether, he will have to look for a magical object which can help him find his way home.

  I won’t spoil the rest. You’ll just have to see what else he is up to in this adventurous story told by none other than the Endermite himself.

  Entry 1: Enderwhat?

  Hi, my name is… well, I don’t remember my name. That’s just the whole dilemma. I am an Endermite. In case you don’t know what that is: It’s a little creatures which spawns from crystals and such. Endermen are always trying to get rid of us, but we always find ways to escape their evil clutches. It’s quite hilarious actually, because none of them ever seem to catch us.

  Have you ever tried to catch a mouse or a cockroach? They’re fast, aren’t they? That’s kind of what it’s like for those Endermen. Anyway, I don’t intend on talking much about them. They’re not very intelligent if you ask me. So let’s leave it at that.

  In this diary, I will tell you how I found my purpose and my family. I wasn’t always with them, you know. I was all by myself. I hated it. It was a lonely life. The reason why I didn’t have anyone to be with, was because I had amnesia, which basically is the same as a deficiency in the brain that causes memory loss.

  I remembered how to walk around, how to make things, how to write, or talk, or sing. I could remember all that, but for some odd reason, I forgot who I was. My name was lost. Let me tell you about my day in the woods.

  “Who are you?” some other Endermite asked me when I passed their house in a tree trunk.

  “What’s it to you?” I asked. “Who are you?”

  “We are the Evans. We’ve lived here since ten years ago. Where do you live?”

  “I don’t ask you what color underwear you like best, do I? Mind your own business,” I sneered.

  You see, not having a name made me doubt myself. I got grumpy when people asked about it. It was just another confirmation that nobody cared. Of course that wasn’t really true, but I had just lost my family.

  The woods were full of Endermites. Just like aunts, they lived in groups, thousands of them. You could find them in tree trunks, like I mentioned before, but also in holes in the ground, under bushes, in moss, tall grass, and many other locations that provided a safe place to hide. Between those many Endermites, I had a hard time finding anyone I recognized.
br />   That day was a dreadful day… oh yeah, let me explain. It was the day I lost my memory and therefore, my family. I had a name once, and a last name too. But my family had been separated.

  It was raining that morning. As usual, we didn’t go outside much, but this time, it was like we were being flushed out of our homes. The storm was heavy, there were rain and hail, lighting and thunder. A thick fog covered most of the forest, and the water filled up holes and gaps everywhere. The other Endermites called it a “monsoon.” At the time, I didn’t realize what that word meant, but now I have been robbed of my innocence. Monsoons can be terrible. On that day, it meant so much rain that the forest flooded and the water came at least ten feet high. Okay, maybe six or seven feet. My point is that it was flowing heavily and going everywhere.

  “Hold on!” my mom shouted at us as we were hiding behind a tree from the waves.

  “It’s coming, mom!” my sister said.

  “We’ll drown!” my brother yelled.

  “I’m going to help your father up and then he can lift you up, so you can be safe on the branches of this tree like us,” she said.

  Mom was brave. She had climbed up one of the high branches and reached for my dad to come up too. After some pulling, she succeeded and my dad ran towards us. I was in between my brother and sister and was terrified.

  “Grab my tail!” my dad said as he reached for my two siblings.

  They got a hold of his tail and reached the branch he was on. But I wasn’t so lucky.

  I missed.

  I couldn’t grab his tail.

  Instead, I was swept away by the incoming wave until I hit another tree. I heard my parents call my name in the distance, hoping for me to swim or jump back.

  ”Mom, dad!” I yelled.

  But it was too late. I had already been pulled away so far by the current that I my parents disappeared out of sight. I was tossed back and forth by the water, thinking it wouldn’t be too much longer until I would drown.


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