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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids) Page 48

by Billy Miner

My dad accepted my request and did as I asked. He grabbed a stick and let the spider crawl on the stick. I could tell that even though he assured me it wasn’t poisonous, he was still a little scared of it.

  The spider was on the stick. I was shaking a little, because I was incredibly nervous. But I was going to do it. I reached out my hand and let the spider crawl onto it. It felt somewhat prickly and hairy, and its legs were terrifying, but I just held still and let it crawl on my hand.

  It stopped moving.

  It really didn’t do anything.

  No bite.

  No sudden movements.


  I was at peace. I put the spider on the ground, far away from out tent though, so it wouldn’t crawl into our sleeping bags… imagine that.

  “Good job, Stevie” my dad said. “I am really proud of you.”

  The rest of the campout was just as fun as I had imagined. We found other, less scary animals, saw some beautiful views, and returned home within a few days. It was a wonderful journey.

  Back at school, I told my teacher and the other children all about the adventurous trip we had up in the mountains. They listened intently and complimented me for my courage and camping skills. It was a good day.

  When class was over, I walked through the hallway; suddenly, my attention was drawn to a piece of paper on the bulletin board. It was a list of the top 10 phobias. Some words were new to me, but I understood other ones. I started reading out loud.

  “Arachnophobia, ophidiophobia, acrophobia, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, trypophobia…”

  I stopped and thought about it.

  When I looked at it, I realized I had not been such a wimp after all. My fears were simply based on the most common phobias of mankind. My weak attitude towards spiders, snakes, heights, holes, or dogs was just a natural survival instinct that I had to deal with… deep in my brain. Others had the same fears, more or less, and I wasn’t an exception.

  Maybe I wasn’t such a wimp after all.


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  Minecraft Ender King

  A Minecraft Ender King Story

  By Billy Miner

  Copyright @2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Billy Miner.

  This book is or will also be available in audio form. I have hired professional narrators who do voices and make the story come alive.

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  Chapter 1: All Seems Peaceful

  Chapter 2: Rising Rebellion

  Chapter 3: The New King

  Chapter 4: The New Law

  Chapter 5: Underground

  Chapter 6: Planning a Putsch

  Chapter 7: Treasury Takeover

  Chapter 8: Mixed


  Read the Minecraft story of Decimus, an average human citizen in the Enderlands. He finds himself in a dilemma that is bound to happen, a disaster that had a jumpstart years ago, when the Endermen and native villagers intermingled.

  Entro the Enderman has become king. He is the rightful heir to the throne. At first, events appear to unfold by following the common pattern of history; but the inhabitants of the Enderlands soon find out that this evil dictator has other plans for his country. He is about to destroy the so-called peace that has been kept for so long.

  Get caught up in the intriguing story of a hostile takeover, a rebellion, and a difficult political situation, with an honorable hero at its center.

  Chapter 1: All Seems Peaceful

  His name was Decimus Clarus Franciscus. Nobody ever used each other’s last names, so most people just called him Decimus.

  Decimus was a brave man with an integer heart. He valued the lives of those around him and stayed true to his principles. He had a wife and three children. His wife’s name was Amelia and his children were called Felicia, Valentina, and Livia.

  He had been living with his family in the Enderlands for the past twenty years now. The first ten years of his life, he had spent in the Miners Region. And although he loved it in the Enderlands, he was a little worried too. People were nervous. You could tell when you wandered the streets. They were awaiting some kind of turnaround, despite the continuous rut they were used to.

  Things were going to be different.

  Very different.

  Here is a little bit of information about the history and geography of the Enderlands. They were called that way because they bordered the End, a dark and dreary cave with millions of Endermen, where they resided when they weren’t terrorizing anyone. The closeness to the End had made the Enderlands vulnerable for a controversy in ideas about race and origin. The endermen started living peacefully amongst the original villagers. There were no problems at first, since they abided by the rules and precepts of the country’s magistrates.

  However, their numbers grew and they were already pushing the limits each day by breaking those same rules and making up new ones. Integration was a slow process that took almost a century. More and more endermen began to live in the village, slowly turning it into a giant metropolis. The population grew from a few thousand to more than 100,000 within a hundred years.

  And as is often the tragic case, the locals began to despise the endermen. They imposed obligations upon their heads, while giving themselves a variety of exclusive privileges. Endermen were discriminated against, and it was no wonder that they slowly and mutually concluded that they had to fight back.

  It always started with the regular stuff like bullying, teasing, and calling names. Decimus became aware of the situation when his daughter came home one day and told him, “Dad, something bad happened at school.”

  “What happened?”

  “One of the Endermen in my class, Eric, was just walking on the playground and somebody made him trip,” Livia said.

  “That’s not very nice. Why did they do that?” Decimus asked.

  “I don’t know, but the kids who did it, weren’t endermen. They called him Eric Shmeric and said he was a stupid enderman good for nothing.”

  “Thanks for telling me,” Decimus said.

  This was not the first occurrence. His three daughters often r
elated stories about discriminative or racist remarks. Possessions were stolen, fights took place, and mean nicknames were made up for the black creatures with purple eyes who peacefully lived amongst them.

  And it didn’t stop there.

  One day, a law came that “endermen were not to be hired for the following jobs…” and that they were denied the right of a higher education. Their taxes were higher, their income was lower, and they had to address the white villagers with “sir/madam above me” when talked to.

  Despite his ethnic background and his elevated status by these national rules that slowly crept into the system over the years, Decimus was not pleased with these developments. It was wrong, he thought. The inhabitants of the Enderlands had to be considered equal, especially since they contributed equally to the nation’s wealth.

  It began to go both ways.

  “Dad, dad!” Felicia said one time, running into the room.

  “What is it, Felicia?” Decimus asked. “You look upset.”

  “You have to come outside,” she said. “Three boys are beating up an enderman.”

  Decimus sped outside to come to the rescue. He looked at three boys pounding on a black enderman on the pavement. The enderman was lying on the street, helpless to defend himself. The boys were kicking, spitting, and calling him names with hate in their eyes.

  “What is going on here?!” Decimus yelled angrily. “Get out of here immediately!”

  “This enderman forgot to say, ‘sir above me’ when he talked to me,” one of the boys said.

  “So?” Decimus asked.

  “It’s against the rules. Didn’t you know? They have to show proper respect for their superiors.”

  Decimus sighed. He noticed this wasn’t going anywhere. The boys already put in their heads that they were more important and more valuable than these endermen. He didn’t know what to tell them, besides a speech about equality and friendliness, but he knew that wouldn’t do any good.

  “Well, it still doesn’t give you the right to beat him like this,” he said. “How would you feel if I would beat you up for not being polite to me?”

  One of the boys looked at him with a surprised face. “So what?” he said. “It’s just a stupid enderman.”

  So much for Decimus’ speech. He couldn’t re-educate these boys according to his honorable standards. There was no time for it. Therefore, he reached out his hand and pulled the enderman up from the ground.

  “Did you forget to say those lines?” he asked.

  “Well, yes,” the enderman said. “But I didn’t do it on purpose. I swear.”

  “Okay, next time don’t forget,” Decimus said as he rolled his eyes. “Now go, before anything else happens to you.”

  The enderman went home. Decimus left the boys standing there and took his daughter by the hand. He lifted her on his shoulders and walked back into the house.

  “Yay, horsey!” she said.

  After a few spins and a funny horse impression, Decimus put her on the floor and said, “Remember what you saw here, Felicia. What these boys did was very wrong. You did a good job for telling me. You should never consider anyone less because of their skin color or the shape of their bodies.”

  “Not even the color of their eyes?” Felicia asked.

  “Not even that.”

  “How about if they wear ugly clothes?” Felicia asked again.

  Decimus laughed.

  “Are you thinking of anyone in particular?”

  “Yes, Clauridia. She was wearing this thing with orange and red and some weird blue. It was so ugly.”

  Decimus laughed again. He wondered why he was so lucky to experience the little world of three daughters by listening to their far-fetched stories and random ideas about outward appearance and behavior. He loved his family and he was going to do whatever it took to protect them if the situation would ever appear.

  That night, he lay in bed with his wife.

  “The cultural differences in this city worry me, Amelia,” he said.

  “What happened that makes you say that?” she asked.

  “The reports are all over the news. The rules become stricter. All the endermen’s privileges are taken away. Criminal behavior is only encouraged by those tight limitations. This morning, I witnessed a police officer who picked up three endermen and a native inhabitant. He let the guy go and arrested the three endermen without even thinking about it. Yesterday I saw a man ordering another enderman around. When he didn’t do as he was told within two seconds, he started yelling in his face, telling him that he was worthless and stupid and filthy. It’s getting out of hand.”

  “I have noticed things too,” Amelia said. “I just don’t know what to do about it.”

  “I don’t know either,” Decimus said. “But I am afraid that if nothing gets done soon, it will blow up in our faces. These endermen came to these lands expecting a fair treatment, and all they got was belittling and demeaning behavior by people who should know better. Sometime, they will strike back. They outnumber our race. So what will we do then?”

  “Perhaps you should start a campaign,” his wife suggested. “You know, change people’s minds about things.”


  Chapter 2: Rising Rebellion

  He should have seen it coming… the rebellion and all. But the way it happened, was not what he expected. It was more sudden and more dramatic than how he thought it would be.

  This is what happened: The king had died, and the lands were left without a government for months. The king’s son was a complicated mixture of an enderman and a native local’s family situation. Several factors had contributed to this strange phenomenon, but let it be enough to say that he was the rightful heir to the throne and the next person in line to rule the country. His skin was black and his eyes were a shining purple, a hollow entrance of what could have been his soul, although many doubted that he had one in the first place.

  The king’s son was named Entro. He had been a rebellious child by nature, but the teenage years of his life had only made this trait worse. The queen had already passed away years before that, and Entro had grown bolder and ruder every day, sometimes visiting bars and ending up in fights, stealing from the white natives and joining certain city gangs that were roaming the streets by night.

  His royal inheritance was something none of the natives were looking forward to, which is why the king’s death had caused political unrest. Enderman citizens with purple shirts were holding political campaigns and protesting in the streets, demanding that their new king should be appointed the throne. People in white shirts, on the other hand, were walking around with signs that indicated a removal of the royal house entirely. They wanted to get rid of the system of kings and claimed that Entro wasn’t an appropriate ruler, so it would be better to figure out how to form a democratic or presidential government.

  These were the circumstances of the Enderlands at the time.

  The future was insecure.

  People had become agitated and impatient.

  Something needed to be done.

  “Hey, Decimus,” one of his friends asked when he entered the house. “Are you coming? We are protesting and demanding a new government system. This way, the endermen will lose their power and we will prevent that sketchy Entro from becoming king.”

  “I am keeping myself away from all these political dramas,” Decimus said. “Sorry, man. You’re on your own for now. Good luck.”

  “Dad, what are they doing?” Valentina asked.

  “They are protesting.”


  “Because they don’t want Entro to become king,” Decimus explained.

  “Do you want him to become king?” Valentina asked.

  “No,” was the answer.

  “Then why aren’t you protesting with them?”

  “Because I don’t want anyone to see me getting involved. If it sways the other way, the endermen will take over and you don’t want to be on the other side if that happen
s. I think it’s better to not get involved.”

  “Okay. I won’t get involved either,” Valentina said.

  “What were you going to do about it?” Decimus asked with a smile.

  “They are voting in school,” she said. “They are asking everybody if they want a new king or if they want a different system.”

  “Strange,” Decimus said. “I don’t think they should get kids into this. Yeah, just tell them that you are neutral, Valentina. This will keep you out of trouble if something bad happens.”

  Chapter 3: The New King

  “Dad! Dad! Wake up! Wake up!” Decimus heard before opening his eyes.

  His three lovely daughters were jumping on the bed, more wound up than in the previous few weeks. They were shaking him by touching his shoulders, and they were giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  “What is going on, girls? Don’t you know that this is the one day of the week I sleep in?”

  “But dad, you have to know about this. It’s big! The new king has taken over.”

  When Decimus heard that, he sat up immediately.

  “What?” he asked.

  His wife entered the room and looked at him a little scared. She nodded as to confirm what their daughters were saying. It was true. Entro had become king, even though many had doubted whether or not he was able to pull it off. He did it. Nobody knew how, but it didn’t matter. The new king would dictate how the country would be ruled, and Decimus didn’t think any good would come out of this.

  “That is terrible,” he said as he sighed. “Well, let’s hope for the best, kiddos. Just be extra careful from now one.”

  “I heard they are having a huge gathering at the city square,” Amelia said. “It may be the best thing for us to go and see what the consequences are of this sudden change. The king might address us. And I am dying to find out what he will say.”


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